Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.4.1, Factors Affecting Reserve Balances; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: July 10, 1997

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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday.  The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of F.R. Banks
                                                                                                July 10,  1997
Millions of dollars
                                                              Averages of daily figures
      Reserve balances of depository institutions at      Week ended        Change from week ended     Wednesday
 F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items      Jul 9, 1997    Jul 2, 1997     Jul 10, 1996  Jul 9, 1997
Reserve Bank Credit  (1,2)                                     449,886   -       6,625   +    24,337   449,203
  U.S. government securities
    Bought outright-system account (3)                         411,184   +       1,337   +    27,747   410,155
    Held under repurchase agreements                             3,575   -       8,077   -     4,036     3,415
  Federal agency obligations
    Bought outright                                              1,236   -         186   -     1,147     1,236
    Held under repurchase agreements                             1,513   +         682   +     1,417     1,470
  Acceptances                                                        0               0             0         0
  Loans to depository institutions
    Adjustment credit                                               21   -         404   -         9       107
    Seasonal credit                                                294   -          10   +        31       291
    Extended credit                                                  0               0             0         0
   Float                                                           816   +         196   +       147      1314
   Other F.R. assets                                            31,246   -         163   +       187    31,214
Gold stock                                                      11,050               0             0    11,050
Special drawing rights certificate account                       9,200               0   -       968     9,200
Treasury currency outstanding                                   25,371   +          14   +       818    25,371
        Total factors supplying reserve funds                  495,507   -       6,611   +    24,186   494,824
Currency in circulation*                                       458,089   +       4,523   +    27,952   458,711
Treasury cash holdings*                                            346   +           3   +        68       347
Deposits,other than reserve balances,with F.R.Banks
  Treasury                                                       3,902   -       8,675   -     1,375     4,645
  Foreign                                                          171   -           6   -        36       170
  Service-related balances and adjustments (4)                   7,321   -         294   +     1,050     7,321
  Other                                                            324               0   +         9       303
Other F.R. liabilities and capital                              15,172   -         295   +     1,944    15,101
        Total factors, other than reserve balances,
        absorbing reserve funds                                485,326   -       4,745   +    29,613   486,598
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks  (5)                           10,181   -       1,865   -     5,427     8,225
On   July 9, 1997,  the face amount of marketable U.S. government securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve Banks for foreign
official and international accounts was $ 628,414 million, a change of - $ 2,192 million for the week.  The total includes the face
value of U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
1  Net of $ 13,804 million daily average, matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding during the latest statement week, of which
    a net of $ 13,804 million was with foreign official and international accounts.  Includes securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. 
   government securities.
2 Net of $ 14,833 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week, of which a net of
   $ 14,833 million was with foreign official and international accounts.  Includes $ 174 million securities loaned--fully
   secured U.S. government securities.
3 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 8 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of  
   inflation on the principal of such securities.
4 Consists of required clearing balances of $ 6,999 million and adjustments of $ 322 million to compensate for float.
5 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.
* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)
Millions of Dollars
                                                                          Change Since
                                                 *         Wednesday      Wednesday        Wednesday
                                                         Jul 9, 1997    Jul 2, 1997      Jul 10, 1996
Gold certificate account                                     11,050                 0                0
Special drawing rights certificate account                    9,200                 0      -       968
Coin                                                            459       -        14      -        36
Loans                                                           398       -     1,040      +       122
Acceptances                                                       0                 0                0
Federal agency obligations
  Bought outright                                             1,236                 0      -     1,115
  Held under repurchase agreements (1)                        1,470       -       255      +     1,430
U.S. government securities
  Bought outright--Bills                                    194,772       -     1,306      +     7,531
                   Notes (2)                                161,122                 0      +    11,020
                   Bonds                                     54,261                 0      +     7,819
    Total bought outright (3)                               410,155       -     1,306      +    26,370
  Held under repurchase agreements (1)                        3,415       +        55      -     5,383
     Total U.S. government securities                       413,570       -     1,251      +    20,987
       Total loans and securities                           416,674       -     2,546      +    21,423
Items in process of collection              (381)             7,988       -       928      +     2,050
Bank premises                                                 1,252       +         1      +        68
Other assets (4)                                             30,192       +       524      -        54
              TOTAL ASSETS                  (381)           476,815       -     2,962      +    22,483
Federal Reserve notes                                       434,145       +     1,848      +    27,207
  Depository institutions                                    15,932       -     3,800      -     6,717
  U.S. Treasury--general account                              4,645       -       608      -     1,022
  Foreign--official accounts                                    170       -         2      -        20
    Other                                                       303       -        37      -        44
      Total deposits                                         21,051       -     4,447      -     7,804
Deferred availability cash items            (381)             6,518       -       493      +     1,072
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (5)                   4,691       -        88      +       327
             TOTAL LIABILITIES              (381)           466,405       -     3,181      +    20,802
                               CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                                            
Capital paid in                                               5,063       +         8      +       923
Surplus                                                       4,496                 0      +       529
Other capital accounts                                          852       +       210      +       228
*Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official
   and international accounts of which $ 0 million was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and  $ 8 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation 
  on the principal of such securities.
3 Net of $ 14,833 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.  Includes
   $ 174 million securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
4 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates.  Includes special investment account
   at Chicago of $ 90 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
5 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Acceptances and securities held under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in accordance with maximum 
maturity of the agreements.
