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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2014

Appendix 3: Consumer Responses to Survey Questionnaire

Not all questions were asked to all respondents. Question numbers are not always sequential in order to preserve continuity with the question numbers from the 2013 survey. Questions are listed below in the order in which they were presented to respondents.

Question D1. Which one of the following BEST describes your living arrangement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
Living alone or only with your immediate family (i.e., spouse/partner and/or dependent children) 80.1
Living with your adult children 2.4
Living with your (or your spouse's/partner's) parents 9.7
Living with your (or your spouse's/partner's) extended family (e.g., siblings, cousins) 3.0
Living with roommate(s) 4.7
Number of respondents 5,896
Question D2. We are interested in your present job status. Which one of the following BEST describes your current employment situation?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.2
Employed now 55.3
Temporarily laid off 0.4
Not employed, but looking for a job 5.3
Not employed and not looking for a job 1.8
Homemaker 6.7
Student 4.5
Disabled and not working 6.6
Retired 19.3
Number of respondents 2,149
Question D3. Thinking of your main job, do you:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
Work full time for someone else 75.4
Work part time for someone else 15.7
Work for yourself (self-employed) 7.8
Work in a partnership (e.g., partner in law firm, medical practice) 0.4
Work as a consultant/contractor 0.6
Number of respondents 2,149
Question D4A. Besides being a student, do you also have
a paid job?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.4
Yes, I work full time 2.6
Yes, I work part time 46.8
No 50.2
Number of respondents 194
Question D4B. Besides being retired, do you also have
a paid job?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
Yes, I work full time 0.4
Yes, I work part time 9.8
No 89.8
Number of respondents 1,482
Question D4C. In addition to your main job, do you also have another paid job?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
Yes, I have another full-time job 2.1
Yes, I have another part-time job 13.0
No 84.7
Number of respondents 2,871
Question D4E. If you were paid the same hourly rate regardless of the number of hours you work, would you prefer to:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.4
Work the same number of hours that you currently work 58.1
Work more hours for more money 36.0
Work fewer hours for less money 5.5
Number of respondents 2,846
Question D5. Which one of the following BEST describes your spouse's/partner's current employment status?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.0
Employed full time 54.4
Employed part time 9.1
Temporarily laid off 0.6
Not employed, but looking for a job 3.2
Not employed and not looking for a job 1.6
Homemaker 6.9
Student 1.1
Disabled and not working 4.2
Retired 18.0
Number of respondents 3,442
Question D7. Do you (and/or your spouse's/partner) currently have a checking, savings, or money market account?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.6
No 7.6
Yes 91.9
Number of respondents 5,896
Question D8A. In the past 12 months, have you used a check cashing service, money order, pawn shop loan, auto title loan, paycheck advance/deposit advance, or a payday loan?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.6
No 84.4
Yes 15.0
Number of respondents 5,896
Question S2. Which one of the following best describes your housing arrangement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.2
I [and/or my spouse/partner] own [my/our] home 61.4
I [and/or my spouse/partner] pay rent 28.0
I [and/or my spouse/partner] don't own [my/our] home or pay rent 10.3
Number of respondents 5,896
Question R0. Would you prefer to own your home rather than rent your home if you could afford it?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.7
Definitely no 5.9
Probably no 12.3
Probably yes 28.3
Definitely yes 52.9
Number of respondents 1,769
Question R1. Please select all the reasons below for why you rent your home rather than own your home.
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.9
It's cheaper to rent than own a home 26.6
It's more convenient to rent (for example, you can move easily) 24.7
I plan on moving in the near future 22.3
I can't qualify for a mortgage to buy a home 30.9
I can't afford the down payment to buy a home 50.2
I simply prefer to rent 11.7
I'm currently looking to buy a home 9.4
Other 9.2
Number of respondents 1,769
Question R7. Do you expect to purchase a home in the next three years?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.3
Definitely no 24.9
Probably no 27.7
Probably yes 17.7
Definitely yes 9.2
Don't know 20.2
Number of respondents 2,250
Question H0. Please select all the reasons below for why you own your home rather than rent.
