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Modeling Direct Investment Valuation Adjustments and Estimating Quarterly Positions

Jane Ihrig and Jaime Marquez1

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This paper takes an in-depth look at U.S. direct investment valuation adjustments. We develop a methodology to generate valuation adjustments at the quarterly frequency, which can be combined with the Bureau of Economic Analysis's quarterly direct investment flows to obtain quarterly estimates of direct investment asset and liabilities. Our methodology involves two steps. First, we estimate valuation adjustment models with annual data. Our models rely on variables that reflect terms used by the Bureau of Economic Analysis in their data construction: exchange-rate changes, changes in the price of products, and changes in stock-market prices. Second, we apply quarterly data to the estimated models to generate quarter valuations and implement a procedure that ensures that the estimated valuations for the four quarters in a given year sum to the reported annual valuation adjustments. With this framework we consider how asset price shocks affect the net direct investment position and, hence, net international investment position.

1  Introduction

This paper takes an in-depth look at direct investment valuation adjustments. First, we estimate models of valuation adjustments for both the direct investment position in the United States and U.S. position abroad, both measured at current cost and market value. Then we use these models to provide quarterly valuation adjustments and positions, something that is not provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Finally, we use the models to illustrate how valuation adjustments respond to asset price shocks.

The fact that valuation adjustments matter is clear from figure 1, which shows the net direct investment position of the United States under alternative valuation schemes. If one simply cumulates net direct investment flows from 1982 to 2004, then the United States has net claims on foreigners of approximately $250 billion. Alternatively, if one adjusts the values of assets and liabilities for inflation and changes in exchange rates -what is known as current cost- then U.S. net claims on foreigners in 2004 is near $600 billion. The $350 billion difference between these two measures of the net direct investment position reflects valuation adjustments over these two decades. Another way to see the impact of valuation adjustments is to look at the net position valued at market value. Here we see the United States moved from being a net debtor of $250 billion in 2001 to a net credit of $500 billion in 2004, most of the change in the position reflects valuation adjustments associated with the decline in the U.S. stock market.

Interest in both the magnitude and volatility of these positions is not new. For example, Cline (2005), Lane and Milesi-Ferretti (2005), Higgins et al. (2005) and Gourinchas and Rey (2005a and 2005b) have focused on the role valuation adjustments play in the process of external adjustment of the United States. What is new in this paper is the development of a methodology to alleviate a key limitation of all previous work: reliance on annual data. Having valuation adjustments at the quarterly frequency is important for a variety of reasons. First, if one is interested in external adjustment, quarterly changes are quite informative and this model can help in analyzing this issue. Second, BEA yearend international investment position data (valuation adjustments and, hence, the position) are released with nearly a six month lag. Researchers who need an estimate of the international investment position can use our valuation adjustment models to generate estimates of the positions many months prior to the data release. Last, one can combine our estimated quarterly valuation adjustments with BEA's quarterly data for direct investment (DI) flows to obtain quarterly estimates of assets and liabilities. As far as we know, such data are not available until now. These quarterly models can be embedded in a detailed economy-wide model of the U.S. economy, such as that used by the Federal Reserve Board, for standard forecasting purposes.

The implementation of the method we provide is straightforward and it is consistent with the data published by the BEA. Greatly simplified, our methodology involves two steps. First, we estimate valuation adjustment models with annual data. Our models rely on variables that reflect terms used by BEA in their construction; that is, independent variables in the models include exchange-rate changes, changes in the price of products, and changes in stock-market prices. This construct allows us to determine the importance of any of these asset price changes on valuation adjustments, and hence, on the net direct investment position (NDIP). This feature not only allows us to better understand the driving factors behind the historic evolution of these series, but also allows us to form expectations of future movement in these valuation adjustments. Second, we combine quarterly data and the estimated models to generate quarter valuations, with the underlying constraint that the valuations for the four quarters in a given year sum to the annual valuation adjustments reported by BEA.

We begin our analysis in section 2 with an overview of valuation adjustments. The econometric models explaining these adjustments are presented in Section 3. Section 4 constructs the quarterly valuation adjustments and quarterly positions that are consistent with BEA's annual data. Section 5 highlights how asset price shocks will affect the net direct investment position. Not only do we provide rules of thumb for how asset price shocks immediately affect the valuations but, we provide dynamic simulations to illustrate the longer-term effects on the valuation adjustments, DI positions and NDIP.

Figure 1. U.S. Net Direct Investment Position (NDIP) and Cumulated Flows

Figure 1 shows the net direct investment position of the United States under alternative valuation schemes. If one simply cumulates net direct investment flows from 1982 to 2004, then the United States has net claims on foreigners of approximately $250 billion. Alternatively, if one adjusts the values of assets and liabilities for inflation and changes in exchange rates -what is known as current cost- then U.S. net claims on foreigners in 2004 is near $600 billion. The $350 billion difference between these two measures of the net direct investment position reflects valuation adjustments over these two decades. Another way to see the impact of valuation adjustments is to look at the net position valued at market value. Here we see the United States moved from being a net debtor of $250 billion in 2001 to a net credit of $500 billion in 2004, most of the change in the position reflects valuation adjustments associated with the decline in the U.S. stock market.

2  Overview of Valuation Adjustments

The BEA offers annual data for three measures of the U.S. DI position abroad and three measures of the DI position in the United States. These measures differ in the manner in how the stocks are valued: historical cost, current cost, and market value. The historical cost measure of direct investment values the DI position at book value, while current cost considers the value based on the current cost of plant and equipment, land, and inventories; the market-value measure insures the equity portion of the position is valued at current stock market prices.

Focusing on the current cost and market value measures, the change in the direct investment positions from one year to the next are a result of both flows and valuation adjustments. BEA decomposes the total valuation adjustments into three sources: exchange-rate adjustments, price adjustments, and `` other.''2 The exchange rate adjustment measures the effect of translating the previous year's dollar value of assets into the current year-end dollar value of assets. Since firms hedge and not all assets are in foreign currency, BEA's exchange rate adjustment for DI abroad is not directly proportional to the change in the value of the dollar over the year.3 The price adjustment varies by the type of valuation method one is using. For current cost, the price adjustment is for revaluing tangible assets using a perpetual inventory model for plant and equipment, general price indexes for land, and special adjustment factors for inventories. For positions valued at market value, the price adjustment reflects changes in the equity portion of the position associated with changes in stock market prices (i.e., revaluations associated with the local stock market).4 The third valuation adjustment term, denoted as `` other'' by BEA, seeks to capture changes in the value of holdings that are not captured by either DI flows, price changes in the stock, or foreign exchange-rate markets. Examples of other valuation adjustments include correction of errors in recording positions or flows; expropriation of assets by foreign governments; impairments of assets due to natural disasters; changes in the firm's good will and changes in coverage.

As shown in Figure 2, movements in the total valuation adjustment for the current-cost position abroad are volatile. For example, from 2000 to 2003, the valuation adjustment swung from -$36 billion to $56 billion, an increase of $112 billion. These swings are dominated by movements in exchange rates, which account for 46 percent of the volatility, and to a lesser extent by movements in foreign prices, which account for 21 percent of the volatility. Interestingly, movements in other valuation adjustments are not trivial and account for 33 percent of the volatility. Valuation effects due to prices and exchange rates are often of the opposite sign and thus tend to offset each other. When the valuation effects have the same sign, their combined effect can be substantial, as seen in 2003 and 2004.

Figure 2. Valuation Adjustments for DI Abroad at Current Cost

Figure 2 shows movements in the total valuation adjustment for the current-cost position abroad are volatile. For example, from 2000 to 2003, the valuation adjustment swung from -$36 billion to $56 billion, an increase of $112 billion. These swings are dominated by movements in exchange rates, which account for 46 percent of the volatility, and to a lesser extent by movements in foreign prices, which account for 21 percent of the volatility. Interestingly, movements in other valuation adjustments are not trivial and account for 33 percent of the volatility. Valuation effects due to prices and exchange rates are often of the opposite sign and thus tend to offset each other. When the valuation effects have the same sign, their combined effect can be substantial, as seen in 2003 and 2004.

Figure 3 shows that the valuation adjustments for DI abroad at market value are even larger and more volatile than those for current cost (note the difference in scale of the y axis). In 2001, for example, the valuation adjustment was -$512 billion, which is close to the U.S. current-account deficit for that year. From 2001 to 2004, the valuation adjustment swung from -$512 billion to $515 billion, an increase of $1.2 trillion. These swings are dominated by movements in stock prices, which account for 77 percent of the volatility. To a lesser extent movements in exchange rates influence this valuation adjustment, which account for 20 percent of the volatility; other valuation adjustments are, in general, small.

