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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Banks and Other Financial Firms in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: November 2016

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Financial Firms' Own and Domestic Customers' Claims on Foreigners Reported by Financial Firms in the United States (3.19) 1
Payable in U.S. Dollars
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of Claim 2013 2014 2015 Mar 2016 Apr 2016/r May 2016/r Jun 2016/r Jul 2016/r Aug 2016/r Sep 2016/p
1 Total claims reported by financial firms 3,351,405 3,302,243 3,193,251 3,251,158 n.a. n.a. 3,323,400 n.a. n.a. n.a.
2 Financial firms' own claims on foreigners 2,764,190 2,770,336 2,711,385 2,726,370 2,699,324 2,768,214 2,833,879 2,777,375 2,748,868 2,800,808
3 Foreign official institutions 30,144 36,882 44,062 47,906 49,978 55,841 50,933 53,247 57,638 53,955
4 Foreign banks2 1,770,963 1,694,459 1,566,322 1,524,793 1,509,799 1,556,378 1,591,997 1,568,735 1,529,697 1,504,075
5 Other foreigners3 963,083 1,038,995 1,101,001 1,153,671 1,139,547 1,155,995 1,190,949 1,155,393 1,161,533 1,242,778
6 Claims of financial firms’ domestic customers4 587,215 531,907 481,866 524,788 n.a. n.a. 489,521 n.a. n.a. n.a.
7 Non-negotiable deposits 248,003 180,468 145,619 139,329 n.a. n.a. 139,868 n.a. n.a. n.a.
8 Negotiable CDs 72,488 54,794 51,843 77,492 n.a. n.a. 70,987 n.a. n.a. n.a.
9 Other short-term negotiable instruments5 240,324 270,788 253,740 278,165 n.a. n.a. 247,756 n.a. n.a. n.a.
10 Other claims 26,400 25,857 30,664 29,802 n.a. n.a. 30,910 n.a. n.a. n.a.
11 Non-negotiable deposits 779,228 711,650 679,792 708,723 690,217 669,264 686,592 652,933 633,046 601,157
12 Negotiable CDs 2,731 3,083 846 432 698 637 1,297 460 295 271
13 Other short-term negotiable instruments 12,827 3,172 4,551 5,905 6,957 5,320 4,742 5,822 5,982 5,019
14 Other claims 1,969,404 2,052,431 2,026,196 2,011,310 2,001,452 2,092,993 2,141,248 2,118,160 2,109,545 2,194,361
15 Own foreign offices6 1,689,076 1,562,804 1,418,034 1,372,994 1,376,004 1,397,866 1,428,467 1,412,824 1,387,950 1,415,396
16 Loans collateralized by repurchase agreements 740,038 752,697 826,085 892,970 911,106 976,570 1,001,898 982,211 986,509 979,651
  1. For financial firms’ claims, data are monthly; for claims of financial firms’ domestic customers, data are for the quarter ending with the month indicated. Prior to December 2013, reporting firms include all types of depository institutions as well as bank holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective December 2013, data include, in addition, all other nonbank financial firms.   Return to table
  2. Includes positions with affiliated banking offices also included in memo line (15) above.   Return to table
  3. Includes positions with affiliated non-banking offices also included in memo line (15) above.   Return to table
  4. Claims on foreigners reported by firms located in the United States, in which the assets are held by the firm for the accounts of domestic customers. Includes balances in off-shore sweep accounts.   Return to table
  5. Primarily bankers acceptances and commercial paper.   Return to table
  6. For U.S. banks, includes amounts owed to own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in the quarterly Consolidated Reports of Condition filed with regulatory agencies. For all other U.S. financial firms, includes amounts owed to affiliated foreign offices. For agencies, branches, and majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign financial firms, consists principally of amounts owed to the head office or parent foreign office, and to foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of the head office or parent foreign financial firm.   Return to table
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Last update: November 25, 2016