Proposals For Comment
The Board has requested public comment on the proposals listed below. Comments can be submitted through this web site using the "Submit Comment" links (the preferred method of submission). The submission form allows for attachments. Comments may also be submitted in writing or by electronic mail (see text of each proposal for contact information). Please note the closing date for each comment period.
Comments received are subject to public disclosure. In general, comments received will be made available without change and will not be modified to remove personal or business information including confidential, contact, or other identifying information. Comments should not include any information such as confidential information that would not be appropriate for public disclosure.
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Other Proposal
The Board and the Treasury (together, the agencies) are providing notice that the agencies have completed drafting and submitted a report to Congress as contemplated by section 211(c)(3) of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA), on the impact on consumers and markets in the United States before supporting or consenting to the adoption of a final international insurance capital standard. In accordance with section 211(c)(3)(B)(ii) of EGRRCPA, the agencies invite comment on the report.
Other Proposal
The Board is requesting comment on questions related to the operational aspects of Federal Reserve Bank (Reserve Bank) extensions of discount window and intraday credit. This Request for Information (RFI) offers the opportunity for interested individuals and institutions to identify ways to enhance the efficiency of Reserve Bank credit operations. This RFI does not seek comment on discount window or intraday credit policy considerations, such as the eligibility criteria and terms for discount window advances and intraday credit.
Other Proposal
The Board, the OCC, and the FDIC are seeking information and comments on the nature of bank-fintech arrangements, effective risk management practices regarding bank-fintech arrangements, and the implications of such arrangements, including whether enhancements to existing supervisory guidance may be helpful in addressing risks associated with these arrangements.
Other Proposal
The Board is seeking input on a proposal to expand the operating hours of the Fedwire® Funds Service and the National Settlement Service. The Board requests comments on the potential benefits, risks, and implementation considerations of the proposal.
Other Proposal
The Federal Reserve is conducting a review under the Primary Dealers Act of 1988 of the treatment of U.S. firms operating in the Spanish government debt market. As part of that review, the Board requests public comment on the treatment of U.S. firms in the Spanish government debt market, and specifically on whether Spain grants to U.S. companies the same competitive opportunities to underwrite and distribute Spanish government debt instruments that Spain accords to Spanish companies.
Other Proposal
The OCC, Board, FDIC, NCUA, and FinCEN (collectively, the agencies), seek information and comment from interested parties on the extent to which the principles discussed in the interagency Supervisory Guidance on Model Risk Management (referred to as the "model risk management guidance," or MRMG) support compliance by banks with Bank Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering (BSA/AML) and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) requirements. The OCC, Board, and FDIC, in consultation with NCUA and FinCEN, are concurrently issuing a statement to clarify that the risk management principles discussed in the MRMG are appropriate considerations in the context of the BSA/AML statutory and regulatory requirements.
Other Proposal
The agencies are gathering information and comments on financial institutions' use of artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning (ML). The purpose of this request for information (RFI) is to understand respondents' views on the use of AI by financial institutions in their provision of services to customers and for other business or operational purposes; appropriate governance, risk management, and controls over AI; and any challenges in developing, adopting, and managing AI. The RFI also solicits respondents' views on the use of AI in financial services to assist in determining whether any clarifications from the agencies would be helpful for financial institutions' use of AI in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including those related to consumer protection.
Request for Information on Application of the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System [OP-1681]
Other Proposal
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation are seeking information and comments from interested parties regarding the consistency of ratings assigned under the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (UFIRS). The assigned ratings are commonly known as CAMELS ratings. They also are interested in receiving feedback concerning the current use of CAMELS ratings by the agencies in their bank application and enforcement action processes.
Other Proposal
The Board is seeking comment on proposed guidance describing core principles of effective senior management, the management of business lines, and independent risk management and controls for large financial institutions.