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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Accessible Version of Figures

Framework: The New Potential for Data in Managing Neighborhood Change

Figure 1. Foreclosures and problem properties in Mendenhall Estates, Memphis, 2007

Data plotted as a map. Figure 1 shows the locations of foreclosed properties and problem properties by parcel in Memphis' Mendenhall Estates neighborhood as of 2007. The map also uses a key of colors and patterns to show the following indicators of status or condition for each property: foreclosures; vacant lots; environmental problems; cosmetic repairs needed; some structural repairs needed; extreme dilapidation; burned out properties. The map shows no vacant lots, only a few properties with extreme dilapidation or burnout, and dozens of properties with the other conditions distributed throughout the map.

City and neighborhood groups--and ultimately community development corporations and others working with Neighborhood Stabilization Program funding--can use such maps to target properties for enhanced code enforcement, identify abandoned homes and demolition candidates, and inform property-acquisition plans.

Source: University of Memphis, Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action (CBANA).


Figure 2. Percent of single-family home and condominium sales by type for non-market sales in the District of Columbia by ward, 4th quarter

Sale type Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Adjusted sale date
Total number of sales 211 281 242 223 229 323 199 102 12/31/2010
Percent of sales, market 81.51659 80.07117 85.95041 63.2287 51.96507 76.47059 45.22613 39.21569 12/31/2010
Percent of sales, real-estate-owned (REO) entry 5.687204 3.202847 2.892562 8.520179 11.35371 3.095975 14.57286 19.60784 12/31/2010
Percent of sales, foreclosure (non-REO) 0.473934 0.355872 0 3.139013 2.620087 1.547988 1.507538 3.921569 12/31/2010
Percent of sales, distressed (non-REO) 4.739336 3.558719 3.719008 4.932735 3.930131 5.263158 1.507538 2.941176 12/31/2010
Percent of sales, REO exit 5.21327 3.914591 0.413223 9.41704 15.28384 6.19195 28.1407 28.43137 12/31/2010
Percent of sales, other non-market 2.369668 8.896797 7.024793 10.76233 14.84716 7.430341 9.045226 5.882353 12/31/2010

Source: DC Recorder of Deeds and Office of Tax and Revenue data tabulated by NeighborhoodInfo DC.

Last update: April 4, 2012