Federal Reserve Statistical Release, G.17, Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: November 16, 2001

Release dates | Historical data | Documentation
Current Release | ASCII | PDF (144 KB)
Supplemental Release | ASCII | PDF (144 KB)

Table 10
Electric Power Use
1992 = 100
    Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted
  Billion 2001           2001          
Item KWH Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.
Total manufacturing and mining  933.2  102.8  102.3   99.7  100.3   99.6   99.3  102.3  101.5  101.5  101.6  103.1  102.8
Manufacturing  853.2  103.3  102.7   99.8  100.4   99.8   99.5  102.8  101.9  101.7  102.1  103.7  103.2
   Durable  366.0  103.9  104.5  102.3  103.1  102.3  100.1  103.5  104.0  104.2  104.4  105.8  103.7
   Nondurable  487.2  102.8  101.2   97.7   98.2   97.8   98.9  102.2  100.2   99.8  100.2  102.1  102.8
Mining   80.1   96.5   96.9   98.6   98.3   96.2   97.0   95.9   95.4   97.7   94.8   94.5   96.7
Total ex. nuclear nondefense  908.9  104.5  105.1  103.3  103.7  103.0  101.5  103.4  104.2  105.3  105.5  106.9  105.4
Utility sales to industry  835.5  102.7  101.7  100.1  101.0  100.4   99.7  102.6  101.5  101.4  101.3  103.0  103.2
Industrial generation   97.7  102.6  102.0  103.7  103.2  103.0   98.3   99.0  100.5  101.9  105.6  105.6   96.0

Note. Additional industry detail is available on the Board's web site, www.federalreserve.gov/releases/G17/download.htm.
Estimates for September are preliminary. Estimates from July to August are revised.

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Last update: November 16, 2001