Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
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S.2.a Selected Aggregates for Total Economy and Sectors

Billions of dollars

Description 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
All sectors; gross value added (IMA) 13129.2 14073.2 14460.1 14619.2 14343.4 14915.2 15556.3 16358.5 16840.8 17560.1 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; gross value added (IMA) 1599.5 1689.4 1749.6 1855.3 1913.6 1928.8 1974.4 2029.4 2086.4 2172.3 2
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; gross value added 2218.8 2440.1 2513.9 2632.4 2466.4 2546.2 2751.6 2909.8 3015.6 3146.9 3
Nonfinancial corporate business; gross value added 6532.2 6988.0 7203.9 7256.8 6859.8 7238.7 7592.3 8011.9 8316.8 8641.0 4
Domestic financial sectors; gross value added (IMA) 1034.3 1127.6 1068.8 851.9 1015.4 1042.8 1045.8 1187.3 1173.3 1301.6 5
Federal government; gross value added (IMA) 552.7 577.6 605.4 637.6 668.8 704.5 720.9 723.7 715.1 723.9 6
State and local governments; gross value added (IMA) 1191.7 1250.3 1318.5 1385.2 1419.4 1454.2 1471.4 1496.5 1533.6 1574.5 7
All sectors; net saving including net capital transfers paid (IMA) 356.6 512.1 236.0 -95.0 -300.4 -124.1 -16.1 327.0 406.4 520.1 8
Households and nonprofit organizations; net saving including net capital transfers paid excluding consumer durables and government insurance and pension fund reserves 243.1 331.4 309.8 536.7 667.4 630.0 710.1 946.7 589.9 620.2 9
Nonfinancial corporate business; disposable income, net; net saving (IMA Q4) 411.7 386.5 313.1 296.7 381.0 603.5 584.2 556.3 650.7 618.5 10
Domestic financial sectors; disposable income, net; net saving including foreign earnings retained abroad and CCAdj (IMA Q4) 73.1 60.7 -48.5 -129.4 171.9 208.4 149.7 134.8 -6.3 80.5 11
Federal government; net saving including net capital transfers paid, insurance and pension fund reserves adjustment and contributions for government social insurance for U.S. affiliated areas (IMA) -304.7 -227.0 -265.6 -634.0 -1248.8 -1328.7 -1244.1 -1090.1 -640.9 -631.5 12
State and local governments; net saving including net capital transfers paid (IMA) -66.6 -39.4 -72.7 -165.1 -271.9 -237.3 -215.9 -220.8 -187.1 -167.7 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; net capital transfers paid -21.9 16.6 6.8 7.7 -28.4 -20.6 2.0 -5.1 19.8 9.3 14
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; net capital transfers paid -13.1 0.0 0.0 -3.3 -6.0 -7.8 -1.6 -4.9 -0.0 0.0 15
Nonfinancial corporate business; net capital transfers paid -15.5 -0.0 -0.0 -3.7 38.3 20.9 -6.4 -17.0 -5.7 -6.7 16
Domestic financial sectors; net capital transfers paid 27.7 0.0 0.0 -60.5 -121.9 -41.5 -32.4 9.6 0.0 10.0 17
Federal government; net capital transfers paid 60.3 43.2 53.0 117.6 186.3 126.3 113.9 85.0 58.1 58.8 18
State and local governments; net capital transfers paid -50.4 -57.8 -59.3 -63.2 -67.7 -76.7 -73.8 -74.2 -71.4 -71.0 19
Rest of the world; net capital transfers paid 12.8 -2.0 -0.4 5.4 -0.6 -0.7 -1.6 6.5 -0.8 -0.4 20
All domestic sectors; gross fixed investment 2981.2 3166.0 3201.5 3091.4 2672.7 2691.1 2836.0 3064.3 3185.5 3378.7 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; gross fixed investment excluding consumer durables 865.0 860.1 736.1 580.4 468.1 452.4 451.9 505.3 558.4 596.2 22
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; gross fixed investment (IMA) 289.2 305.0 313.5 307.5 248.8 243.1 274.8 312.6 330.8 353.7 23
Nonfinancial corporate business; gross fixed capital formation with equity REITs (IMA) 1133.4 1259.9 1348.2 1372.7 1141.9 1181.0 1303.9 1439.9 1498.0 1610.4 24
Domestic financial sectors; gross fixed investment, nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products 180.0 188.7 211.5 196.2 166.9 162.8 167.5 192.1 206.1 222.6 25
Federal government; gross fixed investment 222.9 238.0 251.4 275.8 284.0 300.0 297.4 284.7 269.4 264.6 26
State and local governments; gross fixed investment 290.8 314.3 340.8 358.8 363.0 351.9 340.5 329.7 322.9 331.3 27
