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Statistical Supplement | October 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 2006

3.18  Banks' Own Claims on Foreigners, Reported by Banks in the United States1 Payable in U.S. dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Area or country 2003 2004 2005 2006
Feb Mar Apr May June Julyr Augp
1 Total, all foreigners 1,322,363 1,664,223 1,864,006r 2,007,943r 1,999,618r 2,085,833r 2,146,807r 2,039,625 2,065,592 2,051,852
2 Foreign countries 1,317,292 1,658,247 1,856,756r 2,002,111r 1,992,206 2,079,003 2,139,176 2,030,688 2,060,393 2,046,291
3 Europe 591,018 806,546 918,574r 993,541r 1,014,050 1,072,885 1,093,377 1,003,860 999,808 986,299
4 Austria 4,819 4,429 4,109r 4,224 4,540 4,551 4,911 4,923 5,186 6,235
5 Belgium2 6,910 7,751 11,886 18,446 15,922 18,379 20,852 18,777 14,295 13,185
6 Denmark 2,814 735 864 1,022 365 1,369 828 1,295 773 944
7 Finland 8,160 11,840 9,247 9,407 9,256 9,691 8,638 11,128 11,742 8,495
8 France 63,719 90,941 88,873 89,455 90,155 106,092 120,355 105,320 103,508 96,491
9 Germany 25,811 26,196 30,027 28,380 28,071 26,578 22,313 20,467 21,159 19,859
10 Greece 238 94 97 299 236 120 168 128 123 168
11 Italy 7,310 16,906 18,482 17,688 18,274 17,396 18,954 19,455 21,193 24,457
12 Luxembourg2 5,512 5,864 8,201 9,385r 9,087 10,124 10,303 10,260 9,881 10,097
13 Netherlands 21,415 22,090 20,907 22,684 19,937 23,214 25,427 24,317 31,998 22,266
14 Norway 17,666 25,517 14,688 15,266 19,557 21,196 24,089 24,613 25,049 26,840
15 Portugal 2,106 1,576 832 677 607 757 976 830 799 801
16 Russia 1,233 1,089 1,264 1,353 2,109 2,083 1,927 4,432 2,795 3,532
17 Spain 2,295 8,452 8,372 12,649 12,137 10,105 7,745 7,717 7,546 8,102
18 Sweden 15,269 17,027 9,452 11,965 13,460 14,303 13,529 10,662 11,486 11,346
19 Switzerland 78,716 114,167 143,891 106,776 166,345 195,010 198,605 115,697 138,511 108,443
20 Turkey 2,149 2,542 3,270 3,213 3,190 3,203 3,100 3,293 3,406 3,421
21 United Kingdom 268,822 404,844 487,502r 583,216r 546,853r 551,948 554,617 566,754 536,673 565,312
22 Channel Islands and Isle of Man3 43,099 26,878 32,566r 32,698r 32,701r 32,749 30,996 29,940 30,454 30,304
23 Yugoslavia4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
24 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.5 12,955 17,608 24,044 24,738 21,248 24,017 25,044 23,852 23,231 26,000
25 Canada 52,140 51,088 63,422 56,858 61,060 65,488 59,073 67,074 64,812 73,568
26 Latin America 51,517 49,378 51,173 53,286 52,478 54,399 52,418 54,490 53,926 55,560
27 Argentina 3,819 2,220 2,290 2,408 2,246 2,209 2,350 2,339r 2,562 2,184
28 Brazil 15,825 14,094 15,111 17,142 15,901 16,875 15,370 15,580 16,285 18,527
29 Chile 6,094 6,213 6,642 6,489 6,565 6,814 6,983 6,896 6,501 6,426
30 Colombia 2,026 2,645 2,438 2,838 2,902 2,727 2,593 2,619 2,548 2,596
31 Ecuador 404 469 582 597 572 542 564 540 533 546
32 Guatemala 781 866 872 1,014 986 996 956 892 845 844
33 Mexico 13,583 13,440 14,604 14,468 14,766 15,872 15,438 17,312 16,513 16,433
34 Panama 1,844 1,939 2,076 1,911 2,173 2,067 2,090 2,448 2,341 2,199
35 Peru 1,370 1,529 1,226 1,159 1,188 1,178 1,232 1,240 1,194 1,298
36 Uruguay 465 403 464 437 455 425 414 393r 394 341
37 Venezuela 2,911 2,844 2,273 2,247 2,174 2,104 2,013 1,984 1,994 1,932
38 Other Latin America6 2,395 2,716 2,595 2,576 2,550 2,590 2,415 2,247r 2,216 2,234
39 Caribbean 492,705 596,931 620,474r 697,400r 678,014 703,505 737,590 704,829 735,720 709,143
40 Bahamas 73,709 80,183 113,458r 142,394r 126,898 134,896 157,913 163,822 158,376 157,849
41 Bermuda 14,889 33,294 17,846 21,903 22,246 20,092 19,589 19,692 23,622 21,013