Figure 3. Valuation Adjustments for DI Abroad at Market Value

Figure 3 shows that the valuation adjustments for DI abroad at market value are even larger and more volatile than those for current cost (note the difference in scale of the y axis). In 2001, for example, the valuation adjustment was -$512 billion, which is close to the U.S. current-account deficit for that year. From 2001 to 2004, the valuation adjustment swung from -$512 billion to $515 billion, an increase of $1.2 trillion. These swings are dominated by movements in stock prices, which account for 77 percent of the volatility. To a lesser extent movements in exchange rates influence this valuation adjustment, which account for 20 percent of the volatility; other valuation adjustments are, in general, small.

Figure 4 shows that, since 1995, movements in the valuation adjustments for DI in the United States have been dominated by factors other than prices and exchange rates: More than two-thirds of the volatility of the valuation adjustments stems from movements in other adjustments. Movements in U.S. prices account for one-quarter of the volatility of the valuation adjustment and, not surprisingly, exchange rate adjustments are a small portion of the adjustment, as we are focusing on dollar denominated DI in the United States.

Figure 4. Valuation Adjustments for DI in the United States at Current Cost

Figure 4 shows that, since 1995, movements in the valuation adjustments for DI in the United States have been dominated by factors other than prices and exchange rates: More than two-thirds of the volatility of the valuation adjustments stems from movements in other adjustments. Movements in U.S. prices account for one-quarter of the volatility of the valuation adjustment and, not surprisingly, exchange rate adjustments are a small portion of the adjustment, as we are focusing on dollar denominated DI in the United States.

As in the case of DI abroad, market value adjustments for DI in the United States are large and volatile. As shown in Figure 5, the valuation adjustment was -$585 billion in 2002, exceeding the U.S. current-account deficit for that year by $100 billion. From 2002 to 2003, the valuation adjustment swung from -$585 billion to $370 billion, an increase of $960 billion. These swings are dominated by movements in stock prices, which account for 97 percent of the volatility, and to a much lesser extent by movements in other valuation adjustments; valuation adjustments due to exchange rates are negligible.

Figure 5. Valuation Adjustments for DI in the United States at Market Value

Figure 5 shows the valuation adjustment was -$585 billion in 2002, exceeding the U.S. current-account deficit for that year by $100 billion. From 2002 to 2003, the valuation adjustment swung from -$585 billion to $370 billion, an increase of $960 billion. These swings are dominated by movements in stock prices, which account for 97 percent of the volatility, and to a much lesser extent by movements in other valuation adjustments; valuation adjustments due to exchange rates are negligible.

Another way to emphasize the importance of the magnitude and volatility of these valuation adjustments is to compare the annual valuation adjustment in a given year to the DI flow in that year. Figures 6 and 7 illustrate that, on average, over the past decade the current cost valuation adjustments for DI Abroad and DI in the United States represent 20 percent and 30 percent of the annual DI flows, respectively. In 2002 the absolute value of the current cost valuation adjustment for DI in the United States was larger than the inflow.

The market value valuation adjustments tend to be much larger than those associated with current cost (figures 8 and 9). Here we see that, on average, valuation adjustments are over 200 percent of the flows. In 2002 the market value valuation adjustment was over 750 percent of the DI inflow into the United States!

Figure 6. Annual DI Flows and Valuation Adjustments DI Abroad at Current Cost

Figures 6 illustrates that, on average, over the past decade the current cost valuation adjustments for DI Abroad and DI in the United States represent 20 percent and 30 percent of the annual DI flows, respectively. In 2002 the absolute value of the current cost valuation adjustment for DI in the United States was larger than the inflow.

Figure 7. Annual DI Flows and Valuation Adjustments DI in U.S. at Current Cost

Figure 7 illustrate that, on average, over the past decade the current cost valuation adjustments for DI Abroad and DI in the United States represent 20 percent and 30 percent of the annual DI flows, respectively. In 2002 the absolute value of the current cost valuation adjustment for DI in the United States was larger than the inflow.

Figure 8. Annual DI Flows adn Valuation Adjustments DI ABroad at Market Value

Figure 8 shows the market value valuation adjustments tend to be much larger than those associated with current cost. Here we see that, on average, valuation adjustments are over 200 percent of the flows. In 2002 the market value valuation adjustment was over 750 percent of the DI inflow into the United States!

Figure 9. Annual DI Flows and Valuation Adjustments DI in U.S. at Market Value

Figure 9 shows the market value valuation adjustments tend to be much larger than those associated with current cost (figures 8 and 9). Here we see that, on average, valuation adjustments are over 200 percent of the flows. In 2002 the market value valuation adjustment was over 750 percent of the DI inflow into the United States!

3  Modeling Valuation Rates

The first step in modeling annual valuation adjustments is to define the valuation rates associated with each valuation method: current cost ($ cc)$ and market value ($ mv$). For U.S. assets abroad, we define the valuation rate associated with $ ith$ measure ($ cc$ or $ mv$), $ R\alpha_{it}^{a}$ as

$\displaystyle R\alpha_{it}^{a}=\frac{\alpha_{it}^{a}}{A_{i,t-1}^{a}},i=cc,mv, $
where $ \alpha_{it}^{a}$ is BEA's annual nominal valuation adjustment for U.S. assets and $ A_{it}^{a}$ is BEA's $ a$nnual nominal asset position in year $ t$. The valuation rate for U.S. liabilities to foreign residents is
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{it}^{a}=\frac{\lambda_{it}^{a}}{L_{i,t-1}^{a}},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv, $
where $ \lambda_{it}^{a}$ is the annual nominal valuation adjustment for U.S. liabilities to foreigners associated with the $ ith$ measure and $ L_{it}^{a}$ is the $ a$nnual nominal liability position in year $ t.$

The second step is to link these annual valuation rates to the factors BEA uses in its reported valuation adjustments. Specifically, BEA links $ \alpha_{cct}^{a}$ and $ \lambda_{cct}^{a}$ to movement in exchange rates and prices on tangible assets (such as property, plant, equipment and inventories); $ \alpha_{mvt}^{a}$ and $ \lambda_{mvt}^{a}$ are linked to movements in dollar-valued stock prices. The resulting equations are

$\displaystyle R\alpha_{it}^{a}=\theta_{i}X_{i,t}^{a}+u_{it}^{a},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv $
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{it}^{a}=\varphi_{i}X_{i,t}^{a}+v_{it}^{a},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv, $
where $ X_{i,t}^{a}$ is a vector of the variables used by BEA at an annual frequency. The next section selects the variables included in the $ X_{i}^{\prime}s$ and estimates $ \theta_{i}$ and $ \varphi_{i}$ using OLS.

3.1  U.S. DI Abroad at Current Cost

Recall from section 2 that the valuation adjustment to DI abroad at current cost was dominated by movement in the exchange rate and prices of products. Thus we model the total valuation rates as

$\displaystyle R\alpha_{cc,t}^{a}=\alpha\frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}+\beta\pi_{t}^{\ast }+u_{cc,t}^{a},$ (1)

where $ \ \ E_{t}$: is the DI-weighted effective value of the dollar, end of quarter

$ \qquad\pi_{t}^{\ast}$: is the DI-weighted foreign inflation (Q4/Q4), and

$ \qquad u_{cc,t}^{a}$: is the residual.

In constructing both $ \frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}$ and $ \pi^{\ast}$ we use data from 19 foreign countries. Specifically, $ \frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}$ is the DI-weighted sum of bilateral exchange rate growth rates, while $ \pi^{\ast}$ is the DI-weighted sum of foreign CPI inflation rates. The weights vary over time, as the size of each country's year-end U.S. direct investment position varies relative to the total U.S. direct investment position abroad in these countries. Appendix 1 provides the list of countries used in these series construction.

We expect a dollar appreciation (an increase in $ E$) to lower the current-cost value of U.S. assets abroad ($ \alpha<0$) and an increase in the foreign inflation rate to produce the opposite effect ($ \beta>0$). Ideally, $ \alpha\frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}$ should capture the exchange-rate component of the valuation rate, $ \beta\pi_{t}^{\ast}$ should capture price adjustments, and $ u_{cc,t}^{a}$ should represent factors not modeled explicitly.

