Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
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L.105 General Government 1

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


General government; total financial assets 4386.4 4155.9 4353.8 4576.9 4863.8 5217.2 4863.8 4827.1 5017.7 5037.7 5217.2 1
Federal government; U.S. official reserve assets 95.1 110.9 114.2 109.8 98.0 86.9 98.0 88.7 89.5 89.2 86.9 2
General government; checkable deposits and currency; asset 447.1 206.0 209.7 287.9 367.4 469.8 367.4 234.5 392.2 333.3 469.8 3
General government; total time and savings deposits; asset 244.0 259.9 296.1 313.5 321.3 332.1 321.3 329.9 321.3 324.9 332.1 4
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; money market mutual fund shares; asset 151.1 153.2 157.5 158.8 165.8 182.0 165.8 169.8 173.4 177.4 182.0 5
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; security repurchase agreements; asset 125.7 121.0 124.8 126.3 132.3 145.8 132.3 135.7 138.7 142.0 145.8 6
General government; debt securities; asset 1543.6 1362.9 1348.7 1290.8 1312.1 1372.2 1312.1 1336.5 1337.2 1359.0 1372.2 7
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; commercial paper; asset 102.7 90.5 82.7 73.3 66.3 64.9 66.3 65.4 64.2 67.0 64.9 8
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; Treasury securities, including SLGS; asset 595.7 561.3 604.2 586.3 623.6 681.2 623.6 642.6 640.8 655.0 681.2 9
General government; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset 665.9 533.9 482.4 452.9 438.7 427.4 438.7 441.1 441.6 442.8 427.4 10
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; municipal securities; asset 12.9 13.2 13.3 13.3 13.6 14.8 13.6 13.9 14.2 14.4 14.8 11
General government; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 166.4 164.1 166.1 165.0 169.9 183.9 169.9 173.4 176.4 179.8 183.9 12
General government; loans; asset 846.4 980.7 1119.5 1242.5 1363.9 1486.2 1363.9 1410.6 1431.3 1466.8 1486.2 13
General government; total mortgages; asset 311.2 312.3 316.5 319.3 327.1 343.8 327.1 332.4 336.0 339.2 343.8 14
Federal government; consumer credit, student loans; asset 356.2 484.7 616.8 729.8 840.9 945.6 840.9 881.8 896.0 931.6 945.6 15
Federal government; other loans and advances; asset 179.0 183.7 186.2 193.4 195.9 196.7 195.9 196.4 199.3 196.0 196.7 16
General government; corporate equities; asset 176.8 182.6 178.0 197.3 207.2 213.8 207.2 210.2 211.6 206.2 213.8 17
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; mutual fund shares; asset 58.7 59.1 66.0 78.4 84.4 87.8 84.4 86.0 86.6 83.8 87.8 18
General government; trade receivables; asset 195.1 205.5 213.5 226.2 225.3 226.4 225.3 224.9 227.9 227.0 226.4 19
General government; taxes receivable; asset 262.1 272.8 279.9 289.6 310.2 309.5 310.2 315.9 316.0 326.9 309.5 20
General government; total miscellaneous assets 240.6 241.3 246.0 255.8 276.0 304.8 276.0 284.5 292.0 301.3 304.8 21
General government; total liabilities 17971.5 19448.5 20765.2 21248.6 22029.9 23191.9 22029.9 22209.8 22386.3 22834.8 23191.9 22
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability 54.4 54.2 54.3 54.4 51.2 48.9 51.2 48.7 49.7 49.6 48.9 23
Monetary authority; SDR certificates issued by federal government; asset 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 24
Federal government; Treasury currency; liability 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.6 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25
General government; debt securities; liability 13552.1 14637.2 15812.1 16630.0 17351.9 18128.4 17351.9 17404.9 17336.5 17357.1 18128.4 26
Federal government; debt securities; liability 10528.6 11667.3 12847.8 13705.1 14441.1 15165.6 14441.1 14459.0 14378.1 14400.8 15165.6 27
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; municipal securities; liability 3023.6 2970.0 2964.3 2924.9 2910.9 2962.7 2910.9 2945.9 2958.5 2956.3 2962.7 28
General government; loans; liability 14.4 15.3 15.7 16.2 16.6 16.9 16.6 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.9 29
Federal government; multifamily residential mortgages; liability 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; U.S. government loans; liability 14.4 15.3 15.7 16.2 16.6 16.9 16.6 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.9 31
General government; trade payables; liability 878.7 925.9 977.3 1034.1 1090.2 1149.2 1090.2 1101.3 1121.9 1136.8 1149.2 32
Federal government; life insurance reserves; liability 48.7 50.0 50.3 50.5 51.3 51.1 51.3 50.7 51.0 50.8 51.1 33
General government; total miscellaneous liabilities 3392.1 3734.9 3824.4 3432.7 3438.2 3766.8 3438.2 3557.0 3780.0 4193.3 3766.8 34
General government (consolidated); total financial assets 3776.3 3579.3 3733.9 3974.4 4223.7 4519.1 4223.7 4167.8 4360.2 4366.1 4519.1 35
General government (consolidated); total liabilities 17361.4 18872.0 20145.4 20646.1 21389.7 22493.7 21389.7 21550.5 21728.8 22163.2 22493.7 36


  1. Sum of the federal government and state and local governments sectors.
  2. Excludes Treasury securities held by state and local governments (line 9) and federal government loans to state and local governments (line 31).
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
Current release | Screen reader | PDF (450 KB) | Data Download Program (DDP)

Statistical releases