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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Annual Performance Plan 2016

Strategic Pillar 2: Workforce

Goal: Uphold the Board as a sought-after place to work that attracts highly qualified individuals and embraces the range of similarities and differences each individual brings to the workplace, including thought, experience, and backgrounds.

Objective 2.1: Foster an inclusive and collaborative work environment that recognizes, appreciates, and effectively utilizes the talent, skills, and perspectives of every employee.

The Board will continue to promote a diverse workforce and climate that is respectful of all views at all levels of the organization.

Projects and Initiatives
  • Develop and pilot a Boardwide mentoring program.
  • Continue to conduct a Boardwide Employee Engagement Survey.
  • Continue to develop a diversity and inclusion strategic plan that incorporates the Board's overall diversity and inclusion objectives.
  • Establish Board standards pertaining to equal employment opportunity and diversity and inclusion.

Objective 2.2: Attract diverse, highly qualified talent.

Attracting a diverse and qualified workforce is critical to executing the Board's mission.

Projects and Initiatives
  • Assess the current recruiting strategy, identify gaps, and propose a new strategy to meet the Board's needs.

Objective 2.3: Retain valued employees through best human resource practices.

The Board will continue to enhance its human resource practices and offer competitive compensation and benefits to retain top talent.

Projects and Initiatives
  • Continue to evolve performance management practices focusing on employee competencies and employee engagement initiatives.
  • Investigate possible improvements to the Board's policies on alternative work arrangements, including assessing current telework practices.

Objective 2.4: Develop the next generation of Board leaders.

Preserving and building upon the Board's existing leadership development programs will be critical to the Board's success going forward.

Projects and Initiatives
  • Pilot an officer leadership program and continue talent management initiatives.
Last update: February 24, 2016

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