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
It's cheaper to own than rent a home 41.5
Certainty about monthly payments 20.2
Building equity with payments 43.7
Don't like to move 22.7
Less rules/able to customize house 42.7
Simply prefer to own 72.2
Other 6.3
Number of respondents 3,638
Question H1. Compared to 12 months ago, do you think the value of your home today is higher, lower, or stayed the same?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.4
Lower value 13.4
Value has stayed the same 37.2
Higher value 42.9
Don't know 6.1
Number of respondents 3,402
Question H4. In the next 12 months, how much do you think that home prices in your neighborhood will change?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
Go down by more than 5 percent 2.2
Go down by less than 5 percent 3.6
Stay about the same 41.4
Go up by less than 5 percent 24.2
Go up by more than 5 percent 14.7
Don't know 13.3
Number of respondents 3,638
Question H5. Thinking about the past 12 months, which one of the following categories best describes your situation concerning selling your current home?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.7
I wanted to sell, so I put it on the market but could not sell it 1.2
I wanted to sell, but did not put it on the market 7.8
I did not want to sell 89.0
My home is currently on the market 1.3
Number of respondents 3,638
Question H7. Please select all the sources below that you used to make the down-payment (if any) when you purchased your current home:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.8
Proceeds from sale of previous home 29.3
Personal savings 52.6
Loan or gift from family/friends 15.2
Second mortgage 2.5
Financial assistance from a government program or nonprofit organization 4.4
Did not make a down payment [EXCLUSIVE] 19.8
Number of respondents 1,263
Question M0. Do you (and/or your spouse/partner/
significant other) currently have a mortgage on your home?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
No 38.0
Yes 61.5
Number of respondents 3,638
Question M2. In the past 12 months, have or your spouse/partner missed two or more payments on your mortgage?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
No 96.6
Yes 3.2
Number of respondents 2,016
Question M3. Compared to the current value of your home, is the total amount of money you owe:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
A lot less 40.3
A little less 29.5
About the same (as the current value of your home) 10.0
A little more 7.9
A lot more 6.5
Don't know 5.6
Number of respondents 2,016
Question L1. Please select all the reasons below that you (and your immediate family) currently live with your adult children, your or your spouse's/partner's parents, your or your spouse's/partner's extended family, or roommates.
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 6.2
To save money 53.1
To care for sick/disabled/elderly family member or friend 12.4
To receive assistance with child care 2.3
Companionship/prefer living with others 22.7
To provide financial assistance to those living with me 18.2
Other 20.7
Number of respondents 1,055
Question A0. In the last 12 months, have you (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) applied for any credit?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.9
No 62.6
Yes 36.5
Number of respondents 5,896
Question A0A. Please select all of the types of credit below that you (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) have applied for in the past 12 months.
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.3
Mortgage to buy a new home 7.0
Refinance of a home mortgage 7.1
Home equity loan or line of credit 6.2
Credit card 65.3
Car/auto loan 26.2
Student loan 12.9
Personal loan from friends or family 6.0
Other 7.8
Number of respondents 2,015
Question A0B. Was there a time in the past 12 months that you (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) desired credit but chose not to submit a credit application?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
No 88.0
Yes 11.5
Number of respondents 3,842
Question A1. In the past 12 months, please tell us if each of the following has or has not happened to you (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other):
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all responses 1.68
You (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) were turned down for credit 24.4
You (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) were approved for credit, but were not given as much credit as you applied for 15.5
You (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) put off applying for credit because you thought you might be turned down 18.7
Number of respondents 2,054
Question A2A. Why did you (and/or your spouse/partner/significant other) choose not to submit a credit application when you desired credit in the past 12 months?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.3
Thought you might be turned down or denied credit 40.1
Simply did not want to take on more debt 44.2
Obtained money some other way 6.8
Other 8.5
Number of respondents 460
Question A4. If you were to apply for a mortgage today, how confident are you that your application would be approved?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.9
Very confident 40.8
Somewhat confident 19.6
