Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire

This appendix contains a reproduction of the survey instrument in its entirety. The bracketed texts are programming instructions such as custom text that will appear differently based on previous responses. Questions designated with an [S] indicate that the respondent can only select a single response and those designated with an [M] allow multiple responses. Not all questions are shown to all respondents, and the skip patterns used to reach each question are listed as the "Asked of" line above each question. The respondents only see the questions and response option; they do not see the program code. Question numbers are not always sequential in order to preserve continuity with question numbers from earlier surveys where possible. Questions are listed below in the order in which they are presented to respondents.


Base: All respondents

DISPLAY01 [Disp]


We want to learn more about your financial wellbeing and views on the economy. We appreciate your participation in this survey.

This survey supports research on financial conditions in the United States. It has been reviewed and is consistent with requirements from the Office of Management and Budget.

OMB Control Number: 7100-0374

Expiration Date: November 30, 2023

[If "supports" clicked above, display this text in a new tab or window]

A report with findings from this survey and a dataset—without including your name or any other identifying information—will be released publicly on the Federal Reserve Board's website.

[If "requirements" clicked above, display this text in a new tab or window]

The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 0.35 hours, including the time to gather data in the required form and to review instructions and complete the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20551, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-0374), Washington, DC 20503.

Living Arrangements Section

Base: All respondents


First, do each of the following people currently live with you?

a. My spouse or partner
b. My child(ren) under age 18
c. My adult child(ren) age 18 or older
d. My parent(s)
e. Other individuals

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If L0_c=1 (Living with adult children)

L0A [S]

Are the adult children (who are age 18 or older) who live with you:

1. All currently enrolled in school
2. One or more not currently enrolled in school

Base: If L0_e=1 (Living with other individuals)


[IF L0_a=1 or L0_b=1 or L0_c=1 or L0_d=1, INSERT: Other than your spouse or partner, children, or parents, are / ELSE, INSERT: Are ] the people living with you:

a. Your brother(s) or sister(s)
b. Other relatives
c. Other people not related to you

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If L0_b=1 (Living with children under age 18)

L0C [S]

How many children do you have who are under age 18 and currently live with you?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7 or more

Base: If L0_b=1 (Living with children under age 18)

L0D [Grid with number boxes with range 0-17]

How old are your [If L0C=7, INSERT: 6 youngest ] children under age 18 who currently live with you?

a. 1st child
b. 2nd child (display if L0C>=2)
c. 3rd child (display if L0C>=3)
d. 4th child (display if L0C>=4)
e. 5th child (display if L0C>=5)
f. 6th child (display if L0C>=6)

[Number field, 0-17]

Base: If L0_d=1 or L0A=2 (Live with parents or adult children who are not in school)


You indicated that you live with [IF L0_d=1, INSERT: your parent(s)] [IF L0_D=1 and L0A=2, INSERT: and] [IF L0A=2, INSERT: your adult children who are not in school].

Are each of the following reasons why you live with them?

a. To save money
b. To help them financially
c. To provide help with childcare or medical care
d. To receive help with childcare or medical care
e. Prefer living with others

1. Yes
0. No

General Well-Being Section

Base: All respondents

B2 [S]

Overall, which one of the following best describes how well you are managing financially these days?

4. Living comfortably
3. Doing okay
2. Just getting by
1. Finding it difficult to get by

Base: All respondents

B3 [S]

Compared to 12 months ago, would you say that you (and your family) are better off, the same, or worse off financially?

5. Much better off
4. Somewhat better off
3. About the same
2. Somewhat worse off
1. Much worse off

Base: All respondents

B6 [S]

Think of your parents when they were your age. Would you say you (and your family) are better, the same, or worse off financially than they were?

5. Much better off
4. Somewhat better off
3. About the same
2. Somewhat worse off
1. Much worse off

Base: All respondents


How would you rate economic conditions today:

a. In your community
b. In this country

4. Excellent
3. Good
2. Only fair
1. Poor

Base: All respondents

B10 [S]

Overall, on a scale from zero to ten, where zero is not at all satisfied and ten is completely satisfied, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days?

0. Not at all satisfied
10. Completely satisfied

Base: All respondents


In a couple of words please describe the main financial challenges or concerns facing you or your family. If none please click the "None" box.

Text box [150 Characters]


999. None [S]

Employment Section

Base: All respondents

D1A [S]

This section will ask some questions about your recent work-related activities.

Last month, did you do any work for either pay or profit?

1. Yes
0. No

Prompt twice.

Base: All respondents

D1E [S]

At any time during the past month, did you want to work [if D1A=1, INSERT: more hours]?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D1A=0 (Not working)


Did each of the following contribute to you not working last month?

a. Could not find work
b. Childcare
c. Other family or personal obligations
d. Would lose access to unemployment benefits or other government programs
e. Concerned about getting COVID-19
f. Health limitations or disability
g. In school or training
h. Retired

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D1A=1 (Working)

D3A [S]

Think about your main job (the job from which you earned the most money in the past month). In this job, were you working for someone else, self-employed, or something else?