Based on annual observations from 1976 to 2003, the estimation results confirm our priors (figure 10).5 The estimates indicate that a one percent appreciation of the dollar lowers the rate of current-cost valuation adjustments by about 0.5 percentage points; a one-percent increase in the foreign inflation rate raises the valuation rate by nearly 0.5 percentage points. The coefficient estimate on the exchange rate being less than one can be a result of many factors. First, some assets of the firms may be in dollars (as a matter of fact, some foreign affiliates keep their books in dollars). Second, firms use exchange rate hedges. Third, our DI-weighted dollar does not encompass all the recipients of U.S. direct investment, so that our independent variable is a proxy for the true exchange rate.

Figure 10. Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of U.S. DI Abroad at Current Cost

Figure 10 illustrates that based on annual observations from 1976 to 2003, the estimation results confirm our priors. The estimates indicate that a one percent appreciation of the dollar lowers the rate of current-cost valuation adjustments by about 0.5 percentage points; a one-percent increase in the foreign inflation rate raises the valuation rate by nearly 0.5 percentage points. The coefficient estimate on the exchange rate being less than one can be a result of many factors. First, some assets of the firms may be in dollars (as a matter of fact, some foreign affiliates keep their books in dollars). Second, firms use exchange rate hedges. Third, our DI-weighted dollar does not encompass all the recipients of U.S. direct investment, so that our independent variable is a proxy for the true exchange rate.

As an alternative formulation, we augment equation (1) to include a role for intangible considerations, such as good will, that may be embodied in the ''other'' portion of the valuation adjustment. An example of goodwill is when a U.S. multinational purchases a foreign operation at a market value that is larger than its book value.6 We postulate that these intangibles are a fraction $ \delta$ of the investment rate (flow/position):

$\displaystyle goodwillRate_{_{cc,}t}^{a}=\frac{\delta\cdot O_{t}^{a}}{A_{cc,t-1}^{a}}. $
Thus the empirical formulation becomes
$\displaystyle R\alpha_{cc,t}^{a}=\alpha\frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}+\beta\pi_{t}^{\ast }+\theta\cdot goodwillRate_{_{cc,}t}^{a}+u_{cc,t}^{a}. $

Based on annual observations from 1976 to 2003, the estimation results suggest that our approach to modeling intangibles has no statistical effect on the valuation rate (figure 11). The estimates indicate that a one percent appreciation of the dollar lowers rate of current-cost valuation adjustments by 0.5 percentage points; a one-percent increase in the foreign inflation rate raises the valuation rate by 0.5 percentage points, about what one gets from the estimates of equation (1).

Figure 11. Alternative Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of U.S. DI Abroad at Current Cost

Figure 11 shows that based on annual observations from 1976 to 2003, the estimation results suggest that our approach to modeling intangibles has no statistical effect on the valuation rate. The estimates indicate that a one percent appreciation of the dollar lowers rate of current-cost valuation adjustments by 0.5 percentage points; a one-percent increase in the foreign inflation rate raises the valuation rate by 0.5 percentage points, about what one gets from the estimates of equation (1).

3.2  U.S. DI Abroad at Market Value

BEA revalues the historical-cost value of equity in foreign affiliates of U.S. parents using a weighted average of foreign stock prices. Specifically, BEA uses a weighted average of individual Morgan Stanley stock indexes for countries with relatively large U.S. DI positions, and a world index, excluding the United States, to proxy for movements in other countries' stock markets. With these considerations in mind, we postulate that

$\displaystyle R\alpha_{mv,t}^{a}=\eta\frac{\Delta FSM_{t}}{FSM_{t-1}}+u_{mv,t}^{a},$ (2)

where $ FSM$ is a yearend DI-weighted average of foreign stock-market index expressed in US dollars. Implicit in this formulation is that movements in the bilateral exchange rates and foreign stock markets affect the valuation adjustment homogeneously.7 To construct this series we use 20 individual country stock market series, as well as the Morgan Stanley ROW, excluding the United States, stock market index. BEA uses individual country stock market indexes for the countries with relatively large shares of U.S. DI and then proxies the remaining countries' stock market valuations with the Morgan Stanley index.8 Appendix 1 provides more details.

We expect that an increase in the dollar value of the foreign-stock market to raise the market value of U.S. assets abroad ($ \eta>0).$ The results confirm this expectation (figure 12): a one-percent increase in the foreign stock market raises the valuation rate by three-fourths. Recall that our stock market variable is measured in dollars, so this 3/4 estimate combines the true stock market effect with the dollar effect, where we found a less than 1:1 impact from movement in the dollar on the current cost valuation rate.

Figure 12. Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of U.S. DI Abroad at Market Value

Figure 12 shows that we expect that an increase in the dollar value of the foreign-stock market to raise the market value of U.S. assets abroad $ \eta>0).$ The results confirm this expectation: a one-percent increase in the foreign stock market raises the valuation rate by three-fourths. Recall that our stock market variable is measured in
dollars, so this 3/4 estimate combines the true stock market effect with the dollar effect, where we found a less than 1:1 impact from movement in the dollar on the current cost valuation rate.

3.3  DI in the United States at Current Cost

As noted in section 2, when discussing the components of the valuation adjustments, the role of the exchange rate on valuation adjustments for DI in the United States is negligible. As a result, we focus on price adjustments in the valuation model.

Specifically, we postulate that

$\displaystyle R\lambda_{cc,t}^{a}=\rho\pi_{t}+v_{cc,t}^{a}$ (3)

where $ \pi_{t}$ is the inflation rate of the nonresidential business fixed investment deflator (Q4/Q4) and $ u_{cc,t}^{l}$ is the residual.9 Our expectation is for an increase in the U.S. inflation rate to raise the current cost of U.S. liabilities to foreigners ($ \rho>0$). Based on annual observations from 1973 to 2003, the estimation results confirm this expectation (figure 13). A one-percent inflation rate in nonresidential business fixed investment in the United States translates into a 8/10 percent increase in the valuation rate. This coefficient estimate is not statistically different from one.

Figure 13. Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of DI in the U.S. at Current Cost

Figure 13 shows that based on annual observations from 1973 to 2003, the estimation results confirm this expectation. A one-percent inflation rate in nonresidential business fixed investment in the United States translates into a 8/10 percent increase in the valuation rate. This coefficient estimate is not statistically different from one.

We also consider the alternative formulation for the valuation rate where we augment equation (3) to include a role for intangibles. We postulate that these intangibles are a fraction of the investment rate:

$\displaystyle goodwillRate_{_{cc,}t}^{l}=\frac{\delta\cdot I_{t}}{L_{cc,t-1}}, $
so that
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{cc,t}^{a}=\rho\pi_{t}+\theta\cdot goodwillRate_{_{cc,}t} ^{l}+v_{cc,t}^{a}. $
Based on annual observations from 1973 to 2003, the estimation results suggest that our approach to modeling intangibles has no statistical effect on the valuation rate (figure 14).

Figure 14. Alternative Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of U.S. DI Abroad at Current Cost

Figure 14 shows that based on annual observations from 1973 to 2003, the estimation results suggest that our approach to modeling intangibles has no statistical effect on the valuation rate.

3.4  DI in the United States at Market Value

BEA's market value valuation adjustment uses the Standard and Poor's 500 index to revalue the historical-cost value of equity in U.S. affiliates of foreign parents. Since the revaluation of (stock) prices is the key factor influencing the valuation adjustment, we mimic BEA's analysis by postulating that

$\displaystyle R\lambda_{mv,t}^{a}=\gamma\frac{\Delta SM_{t}}{SM_{t-1}}+v_{mv,t}^{a},$ (4)

where $ SM$ is the end of year value of the Standard and Poor 500 index. We expect that an increase in the U.S. stock market will raise the value of U.S. external liabilities ($ \gamma>0$). Based on data from 1982 to 2003, the results confirm this expectation (figure 15). Also, an increase in the U.S. stock market translates into a nearly proportional increase in the valuation rate. Notice that the regression has a tight fit over the past decade.

Figure 15. Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of DI in the U.S. at Market Value

Figure 15 shows that based on data from 1982 to 2003, the results confirm this expectation. Also, an increase in the U.S. stock market translates into a nearly proportional increase in the valuation rate. Notice that the regression has a tight fit over the past decade.

As an alternative formulation, we augment equation (4) to include a role for intangibles. Specifically, we postulate that these intangible considerations are a fraction of the investment rate:

$\displaystyle goodwillRate_{_{mv,t}}^{l}=\frac{\delta\cdot I_{t}}{L_{mv,t-1}}, $
so that
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{mv,t}^{a}=\beta\pi_{t}+\theta\cdot goodwillRate_{_{mv,t}} ^{l}+v_{mv,t}^{a}. $
Based on annual observations from 1973 to 2003, the estimation results suggest that our approach to modeling intangibles has no statistical effect on the valuation rate (figure 16). The estimates indicate that a one percent rise in the U.S. stock market raises proportionally the valuation rate for market value.