Not confident 25.7
Don't know 13.1
Number of respondents 5,896
Question C1. If you had to guess, do you think your current credit score (such as a FICO score) is:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.8
Poor 10.0
Fair 11.7
Good 16.4
Very good 22.4
Excellent 29.4
Don't know my score or how to rate it 9.4
Number of respondents 5,896
Question C2A. Do you have at least one credit card?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.8
No 23.3
Yes 75.9
Number of respondents 5,896
Question C3. In the past 12 months, have you always paid your credit card bills in full each month?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.3
No 43.6
Yes 56.1
Number of respondents 4,487
Question C4. Also, in the past 12 months, have you ever:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 0.1
Carried over a balance on one or more of your credit cards and been charged interest 81.3
Paid only the minimum payment on one or more of your credit card bills 48.4
Carried a balance on one or more of your credit cards at a low-interest rate from a special offer or promotion 38.9
Used a credit card for a cash advance 11.0
Number of respondents 1,968
Question ED0. What is the highest level of school you completed or the highest degree you have received?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Less than high school degree 6.5
High school degree or GED 30.2
Some college but no degree (including currently enrolled in college) 19.3
Certificate or technical degree 5.8
Associate degree 8.3
Bachelor's degree 18.0
Master's degree 7.4
Professional degree (e.g., MBA, MD, JD) 2.7
Doctoral degree 1.7
Number of respondents 5,896
Question ED1. Which one of the following broad categories best describes your most recent educational program?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.4
Humanities 7.9
Social/behavioral sciences 8.9
Life sciences 3.8
Physical sciences/math 3.4
Computer/information sciences 8.6
Engineering 6.7
Education 9.2
Business/management 20.3
Health 11.9
Law 3.5
Vocational/technical training 8.2
Undeclared 6.6
Other (please specify): 0.7
Number of respondents 3,676
Question ED5. Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your most recent educational program compares to its financial costs?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 2.9
Financial benefits are much larger 17.0
Financial benefits are somewhat larger 16.0
About same financial benefits and financial costs 34.1
Financial costs are somewhat larger 12.3
Financial costs are much larger 17.7
Number of respondents 1,397
Question ED6A. Were each of the following were used to finance your most recent educational program:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 1.3
I paid using my own savings or student loans 47.1
I worked while in school 58.1
My parent contributed (with or without the use of loans) 27.9
Tuition reimbursement from my employer (including military) 15.8
Academic scholarship 14.6
Financial-aid based scholarship or grant (e.g., Pell grant or other grants determined from FAFSA application) 34
Number of respondents 1,397
Question ED10. Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your bachelor's or associate degree program compares to its financial costs?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
Financial benefits are much larger 39.6
Financial benefits are somewhat larger 23.1
About same financial benefits and financial costs 20.3
Financial costs are somewhat larger 8.3
Financial costs are much larger 8.2
Number of respondents 2,279
Question ED11A. Were each of the following used to finance your associate degree or bachelor's degree?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 0.2
I paid using my own savings or student loans 58.0
I worked while in school 72.9
My parent contributed (with or without the use of loans) 57.7
Tuition reimbursement from my employer (including military) 14.3
Academic scholarship 35.9
Financial-aid based scholarship or grant (e.g., Pell grant or other grants determined from FAFSA application) 39.7
Number of respondents 2,279
Question ED12. Now please think about the highest degree that you received (master's, professional, or doctoral degree). Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of the program from which you received your highest degree compares to its financial costs?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.1
Financial benefits are much larger 47.4
Financial benefits are somewhat larger 28.0
About same financial benefits and financial costs 10.9
Financial costs are somewhat larger 7.2
Financial costs are much larger 6.3
Number of respondents 689
Question ED13. Which of the following are reasons why you did not attend college?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.7
Too expensive 30.7
Family responsibilities 25.8
Wanted to work 30.4
Simply was not interested in college 38.1
Was not admitted 1.1
Did not think benefits of attending college were worth the cost 12.3
Other 10.9
Number of respondents 1,828
Question ED14. Which of the following are reasons why you did not complete your college degree?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.6
Still enrolled in college 25.1
Too expensive 18.3
Family responsibilities 28.1
Wanted to work 20.2
Simply not interested in continuing in college 18.9