0. Working for someone else
1. Self-employed (working for myself)
2. Other work arrangement

Base: If D1A=1 (Working)

D3B [S]

Still thinking about your main job, do you usually work:

1. Full time (35 or more hours per week)
2. Part time (less than 35 hours per week)

Base: If D3A=0 (Working for someone else)


At your main job, how often do each of these statements describe your work situation?

a. I can choose what tasks I work on
b. I can choose how I complete tasks at work

5. Always
4. Often
3. Sometimes
2. Rarely
1. Never

Base: If D3A=0 (Working for someone else)

D30 [S]

Still thinking about your main job, do you normally start and end work around the same time each day that you work, or does it vary?

1. Normally work the same hours
2. Schedule varies, primarily at my request
3. Schedule varies, primarily based on my employer's needs

Base: If D30=3 (Schedule varies based on employer needs)

D31 [S]

Approximately how far in advance does your employer usually tell you the hours that you will need to work on any given day?

1. One day in advance or less (including on call)
2. 2 to 3 days in advance
3. 4 to 6 days in advance
4. 1 to 2 weeks in advance
5. 3 weeks in advance or longer

Base: If D1A=1 (Working)

D33 [S]

A temporary job lasts for a limited time or until the end of a project. Is your main job a temporary job?

1. Yes
0. No
-2. Don't know

Base: If D1A=1 (Working)

D47 [S]

Some employers restrict what their employees can do if they leave their job. In your main job, did you agree that if you leave your employer, you will not start or work for a competing business? This is often called a non-compete agreement.

1. Yes
0. No
-2. Don't know

Base: If D1A=1 (Working)

D34A [S]

Thinking about the work you did last week, how much of it did you do by telecommuting or working from home?

0. None
1. Some
2. All

Base: If D3A=0 and D34A=0 (Works for someone else and not working from home)

D34B [S]

Could your work be done by telecommuting or working from home at least some of the time if your employer would let you?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D3A=0 and either (D34A=(1 or 2) or D34B=1) (Working for someone else and either could or does work from home)

D34C [S]

Given a choice, how much of the time would you like to telecommute or work from home each week?

0. None
1. Some
2. All

Base: If D34C=1 or 2 (Wants to work from home at least some of the time)


Are each of the following a reason that you want to telecommute or work from home, at least some of the time?

a. Less time commuting
b. More productive working at home
c. Concerns about COVID-19
d. Work-life balance
e. Able to live in a different area

1. Yes
0. No

0 for 1/2 of sample
1 for 1/2 of sample
If DOV_D36_ORDER=0, ask D36A before D36_B.
If DOV_D36_ORDER=1, ask D36B before D36_A.

"decreased your pay by 10 percent" for 1/4 of sample
"decreased your pay by 5 percent" for 1/4 of sample
"decreased your pay by 1 percent" for 1/4 of sample
"kept your pay the same for a year" for 1/4 of sample

Base: If D3A=0 and D34A=(1 or 2) (Working for someone else and work from home at least some of the time)

D36A [S]

How likely would you be to actively look for another job or leave your job if you had to report to work in person each workday?

1. Very likely
2. Somewhat likely
3. Not that likely
4. Not at all likely

Base: If D3A=0 (Working for someone else)

D36B [S]

How likely would you be to actively look for another job or leave your job if your employer [DOV_36_AMOUNT]?

1. Very likely
2. Somewhat likely
3. Not that likely
4. Not at all likely

Base: If D1A=1 (Working)

D4 [S]

In addition to your main job, did you have any other jobs last month?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

D44_f [S]

[If D1A=1, INSERT: Think about any job in the past 12 months, not just your main job. ] In the past 12 months, have you gotten laid off or lost a job (including a temporary layoff)?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents


[If D1A=1,INSERT : Think about any job in the past 12 months, not just your main job. ] In the past 12 months, have you:

a. Asked for a raise or a promotion (Display if D1A=1)
b. Received a raise or a promotion (Display if D1A=1)
c. Applied for a new job
d. Started a new job
e. Voluntarily left a job

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D1A=1 and D44_d=1 (Working and changed jobs)

D37A [S]

You indicated that you started a new job in the past 12 months. Is your main job (where you earn the most money) the same as it was a year ago?

1. Different main job—new employer
2. Different main job—same employer
3. Same main job—started a second job
4. Was not working a year ago
5. Other

Base: If D37A=1 or 2 (Changed main job)


Are each of the following better, the same, or worse at the main job you have now than the one you had a year ago?

a. Pay or benefits
b. Opportunities for advancement
c. Your interest in the work
d. Physical demands of the job
e. COVID-19 policies and exposure
f. Work-life balance

1. Better
2. About the same
3. Worse

Base: If D37A=1 or 2 (Changed main job)

D39 [S]

Overall, is the main job you have now better, the same, or worse than the one you had a year ago?

1. Better
2. About the same
3. Worse

Base: If L0_a=1 (Married or living with partner)

D5 [S]

Last month, did your spouse or partner do any work for either pay or profit?

1. Yes
0. No

Gig Economy Section

Base: All respondents


This section will ask some questions about working in the gig and freelance economy.

Some people earn money by selling items at places like flea markets and garage sales or through online marketplaces like eBay or Etsy.

In the past month, have you made money by selling items in any of these ways?

Suppress default instructions, instead show:
Please do not include selling items on behalf of others as a job.

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If GE2A=1 (Sold items)


Are the items you sold ones that you:

a. Made or repurposed, such as handmade crafts
b. Purchased to resell for a profit
c. Previously owned for personal use, such as old clothing

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents


Some people earn money by offering short-term rentals of items or property they own through platforms such as Turo or Airbnb.

