Federal Reserve Statistical Release, H.4.1, Factors Affecting Reserve Balances; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: February 7, 2002

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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday.  The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.

Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks
                                                                                           February 7, 2002
Millions of dollars
                                                                   Averages of daily figures
      Reserve balances of depository institutions at     Week ended   Change from week ended     Wednesday
 F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items      Feb 6, 2002 Jan 30, 2002  Feb 7, 2001  Feb 6, 2002

Reserve Bank Credit                                         629,719    +   2,091    +  57,637      631,728
  U.S. government securities (1)                                                   
    Bought outright-system account (2,3)                    562,126    +   1,085    +  46,547      563,520
    Held under repurchase agreements                              0            0            0            0
  Federal agency obligations (1)                                                   
    Bought outright                                              10            0    -     111           10
    Held under repurchase agreements                              0            0            0            0
  Repurchase agreements -- triparty (4)                      28,607    +     143    +   9,686       29,500
  Acceptances                                                     0            0            0            0
  Loans to depository institutions
    Adjustment credit                                             6    -       5            0            5
    Seasonal credit                                              16    -       3    -       3           25
    Extended credit                                               0            0            0            0
   Float                                                        964    +     986    +     341          351
   Other F.R. assets                                         37,991    -     114    +   1,177       38,316
Gold stock                                                   11,045            0    -       1       11,044
Special drawing rights certificate account                    2,200            0            0        2,200
Treasury currency outstanding                                33,265    +      14    +   1,300       33,265
        Total factors supplying reserve funds               676,229    +   2,105    +  58,936      678,238
Currency in circulation*                                    631,637    +   1,357    +  51,615      634,133
Reverse repurchase agreements -- triparty (4)                     0            0            0            0
Treasury cash holdings*                                         414    -       8    -      64          408
Deposits,other than reserve balances,with F.R.Banks                                        
  Treasury                                                    6,196    -   2,974    +   1,347        5,376
  Foreign                                                       190    -      73    +     101          594
  Service-related balances and adjustments (5)                9,014    +      87    +   2,566        9,014
  Other                                                         262    +      25    -      77          253
Other F.R. liabilities and capital                           17,539    +      38    -     493       17,460
        Total factors, other than reserve balances,                                        
        absorbing reserve funds                             665,252    -   1,548    +  54,994      667,238

Reserve balances with F.R. Banks  (6)                        10,977    +   3,653    +   3,942       10,999
On   February 6, 2002, the face amount of marketable U.S. government and federal agency securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve
Banks for foreign official and international accounts was $    730,389 million, a change of $  +   3,576 million for the week. The total includes
$    600,995 million of U.S. government securities and $    129,393 million of federal agency securities. The total includes the face value of
U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
1  Face value of the securities.
2  Net of $     19,161 million (daily average over statement week) and $     18,342 million (outstanding on 
   Wednesday statement date) matched sale-purchase transactions, of which $     19,161 million (daily average)
   and $     18,342 million (outstanding on Wednesday statement date) were with foreign official and international
   accounts.  Includes securities loans of $      1,653 million (daily average) and $      1,844 million 
   (outstanding on Wednesday statement date) that are fully collateralized by other U.S. government securities.
3  Includes $     10,186 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and 
   $        934 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such 
4  Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks.  These agreements are collateralized 
   by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
5  Consists of required clearing balances of $      8,649 million and adjustments of $        365 million to 
   compensate for float.
6  Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.

* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)

