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Finance and Economics Discussion Series: 2007-63 Screen Reader version

Explaining a Productive Decade

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
August 2007

Figure 1. Link Between Productivity and Hours Reallocation, 1989-2005
Year VA Correlation GO Correlation Reallocation of Hours
1989 -0.0535155 -0.2014017 -0.1776104
1990 0.0299843 0.0633859 -0.626748
1991 0.1000967 0.0783202 0.0537759
1992 -0.0725893 -0.1199595 -0.1637887
1993 -0.1660838 -0.3324218 -0.3873191
1994 -0.2866493 -0.3129775 -0.6610231
1995 -0.1686769 -0.3022837 -0.4316677
1996 -0.1403649 -0.266374 -0.2607342
1997 -0.2109726 -0.3687161 -0.2620888
1998 -0.0706867 -0.1870511 -0.1505468
1999 -0.0844771 -0.169673 -0.1384549
2000 -0.142785 -0.1766794 -0.249077
2001 0.1797918 0.0601071 0.4022595
2002 0.0475499 -0.0335717 -0.213789
2003 0.1371812 0.1006746 0.4618232
2004 0.1076868 -0.0157399 0.0246695
2005 -0.0318396 -0.0746688 -0.1665258
Return to Figure 1

Figure 2. Hours Growth over 2001-04 versus Changes in the Profit Share over 1997-2001, by Industry
short (code) Hours Growth (Y-Axis) Line Change in profit share (X-Axis)
Agr, Forest, Fish (3) -1.308483 -0.8647833 0.0161216
Oil & Gas Extract (7) 0.4783921 -0.1678669 0.0523964
Mining, ex Oil & Gas (8) -1.926314 -0.9807583 0.0100851
Support for Mining (9) -1.172935 0.0138422 0.0618545
Construction (10) 0.9976363 -1.500137 -0.0169488
Wood products (13) -1.852329 -1.209801 -0.0018367
Nonmetallic Mineral (14) -2.49086 -2.160544 -0.0513233
Primary metals (15) -6.443116 -3.546301 -0.1234525
Fabricated Metal Prod (16) -3.41293 -2.126517 -0.0495521
Machinery (17) -5.415203 -1.093705 0.0042062
Computer & Electronics (18) -8.920343 -7.14325 -0.3106752
Electrical Equipment (19) -6.857538 -1.650321 -0.0247659
Motor Vehicles (20) -2.593133 -2.339184 -0.0606215
Other Trans Equip (21) -3.746842 0.9708623 0.1116678
Furniture (22) -2.77527 -2.365643 -0.0619987
Misc Manufacturing (23) -2.258348 -1.236952 -0.0032499
Food, Bev, Tobacco (25) -1.503017 -0.5842755 0.0307222
Textiles (26) -8.376727 -2.945268 -0.0921685
Apparel and Leather (27) -12.85301 -0.5213442 0.0339978
Paper products (28) -5.106559 -2.444744 -0.066116
Printing (29) -5.060967 -1.732012 -0.029018
Petroleum and coal (30) -1.922019 -0.1011126 0.055871
Chemical products (31) -2.097127 -2.079357 -0.0470974
Plastic and Rubber (32) -3.324715 -1.688687 -0.0267629
Utilities (33) -2.11724 -0.9789221 0.0101807
Wholesale trade (34) -1.358438 -1.625871 -0.0234933
Retail trade (35) -0.3693887 -1.940353 -0.0398622
Air Trans (37) -5.080532 -3.649173 -0.128807
Rail Trans (38) -1.24891 -0.7624393 0.0214487
Water Trans (39) 2.957912 -0.9861376 0.0098051
Truck Trans (40) 1.495143 -1.915397 -0.0385633
Transit, Ground Trans (41) 0.1541073 -2.115091 -0.0489574
Pipeline Trans (42) -2.092737 -3.470051 -0.1194837
Other Trans (43) -1.576428 -1.298738 -0.0064659
Warehouse (44) 1.95755 -1.334555 -0.0083302
Publishing/Software (46) -4.441948 -2.26692 -0.0568602
Motion Picture (47) 0.4269641 0.4534088 0.0847341
Broadcast & Telecomm (48) -5.650401 -1.150145 0.0012684
Info and Data Process (49) -7.784585 -5.252045 -0.2122372
Credit Intermediation (52) 2.802341 -0.9563905 0.0113534
Securities (53) -4.029498 -3.96809 -0.1454068
Insurance (54) 0.1773801 -2.266361 -0.0568311
Funds, Trusts (55) -0.033849 1.561463 0.1424088
Real estate (57) 3.150285 -1.15881 0.0008174
Rental and Leasing (58) -1.36131 -1.723026 -0.0285503
Legal services (61) 0.920382 -2.012373 -0.0436109
Computer System Design (62) -3.328817 -3.752531 -0.1341869
Misc Professional (63) -0.3201887 -2.176057 -0.0521307
Management of Companies (64) -0.2184634 -0.695214 0.0249478
Administrative (66) 0.3583012 -1.20276 -0.0014702
Waste Management (67) 1.434411 -1.919163 -0.0387593
Educational services (69) 1.779817 -1.419524 -0.0127529
Ambulatory Health Care (71) 4.033715 -1.128978 0.0023702
Hospitals and Nursing (72) 2.254484 -1.119297 0.0028741
Social assistance (73) 1.827863 -1.258856 -0.00439
Performing Arts (76) 1.729845 -2.2769 -0.0573797
Amusements (77) 0.5958664 -1.59614 -0.0219458
Accommodation (79) -1.226597 -2.24542 -0.0557411
Food Services (80) 1.743385 -1.159844 0.0007636
Other Services (81) 0.4514197 -1.665359 -0.0255487
Return to Figure 2