In the past month, have you made money from short-term rentals of items or property that you own?

Suppress default instructions, instead show:
Please do not include renting items on behalf of others.

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

GE1A [S]

Some people earn money by doing freelance or gig work, where they are paid for specific tasks and have flexibility about when and how to work. Payments are either received directly from customers or through a company that coordinates the service and payments such as Uber, Lyft, or Upwork.

In the past month, have you done any freelance or gig work, either to supplement your income or as your main job?

Suppress default instructions, instead show:
Please do not include taking KnowledgePanel surveys.

1. Yes
0. No

If GE1A=1 then DOV_Gig="doing freelance or gig work"
If GE1A not equal 1 and (GE2A=1 or GE2B=1) then DOV_Gig="selling or renting items you own"

Base: If GE1A=1 or GE2A=1 or GE2B=1 (Performed gig work or gig sales/rentals)

GE20A [S]

Did you spend at least 20 hours in the past month [DOV_Gig]?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If GE1A=1 or GE2A=1 or GE2B=1 (Performed gig work or gig sales/rentals)

GE22 [S]

Do you spend more, about the same, or less time [DOV_Gig] than you did a year ago?

1. More
2. About the same
3. Less

Base: If GE1A=1 (Performed gig work)

GE24 [S]

Do you think that you generally make more, about the same, or less per hour doing freelance or gig work as you could make at a traditional job?

1. More per hour doing freelance or gig work
2. About the same
3. Less per hour doing freelance or gig work

Base: If GE1A=1 or GE2A=1 or GE2B=1 (Performed gig work or gig sales/rentals)

GE40A [S]

In the past month, how much of your income was from [DOV_Gig]?

1. Under 10%
2. 10% to 50%
3. 50% to 90%
4. Over 90%
-2. Don't know

Housing Section

Base: All respondents

GH1 [S]

This section will ask some questions about your home and your car.

Do you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: (and/or your spouse or partner)]:

1. Own your home with a mortgage or loan
2. Own your home free and clear (without a mortgage or loan)
3. Pay rent
4. Neither own nor pay rent

Base: GH1=3 (Renters)


Are each of the following a reason why you rent your home rather than own?

a. Renting is cheaper
b. Renting is less financially risky
c. Renting is more convenient or flexible
d. Trying to buy
e. Can't qualify for home mortgage
f. Can't afford down payment to buy
g. Can't afford mortgage monthly payment
h. Prefer to rent

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

GH2 [S]

When did you move into your current home?

1. Before 2021
2. 2021
3. 2022

Base: If GH2=2 or 3 (Moved in 2021 or 2022)

GH7 [S]

Do you live in the same state that you lived in before your move?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If GH2=3 (Moved in 2022)

R4 [S]

Before your most recent move, did you own your previous home?

0. No
1. Yes, and I still own that home
2. Yes, and I no longer own that home

Base: If GH2=3 and R4=(0 or refused) (Moved in 2022 and did not own previous home)


Did each of the following contribute to your moving in the past year?

a. Evicted or received an eviction notice
b. Landlord told you, or a person you were staying with, to leave
c. You missed a rent payment and thought you would be evicted
d. City condemned the property and forced you to leave

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If no or refused to all of R5B (Moved in past year, did not previously own, and not forced to move)


Was the main reason that you moved in the past year because of rent increases at your previous home or apartment?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If GH2=3 and R4=2 (Moved in 2022 and owned previous home)


Did each of the following contribute to your moving in the past year?

a. Bank took possession of your home in foreclosure
b. Received a notice from bank that they planned to foreclose
c. Missed mortgage payments and thought bank would foreclose
d. City condemned the property and forced you to leave

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If GH1=3 (Renters)


Approximately how much do you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] pay for rent each month?

Number Box $[0-9,999]

Base: If GH1=3 (Renters)

R11 [S]

Have you been behind on your rent at any time in the past year?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If R11=1 (Behind on rent in past year)

R12 [S]

Do you still owe money for any back rent or fees?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If R12=1 (Currently behind on rent)

R13 [text number, 0-99999]

Approximately how much do you owe in back rent and fees?

Number Box $[0-99,999]

Base: If GH1=1 (Homeowners with a mortgage)

M4 [N]

Approximately how much is your total monthly mortgage payment (i.e., the amount you send to the bank)?

[Number Box 0-9,999]

Natural Disasters Section

Base: All respondents


In the past year, have natural disasters or severe weather events like flooding, hurricanes, wildfires, or extreme temperatures affected you in each of the following ways?

a. Income loss or work disruption
b. Property damage
c. Needed to evacuate temporarily
d. Longer-term displacement from home
e. Injury or death of family member or close friend

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

ND2 [S]

Five years from now, do you think that the chance that you will experience a natural disaster or severe weather event will be higher, lower or about the same as it is now?

1. Much higher
2. Somewhat higher
3. About the same
4. Somewhat lower
5. Much lower

Base: All respondents

ND3 [S]

Have natural disasters or the threat of natural disasters affected your choice of where to live?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents


In the past year, have you done each of the following at least partially because of the threat of natural disasters or severe weather events?

a. Investigated other places to live
b. Improved your property to reduce risk
c. Purchased additional insurance

1. Yes
0. No

Automobile Section

Base: All respondents

AL0A [S]

Do you own, lease, or have regular access to a car, truck, van, or sport utility vehicle (SUV)?