Did not think the benefits of continuing college were worth the cost 12.5
Low grades 5.5
Other 13.4
Number of respondents 1,059
Question ED15. What is the highest level of education that your mother completed?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.1
Less than high school degree 19.3
High school degree or GED 36.1
Some college but no degree 9.5
Certificate or technical degree 4.7
Associate degree 5.4
Bachelor's degree 10.7
Graduate degree 5.9
Don't know 7.4
Number of respondents 5,896
Question ED16. What is the highest level of education that your father completed?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.0
Less than high school degree 21.1
High school degree or GED 29.6
Some college but no degree 9.0
Certificate or technical degree 4.8
Associate degree 3.4
Bachelor's degree 10.9
Graduate degree 8.0
Don't know 12.3
Number of respondents 5,896
Question S7. Do you currently owe any money used to pay for your own education, your spouse's education, or your child's or grandchild's education?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
Your own education 15.4
Spouse's/partner's education 5.8
Do not have spouse/partner 39.8
Child's or grandchild's education 6.3
Do not have children/grandchildren 29.3
Number of respondents 5,896
Question T0_1. Is the money you owe for your own education a student loan, a home equity loan, a credit card debt, or some other type of loan?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.8
Student loan 92.4
Home equity loan 3.7
Credit card 16.3
Other loan 10.6
Number of respondents 833
Question T0_2. Is the money you owe for your spouse's/partner's education a student loan, a home equity loan, a credit card debt, or some other type of loan?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.6
Student loan 91.6
Home equity loan 2.7
Credit card 12.4
Other loan 7.5
Number of respondents 296
Question T0_3. Is the money you owe for your child's/grandchild's education a student loan, a home equity loan, a credit card debt, or some other type of loan?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 2.5
Student loan 74.0
Home equity loan 7.5
Credit card 10.1
Other loan 11.8
Number of respondents 352
Question T1_C1. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your own education, are the loans federal (e.g., Perkins or Stafford Loan) loans, private loans, or a mix of both?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 8.1
Federal loan 49.7
Private loan 4.3
Mix of both 28.3
Don't know 9.5
Number of respondents 769
Question T1_C2. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your spouse's/partner's education, are the loans federal (e.g., Perkins or Stafford Loan) loans, private loans, or a mix of both?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 10.9
Federal loan 42.5
Private loan 4.5
Mix of both 25.0
Don't know 17.1
Number of respondents 270
Question T1_C3. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your child's/grandchild's education, are the loans federal (e.g., Perkins or Stafford Loan) loans, private loans, or a mix of both?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 10.9
Federal loan 43.5
Private loan 10.5
Mix of both 20.9
Don't know 14.1
Number of respondents 264
Question T1_D1. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your own education, is one or more loans in deferment, forbearance, or being forgiven so you do not need to make payments right now?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 9.9
No 51.2
Yes 38.9
Number of respondents 769
Question T1_D2. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your spouse's/partner's education, is one or more loans in deferment, forbearance, or being forgiven so you do not need to make payments right now?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 13.1
No 64.5
Yes 22.4
Number of respondents 270
Question T1_D3. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your child's/grandchild's education, is one or more loans in deferment, forbearance, or being forgiven so you do not need to make payments right now?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 12.6
No 55.1
Yes 32.3
Number of respondents 264
Question T1_E1. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your own education, are you behind on payments or in collections for one or more of these loans?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 10.0
No 75.9
Yes 14.1
Number of respondents 769
Question T1_E2. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your spouse's/partner's education, are you behind on payments or in collections for one or more of these loans?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 12.2
No 78.2
Yes 9.6
Number of respondents 270
Question T1_E3. Thinking specifically about the student loans that you took out to pay for education, please tell us a little more about those loans. For your child's/grandchild's education, are you behind on payments or in collections for one or more of these loans?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 14.9
No 77.7
Yes 7.4
Number of respondents 264
Question T2. Did you borrow money or take out any loans to pay for your own education that you have since repaid?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.2
No 85.6
Yes 13.3
Number of respondents 5,063
