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Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Board Actions

Actions taken during the week ending October 4, 2008


Bank of Romney, Romney, West Virginia  -- issuance of a consent order of assessment of a civil money penalty.
-Announced, September 29, 2008 

Compass Bank, Birmingham, Alabama  -- issuance of a consent order of prohibition against Donald W. Linville, a former senior vice president and institution-affiliated party.
-Announced, September 29, 2008 

Hinsbrook Bank & Trust, Oakbrook, Illinois  -- issuance of a consent order of prohibition against John H. Lohmeier, a former senior vice president, trust officer, and institution-affiliated party.
-Announced, October 2, 2008 

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc., Tokyo, Japan; The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.; and its New York branch  -- written agreement dated December 18, 2006, terminated September 29, 2008.
-Announced, October 1, 2008 

Warren Bancorp, Inc., Warren, Michigan, and Warren Bank  -- written agreement with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation.
-Announced, October 1, 2008 

Monetary and Financial Policy

Term Auction Facility  -- increase in the size of the 84-day maturity TAF auctions from $25 billion to $75 billion, beginning with the auction on October 6, 2008, and establishment of forward TAF auctions to provide term funding over year-end.
-Announced, September 29, 2008 

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco