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Release Date: August 29, 2002
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These data are scheduled for release each Thursday. The exact time of each release will be announced, when
the information is available, on (202) 452-3206.
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks
August 29, 2002
Millions of dollars
Averages of daily figures
Reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
F.R. Banks, Reserve Bank credit, and related items Aug 28, 2002 Aug 21, 2002 Aug 29, 2001 Aug 28, 2002
Reserve Bank Credit 655,650 - 2,985 + 55,075 657,499
U.S. government securities (1)
Bought outright-system account (2,3) 603,770 + 1,631 + 61,896 604,401
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations (1)
Bought outright 10 0 0 10
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements -- triparty (4) 13,464 - 6,036 - 9,041 16,000
Acceptances 0 0 0 0
Loans to depository institutions
Adjustment credit 783 + 781 + 746 0
Seasonal credit 198 + 7 + 59 189
Extended credit 0 0 0 0
Float -21 + 284 + 78 -879
Other F.R. assets 37,447 + 349 + 1,337 37,778
Gold stock 11,042 0 - 2 11,042
Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 0 0 2,200
Treasury currency outstanding 34,107 + 14 + 1,196 34,107
Total factors supplying reserve funds 702,999 - 2,972 + 56,269 704,848
Currency in circulation* 659,928 - 420 + 51,351 662,461
Reverse repurchase agreements -- triparty (4) 0 0 0 0
Treasury cash holdings* 369 - 2 - 41 361
Deposits,other than reserve balances,with F.R.Banks
Treasury 6,013 + 1,626 + 1,012 5,091
Foreign 78 - 51 - 28 77
Service-related balances and adjustments (5) 10,144 - 16 + 2,426 10,144
Other 203 - 8 - 88 199
Other F.R. liabilities and capital 19,294 - 407 + 1,177 19,365
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 696,029 + 721 + 55,809 697,699
Reserve balances with F.R. Banks (6) 6,970 - 3,693 + 460 7,150
On August 28, 2002, the face amount of marketable U.S. government and federal agency securities held in custody by the Federal Reserve
Banks for foreign official and international accounts was $ 801,734 million, a change of $ - 3,654 million for the week. The total includes
$ 647,429 million of U.S. government securities and $ 154,305 million of federal agency securities. The total includes the face value of
U.S. Treasury strips and other zero coupon bonds.
1 Face value of the securities.
2 Net of $ 21,966 million (daily average over statement week) and $ 21,834 million (outstanding on
Wednesday statement date) matched sale-purchase transactions, of which $ 21,966 million (daily average)
and $ 21,834 million (outstanding on Wednesday statement date) were with foreign official and international
accounts. Includes securities loans of $ 421 million (daily average) and $ 0 million
(outstanding on Wednesday statement date) that are fully collateralized by other U.S. government securities.
3 Includes $ 12,242 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 1,157 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks. These agreements are collateralized
by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
5 Consists of required clearing balances of $ 9,922 million and adjustments of $ 222 million to
compensate for float.
6 Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float.
* Estimated (Treasury's figures).
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Worksheet for H.4.1 (a)
Millions of Dollars
Change Since
* Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Aug 28, 2002 Aug 21, 2002 Aug 29, 2001
Gold certificate account 11,038 0 - 6
Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 0 0
Coin 1,021 + 4 - 85
Loans 189 - 15 - 85
Acceptances 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements -- triparty (1) 16,000 - 9,250 - 8,755
Federal agency obligations (2)
Bought outright 10 0 0
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0
U.S. government securities (2)
Bought outright--Bills 203,772 + 633 + 19,062
Notes (3) 294,640 + 726 + 37,541
Bonds (4) 105,989 + 123 + 4,925
Total bought outright (5) 604,401 + 1,482 + 61,528
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0
Total U.S. government securities 604,401 + 1,482 + 61,528
Total loans and securities 620,600 - 7,783 + 52,689
Items in process of collection (1,231) 6,626 - 365 + 7
Bank premises 1,522 0 + 10
Other assets (6) 36,256 + 519 + 1,487
TOTAL ASSETS (1,231) 679,263 - 7,625 + 54,103
Federal Reserve notes 629,732 + 1,545 + 49,883
Reverse repurchase agreements -- triparty (1) 0 0 0
Depository institutions 17,849 - 9,424 + 2,323
U.S. Treasury--general account 5,091 + 462 + 416
Foreign--official accounts 77 - 12 - 74
Other (0) 199 - 3 - 83
Total deposits (0) 23,216 - 8,977 + 2,582
Deferred availability cash items (1,231) 6,950 - 352 + 121
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (7) 2,392 + 4 - 663
TOTAL LIABILITIES (1,231) 662,290 - 7,781 + 51,923
Capital paid in 8,248 - 55 + 1,058
Surplus 7,312 0 + 565
Other capital accounts 1,413 + 210 + 558
*Figures in parentheses are the eliminations made in the consolidation process.
1 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Includes $ 7,168 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 648 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
4 Includes $ 5,074 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 509 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
5 Net of $ 21,834 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest
statement week. Includes securities loans of $ 0 million that are fully collateralized by other
U.S. government securities.
6 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued daily at market exchange rates.
7 Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
Millions of dollars
U.S. government Federal agency Reverse
Loans securities (1,2) obligations(2) Repurchase Repurchase
Weekly Weekly Agreements Agreements
Holdings changes Holdings changes Triparty(3) Triparty(3)
Within 15 days 178 25,257 + 531 0 0 14,000 0
16 days to 90 days 11 123,556 + 960 0 0 2,000 0
91 days to 1 year 0 149,625 - 858 0 0 ------ ------
Over 1 to 5 years 172,868 + 725 10 0 ------ ------
Over 5 to 10 years 51,380 + 122 0 0 ------ ------
Over 10 years 81,715 + 1 0 0 ------ ------
Total 189 604,401 + 1,482 10 0 16,000 0
1 Includes $ 12,242 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and
$ 1,157 million of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such
2 Includes face value of securities held under repurchase agreements classified by the remaining maturity of
the agreements.
