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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Banks in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: June 2009

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Banks' Own Claims on Foreigners Reported by Banks in the United States (3.18) 1
Payable in U.S. Dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Area or country 2005 2006 2007 Oct 2008/r Nov 2008/r Dec 2008/r Jan 2009/r Feb 2009/r Mar 2009/r Apr 2009/p
1 Total, all foreigners 1,864,834 2,291,340 2,791,032 2,709,276 2,598,161 2,419,419 2,495,105 2,475,564 2,517,350 2,536,547
2 Foreign countries 1,857,584 2,282,166 2,780,727 2,704,801 2,593,277 2,417,059 2,488,429 2,472,811 2,514,371 2,533,193
3 Europe 918,660 1,188,919 1,587,218 1,511,248 1,436,084 1,262,652 1,283,643 1,289,914 1,311,287 1,295,949
4 Austria 4,139 4,277 4,055 4,329 4,129 4,164 4,528 3,975 4,008 3,372
5 Belgium 11,900 13,592 20,566 18,640 17,140 11,985 12,505 13,549 14,601 13,022
6 Denmark 864 1,156 2,828 2,485 1,048 909 1,640 2,506 1,107 2,026
7 Finland 9,247 9,434 28,445 22,106 22,465 20,422 26,550 18,602 23,234 14,790
8 France 88,873 112,406 162,295 167,166 154,408 144,930 136,544 134,002 135,337 134,565
9 Germany 30,027 18,189 33,725 40,699 43,708 37,397 38,310 59,367 65,402 64,666
10 Greece 97 250 110 378 165 178 213 48 69 92
11 Ireland 16,426 24,304 45,960 68,274 63,515 63,177 58,792 52,801 50,602 52,320
12 Italy 18,482 30,991 35,870 40,273 41,661 43,253 42,767 41,956 43,753 44,086
13 Luxembourg 8,201 7,144 13,260 10,661 10,074 9,614 9,512 9,508 8,416 8,321
14 Netherlands 20,958 29,578 52,122 44,545 42,080 41,109 44,879 42,617 41,678 41,130
15 Norway 14,688 31,032 22,684 14,068 13,487 9,913 7,047 6,454 4,679 3,916
16 Portugal 832 924 1,364 1,359 1,315 1,110 1,044 1,851 2,370 2,818
17 Russia 1,264 1,745 1,800 2,532 2,297 1,949 1,766 1,678 1,738 1,663
18 Spain 8,372 9,834 20,448 40,656 50,197 45,800 35,670 31,255 35,543 34,948
19 Sweden 9,452 8,907 7,279 7,139 6,843 6,315 6,457 5,177 4,697 4,791
20 Switzerland 143,892 105,368 191,970 121,345 117,462 91,842 97,424 104,040 98,500 73,834
21 Turkey 3,270 3,741 3,426 3,741 3,690 3,351 3,577 3,606 3,538 3,550
22 United Kingdom 487,492 732,430 900,349 884,732 825,582 714,433 744,489 746,198 761,087 780,074
23 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 32,566 36,893 24,357 7,147 7,469 6,158 5,965 5,934 6,786 7,398
24 Other Europe and other former U.S.S.R.2 7,618 6,724 14,306 8,973 7,349 4,643 3,964 4,790 4,142 4,567
25 European Union3 n.a. 1,008,255 1,341,415 1,360,600 1,289,850 1,147,428 1,166,071 1,166,330 1,194,253 1,203,900
26 Canada 64,104 71,325 85,145 85,628 84,447 87,465 85,750 89,107 83,694 84,147
27 Latin America 51,170 59,195 83,042 95,298 97,766 90,271 90,902 85,034 81,835 82,183
28 Argentina 2,290 2,763 3,978 4,806 4,409 3,984 3,583 3,613 3,695 3,551
29 Brazil 15,111 19,894 30,340 33,830 37,198 32,139 32,999 28,656 27,055 27,543
30 Chile 6,642 6,689 8,849 10,021 9,941 9,466 9,526 9,457 9,494 9,384
31 Columbia 2,438 2,900 3,567 3,712 3,600 3,537 3,504 3,089 2,952 2,680
32 Ecuador 582 604 962 826 762 697 633 664 600 550
33 Guatemala 872 1,031 1,314 1,349 1,413 1,255 1,302 1,247 1,272 1,242
34 Mexico 14,601 16,569 21,783 25,709 25,681 25,302 25,752 25,159 24,868 25,448
35 Panama 2,076 2,316 3,859 5,395 4,948 4,623 4,376 4,099 3,501 3,652
36 Peru 1,226 1,446 2,995 4,440 4,323 4,254 4,090 4,138 3,614 3,537
37 Uruguay 464 355 338 342 349 337 344 328 330 286
38 Venezuala 2,273 2,281 2,335 1,793 1,702 1,474 1,557 1,392 1,401 1,357