Question T5. Did you complete the most recent educational program for which you borrowed money?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.5
No 19.8
Yes 65.4
Still enrolled in the program 14.3
Number of respondents 1,525
Question T7. Still thinking about your most recent educational program for which you borrowed money, what type of degree or credential did you borrow money for?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 2.8
Certificate or technical training 11.9
Associate degree 23.4
Bachelor's degree 44.2
Master's degree 10.5
Professional degree (e.g., MBA, MD, JD) 1.5
Doctoral degree 1.8
Other (please specify): 3.8
Number of respondents 514
Question E1. During the past 12 months, was there a time when you needed any of the following, but didn't get it because you couldn't afford it?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 1.2
Prescription medicine (including taking less medication than prescribed) 13.2
To see a doctor 15.1
Mental health care or counseling 6.3
Dental care (including skipping check-ups or routine cleaning) 24.6
To see a specialist (such as an OB/GYN, dermatologist, orthopedic surgeon, etc.) 10.9
Follow-up care (e.g., skipping physical therapy sessions recommended by a doctor) 8.2
Number of respondents 5,896
Question E2. During the past 12 months, have you had any unexpected major medical expenses that you had to pay out of pocket (that were not completely paid for by insurance)?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.1
No 74.8
Yes 24.0
Number of respondents 5,896
Question E4. Are you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 1.2
Insurance through a current or former employer or union (of yourself or a family member) 56.1
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (by yourself or a family member) 11.5
Medicare, for people 65 or older, or people with certain disabilities 21.7
Medicaid, Medical Assistance, or any kind of government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or disability 12.7
TRICARE or other military health care 3.4
VA (including those who have ever used or enrolled for VA health care) 4.0
Indian Health Service 1.6
Insurance purchased through a health insurance exchange 3.1
Any other type of health insurance or health coverage plan 5.5
Number of respondents 5,896
Question B2. Which one of the following best describes how well you are managing financially these days?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.1
Finding it difficult to get by 10.3
Just getting by 24.1
Doing okay 39.8
Living comfortably 24.7
Number of respondents 5,896
Question B3. Compared to 12 months ago, would you say that you (and your family living with you) are better off, the same, or worse off financially?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.2
Much worse off 4.6
Somewhat worse off 16.6
About the same 48.8
Somewhat better off 21.8
Much better off 7.0
Number of respondents 5,896
Question B4. Compared to five years ago (since 2009), would you say that you (and your family living with you) are better off, the same, or worse off financially?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.4
Much worse off 8.8
Somewhat worse off 18.8
About the same 30.9
Somewhat better off 26.7
Much better off 13.5
Number of respondents 5,896
Question B5. Consider other people your age who had similar financial situations to you five years ago (in 2009). When compared to these people, would you say that your current financial situation is now:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 2.1
A lot worse than their current situation 5.9
A little worse than their current situation 14.2
About the same as their current situation 43.7
A little better than their current situation 24.0
A lot better than their current situation 10.0
Number of respondents 5,896
Question B6. Think of your parents when they were your age. Would you say you (and your family living with you) are better, the same, or worse off financially than they were?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.6
Much worse off 7.8
Somewhat worse off 15.6
About the same 22.6
Somewhat better off 28.6
Much better off 23.8
Number of respondents 5,896
Question B7. Think about the next generation of your family (e.g., your children, nieces, nephews, etc.). When they are your age, do you think that they will be better off, the same, or worse off financially than you are today?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.8
Much worse off 8.0
Somewhat worse off 20.1
About the same 26.3
Somewhat better off 29.3
Much better off 14.5
Number of respondents 5,896
Question K0. How much thought have you given to the financial planning for your retirement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.2
None at all 17.1
A little 22.4
Some 24.8
A fair amount 21.4
A lot 13.1
Number of respondents 4,414
Question K1. Which one of the following best describes your plan for retirement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.9
I do not plan to retire 12.1
Work fewer hours as I get close to retirement 8.8
Retire from my current career, but then find a different full-time job 2.4
Retire from my current career, but then find a different part-time job 11.7
Retire from my current career, but then work for myself 7.5
Work full time until I retire, then stop working altogether 20.3
Keep working as long as possible 25.1
