Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: June 10, 2010
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B.100 Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations1
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


Households and nonprofit organizations total assets asset 56960.5 63859.5 71702.6 77859.2 78723.8 65558.3 62416.2 64425.1 67080.0 67570.6 68535.8 1
Households and nonprofit organizations tangible assets asset 21666.9 24631.3 28388.6 29735.5 28036.9 23889.9 22388.2 22787.6 23080.7 23060.6 22993.6 2
Households and nonprofit organizations real estate 17828.3 20575.0 24127.8 25270.9 23391.5 19110.5 17597.1 17964.8 18259.5 18204.5 18141.8 3
Households owner-occupied real estate (includes vacant land and mobile homes) 16395.1 18982.0 22084.6 22943.6 20978.0 17037.8 15684.0 16187.2 16535.3 16572.6 16507.2 4
Nonprofit organizations real estate 1433.2 1593.0 2043.3 2327.2 2413.5 2072.8 1913.0 1777.6 1724.2 1631.8 1634.6 5
Nonprofit organizations total equipment and software, current cost basis 160.7 173.2 183.7 196.5 207.9 220.9 221.0 220.7 219.7 219.5 218.6 6
Households and nonprofit organizations consumer durable goods, current cost basis 3678.0 3883.1 4077.0 4268.1 4437.5 4558.5 4570.1 4602.1 4601.4 4636.6 4633.1 7
Households and nonprofit organizations total financial assets asset 35293.6 39228.2 43314.1 48123.8 50686.9 41668.4 40028.0 41637.5 43999.4 44510.1 45542.2 8
Households and nonprofit organizations total deposits and currency asset 5348.5 5732.4 6139.9 6753.1 7406.5 7972.8 7926.7 7828.6 7654.4 7755.7 7651.6 9
Households and nonprofit organizations private foreign deposits asset 52.1 57.5 59.9 65.2 81.0 59.8 55.7 51.0 49.2 47.7 48.1 10
Households and nonprofit organizations checkable deposits and currency asset 398.4 344.1 216.9 173.1 90.3 263.0 241.9 280.5 246.4 279.3 195.9 11
Households and nonprofit organizations total time and savings deposits asset 3937.9 4426.8 4913.9 5400.4 5888.5 6068.0 6073.7 6013.1 6000.0 6115.4 6205.9 12
Households and nonprofit organizations money market mutual fund share holdings asset 960.2 904.1 949.2 1114.5 1346.7 1581.9 1555.4 1483.9 1358.7 1313.3 1201.8 13
Households and nonprofit organizations credit market instruments, excluding corporate equities asset 2723.1 2997.9 3327.4 3479.4 4089.4 4024.9 4460.1 4105.5 4153.3 3983.1 4180.2 14
Nonprofit organizations commercial paper asset 77.3 83.7 98.4 117.5 107.3 6.0 5.6 5.1 4.9 4.6 4.6 15
Households and nonprofit organizations total U.S. government securities asset 408.0 492.6 464.3 394.1 266.6 277.8 544.2 540.6 649.7 648.3 795.7 16
Federal government U.S. savings bonds liability 203.8 204.4 205.1 202.4 196.4 194.0 193.9 193.5 192.4 191.2 190.2 17
Households and nonprofit organizations total Treasury securities, excluding U.S. savings bonds asset 204.2 288.2 259.2 191.7 70.2 83.8 350.4 347.1 457.3 457.1 605.5 18
Households and nonprofit organizations U.S. government agency securities asset 383.7 400.3 496.2 411.9 687.6 705.1 484.6 177.3 166.3 6.8 94.3 19
Households and nonprofit organizations municipal securities and loans asset 703.7 742.4 820.9 872.0 896.0 907.2 937.7 960.7 971.2 998.9 1020.1 20
Households and nonprofit organizations corporate and foreign bonds asset 1026.3 1141.7 1299.5 1552.8 2005.4 1988.6 2351.7 2289.3 2232.5 2197.9 2139.8 21
Households and nonprofit organizations other loans and advances (syndicated loans) asset 3.1 5.9 8.7 9.1 17.6 29.7 27.4 25.6 24.1 24.5 24.9 22
Households and nonprofit organizations total mortgages asset 120.9 131.3 139.4 122.1 109.1 110.5 108.9 106.9 104.6 102.3 100.8 23
Households and nonprofit organizations corporate directly held equities asset 6749.9 7483.9 8093.0 9643.7 9626.4 5913.5 5157.0 6158.3 7291.2 7463.9 7793.3 24
Households and nonprofit organizations mutual fund share holdings asset 2911.0 3427.7 3669.1 4188.1 4596.1 3326.0 3123.0 3545.4 3947.0 4152.0 4318.7 25
