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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Banks in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: January 2010

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Banks' Own and Domestic Customers' Claims on Foreigners Reported by Banks in the United States (3.19) 1
Payable in U.S. Dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of Claim 2006 2007 2008/r May 2009/r Jun 2009/r Jul 2009/r Aug 2009/r Sep 2009/r Oct 2009/r Nov 2009/p
1 Total claims reported by banks 2,944,476 3,567,042 3,296,189 n.a. 3,423,776 n.a. n.a. 3,672,248 n.a. n.a.
2 Banks' own claims on foreigners 2,291,340 2,795,389 2,535,642 2,716,626 2,657,664 2,760,542 2,796,316 2,766,549 2,737,409 2,798,847
3 Foreign official institutions 98,010 110,093 47,272 34,574 32,083 42,320 35,965 34,554 37,593 33,944
4 Foreign banks2 1,662,805 2,068,427 2,004,533 2,178,688 2,112,190 2,177,561 2,228,583 2,200,733 2,181,670 2,235,917
5 Other foreigners3 530,525 616,869 483,837 503,364 513,391 540,661 531,768 531,262 518,146 528,986
6 Claims of banks’ domestic customers4 653,136 771,653 760,547 n.a. 766,112 n.a. n.a. 905,699 n.a. n.a.
7 Non-negotiable deposits 277,734 407,565 456,314 n.a. 344,349 n.a. n.a. 356,493 n.a. n.a.
8 Negotiable CDs 168,304 167,311 138,421 n.a. 244,053 n.a. n.a. 328,855 n.a. n.a.
9 Other short-term negotiable instruments5 185,134 173,423 148,331 n.a. 162,712 n.a. n.a. 207,407 n.a. n.a.
10 Other claims 21,964 23,354 17,481 n.a. 14,998 n.a. n.a. 12,944 n.a. n.a.
11 Non-negotiable deposits 923,958 986,002 1,117,793 1,348,949 1,306,152 1,336,983 1,346,979 1,337,597 1,299,252 1,309,827
12 Negotiable CDs 6,272 5,830 325 134 163 723 243 297 348 504
13 Other short-term negotiable instruments 9,236 42,252 14,931 16,998 15,731 19,679 17,362 19,257 19,828 19,523
14 Other claims 1,351,874 1,761,305 1,402,593 1,350,545 1,335,618 1,403,157 1,431,732 1,409,398 1,417,981 1,468,993
15 Own foreign offices6 1,639,474 1,929,030 1,758,992 1,898,726 1,879,295 1,913,937 1,953,879 1,962,241 1,927,585 1,988,539
16 Loans collateralized by repurchase agreements 664,373 770,703 474,689 551,244 539,096 589,121 583,266 552,565 561,513 593,594
  1. For banks’ claims, data are monthly; for claims of banks’ domestic customers, data are for the quarter ending with the month indicated. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as banks/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective December 2008, data includes a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies.   Return to table
  2. Includes positions with affiliated banking offices also included in memo line (15) above.   Return to table
  3. Includes positions with affiliated non-banking offices also included in memo line (15) above.   Return to table
  4. Assets held by reporting banks in the accounts of their domestic customers. Includes balances in off-shore sweep accounts.   Return to table
  5. Primarily bankers acceptances and commercial paper.   Return to table
  6. For U.S. banks, includes amounts due from own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in quarterly Consolidated Reports of Condition filed with bank regulatory agencies. For agencies, branches, and minority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks, consists principally of amounts due from the head office or parent foreign bank, and from foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of the head office or parent foreign bank. Includes amounts due from affiliated foreign offices of U.S. brokers and dealers.   Return to table
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Last update: January 29, 2010