Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Board Actions

Actions taken during the week ending October 22, 2016

Regulations and Policies

Appraisal Requirements Exception -- interagency temporary exception from the appraisal requirements for real estate-related financial transactions by regulated financial institutions in areas affected by severe storms and flooding in Louisiana.
-Approved, October 18, 2016

Countercyclical Capital Buffer -- to affirm the countercyclical capital buffer at the current level of 0 percent for U.S.-based credit exposures.
-Approved, October 21, 2016

Cyber Risk Management Standards -- interagency advance notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comment on enhanced cyber risk management standards for large and interconnected financial companies supervised by the federal banking agencies.
-Approved, October 18, 2016

Secondary Treasury Market Data Collection -- to collect data from banks for secondary market transactions in U.S. Treasury securities and to enter into negotiations with the Financial Institution Regulatory Authority to potentially act as the Board's collection agent for that data.
-Approved, October 18, 2016

Reserve Bank Operations

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago -- authorization to open customer segregated accounts for ICE Clear Credit LLC; Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Inc.; and Options Clearing Corporation, in accordance with section 4d of the Commodity Exchange Act.
-Approved, October 18, 2016

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco