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Release Date: July 6, 2000
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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday. The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of F.R. Banks
July 6, 2000
Millions of dollars
Averages of daily figures
Reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items Jul 5, 2000 Jun 28, 2000 Jul 7, 1999 Jul 5, 2000
Reserve Bank Credit 564,938 + 5,387 + 39,281 563,051
U.S. government securities (1)
Bought outright-system account (2,3) 505,045 - 1,566 + 19,287 505,180
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 - 1,213 0
Federal agency obligations (1)
Bought outright 140 0 - 119 140
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 - 4,996 0
Repurchase agreements -- triparty (4) 25,048 + 7,570 + 25,048 23,245
Acceptances 0 0 0 0
Loans to depository institutions
Adjustment credit 59 + 19 + 12 74
Seasonal credit 460 - 1 + 274 460
Extended credit 0 0 0 0
Float 42 - 791 - 643 -365
Other F.R. assets 34,144 + 156 + 1,630 34,316
Gold stock 11,046 - 1 0 11,046
Special drawing rights certificate account 4,200 0 - 4,000 4,200
Treasury currency outstanding 29,288 + 14 + 2,255 29,288
Total factors supplying reserve funds 609,473 + 5,400 + 37,537 607,586
Currency in circulation* 571,402 + 4,486 + 36,998 573,996
Reverse repurchase agreements -- triparty (4) 0 0 0 0
Treasury cash holdings* 74 + 5 - 16 64
Deposits,other than reserve balances,with F.R.Banks
Treasury 6,159 - 824 + 393 5,358
Foreign 183 + 94 - 24 116
Service-related balances and adjustments (5) 7,063 + 210 + 136 7,063
Other 228 + 30 - 36 241
Other F.R. liabilities and capital 15,709 + 88 - 1,804 15,359
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 600,818 + 4,089 + 35,645 602,198
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks (6) 8,655 + 1,311 + 1,892 5,388
On July 5, 2000, the face amount of marketable U.S. government and federal agency securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve
Banks for foreign official and international accounts was $ 703,697 million, a change of $ + 1,758 million for the week. The total includes
$ 618,152 million of U.S. government securities and $ 85,545 million of federal agency securities. The total includes the face value of
U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
1 Face value of the securities.
2 Net of $ 17,645 million (daily average over statement week) and $ 17,510 million (outstanding on
Wednesday statement date) matched sale-purchase transactions, of which $ 17,645 million (daily average)
and $ 17,510 million (outstanding on Wednesday statement date) were with foreign official and international
accounts. Includes securities loans of $ 2,619 million (daily average) and $ 1,351 million
(outstanding on Wednesday statement date) that are fully collateralized by other U.S. government securities.
3 Includes $ 5,792 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 336 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks. These agreements are collateralized
by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
5 Consists of required clearing balances of $ 6,350 million and adjustments of $ 714 million to
compensate for float.
6 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.
* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)
Millions of Dollars
Change Since
* Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Jul 5, 2000 Jun 28, 2000 Jul 7, 1999
Gold certificate account 11,046 - 1 0
Special drawing rights certificate account 4,200 0 - 4,000
Coin 667 - 12 + 374
Loans 535 + 9 + 313
Acceptances 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements -- triparty (1) 23,245 + 270 + 23,245
Federal agency obligations (2)
Bought outright 140 0 - 119
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 - 4,246
U.S. government securities (2)
Bought outright--Bills 193,022 - 2,704 - 5,687
Notes (3) 226,139 + 1 + 17,283
Bonds (4) 86,020 0 + 8,136
Total bought outright (5) 505,180 - 2,704 + 19,731
Held under repurchase agreements (1) 0 0 - 1,425
Total U.S. government securities 505,180 - 2,704 + 18,306
Total loans and securities 529,100 - 2,425 + 37,499
Items in process of collection (457) 6,269 - 1,655 - 5,045
Bank premises 1,410 + 8 + 89
Other assets (6) 32,895 + 113 + 1,384
TOTAL ASSETS (457) 585,587 - 3,972 + 30,300
Federal Reserve notes 545,439 + 4,775 + 35,835
Reverse repurchase agreements -- triparty (1) 0 0 0
Depository institutions 13,071 - 6,638 + 619
U.S. Treasury--general account 5,358 - 1,255 - 349
Foreign--official accounts 116 - 1 - 144
Other (0) 241 + 50 - 21
Total deposits (0) 18,786 - 7,844 + 104
Deferred availability cash items (456) 6,004 - 948 - 3,650
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (7) 4,604 - 207 + 307
TOTAL LIABILITIES (457) 574,832 - 4,225 + 32,596
Capital paid in 6,866 + 1 + 586
Surplus 2,679 0 - 3,273
Other capital accounts 1,210 + 252 + 391
*Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Includes $ 4,254 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 258 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Includes $ 1,538 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 78 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
5 Net of $ 17,510 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest
statement week. Includes securities loans of $ 1,351 million that are fully collateralized by other
U.S. government securities.
6 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates.
7 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Holdings of securities include securitites held under repurchase agreements, which are classified according
to remaining maturity.