Other (please specify): 10.3
Number of respondents 4,414
Question K2. Do you currently have each of the following types of retirement savings or pension?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 1.7
401(k), 403(b), thrift, or other defined contribution pension plan through an employer or former employer (i.e., a retirement plan through work, where you contribute a percent of your salary to invest for retirement) 46.5
Defined benefit pension through an employer or former employer (i.e., a pension that will pay you a fixed amount each year during retirement based on a formula, your earnings, and years of service) 21.8
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or Roth IRA 28.9
Savings outside a retirement account (e.g., a brokerage account, savings account, or stock holdings) 37.1
Ownership of real estate or land that you plan to sell or rent to generate income in retirement 15.2
Ownership of my business 6.5
Other retirement savings 11.2
Number of respondents 4,414
Question K2A. Thinking about your current savings for retirement, do you think that your retirement savings is on track to allow you to retire with a comfortable standard of living by your planned retirement age of [K1B response]?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.6
Definitely no 14.1
Probably no 20.8
Probably yes 43.7
Definitely yes 13
Don't know 7.9
Number of respondents 1,536
Question K2B. You indicated that you do not think that your retirement savings is on track. Which one of the following best describes your alternate savings plan or plan for retirement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.6
Continue working full time past your planned retirement age 17.4
Continue working part time past your planned retirement age 24.7
Retire at your planned retirement age but spend less in retirement 12.8
Retire at your planned retirement age but spend less while working to save more for retirement 14.0
I have no alternate plan 25.5
Other 5.0
Number of respondents 593
Question K2C. If you determine that your retirement savings is no longer on track, how you would adjust your savings plan or plans for retirement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.4
Continue working full time past your planned retirement age 34.4
Continue working part time past your planned retirement age 26.5
Retire at your planned retirement age but spend less in retirement 13.6
Retire at your planned retirement age but spend less while working to save more for retirement 17.3
Would not adjust savings or retirement plan 5.2
Other 2.5
Number of respondents 937
Question K14. You stated that you do not participate in a 401(k), 403(b), thrift, or other defined contribution plan from work. Please select all the reasons below for why you do not currently invest in this type of retirement plan.
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 3.9
Employer does not offer a plan 41.5
Employer offers a plan but does not match contributions 6.2
Unable to afford contributions to a retirement plan 28.7
Plan to invest through the retirement plan but have not signed up yet 9.5
Unsure of best way to invest money contributed to the retirement plan 14.6
Prefer to save for retirement in other ways 12.3
Prefer to spend the money rather than save 4.1
Other 9.2
Number of respondents 1,143
Question K18. How confident are you in your ability to make the right investment decisions when managing and investing the money in your retirement accounts (including IRA, 401(k), 403(b), thrift, or other retirement accounts where you choose the investments for yourself)?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.8
Very confident 11.6
Mostly confident 36.4
Slightly confident 34.0
Not confident 17.3
Number of respondents 2,566
Question K3. Which of the following do you expect will be a source of funds for you (and your spouse/partner) in retirement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Available Don't know
Refused all options 1.6  
Social Security 64.6 21.2
I will continue working 45.1 27.1
Spouse/partner will continue working 25.8 32.8
Defined benefit pension from work (i.e., pension based on a formula, your earnings, and years of service) 32.3 23.4
401(k), 403(b), thrift, or other defined contribution pension plan from work 54.0 18.1
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 37.0 24.0
Savings outside a retirement account (e.g., a brokerage account, savings account) 46.4 20.7
Income from real estate or the sale of real estate 19.6 26.6
Income from a business or the sale of a business 6.9 24.6
Rely on children, grandchildren, or other family 4.9 22.3
Rely on inheritance 8.0 22.4
Other retirement savings 14.8 26.9
Number of respondents   3,838
Question K5A. In the past 12 months, have you borrowed money from or cashed out (permanently withdrawn) money from any of your retirement savings accounts?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.8
No 88.2
Yes, borrowed money 4.1
Yes, cashed out 4.8
Yes, both 1.2
Number of respondents 4,414
Question K9. Thinking about your transition to retirement, please tell us if you did any of the following:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 0.2
Worked fewer hours as I got close to retirement 16.9
Retired from my previous career, but then found a different full-time job 5.9
