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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

International Training and Assistance (ITA)
for Bank Supervisors

Agricultural Lending, Session 2Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) and Other Agency Courses

Type of Participant Targeted

The Agricultural Lending class is intended for examiners who have a limited knowledge of agricultural loans.

Course Overview

This class will provide an overview of current trends in agricultural sectors and enhance skills in analyzing agricultural credits. Interactive case studies will be used to assist examiners with analyzing agricultural credits, including cash flow, and identifying any risk to the financial institution.

Course Objectives

Upon completing the class, participants will be able to

  • identify the areas of risk and exposure for various types of agricultural loans that affect profitability, liquidity, and capital;
  • discuss concepts for proper structuring of agricultural loans to minimize risk to financial institutions;
  • analyze the cash flow from various agricultural borrowers to determine the borrowers' ability to repay;
  • analyze and assess certain current market conditions affecting various types of agricultural loans, such as vineyards, dairy, grain/corn, fruit, livestock, and more; and
  • identify accounting implications affecting agricultural loans and underwriting practices.


The Agricultural Lending class is four days. The class usually begins on Monday at 1:00 p.m. and ends on Friday at 12:00 noon. The normal course day is eight hours.

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Last update: February 2, 2017