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Release Date: October 17, 1996
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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday. The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of F.R. Banks
October 17, 1996
Millions of dollars
Averages of daily figures
Reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items Oct 16, 1996 Oct 9, 1996 Oct 18, 1995 Oct 16, 1996
Reserve Bank credit 1 2 427,967 + 3,791 + 16,111 427,227
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--system account 387,116 - 177 + 15,756 387,055
Held under repurchase agreements 3,945 + 1,898 - 167 1,255
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 2,309 0 - 586 2,309
Held under repurchase agreements 1,624 + 1,086 + 1,224 824
Acceptances 0 0 0 0
Loans to depository institutions
Adjustment credit 158 + 141 + 136 704
Seasonal credit 213 - 34 - 4 205
Extended credit 0 0 0 0
Float 965 + 568 + 584 3,453
Other F.R. assets 31,637 + 308 - 832 31,421
Gold stock 11,049 0 - 1 11,049
Special drawing rights certificate account 9,718 0 - 450 9,718
Treasury currency outstanding 24,721 + 14 + 910 24,721
Total factors supplying reserve funds 473,455 + 3,804 + 16,569 472,716
Currency in circulation* 433,818 + 2,016 + 21,304 434,604
Treasury cash holdings* 292 - 1 - 21 281
Deposits, other than reserve balances, with F.R. Banks
Treasury 4,885 + 356 - 56 3,594
Foreign 178 + 10 - 3 165
Service-related balances and adjustments 3 6,800 + 317 + 1,971 6,800
Other 381 + 11 - 165 366
Other F.R. liabilities and capital 13,834 + 324 + 1,021 13,660
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 460,189 + 3,033 + 24,051 459,470
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks 4 13,267 + 771 - 7,482 13,245
On October 16, 1996, the face amount of marketable U.S. government securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve Banks for foreign
official and international accounts was $ 592,665 million, a change of + $ 4,599 million for the week. The total includes the face
value of U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
1 Net of $ 11,995 million, daily average, matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding during the latest statement week, of which
a net of $ 11,995 million was with foreign official and international accounts. Includes securities loaned--fully secured by U.S.
government securities.
2 Net of $ 12,056 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week, of which a net of
$ 12,056 million was with foreign official and international accounts. Includes $ 0 million securities loaned--fully
secured U.S. government securities.
3 Consists of required clearing balances of $ 6,523 million and adjustments of $ 277 million to compensate for float.
4 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.
* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)
Millions of dollars
Change since
* Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Oct 16, 1996 Oct 9, 1996 Oct 18, 1995
Gold certificate account 11,049 0 - 1
Special drawing rights certificate account 9,718 0 - 450
Coin 610 + 3 + 159
Loans 909 + 655 + 688
Acceptances 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 2,309 0 - 586
Held under repurchase agreements 1 824 - 280 + 424
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--Bills 186,795 - 528 + 5,906
Notes 152,392 0 + 4,974
Bonds 47,869 0 + 5,196
---------- ---------- ----------
Total bought outright 2 387,055 - 528 + 16,076
Held under repurchase agreements 1 1,255 - 4,941 - 2,857
---------- ---------- ----------
Total U.S. government securities 388,310 - 5,469 + 13,219
---------- ---------- ----------
Total loans and securities 392,353 - 5,094 + 13,745
Items in process of collection (436) 12,717 + 5,786 + 7,249
Bank premises 1,213 + 6 + 95
Other assets 3 30,370 - 56 - 860
---------- ---------- ----------
TOTAL ASSETS (436) 458,030 + 645 + 19,936
Federal Reserve notes 410,774 + 1,191 + 21,316
Depository institutions 20,351 - 2,776 - 4,321
U.S. Treasury--general account 3,594 - 1,129 - 2,117
Foreign--official accounts 165 0 + 3
Other 366 + 3 + 17
---------- ---------- ----------
Total deposits 24,475 - 3,902 - 6,418
Deferred availability cash items (436) 9,120 + 3,359 + 3,940
Other liabilities and accrued dividends 4 4,271 - 140 0
---------- ---------- ----------
TOTAL LIABILITIES (436) 448,640 + 508 + 18,838
Capital paid in 4,533 + 1 + 610
Surplus 3,860 0 + 177
Other capital accounts 997 + 136 + 311
* Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official
and international accounts of which $ 0 million was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Net of $ 12,056 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week. Includes
$ 0 million securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
3 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes special investment account
at Chicago of $ 152 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
4 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Acceptances and securities held under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in
accordance with maximum maturity of the agreements.
Millions of dollars
U.S. government Federal agency
securities obligations
Loans Acceptances Weekly Weekly
Holdings changes Holdings changes
Within 15 days 827 0 Within 15 days 15,436 - 4,424 887 - 367
16 days to 90 days 82 0 16 days to 90 days 93,933 + 3,480 943 + 147
Over 90 days 0 0 91 days to 1 year 109,782 - 4,144 277 - 155
Over 1 year to 5 years 94,775 - 756 535 + 95
Over 5 years to 10 years 34,028 + 375 467 0
Over 10 years 40,356 0 25 0
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total 909 0 Total 388,310 - 5,469 3,133 - 280
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (b)
Millions of dollars
| Total | Boston | New York| Phila. | Cleve.| Rich. |Atlanta| Chicago |S.Louis| Minneap.|KansasC| Dallas|San Fran.
