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Release Date: July 10, 2008
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FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release
Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and
Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks
July 10, 2008
1. Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions
Millions of dollars
Reserve Bank credit, related items, and Averages of daily figures
reserve balances of depository institutions at Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
Federal Reserve Banks Jul 9, 2008 Jul 2, 2008 Jul 11, 2007 Jul 9, 2008
Reserve Bank credit 887,866 - 2,164 + 33,967 882,042
Securities held outright 478,925 + 87 - 311,662 478,951
U.S. Treasury (1) 478,925 + 87 - 311,662 478,951
Bills (2) 21,740 0 - 255,279 21,740
Notes and bonds, nominal (2) 412,392 0 - 62,280 412,392
Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed (2) 39,171 0 + 4,712 39,171
Inflation compensation (3) 5,622 + 87 + 1,185 5,648
Federal agency (2) 0 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements (4) 113,357 + 3,107 + 90,464 107,000
Term auction credit 150,000 0 + 150,000 150,000
Other loans 13,014 - 3,766 + 12,776 13,332
Primary credit 12,856 - 2,005 + 12,813 12,985
Secondary credit 57 - 29 + 57 250
Seasonal credit 101 + 6 - 94 97
Primary dealer credit facility 0 - 1,738 0 0
Other credit extensions 0 0 0 0
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC (5) 28,900 - 916 + 28,900 28,944
Float -1,361 + 157 - 1,358 -1,566
Other Federal Reserve assets 105,031 - 833 + 64,845 105,382
Gold stock 11,041 0 0 11,041
Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 0 0 2,200
Treasury currency outstanding (6) 38,875 + 14 + 349 38,875
Total factors supplying reserve funds 939,982 - 2,149 + 34,315 934,158
Currency in circulation (6) 833,093 + 6,335 + 15,767 832,959
Reverse repurchase agreements (7) 42,984 + 807 + 11,260 41,276
Foreign official and international accounts 42,984 + 807 + 11,260 41,276
Dealers 0 0 0 0
Treasury cash holdings 275 - 3 - 38 280
Deposits with F.R. Banks, other than reserve balances 12,729 + 249 + 1,032 11,877
U.S. Treasury, general account 5,180 + 138 + 268 4,355
Foreign official 100 - 29 + 5 100
Service-related 7,195 + 142 + 764 7,195
Required clearing balances 7,195 + 142 + 764 7,195
Adjustments to compensate for float 0 0 0 0
Other 254 - 2 - 5 227
Other liabilities and capital (8) 44,348 - 2,125 + 4,909 43,969
Total factors, other than reserve balances,
absorbing reserve funds 933,430 + 5,264 + 32,930 930,362
Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks 6,553 - 7,412 + 1,386 3,796
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight and term securities lending facilities; refer
to table 1A.
2. Face value of the securities.
3. Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed
4. Cash value of agreements.
5. Fair value. Refer to table 2 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 5.
6. Estimated.
7. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
8. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, including liabilities that have recourse only to the portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC.
Refer to table 2 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 5.
Sources: Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
1A. Memorandum Items, July 9, 2008
Millions of dollars
Averages of daily figures
Memorandum item Week ended Change from week ended Wednesday
Jul 9, 2008 Jul 2, 2008 Jul 11, 2007 Jul 9, 2008
Marketable securities held in custody for foreign
official and international accounts (1) 2,350,038 + 4,385 + 361,055 2,348,900
U.S. Treasury 1,375,422 + 1,652 + 130,401 1,369,919
Federal agency 974,616 + 2,734 + 230,654 978,981
Securities lent to dealers 109,775 - 7,707 + 106,562 108,438
Overnight facility (2) 6,021 - 7,217 + 2,808 5,141
Term facility (3) 103,754 - 490 + 103,754 103,297
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Face value of the securities. Includes U.S. Treasury STRIPS and other zero-coupon bonds at face value.
2. Fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
3. Fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities, federal agency securities, and highly rated
non-agency asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities.