Millions of Dollars
                                                                                    Change Since
                                                  *          Wednesday        Wednesday        Wednesday
                                                            Feb 6, 2002     Jan 30, 2002      Feb 7, 2001
Gold certificate account                                        11,044        -       1        -       2
Special drawing rights certificate account                       2,200                0                0
Coin                                                             1,162        +      11        +      67
Loans                                                               30        +       5        -       1
Acceptances                                                          0                0                0
Repurchase agreements -- triparty (1)                           29,500        -   2,750        +   5,515
Federal agency obligations (2)          
  Bought outright                                                   10                0        -     100
  Held under repurchase agreements                                   0                0                0
U.S. government securities (2)           
  Bought outright--Bills                                       189,785        -     112        +   6,368
                   Notes (3)                                   269,172        +     604        +  29,448
                   Bonds (4)                                   104,563        +      95        +  11,218
    Total bought outright (5)                                  563,520        +     587        +  47,034
  Held under repurchase agreements                                   0                0                0
     Total U.S. government securities                          563,520        +     587        +  47,034
       Total loans and securities                              593,061        -   2,158        +  52,450
Items in process of collection                    (1,053)        9,584        -     101        -     686
Bank premises                                                    1,510        +       1        +      42
Other assets (6)                                                36,812        -      48        +   1,195
                TOTAL ASSETS                      (1,053)      655,374        -   2,295        +  53,066
Federal Reserve notes                                          602,438        +   2,802        +  50,672
Reverse repurchase agreements -- triparty (1)                        0                0                0
  Depository institutions                                       20,757        +   2,165        +     810
  U.S. Treasury--general account                                 5,376        -   7,964        +   1,471
  Foreign--official accounts                                       594        +     160        +     498
    Other                                             (0)          253        +      25        -      82
      Total deposits                                  (0)       26,979        -   5,615        +   2,696
Deferred availability cash items                  (1,053)        8,496        +     484        +     143
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (7)                      2,300        -      22        -   1,696
                TOTAL LIABILITIES                 (1,053)      640,214        -   2,349        +  51,817
                CAPITAL ACCOUNTS
Capital paid in                                                  7,437        +       4        +     421
Surplus                                                          7,269        -       2        +     970
Other capital accounts                                             454        +      52        -     141

*Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1  Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks.
2  Face value of the securities.
3  Includes $      5,766 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and 
   $        551 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such 
4  Includes $      4,420 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and 
   $        383 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such 
5  Net of $     18,342 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest 
   statement week.  Includes securities loans of $      1,844 million that are fully collateralized by other
   U.S. government securities.
6  Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued daily at market exchange rates.
7  Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of 
   foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.


Millions of dollars
                                    U.S. government         Federal agency                      Reverse
                     Loans          securities (1,2)        obligations(2)        Repurchase   Repurchase
                                              Weekly                  Weekly      Agreements   Agreements
                                  Holdings    changes      Holdings    changes    Triparty(3)  Triparty(3)
Within 15 days              18       21,530   -   3,227            0           0       23,500           0
16 days to 90 days          13      120,531   -   2,361            0           0        6,000           0
91 days to 1 year            0      131,590   +   5,558            0           0     ------      ------
Over 1 to 5 years                   158,021   +     289           10           0     ------      ------
Over 5 to 10 years                   51,958   +     331            0           0     ------      ------
Over 10 years                        79,890   -       4            0           0     ------      ------
Total                       30      563,520   +     587           10           0       29,500           0

1  Includes $     10,186 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and 
   $        934 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such 
2  Includes face value of securities held under repurchase agreements classified by the remaining maturity of 
   the agreements.
3  Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks classified by remaining maturity of 
   the agreements.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

H.4.1 (b)

Millions of dollars
                                                                                                                                                            Kansas                 San
                                               Total     Boston   New York Philadelphia Cleveland   Richmond   Atlanta    Chicago   St. Louis  Minneapolis   City      Dallas   Francisco
Gold certificate account                      11,044        546      4,450        454        538        741        871      1,028        343        143        317        477      1,136
Special drawing rights certif. acct.           2,200        115        874         83        104        147        166        212         71         30         66         98        234
Coin                                           1,162         64         60         55         67        180        128        135         64         36         81        145        147
Loans                                             30          7          0          0          0          0          0          2          1          5          7          4          5
Acceptances                                        0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Repurchase Agreements -- triparty(1)          29,500          0     29,500          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
Federal agency obligations(2)      
  Bought outright                                 10          1          4          0          1          1          1          1          0          0          0          0          1
  Held under repurchase agreements                 0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
U.S. government securities(2)         
  Bought outright--Bills                     189,785     11,403     77,742      7,795     11,111     11,338     13,050     21,495      6,840        592      5,858      3,440     19,120
                   Notes (3)                 269,172     16,172    110,262     11,056     15,759     16,080     18,509     30,486      9,702        840      8,308      4,880     27,118
                   Bonds (4)                 104,563      6,282     42,832      4,295      6,122      6,247      7,190     11,843      3,769        326      3,227      1,896     10,534
     Total bought outright(5)                563,520     33,858    230,837     23,146     32,991     33,665     38,749     63,823     20,311      1,758     17,393     10,216     56,773
  Held under repurchase agreements                 0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
     Total U.S. govt. securities             563,520     33,858    230,837     23,146     32,991     33,665     38,749     63,823     20,311      1,758     17,393     10,216     56,773
       Total loans and securities            593,061     33,865    260,341     23,146     32,992     33,666     38,750     63,827     20,312      1,763     17,400     10,220     56,780
Items in process of collection                10,637        504      1,304        544        573        730        896        683        661        494        706        927      2,614
Bank premises                                  1,510         92        177         49        151        132        280        106         43        123         49        137        172
Other assets(6)                               36,812      1,988     13,407      1,311      2,482      4,757      2,442      3,747      1,012        390      1,004        737      3,536
Interdistrict settlement account                   0    - 2,176    -11,812    - 3,449    - 3,547    +10,955    + 4,430    + 2,444    +   105    +12,737    -   935    + 3,819    -12,572
          TOTAL ASSETS                       656,427     34,997    268,801     22,193     33,360     51,307     47,964     72,181     22,611     15,717     18,689     16,560     52,048

