The Federal Reserve Board employs more than 500 researchers, including more than 400 Ph.D. economists, who represent an exceptionally diverse range of interests and specific areas of expertise. Board researchers conduct cutting edge research, produce numerous working papers and notes, and are among the leading contributors at professional meetings and in major journals. Our researchers also produce a wide variety of economic analyses and forecasts for the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee.

Last Name:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Field of Interest:

Mathematical and Quantitative Methods

Computational Techniques
Job Role:
Photo of Andrew Y. Chen
Andrew Y. Chen Principal Economist Capital Markets
Research and Statistics

Photo of Bora Durdu
Bora Durdu Assistant Director Program Direction
Financial Stability

Photo of Albert Fattal
Albert Fattal Data and Technology Analyst III Program Direction
Research and Statistics

Photo of Michael B. Gordy
Michael B. Gordy Chief Risk Analysis
Research and Statistics

Photo of Flora M. Haberkorn
Flora M. Haberkorn Data Scientist Integrated Technology Solutions
International Finance
Photo of Edward P. Herbst
Edward P. Herbst Chief Monetary Studies
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Scott R. Konzem
Scott R. Konzem Senior Economic Modeler Monetary Studies
Monetary Affairs

Photo of Andrew C. Meldrum
Andrew C. Meldrum Assistant Director Program Direction
Monetary Affairs
Photo of Anderson E. Monken
Anderson E. Monken Group Manager Integrated Technology Solutions
International Finance

Image of Board Seal
Nathan M. Palmer Senior Economist Banking, Credit and Operational Risk
Supervision and Regulation

Image of Board Seal
Nelson P. Rayl Quantitative Analyst Stress Testing
Supervision and Regulation

Photo of Immo Schott
Immo Schott Senior Economist Global Modeling Studies
International Finance

Photo of Charles S. Taragin
Charles S. Taragin Principal Economist Financial Structure
Research and Statistics
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Last Update: September 16, 2024