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Consumer Compliance Handbook
June 2009 Update

Included in the June 2009 update are two revised chapters and a third containing new material. The chapter for Regulation E (Electronic Fund Transfers) has been revised to incorporate amendments to the regulation since 1998, including changes made in 2001, 2006, and 2007. The chapter for Regulation DD (Truth in Savings) has been revised to incorporate (1) amendments to the regulation (and staff commentary) related to electronic disclosures and (2) changes that address recommendations made by the Government Accountability Office in 2008. Finally, two sections have been added to the chapter on the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to reflect new regulatory requirements: (1) a section on requirements for institutions that use consumer reports concerning address-discrepancy notices received from consumer reporting agencies and (2) a section on requirements for institutions that issue debit or credit cards concerning the issuance of new or replacement cards after a consumer�s change-of-address notice has been received.

Consumer Compliance Handbook