Sources: Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
2. Information on Principal Accounts of Maiden Lane LLC
Millions of dollars
Account name Jul 9, 2008
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC (1) 28,944
Outstanding principal amount of loan extended by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 28,820
Accrued interest payable to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) 25
Outstanding principal amount and accrued interest on loan payable to JPMorgan Chase & Co. (3) 1,153
1. Fair value. Fair value reflects an estimate of the price that would be received upon selling an asset if
the transaction were to be conducted in an orderly market on the measurement date. Revalued quarterly.
This table reflects valuations as of June 26, 2008.
2. Book value. This amount was eliminated when preparing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's statement
of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted accounting principles. Refer to
the note on consolidation accompanying table 5.
3. Book value. The fair value of these obligations is included in other liabilities and capital in table 1
and in other liabilities and accrued dividends in table 4 and table 5.
Note: On June 26, 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) extended credit to Maiden Lane LLC
under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. This limited liability company was formed
to acquire certain assets of Bear Stearns and to manage those assets through time to maximize repayment of
the credit extended and to minimize disruption to financial markets. Payments by Maiden Lane LLC from the
proceeds of the net portfolio holdings will be made in the following order: operating expenses of the LLC,
principal due to the FRBNY, interest due to the FRBNY, principal due to JPMorgan Chase & Co., and interest
due to JPMorgan Chase & Co. Any remaining funds will be paid to the FRBNY.
3. Maturity Distribution of Term Auction Credit, Other Loans, and Securities, July 9, 2008
Millions of dollars
U.S. Treasury Reverse
Remaining maturity Term Other securities (2) Repurchase repurchase
auction loans Weekly agreements agreements
credit (1) Holdings changes (3) (3)
Within 15 days 75,000 5,290 4,819 + 1,410 67,000 41,276
16 days to 90 days 75,000 8,042 40,250 - 1,411 40,000 0
91 days to 1 year --- 0 73,638 + 6 --- ---
Over 1 year to 5 years --- --- 173,492 + 27 --- ---
Over 5 years to 10 years --- --- 90,155 + 19 --- ---
Over 10 years --- --- 96,597 + 34 --- ---
All 150,000 13,332 478,951 + 85 107,000 41,276
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
--- Not applicable.
1. Excludes the loan from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to Maiden Lane LLC that was eliminated when
preparing that Bank's statement of condition consistent with consolidation under generally accepted
accounting principles. The loan to Maiden Lane LLC is designed to be repaid from the orderly
liquidation of Maiden Lane LLC's portfolio holdings and does not have a fixed amortization schedule.
2. Includes the original face value of inflation-indexed securities and compensation that adjusts for the
effect of inflation on the original face value of such securities.
3. Cash value of agreements.
4. Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks
Millions of dollars
Eliminations Change since
from Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Assets, liabilities, and capital consolidation Jul 9, 2008 Jul 2, 2008 Jul 11, 2007
Gold certificate account 11,037 0 0
Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200 0 0
Coin 1,299 - 18 + 372
Securities, repurchase agreements, term auction
credit, and other loans 749,282 - 5,503 - 62,032
Securities held outright 478,951 + 85 - 311,655
U.S. Treasury (1) 478,951 + 85 - 311,655
Bills (2) 21,740 0 - 255,279
Notes and bonds, nominal (2) 412,392 0 - 62,280
Notes and bonds, inflation-indexed (2) 39,171 0 + 4,712
Inflation compensation (3) 5,648 + 85 + 1,191
Federal agency (2) 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements (4) 107,000 - 6,000 + 86,500
Term auction credit 150,000 0 + 150,000
Other loans 13,332 + 412 + 13,124
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC (5) 28,944 + 51 + 28,944
Items in process of collection (619) 1,668 + 434 - 5,035
Bank premises 2,154 0 + 108
Other assets (6) 103,244 - 876 + 64,273
Total assets (619) 899,829 - 5,910 + 26,631
Federal Reserve notes, net of F.R. Bank holdings 795,659 + 564 + 15,768
Reverse repurchase agreements (7) 41,276 + 185 + 9,980
Deposits (0) 15,693 - 5,037 - 317
Depository institutions 11,010 - 5,222 + 287
U.S. Treasury, general account 4,355 + 216 - 559
Foreign official 100 - 9 + 5
Other (0) 227 - 24 - 50
Deferred availability cash items (619) 3,231 - 162 - 3,882
Other liabilities and accrued dividends (8,9) 3,678 - 871 - 2,019
Total liabilities (619) 859,537 - 5,320 + 19,530
Capital accounts
Capital paid in 19,880 + 4 + 3,715
Surplus 18,493 0 + 3,094
Other capital accounts 1,918 - 594 + 291
Total capital 40,291 - 591 + 7,100
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight and term securities lending facilities; refer
to table 1A.