39 Other Latin America4 2,595 2,347 2,722 3,075 3,440 3,203 3,236 3,192 3,053 2,953
40 Caribbean 620,474 724,316 801,309 847,592 815,626 833,856 882,911 833,677 853,182 870,082
41 Bahamas 113,458 120,904 151,187 174,971 198,000 207,560 202,620 185,893 175,606 161,592
42 Bermuda 17,846 17,777 10,651 9,767 8,041 8,310 9,173 9,710 7,942 7,016
43 British Virgin Islands4 n.a. 2,807 3,328 4,776 4,518 3,358 4,841 3,623 3,863 3,904
44 Cayman Islands 475,227 572,273 622,637 635,432 586,653 597,333 649,918 618,684 650,554 681,091
45 Jamaica 444 669 657 836 772 781 670 556 451 444
46 Netherlands Antilles 4,444 2,484 4,114 3,493 4,136 4,548 5,121 6,162 6,680 7,309
47 Trinidad and Tobago 907 1,055 673 671 712 707 641 499 523 508
48 Other Caribbean4 8,148 6,347 8,062 17,646 12,794 11,259 9,927 8,550 7,563 8,218
49 Asia 190,610 221,858 185,695 139,650 136,264 117,739 122,782 148,851 160,294 177,749
50 Mainland 14,807 15,448 18,489 3,770 2,733 2,448 1,983 3,518 2,271 3,482
51 Hong Kong 8,412 6,888 8,820 11,094 11,558 12,120 7,972 6,984 6,275 6,097
52 India 2,518 2,827 4,385 5,146 4,943 5,437 5,161 5,556 5,863 5,966
53 Indonesia 440 519 985 1,058 1,161 1,048 926 1,133 1,021 907
54 Israel 4,288 5,319 3,724 1,848 1,647 1,755 1,725 1,749 1,876 2,216
55 Japan 106,377 140,329 83,652 81,607 80,158 62,985 72,938 100,012 109,366 122,296
56 Korea (South) 17,254 24,484 27,383 13,797 14,199 11,429 12,517 12,336 11,397 14,335
57 Philippines 1,790 996 1,207 850 860 1,021 854 685 705 699
58 Taiwan 8,626 3,166 1,222 1,135 1,213 1,078 788 1,086 1,232 770
59 Thailand 7,796 5,729 5,960 109 85 89 102 96 101 95
60 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries5 12,330 10,579 23,160 11,234 10,149 10,227 9,044 8,042 10,040 11,950
60 Other 5,972 5,574 6,708 8,002 7,558 8,102 8,772 7,654 10,147 8,936
62 Africa 1,621 1,853 8,164 2,835 2,658 2,762 2,551 2,269 2,152 2,575
63 Egypt 422 597 312 358 420 417 548 447 463 512
64 Morocco 63 56 27 3 3 2 21 2 0 2
65 South Africa 331 255 493 519 326 580 695 650 466 770
66 Oil-exporting countries6 317 403 442 656 867 761 412 299 314 331
67 Other 488 542 6,890 1,299 1,042 1,002 875 871 909 960
68 Other countries 10,945 14,700 30,154 22,550 20,432 22,314 19,890 23,959 21,927 20,508
69 Australia 10,226 13,195 28,716 21,043 18,696 20,990 18,476 22,241 20,415 19,047
70 New Zealand 541 1,263 1,122 921 1,151 727 823 1,128 919 891
71 All Other 178 242 316 586 585 597 591 590 593 570
72 International and regional organzations7 7,250 9,174 10,305 4,475 4,884 2,360 6,676 2,753 2,979 3,354
  1. Reporting banks include all types of depository institutions as well as bank/financial holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective February 2003, coverage is expanded to include claims of brokers and dealers on affiliated foreign offices and cross-border brokerage balances.  Return to table
  2. For data prior to June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements and the European Central Bank.  Return to table
  3. As of May 2004, the European Union includes, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Data available beginning in June 2006. As of January 2007, also includes Bulgaria and Romania.  Return to table
  4. Before June 2006, data for the British Virgin Islands were included in "Other Caribbean."  Return to table
  5. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).  Return to table
  6. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.  Return to table
  7. Includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.  Return to table
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Last update: June 26, 2009