1. Yes
0. No

Banking Section

Base: All respondents

BK1 [S]

This section will ask some questions about your experiences with banks and credit.

Do you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] currently have a checking, savings, or money market account?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents


In the past 12 months, did you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner]:

a. Purchase a money order from a place other than a bank
b. Cash a check at a place other than a bank
c. Take out a payday loan or payday advance
d. Take out a pawn shop loan or an auto title loan
e. Obtain a tax refund advance to receive your refund faster
f. Pay an overdraft fee on a bank account [IF BK1 = 1]

1. Yes
0. No

Credit Application Section

Base: All respondents

A6 [S]

If you were to apply for a credit card today, how confident are you that your application would be approved?

3. Not confident
2. Somewhat confident
1. Very confident
-2. Don't know

Base: All respondents

A0 [S]

In the past 12 months have you applied for any credit (such as a credit card, higher credit card limit, mortgage, refinance, student loan, personal loan, or other loan)?

1. Yes
2. No

Base: A0=1 (Those who applied for credit)


Have you applied for each of the following types of credit in the past 12 months?

a. Credit card
b. Car/auto loan
c. Student loan
d. Mortgage (purchase or refinance)
e. Home equity loan or line of credit
f. Other credit or loan

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If A0=0 (Did not apply for credit)

A0B [S]

Was there a time in the past 12 months that you desired credit but chose not to submit a credit application?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If A0=1 or Refused (Applied for credit)


In the past 12 months, has each of the following happened to you:

a. Turned down for credit
b. Approved for credit, but were not given as much credit as you applied for
c. Put off applying for credit because you thought you might be turned down

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If (A1_a=1 or A1_b=1) and at least two of (A7_a – A7_f) selected
If only one of A7_a – A7_f selected, do not ask and auto-punch response

A8 [S]

Were you turned down or offered less credit than requested for the following types of credit in the past 12 months?


a. Credit card
b. Car/auto loan
c. Student loan
d. Mortgage (purchase or refinance)
e. Home equity loan or line of credit
f. Other credit or loan

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If A0B=1 (Did not apply for credit but desired credit)

A2 [S]

You indicated that you desired credit in the past 12 months but did not submit a credit application. Was this because you thought that you might be turned down or denied credit?

1. Yes
0. No

Credit Condition Section

Base: All respondents

C2A [S]

Do you currently have at least one credit card?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If C2A=1 or refused (Has a credit card)

C3 [S]

Do you currently have any credit card debt that you do not expect to pay in full with your next payment?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If C3=1 or refused (Has outstanding credit card debt)

C3A [S]

Do you currently have more, less, or about the same amount of credit card debt than you had 12 months ago?

3. More debt now
2. About the same
1. Less debt now

Base: If C3=0 (Does not have outstanding credit card debt)

C3B [S]

12 months ago, did you have any credit card debt that you have since paid off?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If C2A=1 or refused (Has a credit card)

C4A [S]

In the past 12 months, how frequently have you carried an unpaid balance on one or more of your credit cards?

0. Never carried an unpaid balance (always pay in full)
1. Once
2. Some of the time
3. Most or all of the time

Base: All respondents


In the past year, have you used a "Buy Now Pay Later" service to buy something? Buy Now Pay Later may be offered as a payment option when you are checking out and lets you make payments over time. Some examples include Affirm, Klarna, and Afterpay.

We are NOT asking about purchases made directly with credit cards, layaway, or rent-to-own services.

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If BNPL1=1 (Has used a BNPL service in the past year)


Currently, how many different purchases using a Buy Now Pay Later service are you making payments on?

0. None
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3 or more

Base: If BNPL1=1 (Has used a BNPL service in the past year)


In the past year, have you ever been late making a payment for something you bought using a Buy Now Pay Later service?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If BNPL3=1 or refused (Has been late making BNPL payment in the past year)


In the past year, have you been charged extra because you were late on a Buy Now Pay Later payment?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If BNPL1=1 (Has used a BNPL service in the past year)


Thinking about the most recent time you used a Buy Now Pay Later service, were each of the following a reason why you chose to finance the purchase in this way?

a. Avoid interest charges
b. Wanted to spread out payments
c. Wanted a fixed number of payments
d. Convenience
e. Only way I could afford it
f. Only accepted payment method I had
g. Did not want to use a credit card

1. Yes
0. No

Cryptocurrency Section

Base: All respondents


In the past year, have you done the following with cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum?

a. Bought or held as an investment
b. Used to buy something or make a payment
c. Used to send money to friends or family

1. Yes
0. No

Base: S16_c=1 (Used cryptocurrency to send money to friends or family)

S18 [S]

Were any of the family or friends you sent cryptocurrency to living outside of the United States?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: S16_b=1 (Used cryptocurrency to buy something or make a payment)


Have you used cryptocurrency to do each of the following?

a. Buy something in person
b. Buy something online
c. Pay a bill online

1. Yes
0. No

Base: S16_a=1 or S16_b=1 or S16_c=1 (used cryptocurrency)


Have you used a cryptocurrency ATM/kiosk to do each of the following?

a. Convert cash into cryptocurrency
b. Withdraw cash
c. Make a payment [Display if S16_b=1]
d. Send money to family or friends [Display if S16_c=1]

1. Yes
0. No

Base: S16_b=1 or S16_c=1 (used cryptocurrency for transactions)

S21 [S]

What was the main reason you used cryptocurrency to buy something, make a payment, or send money?