2. Face value of the securities.
3. Compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed
4. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.
5. Fair value. Refer to table 2 and the note on consolidation accompanying table 5.
6. Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, which are revalued daily at market exchange rates.
7. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
8. Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of
foreign exchange commitments.
9. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, including liabilities that have recourse only to the portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC.
Refer to the note on consolidation accompanying table 5.
5. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank, July 9, 2008
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Assets, liabilities, and capital Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Gold certificate account 11,037 424 3,935 453 423 891 1,221 913 344 199 349 636 1,249
Special drawing rights certificate acct. 2,200 115 874 83 104 147 166 212 71 30 66 98 234
Coin 1,299 36 55 98 108 162 153 161 50 52 92 145 187
Securities, repurchase agreements, term
auction credit, and other loans 749,282 26,077 309,982 25,833 28,102 66,687 64,896 57,158 22,401 11,337 21,752 27,613 87,443
Securities held outright 478,951 20,089 170,408 20,912 18,162 43,430 47,655 42,272 16,551 9,042 17,586 19,867 52,977
U.S. Treasury (1) 478,951 20,089 170,408 20,912 18,162 43,430 47,655 42,272 16,551 9,042 17,586 19,867 52,977
Bills (2) 21,740 912 7,735 949 824 1,971 2,163 1,919 751 410 798 902 2,405
Notes and bonds (3) 457,211 19,177 162,673 19,962 17,337 41,459 45,492 40,353 15,800 8,632 16,788 18,966 50,573
Federal agency (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Repurchase agreements (4) 107,000 4,488 38,070 4,672 4,057 9,703 10,646 9,444 3,698 2,020 3,929 4,438 11,835
Term auction credit 150,000 1,500 92,305 240 5,810 13,479 6,390 4,350 2,016 27 200 3,300 20,383
Other loans 13,332 0 9,200 10 73 75 205 1,092 137 248 38 8 2,248
Net portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane
LLC (5) 28,944 0 28,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Items in process of collection 2,287 104 0 249 599 230 111 188 31 121 93 184 380
Bank premises 2,154 119 212 65 150 203 226 208 124 111 276 253 207
Other assets (6) 103,244 5,577 28,232 9,241 6,697 25,043 8,192 5,122 1,373 1,972 1,474 2,340 7,981
Interdistrict settlement account 0 + 4,949 -52,221 + 5,265 + 1,664 - 8,514 +23,084 +14,173 + 5,165 + 3,428 + 6,876 + 4,343 - 8,211
Total assets 900,448 37,400 320,013 41,286 37,847 84,848 98,050 78,135 29,559 17,250 30,977 35,612 89,471
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes securities lent to dealers under the overnight and term securities lending facilities; refer to table 1A.
2. Face value of the securities.
3. Includes the original face value of inflation-indexed securities and compensation that adjusts for the effect of inflation on the original face value of such securities.
4. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities.
