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Statistical Supplement | February 2006

Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 2006

1.46  New Security Issues, U.S. Corporations
Millions of dollars
Type of issue, offering, or issuer 2002 2003 2004 2005
Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct
1 All issues1 1,432,548 1,815,569 2,070,680 223,777 144,986 182,463 264,143 172,969 227,934 235,682 184,688
2 Bonds2 1,322,113 1,692,260 1,923,094 213,440 139,849 176,510 250,164 168,045 215,978 217,950 176,725
  By type of offering  
3 Sold in the United States 1,235,868 1,579,311 1,737,342 204,222 130,985 169,998 230,843 152,735 204,581 204,402 163,616
4 Sold abroad 86,246 112,949 185,752 9,218 8,864 6,512 19,321 15,310 11,397 13,548 13,109
5 Private placements, domestic 18,870 20,701 22,328r 1,688r 987 2,251r 2,173r 4,543 2,331 1,610 952
  By industry group  
6 Nonfinancial 282,484 362,340 259,968 17,775 11,711 9,496 31,342 17,969 17,876 23,373 8,529
7 Financial 1,039,629 1,329,920 1,663,127 195,665 128,138 167,014 218,822 150,076 198,102 194,577 168,196
8 Stocks3 170,903 182,132 147,585 10,337 5,137 5,953 13,979 4,924 11,956 17,732 7,963
  By type of offering  
9 Public 110,434 123,309 147,585 10,337 5,137 5,953 13,979 4,924 11,956 17,732 7,963
10 Private placement4 60,469 58,823 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
  By industry group  
11 Nonfinancial 62,114 44,416 64,345 3,129 2,595 2,427 4,448 1,953 6,385 9,597 2,445
12 Financial 48,320 78,893 83,240 7,208 2,543 3,527 9,532 2,971 5,571 8,135 5,517

1. Figures represent gross proceeds of issues maturing in more than one year; they are the principal amount or number of units calculated by multiplying by the offering price. Figures exclude secondary offerings, employee stock plans, investment companies other than closed-end, intracorporate transactions, Yankee bonds, and private placements listed. Stock data include ownership securities issued by limited partnerships.   Return to table

2. Monthly data include 144(a) offerings.   Return to table

3. Monthly data cover only public offerings.   Return to table

4. Data for private placements are not available at a monthly frequency.   Return to table

Source. Securities Data Company and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

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Last update: March 2, 2006