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Release Date: May 27, 1999
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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday. The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of F.R. Banks
May 27, 1999
Millions of dollars
Averages of daily figures
Reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items May 26, 1999 May 19, 1999 May 27, 1998 May 26, 1999
Reserve Bank Credit (1,2) 515,213 - 3,741 + 43,246 519,018
U.S. government securities
Bought outright-system account (3) 480,308 + 4,129 + 39,725 480,718
Held under repurchase agreements 845 - 3,234 + 845 2,476
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 311 0 - 240 311
Held under repurchase agreements 1,789 - 3,371 + 1,789 3,522
Acceptances 0 0 0 0
Loans to depository institutions
Adjustment credit 8 - 25 - 67 8
Seasonal credit 106 + 19 - 11 110
Extended credit 0 0 0 0
Float 438 + 127 + 143 53
Other F.R. assets 31,408 - 1,387 + 1,062 31,820
Gold stock 11,048 - 1 - 1 11,048
Special drawing rights certificate account 8,200 0 - 1,000 8,200
Treasury currency outstanding 26,750 + 14 + 1,021 26,750
Total factors supplying reserve funds 561,210 - 3,729 + 43,265 565,016
Currency in circulation* 523,695 + 651 + 42,938 526,353
Treasury cash holdings* 142 - 5 - 95 145
Deposits,other than reserve balances,with F.R.Banks
Treasury 4,888 - 269 - 291 5,101
Foreign 251 + 56 + 79 211
Service-related balances and adjustments (4) 6,958 + 177 + 220 6,958
Other 269 - 24 - 90 235
Other F.R. liabilities and capital 17,353 - 118 + 848 17,121
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 553,556 + 469 + 43,609 556,124
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks (5) 7,655 - 4,197 - 343 8,892
On May 26, 1999, the face amount of marketable U.S. government securities held in custody by the
Federal Reserve Banks for foreign official and international accounts was 595,315 million, a change of
-$ 4,507 million for the week. The total includes the face value of U.S. Treasury strips and other zero
coupon bonds.
1 Net of $ 18,351 million daily average, matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding during the
latest statement week, of which a net of $ 18,351 million was with foreign official and international
accounts. Includes securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government securities.
2 Net of $ 18,640 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest
statement week, of which a net of $ 18,640 million was with foreign official and international
accounts. Includes $ 1,249 million securities loaned--fully secured U.S. government securities.
3 Includes $ 4,740 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 113 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Consists of required clearing balances of $ 6,580 million and adjustments of $ 378 million to
compensate for float.
5 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.
* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)
Millions of Dollars
Change Since
* Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
May 26, 1999 May 19, 1999 May 27, 1998
Gold certificate account 11,048 0 - 1
Special drawing rights certificate account 8,200 0 - 1,000
Coin 381 - 25 - 23
Loans 119 + 18 - 6
Acceptances 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 311 0 - 240
Held under repurchase agreements (1) 3,522 - 2,126 + 3,522
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--Bills 197,059 + 418 - 3,081
Notes (2) 206,125 + 2,160 + 25,535
Bonds (3) 77,533 + 804 + 15,619
Total bought outright (4) 480,718 + 3,383 + 38,075
Held under repurchase agreements (1) 2,476 - 2,309 + 2,476
Total U.S. government securities 483,194 + 1,074 + 40,551
Total loans and securities 487,145 - 1,034 + 43,826
Items in process of collection (553) 7,099 - 942 - 3,007
Bank premises 1,316 + 1 + 29
Other assets (5) 30,515 + 585 + 1,372
TOTAL ASSETS (553) 545,704 - 1,414 + 41,196
Federal Reserve notes 500,129 + 2,265 + 43,091
Depository institutions 15,982 - 3,347 - 674
U.S. Treasury--general account 5,101 + 318 + 88
Foreign--official accounts 211 + 23 + 32
Other (0) 235 - 70 - 76
Total deposits (0) 21,529 - 3,076 - 630
Deferred availability cash items (553) 6,927 - 478 - 2,089
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (6) 4,185 - 133 - 454
TOTAL LIABILITIES (553) 532,769 - 1,422 + 39,916
Capital paid in 6,238 + 25 + 518
Surplus 5,952 0 + 732
Other capital accounts 745 - 17 + 31
*Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase
transactions to foreign official and international accounts of which $ 0 million was outstanding
at the end of the latest statement week.
2 Includes $ 3,570 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 96 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
3 Includes $ 1,170 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 17 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Net of $ 18,640 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest
statement week. Includes $ 1,249 million securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government
5 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes
special investment account at Chicago of $ 0 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
6 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Holdings of securities include securitites held under repurchase agreements, which are classified according
to remaining maturity.
