Federal Reserve Bulletin, Volume 95, 2009   Current Bulletin

Profits and Balance Sheet Developments at U.S. Commercial Banks in 2008

Figure 19. Capital transfers to commercial banks from parent bank holding companies, 1990-2008.

Data are plotted as a curve. Capital transfers to commercial bank holding companies from parent bank holding companies begin in the first quarter of 1990 at about $2 billion, and move within a narrow range of negative $3 billion to $10 billion until the second quarter of 2005, when they surpass $10 billion. Capital transfers to commercial bank holding companies from parent bank holding companies move back down to a range of $2 to $8 billion until 2007, when they surpass $16 billion by the end of the year. They drop to $3 billion in the first quarter of 2008, then rise steeply, reaching $12 billion in the second quarter, $20 billion in the third quarter, and more than $66 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008.

NOTE: The data are quarterly.

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