Households and nonprofit organizations security credit asset 475.4 578.3 575.3 655.7 866.4 742.7 666.3 657.3 671.7 668.6 679.5 26
Households and nonprofit organizations life insurance reserves asset 1013.2 1060.4 1082.6 1163.7 1201.5 1179.8 1183.0 1204.5 1227.3 1242.1 1255.2 27
Households and nonprofit organizations pension fund reserves asset 9718.9 10635.5 11460.1 12750.6 13390.7 10415.8 9895.2 10668.2 11565.0 11948.6 12345.4 28
Households and nonprofit organizations proprietors' investment in unincorporated business asset 5852.4 6758.3 8358.0 8843.4 8797.6 7326.6 6853.2 6704.0 6717.0 6507.7 6525.3 29
Households and nonprofit organizations total miscellaneous financial claims asset 501.3 553.8 608.7 646.1 712.2 766.4 763.4 765.6 772.6 788.4 792.9 30
Households and nonprofit organizations total financial liabilities liability 9865.2 11029.3 12184.0 13444.4 14366.0 14265.1 14147.4 14116.4 14105.7 14068.4 13970.4 31
Households and nonprofit organizations credit and equity market instruments liability 9505.0 10569.6 11742.9 12929.5 13802.1 13843.0 13754.8 13710.1 13669.6 13602.1 13503.1 32
Households and nonprofit organizations home mortgages liability 6894.4 7835.3 8874.3 9865.0 10538.5 10496.9 10496.6 10461.9 10394.3 10334.4 10240.3 33
Households and nonprofit organizations consumer credit liability 2102.9 2220.1 2320.6 2416.0 2555.3 2594.1 2517.9 2487.9 2496.7 2478.9 2421.8 34
Nonprofit organizations municipal net long-term loans liability 177.7 189.1 205.2 224.1 241.2 249.3 251.6 258.1 260.9 264.4 266.1 35
Households and nonprofit organizations bank loans not elsewhere classified liability (with mortgages and consumer credit discrepancies) 49.8 26.7 36.4 86.4 99.7 117.7 104.0 118.3 137.1 147.7 200.8 36
Households and nonprofit organizations other loans and advances liability 118.7 119.0 119.0 123.8 127.0 133.2 133.5 134.0 133.0 133.7 134.3 37
Nonprofit organizations commercial mortgages liability 161.4 179.2 187.4 214.3 240.3 251.7 251.1 250.0 247.5 243.1 239.8 38
Households and nonprofit organizations security credit liability 182.5 264.0 232.4 292.1 325.5 164.8 134.3 147.7 173.8 203.0 196.4 39
Nonprofit organizations trade debt liability 156.8 173.3 186.3 199.9 214.5 230.2 231.8 233.8 237.9 241.2 246.3 40
Life insurance companies premiums liability 20.9 22.5 22.4 22.8 23.9 27.0 26.5 24.8 24.5 22.1 24.6 41
Households and nonprofit organizations net worth (market value) asset 47095.3 52830.2 59518.6 64414.9 64357.8 51293.2 48268.8 50308.7 52974.3 53502.3 54565.4 42
Households and nonprofit organizations expenditures on residential construction 10679.9 12030.3 13475.1 14440.6 14643.0 13981.2 13776.4 13557.8 13445.3 13518.6 13538.1 43
Households residential structures (replacement cost) 10513.7 11848.9 13275.9 14229.3 14430.3 13778.7 13577.1 13361.8 13251.1 13323.6 13343.0 44
Nonprofit organizations residential structures, current cost basis 166.1 181.4 199.3 211.3 212.7 202.5 199.4 196.0 194.2 195.0 195.1 45
Nonprofit organizations nonresidential structures, current cost basis 955.5 1058.3 1174.8 1279.5 1352.6 1424.0 1412.1 1374.6 1337.9 1331.7 1333.5 46
Households and nonprofit organizations disposable personal income (NIPA) 8377.8 8889.4 9277.3 9915.7 10403.1 10806.4 10765.4 10966.2 10934.3 11003.3 11095.9 47
Households and nonprofit organizations net worth (market value) asset as a percentage of Households and nonprofit organizations disposable personal income (NIPA) 562.1 594.3 641.6 649.6 618.6 474.7 448.4 458.8 484.5 486.2 491.8 48
Households owners' equity in real estate 9500.7 11146.7 13210.3 13078.6 10439.5 6540.8 5187.5 5725.3 6141.0 6238.3 6266.9 49
Households owners' equity in real estate as a percentage of Households owner-occupied real estate (includes vacant land and mobile homes) 57.9 58.7 59.8 57.0 49.8 38.4 33.1 35.4 37.1 37.6 38.0 50

  1.  Sector includes farm households and domestic hedge funds. Return to text

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Statistical releases