Retired from my previous career, but then found a different part-time job 17.3
Retired from my previous career, but then started working as self-employed 9.0
Worked full time until I retired, then stopped working altogether 51.1
Worked until health problems prevented me from continuing to work 20.0
Number of respondents 1,482
Question K10. Which of the following are sources of funds for you (and your spouse/partner) in retirement?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused all options 0.2
Social Security 89.4
I have a job 7.6
My spouse/partner has a job 16.5
Defined benefit pension from work (i.e., pension based on a formula, your earnings, and years of service) 62.4
401(k), 403(b), thrift, or other defined contribution pension plan from work 32.2
Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 44.8
Savings outside a retirement account (e.g., a brokerage account, savings account) 50.1
Income from real estate or the sale of real estate 11.9
Income from a business or the sale of a business 2.4
Relying on children, grandchildren, or other family 3.8
Other retirement savings 21.4
Number of respondents 1,482
Question X1. Over the past year, have you or your family living with you experienced any financial hardship such as a job loss, drop in income, health emergency, divorce, or loss of your home?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.2
No 74.6
Yes 24.1
Number of respondents 5,896
Question X2. Which of the following did you or your family living with you experience in the past year?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.6
I lost a job 23.1
I had my work hours and/or pay reduced 19.1
My spouse/partner lost a job 14.0
My spouse/partner had their work hours and/or pay reduced 13.0
Received a foreclosure or eviction notice 5.2
A business I owned had financial difficulty 3.8
Had a health emergency 37.3
Divorce 5.1
Death of primary breadwinner 2.5
Other 17.0
Number of respondents 1,527
Question X9. Over the past 12 months, have you or your household received any financial assistance from your family or a friend to cover expenses after a financial hardship?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.4
No 71.9
Yes 27.7
Number of respondents 1,527
Question X10. Over the past 12 months, have you or your household provided any financial assistance to a friend or family member to cover expenses after a financial hardship?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.5
No 75.4
Yes 23.1
Number of respondents 5,896
Question I1. In the past 12 months, would you say that your household's total spending was:
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.6
Less than your income 41.3
The same as your income 36.8
More than your income 20.3
Number of respondents 5,896
Question I2A. How do you think that the percent of your income that you saved in the past 12 months
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.2
Much lower 16.1
A little lower 22.8
About the same 30.2
A little higher 21.1
Much higher 9.5
Number of respondents 2,587
Question I3. Which of the following categories, if any, are you saving money for?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 0.7
Education (yours or someone else's) 19.2
Retirement 57.1
Your children 25.0
Major appliance, car, or other big purchase (excluding a home) 23.7
Home purchase 16.3
Pay off debts 28.6
Unexpected expenses 56.7
Just to save 50.4
Taxes 15.7
To leave behind some inheritance or charitable donation 9.3
Other 3.9
Number of respondents 2,587
Question I7. During the next 12 months, do you expect your total income to be higher, about the same, or lower than during the past 12 months?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.6
Lower 9.1
About the same 60.2
Higher 29.1
Number of respondents 5,896
Question E1B. Have you set aside emergency or rainy day funds that would cover your expenses for 3 months in case of sickness, job loss, economic downturn, or other emergencies?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 2.0
No 53.5
Yes 44.5
Number of respondents 5,896
Question E1A. If you were to lose your main source of income (e.g., job, government benefits), could you cover your expenses for 3 months by borrowing money, using savings, selling assets, or borrowing from friends/family?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.3
No 59.4
Yes 39.3
Number of respondents 3,166
Question E3A. Suppose that you have an emergency expense that costs $400. Based on your current financial situation, how would you pay for this expense? If you would use more than one method to cover this expense, please select all that apply.
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.7
Put it on my credit card and pay it off in full at the next statement 28.6
Put it on my credit card and pay it off over time 17.9
With the money currently in my checking/savings account or with cash 47.6
Using money from a bank loan or line of credit 4.1
By borrowing from a friend or family member 12.6
Using a payday loan, deposit advance, or overdraft 2.5
By selling something 9.9
I wouldn't be able to pay for the expense right now 14.3
Other 2.1
Number of respondents 5,896
Question E3B. Based on your current financial situation, what is the largest emergency expense that you could pay right now using cash or money in your checking/savings account?