All domestic sectors; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis (IMA, sum of parts) 1982.0 2136.0 2264.4 2363.4 2368.4 2381.6 2450.6 2534.2 2632.8 2746.7 28
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis (NIPA basis) 362.1 396.2 413.7 414.6 403.3 400.5 398.2 404.6 427.2 454.8 29
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis 214.4 232.6 245.6 254.5 253.0 251.8 265.0 273.0 284.5 297.5 30
Nonfinancial corporate business; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, including equity REIT residential structures (NIPA basis) 909.9 979.4 1040.3 1093.9 1092.0 1094.6 1139.2 1186.2 1232.2 1285.7 31
Domestic financial sectors; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, including noncorporate financial and excluding REIT residential structures, current cost basis (IMA) 148.9 156.8 165.4 173.9 177.4 176.7 168.6 174.2 182.7 192.0 32
Federal government; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis (NIPA basis) 189.4 200.7 212.8 226.3 234.5 245.3 257.4 264.3 267.7 270.7 33
State and local governments; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis (NIPA basis) 157.3 170.3 186.6 200.2 208.2 212.7 222.2 231.9 238.5 246.1 34
Nonfinancial business; inventories 59.6 67.0 34.5 -32.0 -147.6 61.5 41.8 61.8 71.8 77.1 35
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; inventories 7.1 5.3 3.3 -2.3 -16.8 3.6 6.8 -4.0 16.6 13.9 36
Nonfinancial corporate business; inventories including IVA 52.5 61.7 31.2 -29.7 -130.8 57.9 34.9 65.8 55.2 63.2 37
All domestic sectors; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) (IMA) -689.3 -586.9 -735.5 -785.6 -457.8 -495.8 -444.8 -258.4 -219.0 -189.5 38
Households and nonprofit organizations; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) -228.8 -139.0 -8.2 374.2 640.6 607.2 662.3 858.9 447.1 477.8 39
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) -68.8 -77.7 -71.1 -47.5 27.0 12.9 -15.1 -30.7 -62.8 -70.2 40
Nonfinancial corporate business; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account), includes statistical discrepancy 150.2 30.7 -26.4 33.8 417.2 439.3 391.4 253.0 334.5 236.2 41
Domestic financial sectors; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) (IMA) 14.3 28.8 -94.6 -91.2 304.4 263.8 183.3 107.4 -29.7 39.9 42
Federal government; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) (IMA) -396.6 -293.2 -353.9 -780.6 -1475.7 -1508.7 -1397.1 -1193.4 -698.3 -681.4 43
State and local governments; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) (IMA) -159.7 -136.6 -181.2 -274.3 -371.4 -310.3 -269.6 -253.6 -209.7 -191.8 44
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy (calculated from components) (IMA) -35.5 -217.3 17.5 99.4 75.3 49.2 -38.3 -203.3 -177.6 -212.0 45
Rest of the world; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) 724.8 804.2 718.0 686.2 382.5 446.6 483.2 461.7 396.6 401.6 46
All domestic sectors; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -445.1 -644.4 -349.8 -1096.6 -528.3 -629.0 -656.8 -815.4 275.0 -112.6 47
Households and nonprofit organizations; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -283.2 -346.4 248.2 1131.3 606.4 883.3 1365.6 1015.7 1017.1 729.9 48
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -54.0 -63.9 -57.0 -37.1 44.8 29.5 -15.1 -30.7 -62.8 -70.1 49
Nonfinancial corporate business; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -20.9 -139.0 -208.2 -947.7 548.5 145.2 -397.5 -479.1 63.2 10.7 50
Domestic financial sectors; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) 330.7 243.2 124.7 -102.7 5.9 5.1 73.4 81.9 172.8 26.8 51
Federal government; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -422.8 -310.4 -370.8 -789.1 -1298.2 -1414.9 -1352.4 -1123.2 -658.5 -634.6 52
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) 5.2 -27.9 -86.6 -351.3 -435.6 -277.2 -330.9 -280.1 -256.7 -175.3 53
Rest of the world; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) 698.5 529.8 151.5 765.2 28.0 268.2 416.7 462.8 373.4 323.8 54