1  Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks.  These agreements are collateralized 
   by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
2  Face value of the securities.
3  Includes $      5,766 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and  $        551 million 
   of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such  securities.
4  Includes $      4,420 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and  $        383 million 
   of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such securities.
5  Net of $     18,342 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.  
   Includes securities loans of $      1,844 million that are fully collateralized by other U.S. government securities.
6  Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates.

Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

H.4.1 (c)

Millions of dollars
                                                                                                                                                            Kansas                 San
                                               Total     Boston   New York Philadelphia Cleveland   Richmond   Atlanta    Chicago   St. Louis  Minneapolis   City      Dallas   Francisco
Federal Reserve notes                         602,438     30,934    251,898     20,734     30,045     45,518     44,346     66,773     21,068     13,811     16,833     14,970     45,507
Reverse repurchase agreements--triparty(1)          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  Depository institutions                      20,757      2,364      5,731        401      1,311      1,185      1,463      2,874        893        903        874        689      2,069
  U.S. Treasury--general account                5,376          0      5,376          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  Foreign--official accounts                      594          2        570          1          3          7          2          3          1          1          1          1          3
  Other                                           253          3        136          0          1        101          0          4          1          0          5          0          1
    Total deposits                             26,979      2,369     11,813        402      1,314      1,294      1,466      2,882        895        903        880        690      2,073
Deferred credit items                           9,550        672      1,158        491        480        747        959        648        227        559        482        477      2,651
Other liabilities and accrued                 
  dividends (2)                                 2,300        143        730        108        134        207        191        248        104         61         97         84        196
    TOTAL LIABILITIES                         641,267     34,118    265,598     21,735     31,973     47,765     46,961     70,551     22,294     15,334     18,291     16,221     50,427
       CAPITAL ACCOUNTS                   
Capital paid in                                 7,437        429      1,504        221        681      1,762        447        791        150        307        193        166        787
Surplus                                         7,269        418      1,504        221        665      1,757        535        793        149         76        191        164        796
Other capital accounts                            454         31        195         16         41         24         21         46         18          0         14          9         38
        ACCOUNTS                              656,427     34,997    268,801     22,193     33,360     51,307     47,964     72,181     22,611     15,717     18,689     16,560     52,048
F.R. notes outstanding                        750,175     35,795    295,686     27,784     34,640     55,874     63,549     74,012     23,860     16,218     21,333     33,252     68,172
  Less--Held by F.R. Banks                    147,737      4,861     43,788      7,050      4,595     10,357     19,202      7,239      2,792      2,407      4,500     18,282     22,665
  F.R. notes, net                             602,438     30,934    251,898     20,734     30,045     45,518     44,346     66,773     21,068     13,811     16,833     14,970     45,507
Collateral held against F.R. notes            
   Gold certificate account                    11,044
   Special drawing rights                 
     certificate account                        2,200
   Other eligible assets                            0
   U.S. govt. and agency securities(3)        589,194
     Total collateral                         602,438

1  Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks.  These agreements are collateralized 
   by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
2  Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of 
   foreign exchange commitments.
3  U.S. government and agency securities bought outright or held under repurchase agreement are valued at face amount.
   Includes cash value of repurchase agreements under triparty arrangements and excludes the par value of securities
   pledged under reverse repurchase agreements.

Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

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