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1. Financial characteristics of all reporting bank holding companies in the United States
Millions of dollars except as noted, not seasonally adjusted
Account or ratio1 2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
Balance sheet  
Total assets 6,745,836 7,486,952 7,991,161 8,880,661 10,339,839 9,357,969 9,711,531 9,959,685 10,339,839 10,710,584 10,956,178 11,237,913
Loans 3,728,570 3,832,553 4,079,878 4,435,683 5,109,518 4,614,913 4,802,958 4,948,873 5,109,518 5,185,007 5,355,072 5,506,691
Securities and money market 2,197,434 2,568,704 2,867,137 3,302,401 3,804,003 3,542,305 3,580,333 3,628,275 3,804,003 4,064,697 4,099,618 4,240,534
Allowance for loan losses -60,376 -68,833 -74,784 -73,817 -74,590 -76,744 -76,533 -76,045 -74,590 -73,385 -72,954 -73,949
Other 880,209 1,154,529 1,118,931 1,216,395 1,500,909 1,277,496 1,404,772 1,458,582 1,500,909 1,534,264 1,574,443 1,564,638
Total liabilities 6,227,975 6,901,281 7,350,380 8,177,652 9,453,246 8,613,886 8,938,465 9,107,754 9,453,246 9,820,040 10,035,265 10,310,107
Deposits 3,771,749 4,025,769 4,357,245 4,705,043 5,249,488 4,847,908 5,005,099 5,064,670 5,249,488 5,349,230 5,447,870 5,551,289
Borrowings 1,991,564 2,073,770 2,244,492 2,630,242 3,158,539 2,903,088 2,956,549 3,055,319 3,158,539 3,423,243 3,525,387 3,663,114
Other3 464,662 801,742 748,643 842,367 1,045,219 862,891 976,816 987,765 1,045,219 1,047,567 1,062,008 1,095,704
Total equity 517,861 585,671 640,781 703,009 886,593 744,083 773,066 851,931 886,593 890,544 920,913 927,806
Unused commitments to lend4 3,297,511 3,481,745 3,650,669 4,097,531 4,823,334 4,354,895 4,426,497 4,574,267 4,823,334 4,910,034 5,040,259 5,245,823
Securitizations outstanding5 n.a. 276,717 295,001 298,348 353,978 308,543 314,258 313,436 353,978 366,430 367,639 374,909
Derivatives (notional value, billions)6 43,608 48,276 57,886 72,914 89,115 79,273 83,109 84,723 89,115 92,623 96,658 98,275
Income statement  
Net income7 73,168 66,510 85,732 107,939 114,290 30,721 25,866 30,160 28,853 32,909 32,707 34,702
Net interest income 197,695 224,470 246,048 257,537 280,623 67,630 71,451 72,038 71,675 72,817 73,179 74,533
Provisions for loan losses 27,604 40,661 45,086 33,052 28,606 7,165 6,994 7,383 7,793 6,577 6,823 9,929
Noninterest income 200,872 218,984 221,516 250,608 271,465 67,222 73,714 66,986 67,661 73,221 72,266 77,490
Noninterest expense 258,213 302,141 296,966 316,338 357,711 82,984 101,029 87,213 90,009 91,256 91,684 93,898
Realized security gains or losses -605 4,338 4,598 5,771 5,491 1,978 1,011 2,001 480 417 1,478 471
Ratios (percent)  
Return on average equity 15.19 11.86 14.11 16.28 14.39 17.07 13.50 14.55 13.37 14.86 14.58 15.14
Return on average assets 1.13 .91 1.11 1.26 1.17 1.33 1.07 1.22 1.12 1.24 1.20 1.25
Net interest margin8 3.58 3.61 3.74 3.51 3.38 3.43 3.48 3.44 3.29 3.18 3.09 3.06
Efficiency ratio7 63.95 66.94 62.41 61.76 63.45 61.36 67.09 62.34 64.35 60.47 61.40 61.69
Nonperforming assets to loans and related assets 1.09 1.44 1.44 1.15 .82 1.09 .96 .89 .82 .76 .71 .70
Net charge-offs to average loans .64 .89 1.04 .84 .67 .72 .66 .60 .71 .57 .52 .65
Loans to deposits 98.86 95.20 93.63 94.28 97.33 95.19 95.96 97.71 97.33 96.93 98.30 99.20
Regulatory capital ratios  
Tier 1 risk-based 8.84 8.92 9.22 9.58 9.37 9.54 9.39 9.34 9.37 9.31 9.30 9.16
Total risk-based 11.80 11.92 12.28 12.60 12.25 12.45 12.25 12.17 12.25 12.18 12.06 11.90
Leverage 6.81 6.68 6.72 6.87 6.61 6.87 6.67 6.72 6.61 6.51 6.54 6.53
Number of reporting bank holding companies 1,727 1,842 1,979 2,134 2,254 2,193 2,211 2,240 2,254 2,282 2,296 2,288

Note: All data are as of the most recent period shown. The historical figures may not match those in earlier versions of this table because of mergers, significant acquisitions or divestitures, or revisions or restatements to bank holding company financial reports. Data for the most recent period may not include all late-filing institutions.

1. Covers top-tier bank holding companies except (1) those with consolidated assets of less than $150 million and with only one subsidiary bank and (2) multibank holding companies with consolidated assets of less than $150 million, with no debt outstanding to the general public and not engaged in certain nonbanking activities.  Return to table

2. Data for all reporting bank holding companies and the fifty large bank holding companies reflect merger adjustments to the fifty large bank holding companies. Merger adjustments account for mergers, acquisitions, other business combinations and large divestitures that occurred during the time period covered in the tables so that the historical information on each of the fifty underlying institutions depicts, to the greatest extent possible, the institutions as they exist in the most recent period. In general, adjustments for mergers among bank holding companies reflect the combination of historical data from predecessor bank holding companies.
     The data for the fifty large bank holding companies have also been adjusted as necessary to match the historical figures in each company's most recently available financial statement.
     In general, the data are not adjusted for changes in generally accepted accounting principles.  Return to table

3. Includes minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries.  Return to table

4. Includes credit card lines of credit as well as commercial lines of credit.  Return to table

5. Includes loans sold to securitization vehicles in which bank holding companies retain some interest, whether through recourse or seller-provided credit enhancements or by servicing the underlying assets. Securitization data were first collected on the FR Y-9C report for June 2001.  Return to table

6. The notional value of a derivative is the reference amount of an asset on which an interest rate or price differential is calculated. The total notional value of a bank holding company's derivatives holdings is the sum of the notional values of each derivative contract regardless of whether the bank holding company is a payor or recipient of payments under the contract. The actual cash flows and fair market values associated with these derivative contracts are generally only a small fraction of the contract's notional value.  Return to table

7. Income statement subtotals for all reporting bank holding companies and the fifty large bank holding companies exclude extraordinary items, the cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles, and discontinued operations at the fifty large institutions and therefore will not sum to Net income. The efficiency ratio is calculated excluding nonrecurring income and expenses.  Return to table

8. Calculated on a fully-taxable-equivalent basis.  Return to table

Source: Federal Reserve Reports FR Y-9C and FR Y-9LP, Federal Reserve National Information Center, and published financial reports.