Several data files are attached. Each data file contains the market value by country of US holdings of long-term securities that are considered foreign on a residence basis as published in the Treasury International Capital data, and their corresponding values on a nationality basis, for end-December of each year. Data are now extened to cover 2003-2023; estimates for prior years may be revised. The "mv_difference_nat_vs_res_YYYY" columns show the difference in market value for each country on a nationality versus residence basis. Data are broken into separate data files by asset type. The following data files are included: total_equity_and_bonds_data_table.csv: Holdings of all equity and bonds total_equity_data_table.csv: Holdings of all equity (common stock, fund shares, and preferred and other equity). common_stock_data_table.csv: Holdings of common stock fund_shares_data_table.csv: Holdings of fund shares. Note that official statistics consider all fund shares to be “equity” regardless of the investment focus of the fund. preferred_and_other_equity_data_table.csv: Holdings of preferred equity and "other equity", which are equity holdings other than common stock, preferred stock, and fund shares. total_bonds_data_table.csv: Holdings of both government and corporate bonds. gov_bonds_data_table.csv: Holdings of government bonds. corporate_bonds_data_table.csv: Holdings of corporate bonds Authors' estimates are based on Treasury International Capital data. Last updated: December 2024. See Bertaut, Bressler, and Curcuru (2019) for details on methodology.