1. Privacy
2. To send the money faster
3. Cheaper
4. Safer
5. Don't trust banks
6. Person or business receiving the money preferred cryptocurrency
7. Other (please specify) [text box]

Education Section

Base: All respondents

ED0 [S]

This section will ask about your education and experiences with student loans.

What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

1. Less than high school degree
2. High school degree or GED
3. Some college but no degree (including currently enrolled in college)
4. Certificate or technical degree
5. Associate degree
6. Bachelor's degree
7. Master's degree
8. Professional degree (e.g., MBA, MD, JD)
9. Doctoral degree

IF ED0=5 DOV_ED="Associate Degree"
IF ED0>=6 DOV_ED="Bachelor's Degree"

Base: All respondents

D1G [S]

Are you currently enrolled as a student?

2. Yes, as a full-time student
1. Yes, as a part-time student
0. No

Base: If D1G=1 or 2 (Current student)

ED0B [S]

What type of program are you currently pursuing?

1. High school or GED program
2. Non-degree training program
3. Certificate or technical degree
4. Associate degree
5. Bachelor's degree
6. Master's degree
7. Professional degree (e.g., MBA, MD, JD)
8. Doctoral degree

Base: If ED0=2 and D1G=0 (High school only and not enrolled in college)

ED0D [S]

Have you ever enrolled in an educational degree program beyond high school?

1. Yes
0. No

Else DOV_EDRECODE=response value from ED0.

Base: If DOV_EDRECODE>=3 (Any education beyond high school)

ED1 [S]

Which one of the following broad categories best describes your [IF D1G=1 or D1G=2, INSERT: current / IF D1G=0 or D1G=REFUSED, INSERT: most recent ] educational program?

1. Humanities/arts
2. Social/behavioral sciences
3. Life sciences
4. Physical sciences/math
5. Computer/information sciences
6. Engineering
7. Education
8. Business/management
9. Health
10. Law
11. Vocational/technical training
12. Undeclared
13. Other

Base: If DOV_EDRECODE=3 or 4 (Some college or certificate)


In what state is the school that you [IF D1G=1 or D1G=2, INSERT: currently attend / IF D1G=0 or D1G=REFUSED, INSERT: attended for your most recent educational program] located? If the school is not located in the United States, please select "International" from the bottom of the list.

[DROPDOWN BOX with 50 states + DC + the term "International"]

Base: If ED2A is answered and not "international"


What is the name of the school you [IF D1G=1 or D1G=2, INSERT: currently attend / IF D1G=0 or D1G=REFUSED, INSERT: attended for your most recent educational program]?

School name: [State-specific drop-down list]

If you do not see the school you attended in the list above, please type it into the text box provided.

Other school not listed: [text box]

Base: If DOV_EDRECODE=3 or 4 and D1G not equal 1 or 2 (Some college or certificate, not currently enrolled)


In what year did you last attend this educational program?

Number box [(2022-PPAGE) – 2022]

Base: If DOV_EDRECODE=3 or 4 (Some college or certificate)

ED5 [S]

Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your [ IF D1G =1 or D1G=2, INSERT: current / IF D1G=0 or D1G=REFUSED, INSERT: most recent] educational program compare to its costs?

1. Financial benefits are much larger
2. Financial benefits are somewhat larger
3. About the same
4. Financial costs are somewhat larger
5. Financial costs are much larger

Base: If (DOV_EDRECODE=3 or 4) and (D1G=0 or D1G=refused) (Some college or certificate, not enrolled)


If you could go back and make your education decisions again, would you have done each of these things:

a. Chosen a different field of study
b. Attended a different school
c. Not attended college or completed less education
d. Completed more education

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If ED0=5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (Associate degree or above)


In what state is the school from which you received your [DOV_ED] located? If the school is not located in the United States, please select "International" from the bottom of the list.

DROPDOWN BOX with 50 states + DC + the term "International"

Base: If ED7A is answered and not "International"


What is the name of the school from which you received your [DOV_ED]?

School name: [State-specific drop-down list]

If you do not see the school you attended in the list above, please type it into the text box provided.

Other school not listed: [text box]

Base: If ED0=5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (Associate degree or above)


In what year did you receive your [DOV_ED]?

Number box [(2022-PPAGE) – 2022]

Base: If ED0=5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (Associate degree or above)

ED10 [S]

Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your [DOV_ED] program compare to its costs?

1. Financial benefits are much larger
2. Financial benefits are somewhat larger
3. About the same
4. Financial costs are somewhat larger
5. Financial costs are much larger

Base: If ED0=5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (Associate degree or above)


If you could go back and make decisions regarding your [DOV_ED] again, would you have done each of these things:

a. Chosen a different field of study
b. Attended a different school
c. Not attended college or completed less education
d. Completed more education

1. Yes
0. No

Student Loans Section

Base: All respondents

SL1 [S]

As of July 2022, before any student loan forgiveness was announced, did you have any student loan debt from your own education?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If SL1=1 (Has a student loan for own education)

SL3 [S]

As of July 2022, before any student loan forgiveness was announced, how much did you owe on student loans for your own education?