Figure 3. Labor Productivity Growth over 2001-04 versus Changes in the Profit Share over 1997-2001, by Industry
Labor productivity growth (Y-axis) Line Change in profit share (X-Axis)
3.740014 1.820317 0.0161216
-1.523561 0.7880951 0.0523964
1.73843 1.99209 0.0100851
1.531038 0.5189608 0.0618545
0.4256444 2.761356 -0.0169488
2.851529 2.331331 -0.0018367
3.433168 3.739502 -0.0513233
8.139627 5.791985 -0.1234525
1.395554 3.689104 -0.0495521
5.118451 2.159379 0.0042062
9.056442 11.11952 -0.3106752
3.138146 2.983798 -0.0247659
7.737225 4.004091 -0.0606215
-0.0310204 -0.8985073 0.1116678
4.922609 4.04328 -0.0619987
5.173014 2.371546 -0.0032499
2.045653 1.404849 0.0307222
6.000783 4.901779 -0.0921685
-3.17227 1.31164 0.0339978
3.933162 4.160438 -0.066116
2.14737 3.104793 -0.029018
1.731358 0.6892234 0.055871
5.060474 3.619254 -0.0470974
4.018407 3.040623 -0.0267629
1.946808 1.989371 0.0101807
4.046704 2.947585 -0.0234933
4.772104 3.413372 -0.0398622
12.7394 5.944351 -0.128807
3.725084 1.668732 0.0214487
-2.342624 2.000058 0.0098051
-1.034999 3.376409 -0.0385633
-0.2827822 3.672181 -0.0489574
3.710467 5.679049 -0.1194837
1.897588 2.463059 -0.0064659
2.307115 2.516109 -0.0083302
6.888424 3.897059 -0.0568602
0.754397 -0.1320931 0.0847341
8.934584 2.242974 0.0012684
14.84541 8.318408 -0.2122372
-0.7445472 1.955998 0.0113534
4.240605 6.416708 -0.1454068
3.873351 3.896231 -0.0568311
2.849963 -1.773262 0.1424088
0.7106271 2.255807 0.0008174
3.07757 3.091483 -0.0285503
1.765363 3.520043 -0.0436109
3.691327 6.097438 -0.1341869
4.791853 3.762479 -0.0521307
2.850843 1.569163 0.0249478
1.981091 2.320903 -0.0014702
-0.606984 3.381986 -0.0387593
0.2498995 2.641958 -0.0127529
1.240421 2.211622 0.0023702
0.8606023 2.197283 0.0028741
1.885974 2.403988 -0.00439
-0.6522791 3.911841 -0.0573797
2.537215 2.903549 -0.0219458
5.34958 3.865214 -0.0557411
0.9676438 2.257339 0.0007636
0.8998661 3.00607 -0.0255487
Return to Figure 3

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