Percent, except as noted
Response Rate
Refused 1.7
Under $100 38.9
$100 to $199 15.7
$200 to $299 13.1
$300 to $399 8.7
Over $400 21.9
Number of respondents 2,707

Summary Statistics

Summary statistics for numeric questions
Weighted Observations
Mean Median
In what year did you buy your current home? 1,998.7 2,002 3,608
About how much do you [if d0=1, insert: and your spouse / if d0=2, insert: and your partner] pay for rent each month? 807.2 700 1,663
About how much is your total monthly mortgage payment (i.e., the amount you send to the bank)? 1,338.3 1,060 1,873
In what year did you start living with your [living situation]? 2,001.0 2,007 949
In what year did you first attend this educational program? 1,995.8 2,001 1,308
In what year did you last attend this educational program? (excludes those still enrolled) 1,994.1 1,998 1,102
In what year did you first attend your associate degree or bachelor's degree program? 1,988.9 1,991 2,228
In what year did you receive your associate degree or bachelor's degree? 1,993.1 1,996 2,203
For students loans to fund your own education, total dollar amount owed: 30,181.8 16,000 696
For students loans to fund your spouse's/partner's education, total dollar amount owed: 27,012.5 16,000 236
For students loans to fund your child's/grandchild's education, total dollar amount owed: 37,443.6 15,000 219
For students loans to fund your own education, total dollar amount of monthly payment: 681.3 200 466
For students loans to fund your spouse's/partner's education, total dollar amount of monthly payment: 255.8 200 177
For students loans to fund your child's/grandchild's education, total dollar amount of monthly payment: 348.3 200 154
How much money did you borrow for your certificate or technical training? 7,698.9 5,000 210
How much money did you borrow for your associate degree? 10,828.7 5,000 309
How much money did you borrow for your bachelor's degree? 21,221.6 15,000 849
How much money did you borrow for your professional degree (e.g., MBA, MD, JD)? 44,563.0 20,000 106
How much money did you borrow for your master's degree or doctoral degree? 27,087.2 18,000 209
How much money did you borrow for your other educational programs? 13,390.1 5,000 56
At what age do you expect to retire fully, meaning completely stop working for pay? 65.7 65 1,594
What percent of your paycheck do you contribute to your 401(k), 403(b), thrift, or other defined contribution benefit plan? 9.4 7 1,078
What is the maximum percent of your salary that your employer will contribute to your account? 6.2 5 1,045
At what age did you retire fully, meaning completely stop working? 61.1 62 1,205
In the past 12 months, what percent of your household's total gross income (before taxes and deductions) did you set aside as savings? 10.3 5 4,263

Note: These are values for valid responses only.

Summary statistics for demographics
  Weighted Unweighted Observations
Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
Age 46.9756 17.3009 50.6654 17.3996 5,896
Male 0.4821 0.4997 0.4800 0.4996 5,896
Female 0.5179 0.4997 0.5200 0.4996 5,896
18-29 0.2126 0.4092 0.1610 0.3675 5,896
30-44 0.2537 0.4352 0.2137 0.4100 5,896
45-60 0.2870 0.4524 0.2960 0.4565 5,896
Ages over 60 0.2467 0.4311 0.3294 0.4700 5,896
Less than high school 0.1233 0.3288 0.1041 0.3055 5,896
High school degree 0.2963 0.4567 0.3019 0.4591 5,896
Some college 0.2874 0.4526 0.2878 0.4528 5,896
Bachelor's degree or higher 0.2930 0.4552 0.3061 0.4609 5,896
White, non-Hispanic 0.6577 0.4745 0.7330 0.4424 5,896
Black, non-Hispanic 0.1151 0.3192 0.1046 0.3061 5,896
Other, non-Hispanic 0.0636 0.2441 0.0321 0.1762 5,896
Hispanic 0.1508 0.3579 0.0975 0.2967 5,896
2 or more races, non-Hispanic 0.0128 0.1125 0.0327 0.1780 5,896
Less than $40,000 0.3152 0.4646 0.5061 0.5000 5,896
$40,000-$100,000 0.4076 0.4914 0.3016 0.4590 5,896
Greater than $100,000 0.2773 0.4477 0.1923 0.3942 5,896
Married 0.5208 0.4996 0.5114 0.4999 5,896
Not married 0.4792 0.4996 0.4886 0.4999 5,896
Northeast 0.1822 0.3861 0.1815 0.3854 5,896
Midwest 0.2137 0.4100 0.2456 0.4305 5,896
South 0.3708 0.4831 0.3531 0.4780 5,896
West 0.2332 0.4229 0.2198 0.4142 5,896
Employed 0.5657 0.4957 0.5058 0.5000 5,896
Unemployed, in labor force 0.0878 0.2830 0.0782 0.2685 5,896
Not in labor force 0.3465 0.4759 0.4160 0.4929 5,896

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Last update: June 9, 2015

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