Millions of dollars
U.S. government Federal agency Reverse
Loans securities (1,2) obligations(2) Repurchase Repurchase
Weekly Weekly Agreements Agreements
Holdings changes Holdings changes Triparty(3) Triparty(3)
Within 15 days 175 13,016 - 4,334 0 0 17,240 0
16 to 90 days 359 109,813 + 2,757 10 0 6,005 0
91 days to 1 year 0 135,592 + 435 0 0 ------ ------
Over 1 to 5 years 124,668 - 1,563 10 0 ------ ------
Over 5 to 10 years 53,438 0 120 0 ------ ------
Over 10 years 68,652 0 0 0 ------ ------
Total 535 505,180 - 2,704 140 0 23,245 0
1 Includes $ 5,792 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 336 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
2 Includes face value of securities held under repurchase agreements classified by the remaining maturity of
the agreements.
3 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks classified by remaining maturity of
the agreements.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (b)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Gold certificate account 11,046 535 4,428 414 520 750 802 1,064 359 158 340 514 1,162
Special drawing rights certif. acct. 4,200 219 1,668 158 199 280 317 405 135 58 126 187 448
Coin 667 21 58 38 45 83 84 88 38 29 59 57 67
Loans 535 0 35 5 0 3 12 121 99 141 60 17 41
Acceptances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repurchase Agreements -- triparty(1) 23,245 0 23,245 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations(2)
Bought outright 140 8 54 6 8 8 9 17 5 1 5 4 15
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. government securities(2)
Bought outright--Bills 193,022 11,081 74,507 8,039 10,802 11,331 12,848 23,088 7,332 813 6,432 5,711 21,037
Notes (3) 226,139 12,982 87,290 9,419 12,655 13,275 15,052 27,050 8,590 952 7,536 6,691 24,647
Bonds (4) 86,020 4,938 33,204 3,583 4,814 5,050 5,726 10,289 3,268 362 2,867 2,545 9,375
Total bought outright(5) 505,180 29,002 195,001 21,041 28,270 29,655 33,626 60,427 19,190 2,127 16,835 14,947 55,059
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total U.S. govt. securities 505,180 29,002 195,001 21,041 28,270 29,655 33,626 60,427 19,190 2,127 16,835 14,947 55,059
Total loans and securities 529,100 29,010 218,335 21,052 28,278 29,666 33,648 60,565 19,295 2,268 16,900 14,968 55,115
Items in process of collection 6,726 314 496 178 238 344 435 623 428 664 335 528 2,144
Bank premises 1,410 94 163 50 156 124 200 105 33 127 50 144 165
Other assets(5) 32,895 1,561 10,952 1,180 1,938 5,098 2,156 3,164 972 671 946 1,005 3,253
Interdistrict settlement account 0 + 1,639 + 6,669 + 6 + 2,138 + 159 + 1,228 - 3,657 - 715 - 824 - 767 - 4,549 - 1,326
TOTAL ASSETS 586,044 33,392 242,769 23,076 33,513 36,504 38,869 62,358 20,544 3,150 17,988 12,854 61,027
1 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks. These agreements are collateralized
by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Includes $ 4,254 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 258 million
of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such securities.
4 Includes $ 1,538 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 78 million
of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such securities.
5 Net of $ 17,510 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
Includes securities loans of $ 1,351 million that are fully collateralized by other U.S. government securities.
6 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (c)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Federal Reserve notes 545,439 31,580 229,343 22,026 31,250 32,182 36,677 58,476 19,266 1,463 16,542 11,206 55,429
Reverse repurchase agreements--triparty(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Depository institutions 13,071 641 3,115 347 1,097 1,160 891 1,789 529 551 620 739 1,592
U.S. Treasury--general account 5,358 0 5,358 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign--official accounts 116 1 92 1 2 8 2 3 1 1 1 1 3
Other 241 1 140 0 7 79 0 10 0 0 2 1 1
Total deposits 18,786 643 8,705 348 1,107 1,247 893 1,801 531 552 623 741 1,596
Deferred credit items 6,460 445 623 161 197 301 212 602 292 603 371 327 2,327
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends (2) 4,604 269 1,570 204 262 298 336 520 191 65 175 235 479
TOTAL LIABILITIES 575,289 32,937 240,240 22,739 32,815 34,027 38,118 61,398 20,280 2,683 17,710 12,509 59,831
Capital paid in 6,866 291 1,499 212 455 1,677 482 606 160 335 179 222 748
Surplus 2,679 120 552 83 185 705 192 241 66 98 75 88 275
Other capital accounts 1,210 44 477 41 57 95 78 113 38 34 24 36 174
ACCOUNTS 586,044 33,392 242,769 23,076 33,513 36,504 38,869 62,358 20,544 3,150 17,988 12,854 61,027
F.R. notes outstanding 773,010 38,739 310,889 31,289 37,924 50,113 59,812 71,894 24,311 10,234 22,517 33,875 81,412
Less--Held by F.R. Banks 227,571 7,159 81,546 9,263 6,674 17,931 23,135 13,418 5,045 8,771 5,975 22,670 25,983
F.R. notes, net 545,439 31,580 229,343 22,026 31,250 32,182 36,677 58,476 19,266 1,463 16,542 11,206 55,429
Collateral held against F.R. notes
Gold certificate account 11,046
Special drawing rights
certificate account 4,200
Other eligible assets 1,627
U.S. govt. and agency securities(3) 528,565
Total collateral 545,439
1 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks. These agreements are collateralized
by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
2 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
3 U.S. government and agency securities bought outright or held under repurchase agreement are valued at face amount.
Includes cash value of repurchase agreements under triparty arrangements and excludes the par value of securities
pledged under reverse repurchase agreements.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
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