1. Less than $5,000
2. $5,000 to $9,999
3. $10,000 to $14,999
4. $15,000 to $19,999
5. $20,000 to $24,999
6. $25,000 to $29,999
7. $30,000 to $39,999
8. $40,000 to $49,999
9. $50,000 to $74,999
10. $75,000 to $99,999
11. $100,000 or above
-2. Don't know

Base: If SL1=1 (Has a student loan for own education)

SL4A [S]

Are you currently required to make monthly payments on any of your student loans from your own education?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If SL4A=1 (Currently making payments on loans for own education)

SL4 [S]

Approximately how much is your current required monthly payment on the student loans from your own education?

Suppress default instructions, instead show: Please only include the amount that you are paying, and not money that is paid by others on your behalf.

2. $1 to $99
3. $100 to $199
4. $200 to $299
5. $300 to $399
6. $400 to $499
7. $500 to $999
8. $1,000 or above
-2. Don't know

Base: If SL1=1 (Has a student loan for own education)

SL6 [S]

Are you behind on payments or in collections for one or more of the student loans from your own education?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If SL1=0 or refused (Does not have student loan for own education)

SL7 [S]

Did you take out any student loans to pay for your own education that you have since repaid?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If SL1=1 or SL7=1 (Has or had student loan own education)


Still thinking about your own education, did you take out any student loans for each of the following educational programs (including any repaid loans or education you did not complete)?

a. Certificate or technical training
b. Associate degree
c. Bachelor's degree
d. Professional degree (e.g., MBA, MD, JD)
e. Master's degree or doctoral degree

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If L0_a=1 (Married or living with a partner)

SL10A [S]

As of July 2022, before any student loan forgiveness was announced, did your spouse or partner have any student loans used to pay for their education?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If PPAGE>=30

SL11 [S]

As of July 2022, before any student loan forgiveness was announced, did you have any student loans used to pay for your child's or grandchild's education?

1. Yes
0. No
999. Do not have children or grandchildren

Base: If SL11=1 (Has a student loan for child or grandchild's education)

SL13 [S]

As of July 2022, before any student loan forgiveness was announced, how much did you owe on student loans for your child or grandchild's education?

1. Less than $5,000
2. $5,000 to $9,999
3. $10,000 to $14,999
4. $15,000 to $19,999
5. $20,000 to $24,999
6. $25,000 to $29,999
7. $30,000 to $39,999
8. $40,000 to $49,999
9. $50,000 to $74,999
10. $75,000 to $99,999
11. $100,000 or above
-2. Don't know

Base: SL1=1 or SL10A=1 or SL11=1 (student loans for self, spouse/partner, or child/grandchild)

SL20 [S]

A policy was recently announced to forgive federal student loan debt for most borrowers. This policy will generally forgive up to $10,000 or $20,000 of federal student loans.

Do you [IF SL10A=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] have any student loan debt that you expect to be forgiven or reduced under this policy?

1. Yes
0. No
-2. Don't know

Base: SL1=1 or SL10A=1 or SL11=1 (student loans for self, spouse/partner, or child/grandchild)

SL20A [S]

[IF SL20=1 INSERT: How do you / ELSE INSERT: If you have student loans forgiven, how would you ] expect to use the largest portion of any money you save each month from student loan forgiveness?

1. Pay off debt
2. Save for home purchase
3. Save for other things
4. Spend it on other things

Base: All respondents


In addition to any student loans that you may have, do you currently have each of the following that were used to pay for college or higher education expenses for you or someone else:

Suppress default instructions, instead show: If you have multiple loans for your education, please select all that apply.

b. Home equity loan
c. Credit card debt
d. Other loan

1. Yes
0. No

Retirement and Investments Section

Base: All respondents

D1I [S]

This section will ask some questions about your planning and savings for retirement.

Do you consider yourself to be retired?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D1I ne 1 (Not Retired)

K0 [S]

Do you think that your retirement savings plan is currently on track?

1. Yes
0. No
-2. Don't know

Base: If D1I ne 1 (Not Retired)


Do you currently have each of the following types of retirement savings?

a. 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, or other defined contribution plan through an employer
b. Pension with a defined benefit through an employer that will pay a fixed monthly amount in retirement
c. IRA or Roth IRA
d. Savings outside a retirement account
e. Own a business or real estate that will provide income in retirement
f. Other retirement savings

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D1I=1 (Retired)

K8B [S]

When did you retire?

1. Within the past year
2. 1 or 2 years ago
3. 3 or 4 years ago
4. 5 years ago or more

Base: If D1I=1 (Retired)


Were each of the following important to your decision to retire at the age that you did?

a. Health problem
b. Wanted to do other things or spend time with family
c. Didn't like the work
d. Care for family members
e. Reached normal retirement age
f. Forced to retire or lack of available work

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If D1I=1 or (K2_a, K2_c, K2_d, or K2_f=1) (Retired or (Not retired and has self-directed retirement savings))

K20 [S]

Approximately how much money do you currently have saved for retirement?

1. Less than $10,000
2. $10,000 to $24,999
3. $25,000 to $49,999
4. $50,000 to $99,999
5. $100,000 to $249,999
6. $250,000 to $499,999
7. $500,000 to $999,999
8. Over $1,000,000
-2. Don't know

Base: If (K2_a, K2_c, K2_d, or K2_f=1) (Not retired, Has self-directed retirement savings)

DC4 [S]

How comfortable are you with making your own investment decisions in your retirement accounts?