5. Fair value. Refer to the note on consolidation below.
6. Includes assets denominated in foreign currencies, which are revalued daily at market exchange rates.
Note on consolidation:
On June 26, 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York extended a loan under the authority of section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act to Maiden Lane LLC, a limited liability company
formed to acquire certain assets of Bear Stearns. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the primary beneficiary of Maiden Lane LLC. Consistent with generally accepted accounting
principles, the assets and liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC have been consolidated with the assets and liabilities of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the preparation of the
statements of condition shown on this release. As a consequence of the consolidation, the extension of credit from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to Maiden Lane LLC is
eliminated, the net assets of Maiden Lane LLC appear as an asset in this table (and table 1 and table 4), and the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC to entities other than the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, including those with recourse only to the portfolio holdings of Maiden Lane LLC, are included in other liabilities on the next page (and in table 1 and
table 4).
5. Statement of Condition of Each Federal Reserve Bank, July 9, 2008 (continued)
Millions of dollars
Kansas San
Assets, liabilities, and capital Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis City Dallas Francisco
Federal Reserve notes outstanding 988,600 37,390 346,721 40,740 38,726 80,763 119,821 83,074 30,694 17,862 31,661 55,713 105,435
Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks 192,941 4,749 59,339 6,744 6,734 12,408 30,870 12,522 3,500 2,756 3,466 23,668 26,186
Federal Reserve notes, net 795,659 32,641 287,382 33,997 31,992 68,355 88,952 70,552 27,193 15,106 28,195 32,046 79,249
Reverse repurchase agreements (1) 41,276 1,731 14,686 1,802 1,565 3,743 4,107 3,643 1,426 779 1,516 1,712 4,566
Deposits 15,693 773 6,230 438 721 1,745 1,193 790 359 302 506 775 1,860
Depository institutions 11,010 771 1,625 434 718 1,702 1,190 788 346 301 504 774 1,857
U.S. Treasury, general account 4,355 0 4,355 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign official 100 2 70 4 3 11 3 2 0 1 0 1 3
Other 227 1 179 0 0 32 0 0 13 0 1 0 0
Deferred availability cash items 3,850 289 0 481 757 275 296 279 53 282 205 270 662
Other liabilities and accrued
dividends (2,3) 3,678 137 1,401 150 162 381 350 276 149 100 123 166 283
Total liabilities 860,157 35,573 309,699 36,868 35,197 74,499 94,898 75,540 29,181 16,569 30,545 34,969 86,620
Capital paid in 19,880 764 5,065 2,335 1,322 5,178 1,561 1,280 181 322 208 263 1,401
Surplus 18,493 1,050 4,657 1,814 1,291 4,998 1,425 815 180 355 194 364 1,351
Other capital 1,918 13 592 269 38 172 166 499 17 5 30 17 99
Total liabilities and capital 900,448 37,400 320,013 41,286 37,847 84,848 98,050 78,135 29,559 17,250 30,977 35,612 89,471
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Cash value of agreements, which are collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities.
2. Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the daily revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments.
3. Includes the liabilities of Maiden Lane LLC to entities other than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including liabilities that have recourse only to the portfolio holdings of
Maiden Lane LLC. Refer to the note on consolidation on the previous page.
6. Collateral Held against Federal Reserve Notes: Federal Reserve Agents' Accounts
Millions of dollars
Federal Reserve notes and collateral Wednesday
Jul 9, 2008
Federal Reserve notes outstanding 988,600
Less: Notes held by F.R. Banks not subject to collateralization 192,941
Federal Reserve notes to be collateralized 795,659
Collateral held against Federal Reserve notes 795,659
Gold certificate account 11,037
Special drawing rights certificate account 2,200
U.S. Treasury and agency securities pledged (1) 545,270
Other assets pledged 237,152
Total U.S. Treasury and agency securities (1) 585,951
Less: Face value of securities under reverse repurchase agreements 40,681
U.S. Treasury and agency securities eligible to be pledged 545,270
Note: Components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
1. Includes face value of U.S. Treasury and agency securities held outright, compensation to adjust for
the effect of inflation on the original face value of inflation-indexed securities, and cash value of
repurchase agreements.
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