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2003 SSBF: Methodology Appendix NN Screen Reader version

Appendix NN

5% Follow-Up: Self-Administered Questionnaire

2003 Survey of Small Business Finances - Short Form
Please answer all questions for: FIRM NAME

1. Is [FIRM NAME] the correct name of your business? check box Yes Skip to #2 check box No Continue
    a. Was this business ever called [FIRM NAME]? check box Yes check box No
    b. What is the correct name of your business?
2. During December 2003, was the business in operation under
the direction of one or more of the current owners?
(A business is in operation if it is generating expenses
or revenues.)
check box Yes check box No
3. During [MONTH] 2004, was the business in operation?
check box Yes check box No
4. Is [STREET ADDRESS] the correct address for the business's headquarters or main office? check box Yes Skip to #5 \le No Continue
    a. Was [STREET ADDRESS] ever the address for the business's headquarters or main office? check box Yes check box No
5. Does another company own 50% or more of the business? check box Yes check box No
6. Is the business a nonprofit organization? check box Yes check box No
7. Is the business owned by a local, state, or federal government agency? check box Yes check box No
8. How many owners worked in the business during a typical
pay period in 2003?
9. Other than owners, how many individuals worked in the business during a typical pay period in 2003? (Include individuals that worked in the business but were not on the payroll. Count each worker, whether full-time or part-time, as one individual.)  
10. (If you are unsure about your answers to #8 or #9, please answer #10.) Please indicate the approximate number of individuals, including owners, that worked for the business during a typical pay period in 2003. check box less than 5
check box 5 to 9
check box 10 to 19
check box 20 to 49
check box 50 to 99
check box 100 to 499
check box 500 or more
11. Our records indicate that the principal activity of the firm is [SIC CATEGORY]. Is this correct? check box Yes check box No
IF NO: What is the principal activity of the business? That is, what does the business do or make?

Thank you! Please fax this completed survey toll-free to 1-866-435-5637
or mail to NORC, 1 North State St, 16th floor, Chicago, IL 60602,
no later than Friday, January 7, 2005.

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