1. Very comfortable
2. Mostly comfortable
3. Slightly comfortable
4. Not comfortable

Base: If D1I ne 1 (Not Retired)

K5A [S]

In the past 12 months, have you borrowed money from or cashed out (permanently withdrawn) money from any of your retirement savings accounts?

1. Yes, borrowed money
2. Yes, cashed out
3. Yes, both
0. No

Income and Consumption Section

Base: All respondents


This section will ask some questions about your savings, expenses, and sources of income.

In the past 12 months, did you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner ]receive any income from the following sources:

a. Wages, salaries, or self-employment income
b. Interest, dividends, or rental income
c. Social Security (including old age and DI)
d. Supplemental Security Income (SSI), TANF, or cash assistance from a welfare program
e. Unemployment income
f. Pension

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If ALL I0_a through I0_f=0 or refused (No income sources listed)

I0A [S]

Did you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] receive any income from any source in the past 12 months?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If I0=1 for any response or I0A=1 or refused (Report having any income)


Approximately how much was the total income that you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner ] received from all sources, before taxes and deductions, in the past 12 months?

Number Box $[0-1,999,999]

Base: If I39= refused (Did not answer specific dollar income question)

I40 [S]

Which of the following categories best describes the total income that you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] received from all sources, before taxes and deductions, in the past 12 months?

Suppress default instructions, instead show:

We ask for information about your income because it is extremely important for our understanding of household finances in the United States. Your answer will also remain completely anonymous.

1. $0 to $4,999
2. $5,000 to $14,999
3. $15,000 to $24,999
4. $25,000 to $39,999
5. $40,000 to $49,999
6. $50,000 to $74,999
7. $75,000 to $99,999
8. $100,000 to $149,999
9. $150,000 to $199,999
10. $200,000 or higher

Prompt once.

Base: All respondents


In the past 12 months, have you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] received any of the following?

a. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
b. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or food stamps)
c. Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition program benefits [Display if L0_b=1]
d. Housing assistance from government program
e. Free or reduced-price school lunches for your children [Display if L0_b=1]

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

I9 [S]

In the past 12 months, which one of the following best describes your [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and your spouse's or partner's] income?

1. Roughly the same amount each month
2. Occasionally varies from month to month
3. Varies quite often from month to month

Base: If I9=2 or 3 (Income varies occasionally or quite often from month to month)

I12 [S]

Because your income varies, have you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and your spouse or partner] struggled to pay your bills in the past 12 months?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

I20 [S]

In the past month, would you say that your [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and your spouse's or partner's] total spending was:

3. More than your income
2. The same as your income
1. Less than your income

Base: All respondents


Compared to a year ago, have each of the following [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: for you and your spouse or partner] increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?

a. Total monthly income
b. Total monthly spending

3. Increased
2. About the same
1. Decreased

Base: If I0_e=1 (Received unemployment insurance benefits)


You indicated that you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: or your spouse or partnerreceived income from unemployment insurance in the past year. Did you learn about your eligibility for these benefits from each of the following sources?

a. Employer
b. Union
c. Friends or family
d. Internet research
e. News stories
f. Government agency

1. Yes
0. No

Financial Support From Outside The Home Section

Base: All respondents


In the past year, have you [IF L0_a=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse or partner] received each of the following?

a. Free groceries or meals through a food pantry, religious, or community organization
b. Financial assistance from a religious or community organization
c. Financial assistance from friends or family members not living with you

1. Yes
0. No

Inflation Section

Base: All respondents


In general, have prices you paid for each of the following increased in the past 12 months?

a. Food
b. Gasoline and other motor fuels
c. Utilities (electricity, heating fuel, etc.)
d. Rent or mortgage
e. Medical care, medication, or health insurance
f. Home or auto insurance

2. Yes, increased a lot
1. Yes, increased somewhat
0. No

Base: If any of INF1_a-INF1_f = 1 or 2 (Prices paid increased in the past 12 months)


Have price increases for each of the following affected your family's budget in the past 12 months?


a. Food
b. Gasoline and other motor fuels
c. Utilities (electricity, heating fuel, etc.)
d. Rent or mortgage
e. Medical care, medication, or health insurance
f. Home or auto insurance

2. Yes, a lot
1. Yes, somewhat
0. No

Base: All respondents


Did you take any of the following actions because of increases in prices over the past 12 months?

a. Switched to cheaper products
b. Used less or stopped using
c. Reduced savings
d. Increased borrowing
e. Delayed a major purchase
f. Worked more or got another job
g. Asked for a raise [Display if D44_a=1]

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents


In the past 12 months, have you purchased each of the following goods or services online:

a. Groceries
b. Personal care items
c. Clothing

1. Yes
0. No

Base: OL3_a=1 or OL3_b=1 or OL3_c=1 (Made any of these types of online purchases)


What was the primary reason that you made these purchases online rather than at a local store?


a. Groceries
b. Personal care items
c. Clothing

1. Convenience
2. Better price
3. Better quality
4. Not available in local stores
5. COVID safety concerns
6. Other reason

Emergency Fund Section

CREATE [DOV_EF_amount]:
"$400" for 4/5 of sample
"$500" for 1/5 of sample

Base: All respondents

EF1 [S]

This section will ask some questions about your emergency savings, insurance, and economic hardships.