Gold certificate account 11,049 661 4,050 423 624 919 769 1,140 474 168 321 433 1,067
Special drawing rights certif. acct. 9,718 636 3,385 396 543 835 745 979 419 144 280 399 957
Coin 610 16 22 41 30 107 88 68 29 20 64 52 74
Loans 909 0 0 0 0 3 2 35 43 89 30 5 702
Acceptances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 2,309 136 859 89 136 192 154 250 108 35 72 83 196
Held under repurchase agreements 1 824 0 824 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--Bills 186,795 10,991 69,468 7,230 10,979 15,490 12,466 20,243 8,751 2,817 5,851 6,689 15,821
Notes 152,392 8,966 56,674 5,898 8,957 12,637 10,170 16,515 7,139 2,298 4,773 5,457 12,907
Bonds 47,869 2,817 17,802 1,853 2,814 3,969 3,195 5,188 2,242 722 1,499 1,714 4,054
Total bought outright 2 387,055 22,774 143,944 14,980 22,749 32,096 25,830 41,946 18,132 5,838 12,124 13,860 32,782
Held under repurchase agreements 1 1,255 0 1,255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total U.S. govt. securities 388,310 22,774 145,199 14,980 22,749 32,096 25,830 41,946 18,132 5,838 12,124 13,860 32,782
Total loans and securities 392,353 22,910 146,882 15,070 22,885 32,291 25,987 42,232 18,284 5,962 12,226 13,947 33,680
Items in process of collection 13,153 677 2,213 776 600 901 1,408 1,198 639 946 636 754 2,406
Bank premises 1,213 94 147 48 101 128 82 110 30 103 55 155 160
Other assets 3 30,370 1,398 9,569 1,312 1,925 2,364 2,595 3,507 920 645 1,061 1,575 3,498
Interdistrict settlement account 0 +1,174 -25,611 -2,423 +6,146 +5,107 +715 +621 -2,620 -926 -657 -2,195 +20,670
TOTAL ASSETS 458,467 27,565 140,657 15,643 32,853 42,651 32,388 49,855 18,176 7,061 13,986 15,119 62,512
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official and
international accounts, of which $ 0 million was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Net of $ 12,056 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week. Includes $ 0 million
securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
3 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes special investment account at Chicago of
$ 152 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (c)
Millions of dollars
| Total | Boston | New York| Phila. | Cleve.| Rich. |Atlanta| Chicago |S.Louis| Minneap.|KansasC| Dallas|San Fran.
Federal Reserve notes 410,774 24,743 127,079 13,649 31,006 39,378 28,469 45,256 16,681 5,484 12,289 12,130 54,611
Depository institutions 20,351 1,665 4,805 936 573 1,319 1,692 2,013 597 426 613 1,885 3,830
U.S. Treasury--general account 3,594 0 3,594 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign--official accounts 165 6 60 7 9 11 14 17 4 4 5 9 20
Other 366 0 111 1 3 86 3 153 2 1 1 1 3
Total deposits 24,475 1,671 8,569 944 585 1,416 1,709 2,183 602 430 620 1,894 3,853
Deferred credit items 9,557 542 1,264 406 407 859 1,035 839 443 841 551 408 1,960
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends 1 4,271 255 1,431 187 256 354 308 461 205 97 166 173 379
TOTAL LIABILITIES 449,077 27,211 138,344 15,186 32,254 42,006 31,520 48,739 17,930 6,852 13,625 14,605 60,803
Capital paid in 4,533 167 1,085 222 290 312 426 540 114 103 176 253 844
Surplus 3,860 166 1,028 185 252 284 379 460 95 96 148 240 527
Other capital accounts 997 20 200 49 58 49 63 115 37 10 38 21 337
ACCOUNTS 458,467 27,565 140,657 15,643 32,853 42,651 32,388 49,855 18,176 7,061 13,986 15,119 62,512
F.R. notes outstanding 531,563 30,266 179,472 16,329 34,117 47,263 35,920 53,733 20,361 6,935 14,411 21,669 71,088
Less--Held by F.R. Banks 120,789 5,523 52,393 2,680 3,112 7,885 7,451 8,477 3,681 1,451 2,122 9,539 16,476
F.R. notes, net 410,774 24,743 127,079 13,649 31,006 39,378 28,469 45,256 16,681 5,484 12,289 12,130 54,611
Collateral held against F.R. notes
Gold certificate account 11,049
Special drawing rights
certificate account 9,718
Other eligible assets 0
U.S. govt. and agency securities 390,007
Total collateral 410,774
1 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
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Last update: October 17, 1996