Figure 16. Alternative Regression for the Valuation Adjustment Rate of DI in the U.S. at Market Value

Figure 16 shows that based on annual observations from 1973 to 2003, the estimation results suggest that our approach to modeling intangibles has no statistical effect on the valuation rate. The estimates indicate that a one percent rise in the U.S. stock market raises proportionally the valuation rate for market value.

4  Positions and Valuation Adjustments: Annual and Quarterly Frequencies

4.1  Method

Recall from section 2 that BEA offers annual data for three measures of the U.S. DI position abroad and three measures of the DI position in the United States. These measures differ in the manner in how the stocks are valued: historical cost ($ h$), current cost ($ cc$), and market value ($ mv$). The annual positions positions at current cost and market value are constructed as

$\displaystyle A_{it}^{a}$ $\displaystyle =A_{i,t-1}^{a}+O_{t}^{a}+\alpha_{it}^{a},$ $\displaystyle i=cc,mv $    
$\displaystyle L_{it}^{a}$ $\displaystyle =L_{i,t-1}^{a}+I_{t}^{a}+\lambda_{it}^{a},$ $\displaystyle i=cc,mv, $    

where $ A_{it}^{a}$ is the $ a$nnual asset position in year $ t$ associated with $ ith$ measure ($ cc$ or $ mv$); $ L_{it}^{a}$ is the $ a$nnual liability position in year $ t$; $ I_{t}^{a}$ is the $ a$nnual inflow of direct investment; $ O_{t}^{a}$ is the annual outflow of direct investment; $ \alpha_{it}^{a}$ is the annual valuation adjustment for U.S. assets abroad and $ \lambda_{it}^{a}$ is the annual valuation adjustment for U.S. liabilities to foreigners associated with the $ ith$ measure.10 Substituting in our model estimates for the valuation rates, we rewrite these equations as
$\displaystyle A_{it}^{a}$ $\displaystyle =A_{i,t-1}^{a}+O_{t}^{a}+R\alpha_{it}^{a}\cdot L_{i,t-1} ^{a},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv $    
$\displaystyle L_{it}^{a}$ $\displaystyle =L_{i,t-1}^{a}+I_{t}^{a}+R\lambda_{it}^{a}\cdot L_{i,t-1} ^{a},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv, $    

$\displaystyle R\alpha_{it}^{a}$ $\displaystyle =\frac{\alpha_{it}^{a}}{A_{i,t-1}^{a}}=\theta_{i} X_{i,t}^{a}+u_{it}^{a},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv $    
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{it}^{a}$ $\displaystyle =\frac{\lambda_{it}^{a}}{L_{i,t-1}^{a}}=\varphi _{i}X_{i,t}^{a}+v_{it}^{a},$  $\displaystyle i=cc,mv.$    

To generate quarterly valuation adjustments from these annual estimates, we apply a two-step procedure. First, we use the estimates of $ \theta_{i}$ and $ \varphi_{i}$ to generate a first round of quarterly estimates of the valuation rates. This task involves applying the coefficient estimates to quarterly data:

$\displaystyle \widehat{R\alpha}_{it}^{q}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\theta}_{i}\cdot X_{i,t}^{q} +\widehat{u}_{it}^{q}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{R\lambda}_{it}^{q}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\varphi}_{i}\cdot X_{i,t} ^{q}+\widehat{v}_{it}^{q}$    

where $ X_{t}^{q}$ is the quarterly counterpart of $ X_{t}^{a}.$ First round of quarterly positions are constructed using the first round valuation adjustments. These are
$\displaystyle \widehat{A}_{it}^{q}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{it}^{q-1}+O_{it}^{q}+\widehat{\alpha }_{it}^{q}=\wi... ...A}_{it}^{q-1}+O_{it}^{q}+\widehat{R\alpha}_{it}^{q} \cdot\widehat{A}_{it}^{q-1}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{L}_{it}^{q}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{L}_{it}^{q-1}+I_{it}^{q}+\widehat{\lambda }_{it}^{q}=\w... ..._{it}^{q-1}+I_{it}^{q}+\widehat{R\lambda}_{it}^{q} \cdot\widehat{L}_{it}^{q-1}.$    

Notice that the above equations generate the level of the quarterly valuation adjustments endogenously. To ensure full consistency between the published annual positions and our quarterly estimates for the fourth quarter a second step is needed.

We define an iteration error for quarter $ q$ of year $ t$ as

$\displaystyle e_{it}^{q}=\frac{\alpha_{it}^{a}-\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alpha}_{it}^{q}}{4}, $
where annual data for $ \alpha_{it}^{a}$ are available from the BEA. With this approximation error we generate a second round of quarterly valuation adjustments and positions as
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{it}^{q}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\alpha}_{it}^{q}+e_{it} ^{q}=\widehat{R\alpha}_{it}^{q}\cdot\widehat{A}_{it}^{q-1}+e_{it}^{q}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{it}^{q}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\widehat{A}}_{it}^{q-1}+O_{t} ^{q}+\widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{it}^{q}.$    

As shown in Appendix 2, this second round of quarterly positions is fully consistent with BEA's annual data: $ \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{it}^{4}=A_{it}^{a} $.

We now turn to estimating quarterly positions.

4.2  Results

We estimate quarterly DI positions at current cost ($ cc$) and market value ($ mv$) for DI claims and liabilities. We create a given year's quarter positions by taking BEA's previous year-end DI position and adding the reported quarterly flows and add our quarterly valuation adjustments. In this procedure we ensure our Q4 position matches BEA's reported year-end position as noted above.

Table 1 provides the quarterly DI capital stocks, flows and total valuation adjustments over time for both the current cost and market value for DI Abroad. The fourth quarter capital stock is the same value as BEA's yearend value, and the sum of the four quarter valuation adjustments equals BEA's annual valuation adjustment. The valuation adjustment at current cost, on average, equals 35 percent, in absolute value, of the flow. At market value, the valuation adjustment is nearly 350 percent of the average flow in absolute value, with large positive and negative swings in the adjustment over time.

Table 2 provides the quarterly DI capital stock, flows and total valuation adjustments over time for both the current cost and market value for DI in the United States. Again, the fourth quarter capital stock is the same value as BEA's annual value, and the sum of the four quarter valuation adjustments equals BEA's annual valuation adjustment. The valuation adjustment at current cost, on average, equals 45 percent, in absolute value, of the flow. At market value, the valuation adjustment is over 600 percent of the average flow, with large positive and negative swings in the adjustment over time.

The data presented here are for historical positions, flows and valuation adjustments. The next section uses the valuation models to look into possible future paths of these series.

5  Asset-price Shocks and the Net Direct Investment Position

Now that we have an empirical model for the valuation rates, we can estimate the effect of future changes in asset prices on the net direct investment position ($ NDIP)$. We consider changes in the inflation rates (U.S. and foreign), in the returns on the stock markets (U.S. and foreign) and in the exchange rate. We quantify the effect of a change each of these asset prices, individually, on the NDIP, for both the current cost and market value valuation. We begin, in the first subsection, by providing rules of thumb for the immediate impact of an asset price change on the NDIP. We find potentially large impacts on the NDIP from what might be considered small asset price shocks. In addition, a one-time shock to a asset price affects not only the immediate valuation adjustment and position but, as we show in the following subsection, there are long-term implications for the positions as well.

