IFDP 1973-34
Investor Evaluation of Foreign and Domestic Risk

Alan K. Severn

IFDP 1973-32
"Imported Inflation" and the Balance of Payments

Samuel I. Katz

IFDP 1973-30
Direct Investment, Research Intensity, and Profitability

Alan K. Severn and Martin M. Laurence

IFDP 1973-28
The Distribution of West European Trade Under Alternative Tariff Policies

Stephen A. Resnick and Edwin M. Truman

IFDP 1973-26
SDRs, Interest and the AID Link: Further Analysis

Peter Isard and Edwin M. Truman

IFDP 1973-23
The Foreign Term-Lending Activities of U.S. Banks

Henry S. Terrell

IFDP 1973-22
Price Competitiveness in Export Trade Among Industrial Countries

Helen B. Junz and Rudolf R. Rhomberg

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Last Update: August 13, 2021