Annual Report 2011

Table 13. Number and annual salaries of officers and employees of the Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 2011

Federal Reserve Bank (including branches) President 1 Other officers Employees Total
Annual salary (dollars) 2 Number Annual salaries (dollars)2 Number Annual salaries (dollars)2 Number Annual salaries (dollars)2
Full-time Part-time
Boston 350,400 63 12,787,567 809 30 71,319,707 903 84,457,674
New York 410,780 435 99,572,258 2,573 37 269,269,544 3,046 369,252,582
Philadelphia 350,400 58 10,232,763 759 23 57,859,212 841 68,442,374
Cleveland 347,400 54 9,771,600 982 20 66,340,988 1,057 76,459,988
Richmond 347,400 79 13,697,600 1,340 26 102,685,209 1,446 116,730,209
Atlanta 314,400 83 16,139,830 1,434 19 109,786,315 1,537 126,240,545
Chicago 350,400 98 18,094,760 1,223 45 103,988,873 1,367 122,434,033
St. Louis 281,300 75 13,795,540 843 29 62,525,370 948 76,602,210
Minneapolis 313,500 51 8,972,725 949 44 67,721,083 1,045 77,007,308
Kansas City 323,200 73 13,204,700 1,135 16 76,035,677 1,225 89,563,577
Dallas 350,400 59 10,295,104 1,044 10 71,807,913 1,114 82,453,417
San Francisco 367,500 77 16,335,031 1,435 23 128,903,369 1,536 145,605,900
Federal Reserve Information Technology ... 47 8,541,725 953 7 93,864,052 1,007 102,405,777
Office of Employee Benefits ... 12 2,801,400 35 1 3,598,355 48 6,399,755
Total 4,107,080 1,264 254,242,603 15,514 330 1,285,705,666 17,120 1,544,055,349

Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.

1. Appointment salaries of presidents are normally 85 percent of the salary-range midpoint (an 85 compa-ratio), with the exception of the New York Reserve Bank president, whose appointment salary normally is set at a 95 compa-ratio. The Board has discretion to approve a higher starting salary if requested by a Reserve Bank's board of directors.

No incumbent president received a salary increase in 2011. Under the Board's normal policy, during years in which there is no pay freeze, on January 1 each year, all presidents receive salary increases equal to the percentage increase in the midpoint of their respective salary ranges. In addition, on every third-year anniversary of his or her initial appointment (through year 9), each president receives a salary increase that results in a compa-ratio as follows: year 3: 95 (for the New York Bank: 105); year 6: 105 (New York: 115); year 9: 115 (New York: 125).

There are tiered salary ranges for Reserve Bank officers, including presidents, reflecting differences in the costs of labor in the head-office cities. The Board reviews Reserve Bank officer salary ranges and Reserve Bank placement in the salary tiers annually. Salaries for Reserve Bank officers, including presidents, are limited by compensation caps established for each tier. The current caps, which have remained unchanged from 2010, are $431,300 for tier 1; $419,600 for tier 2; and $400,000 for tier 3. In 2011, New York and San Francisco were in tier 1, which had a range midpoint for presidents' salaries of $432,400. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Dallas were in tier 2, which had a midpoint for presidents' salaries of $368,800. Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, St. Louis, and Kansas City were in tier 3, which had a midpoint for presidents' salaries of $330,900. As noted above, salary midpoints are used to calculate presidents' compa-ratios.

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2. Annualized salary liability (excluding outside agency costs) based on salaries in effect on December 31, 2011. Return to table

... Not applicable.

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Last update: July 11, 2012