H.10 - Foreign Exchange Rates (weekly data)

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The following exchange rates are certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for customs purposes as required by section 522 of the amended Tariff Act of 1930. These rates are also those required by the SEC for the integrated disclosure system for foreign private issuers. The information is based on data collected by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from a sample of market participants.

Foreign Exchange Rates, through 1989

Noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers payable in foreign currencies
Data for 1990 to present shown separately

Australia Dollar
Austria Schilling
Belgium Franc
Brazil (no data) Cruzado
Canada Dollar
China, P.R. Yuan
Denmark Krone
EMU member countries (no data)Euro
European Union Ecu
Finland Markka
France Franc
Germany Deutsche Mark
Greece Drachma
Hong Kong Dollar
India Rupee
Ireland Pound
Italy Lira
Japan Yen
Malaysia Ringgit
Mexico (no data) Peso
Netherlands Guilder
New Zealand Dollar
Norway Krone
Portugual Escudo
Singapore Dollar
South Africa Rand
South Korea Won
Spain Peseta
Sri Lanka Rupee
Sweden Krona
Switzerland Franc
Taiwan Dollar
Thailand Baht
United Kingdom Pound
Venezuela (no data)Bolivar
Note: Upon the introduction of the euro on January 1, 1999, we discontinued posting dollar exchange rates against the ecu and the currencies of the eleven countries participating in the European Economic and Monetary Union (i.e., the Austrian schilling, Belgian and Luxembourg francs, Finnish markka, French franc, German mark, Irish pound, Italian lira, Netherlands guilder, Portuguese escudo, and Spanish peseta).

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Last update: February 29, 2000