3 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks classified by remaining maturity of
the agreements.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (b)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Gold certificate account 11,038 533 4,363 430 522 819 926 1,080 346 179 309 485 1,046
Special drawing rights certif. acct. 2,200 115 874 83 104 147 166 212 71 30 66 98 234
Coin 1,021 41 47 47 53 128 136 133 62 33 70 146 125
Loans 189 0 0 0 0 0 8 42 33 74 22 9 2
Acceptances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repurchase Agreements -- triparty(1) 16,000 0 16,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Federal agency obligations(2)
Bought outright 10 1 4 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. government securities(2)
Bought outright--Bills 203,772 11,675 80,176 7,836 11,243 15,893 14,509 23,980 7,246 3,185 6,023 4,522 17,483
Notes (3) 294,640 16,881 115,929 11,330 16,257 22,980 20,980 34,673 10,477 4,606 8,710 6,539 25,279
Bonds (4) 105,989 6,073 41,702 4,076 5,848 8,266 7,547 12,473 3,769 1,657 3,133 2,352 9,093
Total bought outright(5) 604,401 34,629 237,808 23,241 33,348 47,139 43,036 71,126 21,491 9,448 17,866 13,414 51,855
Held under repurchase agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total U.S. govt. securities 604,401 34,629 237,808 23,241 33,348 47,139 43,036 71,126 21,491 9,448 17,866 13,414 51,855
Total loans and securities 620,600 34,629 253,812 23,241 33,348 47,140 43,044 71,169 21,525 9,522 17,888 13,423 51,858
Items in process of collection 7,857 452 854 351 279 533 685 772 374 535 522 298 2,201
Bank premises 1,522 91 183 49 152 130 279 111 43 125 49 138 172
Other assets(6) 36,256 1,892 12,642 1,153 2,452 5,367 2,432 3,722 950 622 949 797 3,278
Interdistrict settlement account 0 - 6,111 +21,789 - 4,042 - 6,211 - 369 - 1,354 - 9,075 - 2,476 + 4,073 - 2,101 +10,964 - 5,086
TOTAL ASSETS 680,494 31,643 294,564 21,311 30,699 53,894 46,315 68,123 20,893 15,119 17,753 26,350 53,828
1 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks. These agreements are collateralized
by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
2 Face value of the securities.
3 Includes $ 7,168 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 648 million
of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such securities.
4 Includes $ 5,074 million of inflation-indexed securities valued at the original face amount and $ 509 million
of compensation that adjusts for the effects of inflation on the principal of such securities.
5 Net of $ 21,834 million matched sale-purchase transactions outstanding at the end of the latest statement week.
Includes securities loans of $ 0 million that are fully collateralized by other U.S. government securities.
6 Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, revalued monthly at market exchange rates.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
H.4.1 (c)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Federal Reserve notes 629,732 29,354 278,985 19,298 28,122 46,157 43,116 62,472 19,652 13,598 16,302 24,823 47,852
Reverse repurchase agreements--triparty(1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Depository institutions 17,849 698 4,929 879 719 2,522 1,237 2,996 466 347 593 686 1,777
U.S. Treasury--general account 5,091 0 5,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign--official accounts 77 2 53 1 3 7 2 3 1 1 1 1 3
Other 199 13 135 1 1 42 3 0 1 0 1 0 0
Total deposits 23,216 712 10,208 881 723 2,571 1,242 2,999 468 348 595 687 1,780
Deferred credit items 8,181 541 805 534 313 781 719 682 250 540 341 387 2,285
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends (2) 2,392 146 747 106 137 232 198 258 107 79 97 90 196
TOTAL LIABILITIES 663,521 30,753 290,746 20,819 29,296 49,741 45,275 66,411 20,477 14,566 17,335 25,988 52,113
Capital paid in 8,248 432 1,770 237 688 2,066 473 836 201 326 199 182 838
Surplus 7,312 418 1,504 221 665 1,757 535 793 149 118 191 164 796
Other capital accounts 1,413 40 544 34 51 329 33 82 66 110 27 17 81
ACCOUNTS 680,494 31,643 294,564 21,311 30,699 53,894 46,315 68,123 20,893 15,119 17,753 26,350 53,828
F.R. notes outstanding 747,489 34,348 312,867 26,507 32,665 55,778 58,926 68,702 23,037 15,512 20,685 33,966 64,496
Less--Held by F.R. Banks 117,757 4,995 33,882 7,209 4,543 9,621 15,811 6,229 3,385 1,914 4,383 9,143 16,644
F.R. notes, net 629,732 29,354 278,985 19,298 28,122 46,157 43,116 62,472 19,652 13,598 16,302 24,823 47,852
Collateral held against F.R. notes
Gold certificate account 11,038
Special drawing rights
certificate account 2,200
Other eligible assets 0
U.S. govt. and agency securities(3) 616,494
Total collateral 629,732
1 Cash value of agreements arranged through third-party custodial banks. These agreements are collateralized
by U.S. government and federal agency securities.
2 Includes exchange translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
3 U.S. government and agency securities bought outright or held under repurchase agreement are valued at face amount.
Includes cash value of repurchase agreements under triparty arrangements and excludes the par value of securities
pledged under reverse repurchase agreements.
Components may not add to totals due to rounding.
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