Millions of dollars
                                                                U.S. government           Federal agency
               Loans  Acceptances                                 securities (1)           obligations
                                                                     Weekly                     Weekly
                                                          Holdings   changes          Holdings  changes
Within 15 day     180        0  Within 15 days              17,059  +          4,291     1497  -            255
16 days to 90     218        0  16 days to 90 days          89,047  -          6,046      329  +             60
Over 90 days        0        0  91 days to 1 year          129,122  +            505      150  -             60
                                Over 1 year to 5 years      95,315                 0      416                 0
                                Over 5 years to 10 years    39,016  -              1      290                 0
                                Over 10 years               44,011                 0       25                 0
    Total         398        0       Total                 413,570  -          1,251     2706  -            255
1 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 8 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of
   inflation on the principal of such securities.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (b)
Millions of dollars
                                                                                                                                                                   Kansas                   San
                                           Total      Boston      New York  Philadelphia Cleveland    Richmond    Atlanta     Chicago    St. Louis  Minneapolis     City       Dallas    Francisco
Gold certificate account                     11,050         624       3,937         350         669         965         723       1,069         401         147         286         459       1,420
Special drawing rights certif. acct.          9,200         530       3,202         282         574         792         602         900         340         123         247         367       1,241
Coin                                            459          11          17          57          20          71          52          56          23          21          33          37          59
Loans                                           398           0           0           5           0           0          11          44          56         129          37           5         111  
Acceptances                                       0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0
Federal agency obligations
  Bought outright                             1,236          75         400          41          86         118          82         132          49          17          35          45         156
  Held under repurchase agreements(1)         1,470           0       1,470           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0
U.S. government securities
  Bought outright--Bills                    194,772      11,874      62,999       6,511      13,473      18,532      12,997      20,775       7,758       2,713       5,562       7,073      24,505
                   Notes (2)                161,122       9,822      52,115       5,386      11,145      15,330      10,752      17,186       6,417       2,244       4,601       5,851      20,272
                   Bonds                     54,261       3,308      17,551       1,814       3,753       5,163       3,621       5,788       2,161         756       1,549       1,971       6,827
     Total bought outright(3)               410,155      25,004     132,665      13,712      28,371      39,025      27,370      43,749      16,336       5,712      11,712      14,895      51,604
  Held under repurchase agreements(1)         3,415           0       3,415           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0
     Total U.S. govt. securities            413,570      25,004     136,080      13,712      28,371      39,025      27,370      43,749      16,336       5,712      11,712      14,895      51,604
       Total loans and securities           416,674      25,080     137,950      13,758      28,456      39,143      27,464      43,925      16,442       5,858      11,784      14,945      51,870
Items in process of collection                8,369         577         998         353         455         579       1,138         686         262         571         517         422       1,811
Bank premises                                 1,252          94         154          50         114         126          76         109          30         134          55         151         159
Other assets(4)                              30,192       1,310       8,790       1,432       1,866       2,369       2,401       3,286         862         585         997       1,407       4,887
Interdistrict settlement account                  0       -1550       21018       -1687       -1471       -5440       -6722       -4649       -2375       -1319       -1421        2774        2841
          TOTAL ASSETS                      477,196      26,677     176,065      14,595      30,685      38,605      25,733      45,380      15,984       6,121      12,499      20,563      64,289
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official and
   international accounts, of which $ 0 was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 8 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation
  on the principal of such securities.
3 Net of $ 14,833 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.  Includes $ 174 million
   securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
4 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates.  Includes special investment account at Chicago of 
   $ 90 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (c)
Millions of dollars
                                                                                                                                                                   Kansas                   San
                                           Total      Boston      New York  Philadelphia Cleveland    Richmond    Atlanta     Chicago    St. Louis  Minneapolis     City       Dallas    Francisco
Federal Reserve notes                       434,145      24,288     164,281      12,714      28,608      35,009      22,680      40,848      14,717       4,801      10,965      18,127      57,108
  Depository institutions                    15,932       1,276       2,411         844         831       1,229       1,212       2,206         608         361         679       1,395       2,881
  U.S. Treasury--general account              4,645           0       4,645           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0           0
  Foreign--official accounts                    170           5          59           9           9          10          13          17           4           3           5           8          28
  Other                                         303           1         118           0           1          85           2          91           1           0           2           1           1
    Total deposits                           21,051       1,282       7,234         853         841       1,324       1,227       2,313         612         365         686       1,404       2,909
Deferred credit items                         6,899         425         834         260         232         593         740         668         223         527         365         307       1,725
Other liabilities and accrued
  dividends (1)                               4,691         287       1,422         184         315         434         335         500         200          99         168         189         557
    TOTAL LIABILITIES                       466,786      26,282     173,771      14,011      29,996      37,360      24,981      44,329      15,753       5,792      12,185      20,027      62,299
Capital paid in                               5,063         185       1,080         287         351         702         317         489         105         167         134         263         983
Surplus                                       4,496         168       1,023         268         286         310         415         524         112         104         171         250         865
Other capital accounts                          852          42         192          29          52         233          19          37          15          59          10          23         142
        ACCOUNTS                            477,196      26,677     176,065      14,595      30,685      38,605      25,733      45,380      15,984       6,121      12,499      20,563      64,289
F.R. notes outstanding                      541,156      29,975     208,499      15,885      31,620      40,898      30,562      49,872      17,133       6,274      12,544      24,234      73,660
  Less--Held by F.R. Banks                  107,010       5,687      44,218       3,171       3,012       5,889       7,883       9,024       2,415       1,473       1,579       6,108      16,552
  F.R. notes, net                           434,145      24,288     164,281      12,714      28,608      35,009      22,680      40,848      14,717       4,801      10,965      18,127      57,108
Collateral held against F.R. notes
   Gold certificate account                  11,050
   Special drawing rights
     certificate account                      9,200
   Other eligible assets                          0
   U.S. govt. and agency securities         413,896
     Total collateral                       434,145
1 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

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Last update: July 10, 1997