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Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
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Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Actions under delegated authority

Actions taken during the week ending February 23, 2019

Bank Branches, Domestic

Chesapeake Bank, Kilmarnock, Virginia -- to establish a branch at 10000 Courtview Lane, Chesterfield.
-Approved, February 21, 2019

San Francisco
Commencement Bank, Tacoma, Washington -- to establish a branch at 220 15th Street, N.E., Auburn.
-Approved, February 22, 2019

First Farmers Bank & Trust, Converse, Indiana -- to establish a branch at 3510 State Road 38 East, Lafayette.
-Approved, February 21, 2019

Pioneer Bank, Mapleton, Minnesota -- to establish a branch at 1450 Adams Street, Mankato.
-Approved, February 22, 2019

Bank Holding Companies

Dominion Bancshares, Inc., Dallas, Texas -- to become a bank holding company by acquiring Grapeland State Bank, Grapeland.
-Approved, February 21, 2019

Director, S&R
NBC Bancshares LLC, Lincoln, Nebraska -- relief from certain commitments.
-Granted, February 21, 2019

Change in Bank Control

St. Louis
FCB Financial Services, Inc., Marion, Arkansas -- to retain control of FCB Financial Services, Inc., and its subsidiary, First Community Bank of Eastern Arkansas, Marion (two notices).
-Permitted, February 22, 2019

First Community Bancorp, Inc., Beecher, Illinois -- change in bank control of First Community Bancorp, Inc., and its subsidiary, First Community Bank and Trust, Beecher.
-Permitted, February 22, 2019

Kansas City
FirstBank Holding Company, Lakewood, Colorado -- to retain control of FirstBank Holding Company and its subsidiary, First Bank, Lakewood.
-Permitted, February 22, 2019

Financial Holding Companies

Ponce Bank Mutual Holding Company, Bronx, New York, and PDL Community Bancorp -- election to become financial holding companies.
-Effective, February 21, 2019

International Operations

The Northern Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois -- for its foreign bank subsidiary, Northern Trust Global Services Limited, Luxembourg, to establish a foreign branch in London, United Kingdom.
-Withdrawn, February 20, 2019

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco