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Release Date: May 1, 1997
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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday. The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of F.R. Banks
May 1, 1997
Millions of dollars
Averages of daily figures
Reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items Apr 30, 1997 Apr 23, 1997 May 1, 1996 Apr 30, 1997
Reserve Bank Credit (1,2) 466,380 + 20,517 + 51,678 489,371
U.S. government securities
Bought outright-system account (3) 401,462 + 742 + 21,955 402,513
Held under repurchase agreements 28,701 + 18,519 + 28,173 50,378
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 1,972 - 12 - 472 1,970
Held under repurchase agreements 691 - 39 + 513 989
Acceptances 0 0 0 0
Loans to depository institutions
Adjustment credit 119 - 116 + 98 28
Seasonal credit 114 + 19 + 50 128
Extended credit 0 0 0 0
Float 837 - 52 + 847 250
Other F.R. assets 32,483 + 1,456 + 515 33,115
Gold stock 11,052 0 0 11,051
Special drawing rights certificate account 9,200 0 - 968 9,200
Treasury currency outstanding 25,219 + 14 + 847 25,219
Total factors supplying reserve funds 511,851 + 20,531 + 51,558 534,842
Currency in circulation* 445,555 - 260 + 28,588 446,620
Treasury cash holdings* 305 - 3 + 14 309
Deposits,other than reserve balances,with F.R.Banks
Treasury 32,937 + 24,277 + 24,228 52,215
Foreign 187 + 23 + 9 169
Service-related balances and adjustments (4) 7,090 - 19 + 1,036 7,090
Other 337 - 14 - 44 348
Other F.R. liabilities and capital 15,243 + 217 + 2,579 14,977
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 501,654 + 24,221 + 56,410 521,729
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks (5) 10,197 - 3,690 - 4,852 13,113
On April 30, 1997, the face amount of marketable U.S. government securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve Banks for foreign
official and international accounts was $ 648,245 million, a change of + $ 1,484 million for the week. The total includes the face
value of U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
1 Net of $ 13,651 million daily average, matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding during the latest statement week, of which
a net of $ 13,651 million was with foreign official and international accounts. Includes securities loaned--fully secured by U.S.
government securities.
2 Net of $ 13,974 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week, of which a net of
$ 13,974 million was with foreign official and international accounts. Includes $ 236 million securities loaned--fully
secured U.S. government securities.
3 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 5 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of
inflation on the principal of such securities.
4 Consists of required clearing balances of $ 6,919 million and adjustments of $ 171 million to compensate for float.
5 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.
* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)
Millions of Dollars
Change Since
* Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Apr 30, 1997 Apr 23, 1997 May 1, 1996
Gold certificate account 11,051 0 0
Special drawing rights certificate account 9,200 0 - 968
Coin 619 - 15 + 45
Loans 156 - 1,112 + 64
Acceptances 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 1,970 - 14 - 474
Held under repurchase agreements (1) 989 - 1,045 - 261
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--Bills 195,034 - 567 + 12,008
Notes (2) 156,079 + 1,925 + 5,977
Bonds 51,399 0 + 4,957
Total bought outright (3) 402,513 + 1,358 + 22,942
Held under repurchase agreements (1) 50,378 + 29,306 + 46,677
Total U.S. government securities 452,891 + 30,664 + 69,619
Total loans and securities 456,006 + 28,493 + 68,948
Items in process of collection (436) 6,294 - 715 - 156
Bank premises 1,238 - 10 + 80
Other assets (4) 32,025 + 1,357 + 1,188
TOTAL ASSETS (436) 516,434 + 29,110 + 69,137
Federal Reserve notes 422,329 + 362 + 27,831
Depository institutions 20,534 - 7,387 - 1,182
U.S. Treasury--general account 52,215 + 36,352 + 40,248
Foreign--official accounts 169 + 12 - 19
Other 348 + 25 - 65
Total deposits 73,266 + 29,003 + 38,982
Deferred availability cash items (436) 5,862 - 240 - 413
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (5) 5,551 + 511 + 1,487
TOTAL LIABILITIES (436) 507,008 + 29,636 + 67,887
Capital paid in 4,796 + 3 + 772
Surplus 4,475 - 20 + 518
Other capital accounts 155 - 509 - 40
*Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official
and international accounts of which $ 0 million was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 5 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation
on the principal of such securities.
3 Net of $ 13,974 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week. Includes
$ 236 million securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
4 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes special investment account
at Chicago of $ 97 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
5 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Acceptances and securities held under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in accordance with maximum
maturity of the agreements.