5.1  Short-run Effect

The model associated with the current-cost valuation is

$\displaystyle NDIP_{cc,t}$ $\displaystyle =A_{cc,t}-L_{cc,t}$    
$\displaystyle A_{cc,t}$ $\displaystyle =A_{cc,t-1}+O_{t}+R\alpha_{cc,t}\cdot A_{cc,t-1}$    
$\displaystyle L_{cc,t}$ $\displaystyle =L_{cc,t-1}+I_{t}+R\lambda_{cc,t}\cdot L_{cc,t-1}$    
$\displaystyle R\alpha_{cc,t}$ $\displaystyle =\alpha\widehat{E}_{t}+\beta\pi_{t}^{\ast}$    
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{cc,t}$ $\displaystyle =\rho\pi_{t},$    

Table 1. Direct Investment Abroad (in million $)

Current Cost KS Current Cost Change in KS Current Cost Flow Current Cost Total VA Market Value KS Market Value Change in KS Market Value Flow Market Value Total VA
815874 29309 21684 7625 1139108.425 24526 21684 2842
834522 18648 16033 2615 1220437.089 81329 16033 65296
856147 21625 23023 -1398 1293126.242 72689 23023 49666
885506 29359 38010 -8651 1363792 70666 38010 32656
911539 26033 26732 -699 1422439.031 58647 26732 31915
927258 15719 16828 -1109 1464040.084 41601 16828 24773
954129 26871 24803 2068 1508899.94 44860 24803 20057
989810 35681 23522 12159 1608340 99440 23522 75918
1010110 20300 32669 -12369 1682658.834 74319 32669 41650
1037967 27858 27385 473 1862068.97 179410 27385 152025
1056033 18066 23369 -5303 1950936.36 88867 23369 65498
1068063 12030 21380 -9350 1879285 -71651 21380 -93031
1111160 43097 45257 -2160 2166971.547 287687 45257 242430
1148095 36935 46885 -9950 2180744.607 13773 46885 -33112
1172812 24717 22958 1759 1962382.426 -218362 22958 -241320
1196021 23209 27544 -4335 2279601 317219 27544 289675
1248491 52470 72236 -19766 2362913.009 83312 72236 11076
1298687 50196 52259 -2063 2480042.653 117130 52259 64871
1381643 82956 66765 16191 2497631.309 17589 66765 -49176
1414355 32712 33674 -962 2839639 342008 33674 308334
1440131 25776 38510 -12734 2881114.96 41476 38510 2966
1475532 35401 55407 -20006 2846239.198 -34876 55407 -90283
1496762 21230 42712 -21482 2767258.588 -78981 42712 -121693
1531607 34845 22583 12262 2694014 -73245 22583 -95828
1543441 11834 39909 -28075 2425739.877 -268274 39909 -308183
1588715 45274 30410 14864 2436059.619 10320 30410 -20090
1658125 69410 47370 22040 2231787.876 -204272 47370 -251642
1693131 35006 24660 10346 2314934 83146 24660 58486
1718716 25585 51746 -26161 2345467.99 30534 51746 -21212
1791898 73182 39655 33527 2239402.297 -106066 39655 -145721
1810512 18614 36755 -18141 1913123.282 -326279 36755 -363034
1860418 49906 26304 23602 2022588 109465 26304 83161
1884847 24429 20065 4364 1934927.266 -87661 20065 -107726
1966235 81388 48195 33193 2262344.991 327418 48195 279223
1995223 28989 43413 -14424 2400031.425 137686 43413 94273
2062551 67328 28906 38422 2718203 318172 28906 289266
2115541 52990 55821 -2831 2820170.148 101967 55821 46146
2146824 31283 63323 -32040 2815277.108 -4893 63323 -68216
2212984 66161 43606 22555 2904705.551 89428 43606 45822
2367386 154402 89262 65140 3287373 382667 89262 293405

Table 2. Direct Investment in the United States (in million $)

Current Cost KSCurrent Cost Change in KSCurrent Cost FlowCurrent Cost Total VAMarket Value KSMarket Value Change in KSMarket Value FlowMarket Value Total VA
628743 10761 9439 1322 817828 59975 9439 50536
643186 14443 12198 2245 883917 66090 12198 53892
662028 18842 17860 982 949925 66008 17860 48148
680066 18038 18279 -241 1005726 55801 18279 37522
701912 21846 28133 -6287 1065806 60080 28133 31947
712038 10126 16698 -6572 1108550 42744 16698 26046
725333 13294 16596 -3302 1139223 30673 16596 14077
745619 20286 25075 -4789 1229118 89895 25075 64820
767706 22087 28669 -6582 1276546 47428 28669 18759
785055 17349 23787 -6438 1470443 193896 23787 170109
797881 12826 19094 -6268 1573382 102939 19094 83845
824136 26255 34053 -7798 1637408 64026 34053 29973
821741 -2395 20060 -22455 1843982 206574 20060 186514
821735 -6 21047 -21053 1917661 73679 21047 52632
826904 5169 25124 -19955 1768107 -149554 25124 -174678
920044 93140 112814 -19674 2179035 410928 112814 298114
923979 3935 27659 -23724 2286675 107640 27659 79981
1041967 117988 143988 -26000 2553859 267185 143988 123197
1063539 21572 51944 -30372 2448168 -105691 51944 -157635
1101709 38170 65853 -27683 2798193 350025 65853 284172
1152751 51042 51465 -423 2882045 83852 51465 32387
1246553 93802 94953 -1151 2886134 4089 94953 -90864
1330294 83741 82124 1617 2920703 34569 82124 -47555
1421017 90723 92732 -2009 2783235 -137468 92732 -230200
1457945 36928 58691 -21763 2525102 -258133 58691 -316824
1505227 47282 61036 -13754 2700887 175785 61036 114749
1506803 1577 16576 -14999 2334809 -366078 16576 -382654
1518473 11670 30718 -19048 2560294 225485 30718 194767
1525562 7089 28116 -21027 2580329 20035 28116 -8081
1512870 -12692 8883 -21575 2250664 -329665 8883 -338548
1503408 -9462 12528 -21990 1876781 -373882 12528 -386410
1517403 13995 31314 -17319 2027420 150639 31314 119325
1547963 30560 31602 -1042 1977676 -49744 31602 -81346
1546481 -1482 2995 -4477 2203542 225865 2995 222870
1555686 9205 6895 2310 2234471 30929 6895 24034
1585898 30212 25599 4613 2457217 222746 25599 197147
1597034 11136 7429 3707 2475541 18324 7429 10895
1635901 38867 33020 5847 2520138 44598 33020 11578
1676109 40208 37240 2968 2489264 -30875 37240 -68115
1708877 32768 29143 3625 2686890 197626 29143 168483

where $ \widehat{E}_{t}=\frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}.$ To quantify the full effect of a change in the exchange rate or inflation rate on the net position needs to recognize that both valuation rates and direct-investment flows might be affected. For this analysis, however, we abstract from the response of direct investment flows because our focus is on the importance of valuation effects. In other words, we assume that $ \Delta O=\Delta I=0.$11 With this understanding, the change in the current cost net position is

$\displaystyle \Delta NDIP_{cc,t}$ $\displaystyle =A_{cc,t-1}\cdot\Delta R\alpha_{cc,t}-L_{cc,t-1} \cdot\Delta R\lambda_{cc,t}$
  $\displaystyle =A_{cc,t-1}\cdot(\alpha\cdot\Delta\widehat{E}_{t}+\beta\cdot\Delta\pi _{t}^{\ast})-L_{cc,t-1}\cdot\rho\cdot\Delta\pi_{t}.$

The data needed to quantify the short-run effect is given below:

Parameter EstimatesInitial Values ($bil)
$ {\small\alpha=-0.54}$
$ {\small\rho=0.81}$
$ {\small\beta=0.49}$
$ {\small A}_{cc}{\small =2367}$
$ {\small L} _{cc}{\small =1709}$

The values of $ \alpha$, $ \beta$ and $ \rho$ are our model estimates, while the position data are BEA's end-2004 values. With these estimates, the short-run response of the net position to alternative shocks is given below:

FactorShockValuation Effect on $ NDIP$ MathematicalValuation Effect on $ NDIP$ Dollar Value ($bil)Valuation Effect on $ NDIP$ Relative to Stock (%)
U.S. Inflation $ {\small\Delta\pi=0.01}$ $ -{\small L} _{cc}{\small\cdot\rho\cdot\Delta\pi}$ -13.8 -0.8
Foreign Inflation $ {\small\Delta\pi}^{\ast}{\small =0.01}$ $ {\small A}_{cc}{\small\cdot\beta\cdot\Delta\pi}^{\ast}$ 11.6 0.5
Exchange Rate $ {\small\Delta}\widehat{E}{\small =0.01}$ $ {\small A}_{cc}{\small\cdot\alpha\cdot\Delta}\widehat{E}$ -12.8 -0.5

The estimates reveal that relatively small changes in inflation and exchange rates translate into non-trivial valuation effects. If U.S. (foreign) inflation rose by one percent, then the NDIP would fall (rise) by nearly $14 billion ($12 billion), or nearly 1 (1/2) percent of the net position. A one percent appreciation in the dollar reduces the NDIP by roughly $13 billion, or 1/2 percent of the net position. Intuitively, the small changes in the valuation rates are being applied to large stocks of direct investment, which gives rise to large nominal valuation effects.

The results also reveal the potential for mutually offsetting effects. For example, if U.S. and foreign inflation increase simultaneously by one percentage point, then there is a decline in the net position of only $2 billion, a relatively small magnitude. Further, if the foreign inflation remains constant but a one percentage point increase in the U.S. inflation rate is accompanied by a one-percent depreciation of the dollar ( $ \Delta \widehat{E}=-0.01)$, then the combined valuation effects lower the net position by roughly $1 billion.

These results can be considered rules of thumbs to use in conjunction with other experiments with asset price shocks. For example, some argue the dollar needs to depreciate 10 percent to 20 percent to improve the U.S. current account balance (see Bergsten and Williamson, 2004, for an overview of economists' estimates of dollar depreciation). Taking the larger figure implies that the NDIP will increase by $255 billion, or 10 percent of the net position. Of course, U.S. inflation may rise during this episode that, as noted above, could offset some of the impact of the dollar depreciation on the net position.

We carry out the same calculations for the market-value valuation method; the associated model is

$\displaystyle NDIP_{mv,t}$ $\displaystyle =A_{mv,t}-L_{mv,t}$
$\displaystyle A_{mv,t}$ $\displaystyle =A_{mv,t-1}+O_{t}+R\alpha_{mv,t}\cdot A_{mv,t-1}$
$\displaystyle L_{mv,t}$ $\displaystyle =L_{mv,t-1}+I_{t}+R\lambda_{mv,t}\cdot L_{mv,t-1}$
$\displaystyle R\alpha_{mv,t}$ $\displaystyle =\eta\cdot\widehat{FSM}_{t}$
$\displaystyle \widehat{FSM}_{t}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{FSM}_{t}^{\ast}-\Delta\widehat{E}_{t}$
$\displaystyle R\lambda_{mv,t}$ $\displaystyle =\gamma\cdot\widehat{SM}_{t},$

where $ \widehat{FSM}_{t}^{\ast}=\frac{\Delta FSM_{t}}{FSM_{t-1}}$ and $ \widehat{SM}_{t}=\frac{\Delta SM_{t}}{SM_{t-1}}.$ Again, with the understanding that what we want is to isolate the role of valuation effects on their own, we assume that direct investment flows are exogenously given. The resulting change in the net position is then given by


$\displaystyle \Delta NDIP_{mv,t}$ $\displaystyle =A_{mv,t-1}\cdot\Delta R\alpha_{mv,t}-L_{mv,t-1} \cdot\Delta R\lambda_{mv,t}$
  $\displaystyle =A_{mv,t-1}\cdot\eta\cdot\Delta\widehat{FSM}_{t}-L_{mv,t-1}\cdot\gamma \cdot\Delta\widehat{SM}_{t}$
  $\displaystyle =A_{mv,t-1}\cdot\eta\cdot(\Delta\widehat{FSM}_{t}^{\ast}-\Delta\widehat {E}_{t})-L_{mv,t-1}\cdot\gamma\cdot\Delta\widehat{SM}_{t}.$

The data used to quantify the valuation effects are given below:

Parameter EstimatesParameter EstimatesInitial Values ($bil)Initial Values ($bil)
$ \eta{\small =0.74}$
$ \gamma{\small =0.87}$
-$ {\small A}_{mv} {\small =3287}$
$ {\small L}_{mv}{\small =1709}$-

The values of $ \eta$ and $ \gamma$ are from our model estimates and the positions are BEA's end-2004 values. With these parameters, the short-run response of the net position to alternative shocks is given below:

FactorShockValuation Effect on $ NDIP$ MathematicalValuation Effect on $ NDIP$ Dollar Value ($bil)Valuation Effect on $ NDIP$ Relative to Stock (%)
U.S. Stock Market $ {\small\Delta}\widehat {SM}{\small =0.01}$ $ {\small -L}_{mv}{\small\cdot \gamma\cdot\Delta}\widehat{SM}$ -24.3 -1.4
Foreign Stock Market $ {\small\Delta} \widehat{FSM}^{\ast}{\small =0.01}$ $ {\small A} _{mv}{\small\cdot\eta\cdot\Delta}\widehat{FSM}^{\ast}$ 23.4 0.7
Exchange Rate $ {\small\Delta}\widehat{E}{\small =0.01}$ $ {\small -A}_{mv}{\small\cdot \eta\cdot\Delta}\widehat{E}$ -23.4 -0.7

The estimates reveal that relatively small changes in asset prices translate into large valuation effects because the small changes in valuation rates are applied to large stocks of direct investment. And, as before, the results also reveal the potential for mutually offsetting effects. For example, if U.S. and foreign stock market prices increase simultaneously by one percentage point, then there is a decline in the net position of only $1 billion, a relatively small magnitude.

5.2  Long-run Effects

The discussion so far has focused on quantifying the immediate effects and has ignored the fact that valuation effects impact the position further quarters out, even in the absence of further changes in inflation rates or other asset prices. Specifically, valuation effects today affect the corresponding stocks today which are then used to quantify valuation effects in the future. To quantify the longer-term impact we use dynamic simulations in which the history constitutes our baseline and focus on the following five shocks:

  1. Exchange rate: Permanent 2.5 percent depreciation of the level of the dollar across all currencies,
  2. Foreign stock market: Permanent 2.5 percent increase in the level of the stock-market prices in foreign currency across all currencies,
  3. Foreign prices: Permanent 2.5 percent increase in the level of the foreign consumer price index,
  4. U.S. stock market: Permanent 2.5 percent increase in the level of the U.S. stock-market price,
  5. U.S. prices: Permanent 2.5 percent increase in the level of the U.S. nonresidential investment deflator.

All of these shocks begin in 2000q1 and the simulations are run through 2004q4.

5.2.1  Exchange-Rate Shock

A shock to the dollar affects the both the current cost and the market value position of U.S. direct investment abroad and, hence, the U.S. NDIP. The current-cost effect operates through the translation of the value of assets denominated in foreign currencies to dollars. The market-value effect operates through the change in the dollar value of the foreign stock market even though we assume the individual foreign stock market indexes remain unchanged. Specifically, the change in the dollar value of foreign stock price index is given by

$\displaystyle \widehat{FSM}_{t}=\widehat{FSM}_{t}^{\ast}-\Delta\widehat{E}_{t}. $

Figure 17 illustrates the effect of the 2.5 percent depreciation on the valuation rate for DI abroad (top panel) and U.S. DI position abroad (bottom panel). The valuation rate at current cost increases by 1.3 percentage points in 2000q1 relative to its baseline, but is unchanged thereafter. Recall the valuation rate is a function of the change in the exchange rate, so the permanent depreciation affects the growth rate of the dollar in the first quarter of the shock only. The valuation rate for DI abroad at market value has a similar pattern. It increases by 1.9 percentage points relative to baseline at the onset of the shock. The different effects on current cost and market value are a result of the underlying models, which estimate a more sizeable effect from movements in the dollar value of the foreign stock market on the valuation rate than pure movement in the exchange rate as in the current cost.

Figure 17. Exchange-Rate Shock

Figure 17 illustrates the effect of the 2.5 percent depreciation on the valuation rate for DI abroad (top panel) and U.S. DI position abroad (bottom panel). The valuation rate at current cost increases by 1.3 percentage points in 2000q1 relative to its baseline, but is unchanged thereafter. Recall the valuation rate is a function of the change in the exchange rate, so the permanent depreciation affects the growth rate of the dollar in the first quarter of the shock only. The valuation rate for DI abroad at market value has a similar pattern. It increases by 1.9 percentage points relative to baseline at the onset of the shock. The different effects on current cost and market value are a result of the underlying models, which estimate a more sizeable effect from movements in the dollar value of the foreign stock market on the valuation rate than pure movement in the exchange rate as in the current cost.

Assuming no change in DI outflows, the second panel shows the evolution of the stock of direct investment abroad. We find that at current-cost this stock increases by 1.3 percent at the onset of the shock; this is the short-run impact we reviewed in the previous sub-section. This initial increase is long lasting but its importance relative to baseline diminishes over time: after five years the boost from the dollar depreciation is about 70 percent of the original impact; of course, the deviation is still near 1 percent above baseline. For the market-value stock, the initial impact of the depreciation is to push the position up by 1.8 percent. This positive boost falls to about 1.3 percent by the end of 2005.

Overall, a ceteris paribus dollar depreciation boosts the direct investment position abroad, which raises the net position. Although the effect of the depreciation is tempered over time, at five years out the DI position abroad is about 1 percent higher than baseline, depending on the valuation method.

