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Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
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Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco

Actions under delegated authority

Actions taken during the week ending August 15, 2020

Bank Branches, Domestic

Frost Bank, San Antonio, Texas -- to establish a branch at 3426 Garth Road, Baytown.
-Approved, August 14, 2020

Bank Holding Companies

First Citizens Bancshares, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina -- to retain and acquire shares of CommerceWest Bank, Irvine, California.
-Approved, August 10, 2020

Frontier Bancshares, Inc., Austin, Texas -- retroactive notice to engage, through its wholly owned subsidiary, ATX Servicing, LLC, Austin, in certain limited nonbanking activities.
-Approved, August 10, 2020

Pinnacle Bankshares Corporation, AltaVista, Virginia -- to acquire Virginia Bank Bankshares, Inc., Danville, and thereby indirectly acquire Virginia Bank and Trust Company.
-Approved, August 13, 2020

Director, S&R
SBT Bancshares, Inc., Golden Meadow, Louisiana -- modification of certain commitments.
-Granted, August 10, 2020

Kansas City
Tri Valley Bancshares, Inc., Talmage, Nebraska -- to acquire by merger Eagle Bancshares, Inc., Eagle, parent of Eagle State Bank.
-Approved, August 10, 2020

Banks, State Member

Ally Bank, Sandy, Utah -- to make a public welfare investment.
-Approved, August 11, 2020

Change in Bank Control

Kansas City
CCSB Financial Corp., Liberty, Missouri -- to retain control of CCSB Financial Corp. and its subsidiary, Clay County Savings Bank, Liberty.
-Permitted, August 14, 2020

Kansas City
Stigler Bancorporation, Inc., Stigler, Oklahoma -- change in bank control of Stigler Bancorporation, Inc., and its subsidiary, The First National Bank of Stigler, Stigler.
-Permitted, August 13, 2020

Financial Holding Companies

Northern Bancorp, Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts -- election to become a financial holding company.
-Effective, August 11, 2020

Release dates | Full version (300 KB PDF)
Board Actions | Actions under delegated authority
Applications and reports received:
Boston | New York | Philadelphia | Cleveland | Richmond | Atlanta
Chicago | St. Louis | Minneapolis | Kansas City | Dallas | San Francisco