42 Cayman Islands7 391,524 469,166 475,227r 518,720 514,321 533,145 538,967 509,306 537,886 513,261
43 Cuba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Jamaica 377 351 444 454 465 454 523 568 519 673
45 Netherlands Antilles 6,629 5,554 4,444 4,619 4,517 4,464 4,557 4,276 7,123 8,008
46 Trinidad and Tobago 665 755 907 792 771 854 870 902 787 730
47 Other Caribbean6 4,912 7,628 8,148 8,518 8,796 9,600 15,171 6,263 7,407 7,609
48 Asia 119,562 142,656 190,589r 189,200 172,316 169,998 181,411 184,877 190,797 204,795
49 Mainland 4,134 9,267 14,780 17,688 16,910 15,341 14,885 19,510 21,137 19,553
50 Taiwan 9,659 10,589 8,626 6,003 6,422 5,389 6,027 4,004 4,558 4,790
51 Hong Kong 7,190 5,622 8,398 6,395 7,499 6,947 7,623 9,767 9,043 9,438
52 India 1,588 2,117 2,518 3,189 2,063 2,549 2,043 1,835 1,985 2,174
53 Indonesia 838 555 440 417 438 436 433 551 377 366
54 Israel 5,122 1,326 4,288 4,115 3,243 5,414 5,580 3,984 4,074 5,196
55 Japan 62,059 82,207 106,377r 114,182 100,944 96,269 105,058 102,537 104,851 119,158
56 Korea (South) 11,395 15,531 17,274 15,232 11,991 16,263 17,463 17,509 20,639 18,658
57 Philippines 1,693 993 1,790 956 1,202 954 917 1,247 846 1,093
58 Thailand 989 1,144 7,796 7,765 6,837 6,937 8,881 7,825 7,315 7,016
59 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries8 6,782 7,022 12,330 8,615 9,291 8,323 8,104 10,317 10,828 11,450
60 Other 8,113 6,283 5,972 4,643 5,476 5,176 4,397 5,791 5,144 5,903
61 Africa 1,453 1,262 1,621 1,396 1,597 1,686 1,751 1,948 2,073 1,888
62 Egypt 236 228 422 341 431 470 466 587 608 603
63 Morocco 46 53 63 58 62 55 81 75 59 69
64 South Africa 453 318 331 194 312 296 338 435 576 309
65 Congo (formerly Zaire) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66 Oil-exporting countries9 147 223 317 317 294 297 303 297 312 332
67 Other 571 440 488 486 498 568 563 554 518 575
68 Other countries 8,897 10,386 10,903 10,430 12,691 11,042 13,556 13,610 13,257 15,038
69 Australia 8,037 9,695 10,184 9,512 11,817 10,117 12,634 12,381 12,480 14,172
70 New Zealand10 819 609 541 609 541 589 469 827 615 656
71 All other 41 82 178 309 333 336 453 402 162 210
72 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations11 5,071 5,976 7,250 5,832 7,412r 6,830r 7,631r 8,937 5,199 5,561

1. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as bank/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include claims of brokers and dealers on affiliated foreign offices and cross-border brokerage balances.   Return to table

2. Before January 2001, combined data reported for Belgium-Luxembourg.   Return to table

3. Before January 2001, data included in United Kingdom.   Return to table

4. In February 2003, Yugoslavia changed its name to Serbia and Montenegro. Data for other entities of the former Yugoslavia recognized as independent states by the United States are reported under "Other Europe."   Return to table

5. Includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.   Return to table

6. Before January 2001, "Other Latin America" and "Other Caribbean" were reported as combined "Other Latin America and Caribbean."   Return to table

7. Beginning 2001, Cayman Islands replaced British West Indies in the data series.   Return to table

8. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).   Return to table

9. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table

10. Before January 2001, included in "All other."   Return to table

11. Excludes the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Europe."   Return to table

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Last update: November 1, 2006