5.2.2  Foreign Stock-Market Shock

In this experiment we permanently increase the level of each individual foreign stock market index by 2.5 percent. This experiment solely affects the market value valuation adjustment and position for U.S. DI abroad. The effect of the higher foreign stock market on the valuation rate is shown in the top panel of Figure 18. The valuation rate moves up by nearly 2 percentage points in 2000q1 relative to its baseline. Assuming no change in DI outflows, the second panel shows the how the market-value of the DI position abroad evolves. We find that this position initially jumps up by 1.8 percent and this increase tapers down to 1.3 percent by the end of 2005. This experiment shows how the NDIP valued at current cost is boosted by foreign inflation. Of all the shocks we performed, this has the most modest effect on the net position.

Figure 18. Foreign Stock-Market Shock

Figure 18 shows the effect of the higher foreign stock market on the valuation rate as shown in the top panel of the figure. The valuation rate moves up by nearly 2 percentage points in 2000q1 relative to its baseline. Assuming no change in DI outflows, the second panel shows the how the market-value of the DI position abroad evolves. We find that this position initially jumps up by 1.8 percent and this increase tapers down to 1.3 percent by the end of 2005. This experiment shows how the NDIP valued at current cost is boosted by foreign inflation. Of all the shocks we performed, this has the most modest effect on the net position.

5.2.3  Foreign-Price Shock

In this experiment we raise the level of foreign prices by 2.5 percent. As shown in the top panel of figure 19, this shock raises the valuation rate on DI abroad at current cost by 1.2 percentage points. There is no effect on the market value valuation rate because prices in this measure are equity prices, not prices on land, plants, equipment and inventories. As shown in the bottom panel, the DI position abroad at current cost is boosted by 1.2 percent in the first quarter, but tapers down to 0.8 percent five years out.

Figure 19. Foreign-Price Shock

Figure 19 shows, in the top panel, this shock raises the valuation rate on DI abroad at current cost by 1.2 percentage points. There is no effect on the market value valuation rate because prices in this measure are equity prices, not prices on land, plants, equipment and inventories. As shown in the bottom panel, the DI position abroad at current cost is boosted by 1.2 percent in the first quarter, but tapers down to 0.8 percent five years out.

5.2.4  U.S. Stock-Market Shock

In this experiment we permanently increase the level of the U.S. stock market index, the S&P 500, by 2.5 percent. This experiment solely affects the market value valuation adjustment and DI position in the United States.

The effect of the higher U.S. stock market on the valuation rate is shown in the top panel of Figure 20. The valuation rate moves up by over 2 percentage points in 2000q1 relative to its baseline. Assuming no change in DI outflows, the bottom panel shows the impact on the market value DI position in the United States. We find the position at market value initially jumps up by over 2 percent. The positive boost tapers down to 1.6 percent by the end of 2004. So, a U.S. stock market boom raises the value of the direct-investment position in the United States and thus dampens the net direct-investment position. After four years the DI position in the United States is boosted by over 1 1/2 percent.

Figure 20. U.S. Stock-Market Shock

Figure 20 shows the effect of the higher U.S. stock market on the valuation rate as shown in the top panel of the figure. The valuation rate moves up by over 2 percentage points in 2000q1 relative to its baseline. Assuming no change in DI outflows, the bottom panel shows the impact on the market value DI position in the United States. We find the position at market value initially jumps up by over 2 percent. The positive boost tapers down to 1.6 percent by the end of 2004. So, a U.S. stock market boom raises the value of the direct-investment position in the United States and thus dampens the net direct-investment position. After four years the DI position in the United States is boosted by over 1 1/2 percent.

5.2.5  U.S. Investment Deflator Shock

In this experiment we raise the level of the U.S. investment deflator by 2.5 percent. Our choice of deflator is motivated by BEA's current cost methodology which adjusts for prices of property, plant, equipment and inventories. With these considerations in mind, we shock the U.S. nonresidential business investment deflator. As shown in the first panel of figure 21, this boosts the valuation rate on DI in the United States at current cost by 2 percentage points. There is no effect on the market value valuation rate because prices in the market-valuation method are equity prices. As shown in the panel on the right, the U.S. DI position at current cost is boosted by nearly 2 percent in the first period, and the positive effect of the higher U.S. inflation tapers down to 1.1 percent five years out. So U.S. inflation dampens the net direct-investment position, with the DI stock in the United States over 1 percent higher four years after the shock.

Figure 21. U.S. Investment-Deflator Shock

Figure 21 shows, in the first panel, that this boosts the valuation rate on DI in the United States at current cost by 2 percentage points. There is no effect on the market value valuation rate because prices in the market-valuation method are equity prices. As shown in the panel on the right, the U.S. DI position at current cost is boosted by nearly 2 percent in the first period, and the positive effect of the higher U.S. inflation tapers down to 1.1 percent five years out. So U.S. inflation dampens the net direct-investment position, with the DI stock in the United States over 1 percent higher four years after the shock.

6  Conclusion

This paper takes an in-depth look at U.S. direct investment valuation adjustments. We develop a methodology to generate valuation adjustments at the quarterly frequency, which can be combined with the Bureau of Economic Analysis's quarterly direct investment flows to obtain quarterly estimates of direct investment assets and liabilities. Our methodology involves two steps. First, we estimate valuation adjustment models with annual data. Our models rely on variables that reflect terms used by the Bureau of Economic Analysis in their data construction: exchange-rate changes, changes in the price of products, and changes in stock-market prices. Second, we apply quarterly data to the estimated models to generate quarter valuations and implement a procedure that ensures that the estimated valuations for the four quarters in a given year sum to the reported annual valuation adjustments.

With this framework we consider how asset price shocks affected the net direct investment position and, hence, net international investment position. We provide rules of thumb for how asset price shocks immediately affect the valuations and dynamic simulations to illustrate the longer-term effects on the valuation adjustments, DI positions and NDIP. Our estimates suggest that a one percent change in the exchange rate or prices leads to at least a 1/2 percent change in the DI position. The largest impact on the DI position results from a change in the U.S. stock market; we find a one percent fall in the U.S. stock market translates into a $24 billion drop in the value of DI in the United States (which is nearly 1 1/2 percent of the value of the stock).

7  Appendix 1: Data Description

Here we overview the construction of key independent variables used in the analysis.

DI-weighted exchange rate

$ \frac{\Delta E_{t}}{E_{t-1}}$ is the DI-weighted exchange rate (foreign currency/dollar), end of period To construct this series we use data from 19 foreign countries, which represent the majority of the U.S. DI position abroad.$ \ $The countries in our sample include Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Belgium, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela and Mexico. The weights vary by year, as the size of each country's year-end U.S. DIP varies relative to the total U.S. DIP Abroad in these countries.

DI-weighted foreign inflation

$ \pi_{{}}^{\ast}$ is the DI-weighted sum of foreign CPI inflation rates. We use the same methodology as with the DI-weighted exchange rate; we use the same 19 countries in the sample.

DI-weighted foreign stock market

In constructing $ FSM$ we use a DI-weighted stock market index, comparable to BEA's adjustment procedures. Specifically, emphasizing country coverage, we use individual stock market indexes for 20 countries, and the Morgan Stanley World, excluding the United States, for the remaining U.S. DI recipient countries. The individual countries we have in the sample include: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, Spain, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippians, Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Russia and Mexico. These 20 countries represent 70 percent of 2003's U.S. DI Abroad at historic cost. Since the Morgan Stanley world, excluding the United States, index begins in mid-1996, our annual $ FSM$ only has observations beginning in 1997.

8  Appendix 2: Iterative Procedure

The process of obtaining quarterly valuation adjustments is iterative in nature. First, we use the estimated coefficients from the regressions using annual data to generate quarterly valuation rates. Second, we compute a first round of quarterly estimates of valuation adjustments. Third, with these quarterly estimates, we generate a first round of quarterly positions. These positions are said to be first round because they do not guarantee consistency with the annual figures. To ensure such consistency, we estimate a second round of quarterly positions where the valuation adjustment includes one-fourth of the difference between the annual valuation and the sum of the quarterly valuation estimates. This adjustment ensures that the sum of the second-round quarterly valuation adjustments equal the annual valuation adjustment.12 The iterative procedure is the same for assets, for liabilities, and for each type of valuation method. To describe the method we focus on assets and drop the subscript $ i$.