Households and nonprofit organizations; total other volume changes (IMA) 280.4 513.1 626.3 871.3 593.5 1179.7 695.3 615.3 1065.9 577.5 55
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; total other volume changes (IMA) -76.1 1.3 -48.7 -315.4 -96.6 181.4 241.8 81.9 183.3 25.2 56
Nonfinancial corporate business; total other volume changes (IMA) 288.5 576.9 678.9 -744.2 172.3 379.3 -54.9 -221.2 435.7 561.0 57
Domestic financial sectors; total other volume changes (IMA) 34.3 -411.2 -78.2 1209.3 -1027.8 -801.9 -73.0 -380.0 -950.5 -387.9 58
Federal government; total other volume changes (IMA) -47.0 30.2 9.3 86.7 121.5 -29.0 48.5 50.5 26.2 83.0 59
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; total other volume changes (IMA) 185.0 277.4 207.6 -946.7 334.8 44.8 -66.5 249.3 577.1 276.8 60
Rest of the world; total other volume changes (IMA) -29.8 -143.4 -538.0 69.8 -339.9 -179.9 -70.6 -4.6 -17.4 -77.8 61
Households and nonprofit organizations; changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses excluding disaster-related losses on residential structures (IMA) 5370.3 3496.6 -466.0 -11777.1 617.0 2379.4 -255.9 4588.7 8175.4 3610.5 62
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; nonfinancial assets 1171.5 429.9 139.5 -1124.8 -1149.5 449.8 386.9 697.3 1016.9 629.5 63
Nonfinancial corporate business; changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses (IMA) 65.4 -1178.4 -228.6 4344.2 -5140.6 -1288.5 468.9 -1419.5 -3965.5 -1560.1 64
Domestic financial sectors; changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses (IMA) 104.8 -8.1 1331.4 564.1 388.6 50.9 292.6 -113.4 -4.2 -190.8 65
Federal government; changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses (IMA) 115.3 116.8 93.3 1.2 -157.9 18.5 36.4 45.3 67.6 56.6 66
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses (IMA) 478.9 621.8 466.0 350.4 -71.7 197.4 394.6 244.3 287.1 189.8 67
Rest of the world; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) -708.1 -565.2 -761.7 1154.7 -900.5 -192.9 876.2 -351.0 286.9 1012.0 68
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth 5915.7 4324.5 463.3 -10376.7 1906.4 4209.7 1147.5 6155.7 9811.4 4798.9 69
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business (net worth) 1108.2 430.1 90.6 -1437.2 -1241.1 638.8 629.6 784.3 1200.0 654.7 70
Nonfinancial corporate business; net worth (IMA) 781.1 -215.0 763.4 3900.4 -4625.6 -326.7 1004.6 -1067.4 -2873.3 -373.9 71
Domestic financial sectors; net worth (IMA) 184.5 -358.6 1204.7 1704.5 -345.3 -501.1 401.7 -368.1 -960.9 -508.2 72
Federal government; net worth (IMA) -296.8 -123.3 -216.0 -663.6 -1471.5 -1465.5 -1273.2 -1079.3 -605.4 -550.6 73
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; net worth (IMA) 647.7 917.6 660.3 -698.1 58.9 81.6 186.0 347.0 748.4 369.9 74
Rest of the world; net worth (IMA) -13.0 95.6 -581.7 1910.8 -857.9 73.9 1288.7 106.1 666.1 1335.8 75
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth 61748.2 66072.6 66536.0 56159.2 58065.6 62275.3 63422.8 69578.6 79389.9 84188.9 76
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business (net worth) 8401.5 8831.6 8922.2 7485.0 6243.9 6882.8 7512.3 8296.6 9496.6 10151.3 77
Nonfinancial corporate business; net worth (IMA) 2232.9 2017.9 2781.3 6681.7 2056.1 1729.4 2734.0 1666.6 -1206.7 -1580.5 78
Domestic financial sectors; net worth (IMA) -1148.8 -1507.3 -302.7 1401.8 1056.5 555.4 957.1 589.0 -371.9 -880.0 79
Federal government; net worth (IMA) -4300.1 -4423.4 -4639.4 -5303.0 -6774.5 -8240.0 -9513.2 -10592.5 -11197.8 -11748.5 80
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; net worth (IMA) 5149.6 6067.3 6727.5 6029.4 6088.3 6169.9 6355.9 6703.0 7451.4 7821.2 81
Rest of the world; net worth (IMA) 1650.7 1746.3 1164.7 3075.4 2217.5 2291.3 3580.1 3686.2 4352.3 5688.1 82

Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
Current release | Screen reader | PDF (450 KB) | Data Download Program (DDP)

Statistical releases