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SR 98-14 (SUP) June 3, 1998 |
The attached interagency policy statement on branch names, which becomes effective July 1, 1998, was issued jointly by the federal banking agencies on May 1, 1998.
The interagency policy statement advises any insured depository institution that intends to make use of different trade names for operating branches to take reasonable steps to ensure that depositors are not confused with respect to the extent of deposit insurance coverage.1 Examples of such steps articulated in the policy statement include 1) customer disclosure that the deposit taking facility is a branch or other unit of the insured institution; 2) use of the full legal name of the depository institution in legal documents, including certificates of deposit, account statements, checks, drafts and similar documents; 3) steps to alert staff of the institution regarding possible confusion on the part of the customer with respect to deposit insurance; and 4) explicit acknowledgement from customers at the time of account opening that deposits held in different facilities of the same insured institution are not separately insured.
Due to the importance of this matter, the attached interagency statement should be sent by your Reserve Bank to the chief executive officer of each bank holding company and state member bank in your District. A suggested transmittal letter is attached.
In the event you have questions concerning the interagency statement, please contact Molly S. Wassom, Deputy Associate Director, at (202) 452-2305, or J. Thomas Keady, Manager, at (202) 728-5885.
Footnotes 1. Generally, each depositor at an insured depository institution is insured up to $100,000. Insured deposit limits are determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the FDIC at 12 CFR Part 330. Return to text
Suggested Letter to Bank Holding Companies and State Member Banks SUBJECT: Interagency Statement on Branch Names The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the other federal banking agencies recently issued an interagency policy statement concerning the practice of insured depository institutions operating branches of the same institution under different trade names. The agencies are concerned that if depositors believe that such facilities are operated by separate institutions, they may inadvertently exceed FDIC insurance limits by depositing excess amounts in accounts in different branches of the same institution. The agencies believe it is important that customers understand fully the scope of FDIC deposit insurance coverage in these circumstances. The interagency policy statement emphasizes that an insured depository institution that intends to use different names for various branches or other facilities of the same institution should take reasonable steps to ensure that customers will not become confused and believe that its facilities or branches are separate institutions, or that deposits in different facilities are separately insured. The policy statement describes various steps that should be taken to avoid confusion regarding federal deposit insurance coverage. A copy of the interagency statement, which becomes effective July 1, 1998, is attached. In the event you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact ____________, ___________, at this Reserve Bank.
Richard Spillenkothen Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System |
Nicholas J. Ketcha, Jr. Director, Division of Supervision Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
Leann G. Britton Senior Deputy Comptroller Bank Supervision Operations Office of the Comptroller of the Currency |
John C. Price, Jr. Director, Supervision Policy Office of Thrift Supervision |
1. There may be state laws that need to be considered with respect to operating under a trade name. In addition, regulations applicable to insured institutions that may be promulgated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or the Office of Thrift Supervision (as applicable) under the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. § 57a(f) et. seq., regarding the prevention of unfair or deceptive acts or practices, could apply to the use of branch names. Return to text
2. Generally, each depositor at an insured depository institution is insured up to $100,000. See 12 U.S.C. §§ 1813(m), 1817(i), and 1821(a). Insured deposit limits are determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the FDIC at 12 C.F.R. Part 330. Return to text
3. The practice of insured depository institutions using different trade names over a computer network such as the Internet raises the same concern discussed herein. Accordingly, institutions intending to use different trade names over a computer network should take reasonable steps to ensure that customers will not be confused about either the identity of the insured depository institution or the extent of FDIC insurance coverage. Return to text
4. The legal name of an insured institution is its full name as reflected in its charter, except that an insured institution may abbreviate terms that are indicators of corporate status (e.g., N.A., F.S.B., Inc., Corp.). Return to text