8.1  Step 1

Use the estimate of $ \theta_{i}$ to generate a first round of quarterly estimates of the valuation rates by applying the coefficient estimates to quarterly data:

$\displaystyle \widehat{R\alpha}_{t}^{q}=\widehat{\theta}\cdot X_{t}^{q}+\widehat{u}_{t}^{q} $
where $ X_{t}^{q}$ is the quarterly counterpart of $ X_{t}^{a}$ (at a quarterly rate) and $ \widehat{u}_{t}^{q}=\frac{\widehat{u}_{t}^{a}}{4};$ these residuals are not explained by key factors and thus we distribute its annual value evenly across the quarters in the year it is recorded.13

8.2  Step 2

Use first round quarterly valuation adjustments to estimate first round quarterly positions. For year $ t_{1}$ the first quarter of the year is given by

$\displaystyle \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{1}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0}+O_{t_{1}}^{1} +\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{1}$    
  $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0}+O_{t_{1}}^{1}+\widehat{R\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{1} \cdot\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0},$    

where the initial condition, $ \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0}$, is the known annual position for the previous year. That is, $ \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0} =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}.$ The values for each quarter of year $ t_{1}$ are
$\displaystyle \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{1}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0}+O_{t_{1}}^{1} +\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^... ...}}^{0}+O_{t_{1}}^{1} +\widehat{R\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{1}\cdot\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{1}+O_{t_{1}}^{2} +\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^... ...}}^{1}+O_{t_{1}}^{2} +\widehat{R\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{2}\cdot\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{1}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{3}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{2}+O_{t_{1}}^{3} +\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^... ...}}^{2}+O_{t_{1}}^{3} +\widehat{R\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{3}\cdot\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{2}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{4}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{3}+O_{t_{1}}^{4} +\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^... ...}^{3}+O_{t_{1}}^{4} +\widehat{R\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{4}\cdot\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{3}.$    

8.3  Step 3

The above estimates of the valuation adjustments and positions are computationally feasible because all the required data are available before hand. However, one cannot guarantee that the fourth-quarter position estimate from this first round will be consistent with the known annual position estimate. In other words, full consistency between the annual and quarterly estimates of the position requires a procedure such that $ \widehat{A}_{t_{1} }^{4}=A_{t_{1}}^{a},$ where $ A_{t_{1}}^{a}$ is the BEA reported annual position in year $ t_{1}.$ The first round fails to ensure consistency for quarterly and annual positions because it cannot guarantee that the sum of the quarterly estimates of the valuation adjustments will be equal to the known annual value. In other words, there is no assurance that $ \alpha_{t} ^{a}=\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alpha}_{t}^{q}$, where data for $ \alpha_{t_{1}}^{a}$ are those reported from the BEA.

Thus we construct an iteration error for quarter $ q$ of year $ t_{1}$ as

$\displaystyle e_{t_{1}}^{q}=\frac{\alpha_{t_{1}}^{a}-\Sigma\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{q}} {4}, $
which allows computing a second-round of valuation adjustment as
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{t_{1}}^{q}=\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{... ...q}=\widehat{R\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{q}\cdot\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{q-1}+e_{t_{1} }^{q}. $
These second round valuation adjustments allow us to compute a second round of quarterly positions as
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}}^{1}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}} ^{0}+O_{t_{1}}^{1}+\widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{t_{1}}^{1}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}} ^{1}+O_{t_{1}}^{2}+\widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{t_{1}}^{2}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}}^{3}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}} ^{2}+O_{t_{1}}^{3}+\widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{t_{1}}^{3}$    
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}}^{4}$ $\displaystyle =\widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}} ^{3}+O_{t_{1}}^{4}+\widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{t_{1}}^{4},$    

where $ \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}}^{0}=\widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{0}=A_{t_{1} -1}^{a}$ . By design, this second round of quarterly positions satisfies the terminal condition $ \widehat{A}_{t_{1}}^{4}=A_{t_{1}}^{a}.$ Specifically,
$\displaystyle \widehat{\widehat{A}}_{t_{1}}^{4}$ $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}+\Sigma_{q}O_{t_{1}} ^{q}+\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\widehat{\alpha}}_{t_{1}}^{q}$    
  $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}+\Sigma_{q}O_{t_{1}}^{q}+\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1} }^{q}+\Sigma_{q}e_{t_{1}}^{q}$    
  $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}+\Sigma_{q}O_{t_{1}}^{q}+\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alph... ...ft( \frac{\alpha_{t_{1}}^{a}-\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alpha }_{t_{1}}^{q}}{4}\right)$    
  $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}+\Sigma_{q}O_{t_{1}}^{q}+\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1} }^{q}+\alpha_{t_{1}}^{a}-\Sigma_{q}\widehat{\alpha}_{t_{1}}^{q}$    
  $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}+\Sigma_{q}O_{t_{1}}^{q}+\alpha_{t_{1}}^{a}$    
  $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}-1}^{a}+O_{t_{1}}^{a}+\alpha_{t_{1}}^{a}$    
  $\displaystyle =A_{t_{1}}^{a}.$    

This procedure holds for all years.


1.  Bergsten, C.F., and J. Williamson, 2004, "Overview: Designing a Dollar Policy," in Dollar Adjustment: How Far? Against What?, Institute for International Economics, Washington D.C.

2.  Cline, W., 2005, United States as a Debtor Nation, Institute for International Economics, Washington D.C.

3.  Landfeld, J.S., and A.M. Lawson, 1991, "Valuation of the U.S. Net International Investment Position," Survey of Current Business, May, p40-49.

4.  Lane, P. and G. Milesi-Ferretti, 2005, "A Global Perspective on External Positions," IMF Working Paper WP/05/161.

5.  Gourinchas, P. and H. Rey, 2005a, "International Financial Adjustment," NBER Working Paper No. 11155.

6.  Gourinchas, P. and H. Rey, 2005b, "From World Banker to World Venture Capitalist: US External Adjustment and the Exorbitant Privilege," NBER Working Paper No. 11563.

7.  Hendry, D. F. and J. Doornik, 1999, Empirical Econometric Modelling Using PcGive, London: Timberlake.

8.  Higgins, M., Klitgaard, T. and C. Tille, 2005, "The Income Implications of Rising U.S. International Liabilities," Federal Reserve Bank of New York Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 11(12).


1.  A previous version of this paper was presented in the workshop series of the Federal Reserve Board. We thank Dale Henderson and Charlie Thomas for many helpful discussions, and Jillian Faucette and Stephen Gardner for research assistance. The calculations use Portable Troll version 1.7 from Intex Solutions and PcGive (see Hendry and Doornik (1999)). The views in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or of any other person associated with the Federal Reserve System. Return to text

2.  See Landefeld and Lawson (1991) for more details. Return to text

3.  We find, over history, that the exchange rate valutaion adjustment on DI abroad at current cost is approximately 50 percent of the expected change in the position based on the change in the value of the dollar. Return to text

4.  Note that if the firm's equity is not traded in the foreign stock market, then market valuation will not pick up changes in good will. An example of a change in coverage is when a U.S. firm's acquisition of additional stock in a foreign firm results in the U.S. firm holding more than 10% of the stock of the foreign firm. In this case, the additional acquisition is recorded as direct investment flow; the U.S. firm's pre-10% equity holdings are then recorded into Other Valuation Adjustments so that the DI position measures the full value of holdings of equity of the foreign firm. Note that these adjustments will also apply in instances when the U.S. firm's equity holdings fall below 10 percent. Return to text

5.  The figure reports test results for the propertiess of the residuals: Serial Independence (AR1-2), homoskedasticity (ARCH 1-1), and Normality (Chi$ ^{2}(2)).$ The entries in brackets denote the significance level needed to reject the associated null hypothesis. Return to text

6.  Here flows will reflect the market value of the purchase, but BEA backs out the difference between market and book value because valuation of nontangible assets is done on a book-value basis. Return to text

7.  BEA reports exchange rate and price effects separately. We do not disentangling these two effects. Return to text

8.  Since the Morgan Stanley world, excluding the United States, index begins in mid-1996, our annual $ FSM$ only has observations beginning in 1997. Return to text

9.  CPI inflation is not a significant factor in explaining the valuation adjustment associated with DI in the United States at current cost. Return to text

10.  DI positions at historic cost also have valuation adjustments for realized capital gains. But, these are minimal adjustments compared to those for current cost and market value. Return to text

11.  If one believes that flows are also affected by the asset price shock, then one should consider our results as a bound on the total effect on the NDIP. Return to text

12.  One difference between BEA's valuation adjustment and our construct can arise because the summing of the quarterly changes in the exogenous variables is not the same as the annual change in these exogenous variables. Return to text

13.  For the S&P we use the monthly average for the 3rd month of each quarter. Return to text

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