Photo of Friederike Niepmann

Friederike Niepmann


  • Ph.D., Economics, European University Institute, 2012
Current Research Topics
  • International Macro, Banking & Finance
  • Financial Aspects of International Trade
  • Chief

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2021 - present
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2017 - 2021
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2015 - 2017
  • Economist

    Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    2012 - 2015
  • Modeling your stress away
    Friederike Niepmann and Viktors Stebunovs
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2024)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2018)
  • What determines passthrough of policy rates to deposit rates in the euro area?
    Todd Messer and Friederike Niepmann
    FEDS Notes (2023)
  • Banking across borders with heterogeneous banks
    Friederike Niepmann
    Journal of International Economics (2023)
  • Institutional investors, the dollar, and U.S. credit conditions
    Friederike Niepmann and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    Journal of Financial Economics (2023)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2019)
  • Foreign currency loans and credit risk: Evidence from U.S. banks
    Friederike Niepmann and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    Journal of International Economics (2022)
  • The Dollar and Corporate Borrowing Costs
    Ralf R. Meisenzahl, Friederike Niepmann, and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2021)
  • The Effect of US Stress Tests on Monetary Policy Spillovers to Emerging Markets
    Friederike Niepmann, Tim Schmidt‐Eisenlohr, and Emily Liu
    Review of International Economics (2021)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2019)
  • How the Federal Reserve's Central Bank Swap Lines Have Supported U.S. Corporate Borrowers in the Leveraged Loan Market
    Annie McCrone, Ralf Meisenzahl, Friederike Niepmann, and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    FEDS Notes (2020)
  • What Equity Markets Said About Brexit-Related Costs to U.S. Banks
    Nicholas Coleman, Friederike Niepmann, and Stefan Walz
    IFDP Notes (2018)
  • No Guarantees, No Trade: How Banks Affect Export Patterns
    Friederike Niepmann and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    Journal of International Economics (2017)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2016)
  • International Trade, Risk and the Role of Banks
    Friederike Niepmann and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    Journal of International Economics (2017)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2015)
  • International Banking and Cross-Border Effects of Regulation: Lessons from the United States
    Jose M. Berrospide, Ricardo Correa, Linda S. Goldberg, and Friederike Niepmann
    International Journal of Central Banking (2017)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2016)
  • What Determines the Composition of International Bank Flows?
    Cornelia Kerl and Friederike Niepmann
    IMF Economic Review (2015)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2016)
  • Banking Across Borders
    Friederike Niepmann
    Journal of International Economics (2015)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2016)
  • Bank Bailouts, International Linkages, and Cooperation
    Friederike Niepmann and Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr
    American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2013)
  • Globalisation and the Spatial Concentration of Production
    Friederike Niepmann and Gabriel J. Felbermayr
    World Economy (2010)
  • 2012

    CESifo Munich

    CESifo Distinguished Affiliate Price

  • 2011

    Austrian National Bank

    Klaus Liebscher Award

  • American Economic Review
  • Quarterly Journal of Economics
  • Journal of Political Economy
  • Review of Economic Studies
  • Review of Financial Studies
  • Journal of the European Economic Association
  • American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
  • American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
  • Review of Economics and Statistics
  • Journal of International Economics
  • Review of International Economics
  • IMF Economic Review
  • European Economic Review
  • Journal of Banking and Finance
  • Review of Finance
  • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
  • Journal of International Money and Finance
  • Journal of Comparative Economics
  • Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
  • Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
  • Scottish Journal of Political Economy
  • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
  • Journal of Macroeconomics
  • Economics Letters
  • World Bank Economic Review
  • Review of World Economics
  • Economic Issues
  • Journal of Financial Services Research
  • International Finance
  • Economies
  • Economica
Professional Affiliation
  • Research Fellow, CEPR, since 2016 (previously affiliate)
  • Fellow, CESifo Group Munich, since 2012 (previously affiliate)
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Last Update: August 2, 2024