Have you set aside emergency or rainy day funds that would cover your expenses for 3 months in case of sickness, job loss, economic downturn, or other emergencies?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If EF1=0 or refused (Does not have 3 months emergency fund)

EF2 [S]

If you were to lose your main source of income (for example job or government benefits), could you cover your expenses for 3 months by borrowing money, using savings, or selling assets?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

EF3 [M]

Suppose that you have an emergency expense that costs [DOV_EF_amount]. Based on your current financial situation, how would you pay for this expense?

Suppress default instructions, instead show: If you would use more than one method to cover this expense, please select all that apply.

a. Put it on my credit card and pay it off in full at the next statement
b. Put it on my credit card and pay it off over time
c. With the money currently in my checking/savings account or with cash
d. Using money from a bank loan or line of credit
e. By borrowing from a friend or family member
f. Using a payday loan, deposit advance, or overdraft
g. By selling something
h. I wouldn't be able to pay for the expense right now

Base: All respondents

EF5A [S]

Which best describes your ability to pay all of your bills in full this month?

1. Able to pay all bills
0. Can't pay some bills

Base: If EF5A=1 (Able to pay all bills this month)

EF5B [S]

How would a [DOV_EF_amount] emergency expense that you had to pay impact your ability to pay your other bills this month?

1. Would still be able to pay all bills
0. Could not pay some bills

Base: If EF5A=0 or refused (Unable to pay all bills this month)


Are you expecting to be unable to pay or only make a partial payment on each of the following bills this month?

a. Rent or mortgage
b. Credit card
c. Water, gas, or electric bill
d. Phone or cable bill
e. Car payment
f. Student loan
g. Other bills

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If EF5B=0 (Unable to pay all bills this month if faced with a $400 or $500 expense)


Which of the following bills would you likely skip paying, or make only a partial payment on, if you had a [DOV_EF_amount] emergency expense that you had to pay?

a. Rent or mortgage
b. Credit card
c. Water, gas, or electric bill
d. Phone or cable bill
e. Car payment
f. Student loan
g. Other bills

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

EF7 [S]

Based on your current financial situation, what is the largest emergency expense that you could handle right now using only your savings?

1. Under $100
2. $100 to $499
3. $500 to $999
4. $1,000 to $1,999
5. $2,000 or more

Health and Insurance Section

Base: All respondents


During the past 12 months, was there a time when you needed each of the following, but went without because you couldn't afford it?

a. Prescription medicine
b. Seeing a doctor or specialist
c. Mental health care or counseling
d. Dental care
e. Follow-up care

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents

E2 [S]

During the past 12 months, have you had any unexpected major medical expenses that you had to pay out of pocket because they were not completely paid for by insurance?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: If E2=1 (Had major medical expense)

E2A [S]

Approximately how much did you pay out of pocket for unexpected major medical expenses in the past 12 months?

1. $1 to $499
2. $500 to $999
3. $1,000 to $1,999
4. $2,000 to $4,999
5. $5,000 or higher
-2. Don't know

Base: All respondents

E2B [S]

Do you currently have any debt from medical care you or your family members have received?

1. Yes
0. No

Base: All respondents


Are you currently covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans?

a. Insurance through an employer or union
b. Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company
c. Medicare or Medicaid
d. TRICARE, VA, or other military or veteran's health care
e. Insurance purchased through a health insurance exchange
f. Any other health insurance

1. Yes
0. No

Childhood Background Section

Base: If X2020=2 and X2021=2 (Did not participate in the survey in the past 2 years)

CH2 [S]

We are interested in a few characteristics of your parents.

What is the highest level of education that your mother completed?

1. Less than High School degree
2. High school degree or GED
3. Some college but no degree
4. Certificate or technical degree
5. Associate degree
6. Bachelor's degree
7. Graduate degree

-2. Don't know

Base: If X2020=2 and X2021=2 (Did not participate in the survey in the past 2 years)

CH3 [S]

What is the highest level of education that your father completed?

1. Less than High School degree
2. High school degree or GED
3. Some college but no degree
4. Certificate or technical degree
5. Associate degree
6. Bachelor's degree
7. Graduate degree

-2. Don't know

Financial Literacy Section

0 for 1/2 of sample
1 for 1/2 of sample

Base: All respondents

FL0 [S]

Finally, we have a few questions about your views on finances and the economy.

Some people are fully prepared to take financial risks when they save or make investments, while others try to avoid taking financial risks.

On a scale from zero to ten, where zero is not at all willing to take risks and ten is very willing to take risks, what number would you be on the scale?

0. Not at all willing to take financial risks
10. Very willing to take financial risks

Base: All respondents

FL2 [S]

Do you think the following statement is true or false?

"Buying a single company's stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund."

1. True
2. False
-2. Don't know [Display if DOV_FL=1]

Base: All respondents

FL4 [S]

Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year and inflation was 2% per year. After 1 year, how much would you be able to buy with the money in this account?

1. More than today
2. Exactly the same
3. Less than today
-2. Don't know [Display if DOV_FL=1]

Base: All respondents

FL5 [S]

Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2% per year. After 5 years, how much do you think you would have in the account if you left the money to grow?

1. More than $102
2. Exactly $102
3. Less than $102
-2. Don't know [Display if DOV_FL=1]

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Last Update: June 02, 2023