Date: Quarterly report date. Total assets: Total value of assets held by hedge funds, including foreign currency, deposits, other cash and cash equivalents, money market fund shares, security repurchase agreements, debt securities, loans, corporate equities, and miscellaneous assets. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Foreign currency; asset: Total value of foreign currency held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Deposits; asset: Total value of deposits held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Other cash and cash equivalents; asset: Total value of other cash and cash equivalents held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Money market fund shares; asset: Total value of money market fund shares held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Security repurchase agreements; asset: Total value of security repurchase agreements held as an asset by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Total debt securities; asset: Total value of debt securities held by hedge funds, including treasuries, corporate and foreign bonds, and other debt securities. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Treasury securities; asset: Total value of treasury securities held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Corporate and foreign bonds; asset: Total value of corporate and foreign bonds held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Other debt securities; asset: Total value of other debt securities held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Total loans; asset: Total value of loans held as an asset by hedge funds, including leveraged and other loans. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Leveraged loans; asset: Total value of leveraged loans held as an asset by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Other loans; asset: Total value of other loans held as an asset by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Corporate equities; asset: Total value of corporate equities held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Miscellaneous assets; asset: All hedge fund assets not identified or classified elsewhere. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Total liabilities: Total value of liabilities held by hedge funds, inlcuding security repurchase agreements, loans, and miscellaneous liabilities. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Total security repurchase agreements; liability: Total value of security repurchase agreements held as a liability by hedge funds, including those with domestic and foreign institutions. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Security repurchase agreements with domestic institutions; liability: Total value of security repurchase agreements with domestic institutions held as a liability by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Security repurchase agreements with foreign institutions; liability: Total value of security repurchase agreements with foreign institutions held as a liability by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Total loans; liability: Total value of loans held as a liability by hedge funds, including secured borrowing via prime brokerage, other secured borrowing, and unsecured borrowing. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, total secured borrowing via prime brokerage; liability: Total value of secured borrowing via prime brokerage held by hedge funds, including borrowing from domestic and foreign institutions. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, secured borrowing via domestic prime brokerages; liability: Total value of secured borrowing via domestic prime brokerages held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, secured borrowing via foreign prime brokerages; liability: Total value of secured borrowing via foreign prime brokerages held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, total other secured borrowing; liability: Total value of other secured borrowing held by hedge funds, including borrowing from domestic and foreign institutions. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, other secured borrowing from domestic institutions; liability: Total value of other secured borrowing from domestic institutions held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, other secured borrowing from foreign institutions; liability: Total value of other secured borrowing from foreign institutions held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Loans, total unsecured borrowing; liability: Total value of unsecured borrowing held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Miscellaneous liabilities; liability: All hedge fund liabilities not identified or classified elsewhere. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Total net assets: Total net asset value of hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars. Derivatives (long value): Total value of derivatives held by hedge funds. Levels are not seasonally adjusted and are reported in billions of dollars.