Millions of dollars
U.S. government Federal agency
Loans Acceptances securities (1) obligations
Weekly Weekly
Holdings changes Holdings changes
Within 15 days 106 0 Within 15 days 18,577 + 840 3,570 - 2,078
16 to 90 days 12 0 16 to 90 days 97,933 + 2,790 14 - 48
Over 90 days 0 0 91 days to 1 year 134,250 - 4,583 79 0
Over 1 to 5 years 121,435 + 1,222 20 0
Over 5 to 10 years 48,530 + 2 150 0
Over 10 years 62,469 + 805 0 0
Total 119 0 Total 483,194 + 1,074 3,833 - 2,126
1 Includes $ 4,740 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 113 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (b)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Gold certificate account 11,048 533 4,435 319 566 834 724 993 337 140 313 575 1,279
Special drawing rights certif. acct. 8,200 406 3,215 247 396 683 596 725 232 103 231 451 915
Coin 381 16 14 47 17 45 44 42 19 26 24 42 44
Loans 119 8 0 0 1 0 8 27 24 25 16 0 11
Acceptances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations
Bought outright 311 16 124 9 18 23 19 29 10 4 9 15 33
Held under repurchase agreements(1) 3,522 0 3,522 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. government securities
Bought outright--Bills 197,059 10,191 78,478 5,902 11,407 14,825 11,995 18,508 6,482 2,357 5,909 9,819 21,187
Notes (2) 206,125 10,659 82,088 6,174 11,931 15,507 12,547 19,359 6,780 2,465 6,181 10,271 22,162
Bonds (3) 77,533 4,009 30,877 2,322 4,488 5,833 4,719 7,282 2,550 927 2,325 3,863 8,336
Total bought outright(4) 480,718 24,859 191,444 14,398 27,826 36,164 29,261 45,149 15,813 5,749 14,416 23,953 51,685
Held under repurchase agreements(1) 2,476 0 2,476 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total U.S. govt. securities 483,194 24,859 193,920 14,398 27,826 36,164 29,261 45,149 15,813 5,749 14,416 23,953 51,685
Total loans and securities 487,145 24,883 197,565 14,408 27,846 36,188 29,287 45,205 15,847 5,778 14,441 23,968 51,729
Items in process of collection 7,653 410 786 311 477 478 838 602 287 569 458 447 1,990
Bank premises 1,316 93 162 50 157 125 97 106 31 130 53 148 165
Other assets(5) 30,515 1,378 10,148 868 1,805 4,258 1,928 2,729 755 709 774 1,253 3,910
Interdistrict settlement account 0 + 1,060 - 5,448 + 6,270 - 2,125 -10,204 - 1,567 + 9,859 + 2,481 - 3,380 + 2,623 - 594 + 1,026
TOTAL ASSETS 546,258 28,780 210,876 22,519 29,139 32,407 31,947 60,262 19,988 4,075 18,916 26,290 61,058
1 Does not include U.S. government and federal agency securities resold under matched sale-purchase
transactions to foreign official and international accounts, of which $ 0 was outstanding at the
end of the latest statement week.
2 Includes $ 3,570 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 96 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
3 Includes $ 1,170 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 17 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Net of $ 18,640 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest
statement week. Includes $ 1,249 million securities loaned--fully secured by U.S. government
5 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates. Includes
special investment account at Chicago of $ 0 million in Treasury bills maturing within 90 days.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (c)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Federal Reserve notes 500,129 26,906 197,787 21,258 26,580 27,382 28,095 55,449 18,576 2,404 17,265 24,393 54,035
Depository institutions 15,982 579 2,521 436 1,124 1,503 1,733 2,571 652 635 707 913 2,608
U.S. Treasury--general account 5,101 0 5,101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign--official accounts 211 7 95 4 10 30 10 14 3 5 3 6 24
Other 235 0 140 1 3 56 5 1 1 0 20 1 6
Total deposits 21,528 586 7,857 442 1,136 1,588 1,748 2,586 657 640 730 920 2,638
Deferred credit items 7,480 469 921 250 357 492 942 572 306 511 429 308 1,923
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends (1) 4,185 223 1,498 152 246 337 291 393 158 87 155 212 431
TOTAL LIABILITIES 533,323 28,185 208,063 22,101 28,320 29,800 31,076 59,001 19,696 3,642 18,579 25,833 59,027
Capital paid in 6,238 285 1,308 202 396 1,301 422 608 141 216 163 206 990
Surplus 5,952 267 1,208 177 399 1,238 418 583 121 202 140 227 972
Other capital accounts 745 43 297 39 24 69 31 69 31 15 34 23 70
ACCOUNTS 546,258 28,780 210,876 22,519 29,139 32,407 31,947 60,262 19,988 4,075 18,916 26,290 61,058
F.R. notes outstanding 709,370 32,150 282,564 24,290 32,629 51,511 47,412 68,502 23,558 11,154 23,404 35,817 76,381
Less--Held by F.R. Banks 209,241 5,244 84,777 3,032 6,048 24,128 19,317 13,053 4,982 8,750 6,139 11,424 22,346
F.R. notes, net 500,129 26,906 197,787 21,258 26,580 27,382 28,095 55,449 18,576 2,404 17,265 24,393 54,035
Collateral held against F.R. notes
Gold certificate account 11,048
Special drawing rights
certificate account 8,200
Other eligible assets 0
U.S. govt. and agency securities 480,881
Total collateral 500,129
1 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
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Last update: May 27, 1999