Example: Using a Dollar Residual Value Guidebook

A dollar residual value guidebook provides a specific dollar amount for the value of the base vehicle at the end of the lease term. It provides for an adjustment if the mileage allowed in the lease is more or less than 15,000 miles per year and for additions or deductions for optional equipment. Most residual value guidebooks for new vehicles use the percentage method. Guidebooks for used vehicles typically use the dollar method.

Sample page of a Dollar Residual Value Guidebook

SPARK SPORT UTILITY 12 Mo. 24 Mo. 36 Mo. 48 Mo. 60 Mo.
1. 2d Wagon 4WD $13,000 $11,500 $10,500 $9,500 $7,500
2. 4d Wagon 4WD 14,500 13,000 12,875 10,000 8,200
3. 4d Cargo 2WD 10,500 10,000 9,000 8,000 6,000
Add for CD player $250 $200 $150 $100 $75
Add for moon roof $450 $400 $350 $300 $250
Deduct for no cruise control (except model 3) $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

Follow these steps to determine the future value of a used 2-year-old 4-door (4d) Spark Sport Utility 4-Wheel-Drive (4WD) Wagon for a 36-month period of use:

1. Suppose in 2003 you want to lease a 2001Spark wagon. Go to the 2001 models and look up the base value of the 4d Spark Sport Utility 4WD Wagon. The guidebook will list the equipment that must be on the vehicle at this value. Compare the actual equipment on the vehicle with this list.

2. If any of the required equipment is not on the vehicle, subtract the stated value of that item (for the 36-month term). For example, if cruise control is a required item and it is not on the vehicle and the guidebook lists the 36-month value as $100, subtract $100 from $12,875:

Base value $12,875
Minus missing items/cruise control - 100
Equals $12,775

3. The guidebook will also have a list of items and their values (sometimes on a separate page) that may be on the vehicle.

4. If the vehicle has additional equipment items that are not on the list of required items, add the stated values of those items (for the 36-month term). For example, if the vehicle has a sliding moon roof and a CD player that are not on the required list, then add those items:

Base value $12,875
Minus missing items/cruise control – 100
   Sliding moon roof + 325
   CD player + 150
Equals adjusted value $13,250

5. Mileage adjustment: Finally, make any required mileage adjustment. For each model year, a chart will show an amount to add or subtract based on the beginning mileage plus permitted mileage over the term. The adjustment may be based on the current retail value (CRV) of the vehicle.

If a 2-year-old model has 20,000 miles and the lease permits 12,000 miles per year for the 36-month term, the mileage adjustment may tell you to add an amount determined by multiplying the CRV of the vehicle times 6%:

Adjusted value $13,250
Plus mileage adjustment
(CRV of $20,000 times 6%)
Equals final value $14,450