Millions of dollars
U.S. government Federal agency
Loans Acceptances securities (1) obligations
Weekly Weekly
Holdings changes Holdings changes
Within 15 day 106 0 Within 15 days 68,449 + 31,856 1141 - 1059
16 days to 90 50 0 16 days to 90 days 90,660 + 1,438 604 0
Over 90 days 0 0 91 days to 1 year 120,653 - 4,834 327 + 14
Over 1 year to 5 years 94,000 + 2,203 416 - 14
Over 5 years to 10 years 37,012 + 1 447 0
Over 10 years 42,117 0 25 0
Total 156 0 Total 452,891 + 30,664 2959 - 1059
1 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 5 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of
inflation on the principal of such securities.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (b)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Gold certificate account 11,051 624 3,938 350 669 965 723 1,069 401 147 286 459 1,420
Special drawing rights certif. acct. 9,200 530 3,202 282 574 792 602 900 340 123 247 367 1,241
Coin 619 15 33 69 29 93 65 80 25 27 53 47 81
Loans 156 10 0 6 0 0 5 31 24 40 23 2 16
Acceptances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 1,970 120 637 66 136 187 131 210 78 27 56 72 248
Held under repurchase agreements(1) 989 0 989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--Bills 195,034 11,890 63,084 6,520 13,491 18,557 13,015 20,803 7,768 2,716 5,569 7,083 24,538
Notes (2) 156,079 9,515 50,484 5,218 10,796 14,850 10,415 16,648 6,216 2,174 4,457 5,668 19,637
Bonds 51,399 3,133 16,625 1,718 3,555 4,890 3,430 5,482 2,047 716 1,468 1,867 6,467
Total bought outright(3) 402,513 24,538 130,193 13,456 27,842 38,298 26,860 42,934 16,032 5,606 11,493 14,618 50,643
Held under repurchase agreements(1) 50,378 0 50,378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total U.S. govt. securities 452,891 24,538 180,571 13,456 27,842 38,298 26,860 42,934 16,032 5,606 11,493 14,618 50,643
Total loans and securities 456,006 24,668 182,197 13,528 27,979 38,485 26,997 43,175 16,134 5,673 11,572 14,691 50,907
Items in process of collection 6,731 390 893 287 298 456 858 523 273 452 326 363 1,610
Bank premises 1,238 95 153 50 110 127 73 109 30 124 55 152 160
Other assets(4) 32,025 1,264 11,380 1,386 1,803 2,314 2,324 3,185 831 563 1,011 1,367 4,596
Interdistrict settlement account -0 -823 9218 -1376 -1774 -4182 -5087 -3276 -1524 -91 -689 4884 4719
TOTAL ASSETS 516,871 26,764 211,015 14,575 29,688 39,050 26,556 45,765 16,511 7,020 12,863 22,330 64,734
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase transactions to foreign official and
international accounts, of which $ 0 was outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Includes $ 750 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 5 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation
on the principal of such securities.
3 Net of $ 13,974 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week. Includes $ 236 million
securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
4 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes special investment account at Chicago of
$ 97 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (c)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Federal Reserve notes 422,329 23,626 149,586 12,914 27,541 36,012 23,050 41,473 15,181 5,106 11,310 19,552 56,978
Depository institutions 20,534 2,096 3,707 689 1,010 1,341 1,502 2,050 684 1,101 654 1,792 3,906
U.S. Treasury--general account 52,215 0 52,215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign--official accounts 169 5 58 9 9 10 13 17 4 3 5 8 28
Other 348 1 120 0 6 84 25 101 1 1 2 3 3
Total deposits 73,266 2,103 56,100 698 1,026 1,436 1,541 2,168 688 1,105 662 1,803 3,937
Deferred credit items 6,298 367 822 235 236 504 744 567 220 483 377 282 1,463
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends (1) 5,551 280 2,345 182 308 421 330 488 194 97 167 186 552
TOTAL LIABILITIES 507,445 26,375 208,854 14,029 29,110 38,372 25,664 44,696 16,283 6,792 12,516 21,823 62,930
Capital paid in 4,796 195 1,080 282 284 341 465 554 115 117 179 260 922
Surplus 4,475 168 1,023 263 286 310 415 515 112 104 168 247 865
Other capital accounts 155 26 58 0 8 27 11 0 1 7 0 0 17
ACCOUNTS 516,871 26,764 211,015 14,575 29,688 39,050 26,556 45,765 16,511 7,020 12,863 22,330 64,734
F.R. notes outstanding 529,350 29,698 193,572 16,057 30,656 42,363 31,783 49,037 17,882 6,519 13,204 24,995 73,584
Less--Held by F.R. Banks 107,022 6,072 43,985 3,144 3,115 6,351 8,734 7,564 2,701 1,413 1,895 5,443 16,606
F.R. notes, net 422,329 23,626 149,586 12,914 27,541 36,012 23,050 41,473 15,181 5,106 11,310 19,552 56,978
Collateral held against F.R. notes
Gold certificate account 11,051
Special drawing rights
certificate account 9,200
Other eligible assets 0
U.S. govt. and agency securities 402,077
Total collateral 422,329
1 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
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Last update: May 1, 1997