A.12. Characteristics of Bank Loans to Farmers -- Large Farm Lenders, by Risk Rating, May 5-9, 2008 Percent except as noted ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Loan characteristic All Minimal Low Moderate Acceptable Special Not rated Not reported ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume of loans (thousands of dollars) 1,313,049 42,056 125,527 585,261 336,878 79,668 15,908 127,753 Number of loans 20,134 561 1,790 9,712 4,507 728 313 2,524 Weighted average maturity (months) 1 24.47 36.10 13.76 29.55 15.30 31.49 16.96 28.59 Weighted average repricing interval (months) 2 7.67 24.94 8.07 8.69 4.32 1.06 7.52 10.00 Weighted average risk rating 3 3.25 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 n.a. n.a. Weighted average interest rate 4 5.47 5.68 5.46 5.51 5.12 5.83 5.86 5.85 Standard error 5 .27 .34 .27 .28 .43 .25 1.29 .63 Interquartile range 6 75th percentile 6.35 6.35 6.25 6.61 5.71 6.09 6.31 6.54 25th percentile 4.59 5.13 4.08 4.59 4.37 5.61 4.59 5.00 Purpose of loan Feeder livestock 5.16 5.40 5.71 5.30 5.05 6.27 4.57 4.68 Other livestock 5.00 5.80 5.63 5.29 3.96 4.18 n.a. 6.73 Other current operating expenses 7 5.71 5.52 5.80 5.73 5.49 5.52 6.50 6.09 Farm machinery and equipment 5.51 7.50 6.42 6.06 5.01 5.63 9.39 5.50 Farm real estate 6.37 6.69 6.84 5.99 6.03 7.88 7.76 7.22 Other 8 5.00 5.39 4.02 4.91 4.89 5.77 5.45 5.31 Share of total loan volume Features of loan Floating rates 80.29 55.77 51.64 83.49 85.54 88.38 72.45 83.94 Under commitment 75.87 80.74 85.20 76.78 91.11 53.76 81.29 33.91 Callable 19.55 38.10 49.79 21.03 6.60 4.66 2.66 22.44 Subject to prepayment penalty 2.63 .32 .77 3.11 4.31 n.a. n.a. .50 Purpose of loan Feeder livestock 4.87 18.17 6.91 3.81 1.47 .70 .66 15.45 Other livestock 6.50 .39 22.49 5.09 6.93 4.54 n.a. .19 Other current operating expenses 7 41.83 56.44 42.05 49.26 32.04 22.21 .08 46.05 Farm machinery and equipment 5.94 1.11 2.04 4.25 13.07 2.95 8.51 1.90 Farm real estate 9.66 15.06 5.90 10.73 7.31 8.78 3.14 14.22 Other 8 31.19 8.84 20.62 26.86 39.16 60.83 87.61 22.19 Type of collateral Farm real estate 14.73 14.34 10.14 15.67 13.61 9.05 16.36 21.36 Other 81.15 85.12 84.34 78.41 83.92 89.63 76.64 77.23 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note. Most large farm lenders that reported loans to farmers had more than $25 million in farm loans. For explanation of footnotes, see table A.8. n.a. Not available. 17