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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Annual Performance Report 2015

Strategic Theme 6: Cost Reduction and Budgetary Growth

Establish a cost-reduction approach and a budgetary-growth target that maintains an effective and efficient use of financial resources.

Objective 6.1: Use financial resources efficiently and effectively.

2015 Initiatives and Accomplishments
  • Leverage Federal Reserve System budget development and forecasting automated systems in an effort to more effectively and efficiently allocate financial resources.

    • Implemented a new system for the Board's expense budgeting and forecasting tool.
  • Provide additional analytical tools to assist divisions in monitoring budgetary expenditures.

    • Performed an in-depth review of the largest accounts in the support services expenditures.
    • Developed a decisionmaking model to evaluate using contracted service verses employing full-time employees.
  • Continue to enhance capital expense management through additional automated controls and to enhance reporting capabilities.

    • Maintained a centralized tracking and reporting process for Boardwide capital and strategic projects, which includes using collaborative meetings among divisions to build consensus and achieve common goals.

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Objective 6.2: Achieve budgetary savings and expense growth in line with Board-approved targets.

2015 Initiatives and Accomplishments
  • Identify areas to reduce or eliminate within the Board's overall budget and reallocate these resources to higher-priority initiatives.

    • Implemented a comprehensive tool to forecast expenses Boardwide, which helps identify budget and growth drivers, potential budget reductions, and areas of risk.
  • Use the functionality of the new forecasting tool to drive budgetary decisions and hold growth in line with targets.

    • Used the new forecasting tool to project the multiyear impact of 2015 approved initiatives and provided the Committee on Board Affairs with annual projected spending.

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Last update: May 17, 2016

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