Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1

B.1 Derivation of U.S. Net Wealth

2016:Q2 Release Date: September 16, 2016

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Series code 2010

All sectors; U.S. wealth FL892090005 59307.6 58900.2 64078.7 73546.8 77778.9 79623.1 79739.5 77621.9 79623.1 79887.7 81130.8 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; nonfinancial assets FL152010005 23044.8 23274.4 24870.4 27228.0 28701.2 30462.6 29597.3 30008.4 30462.6 30896.7 31419.8 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; real estate at market value LM155035005 18076.2 18148.8 19603.8 21849.2 23195.1 24756.0 23979.5 24350.5 24756.0 25120.8 25594.7 3
Nonprofit organizations; equipment, current cost basis FL165015205 280.1 293.0 301.8 311.6 320.4 331.0 326.2 328.7 331.0 333.0 334.6 4
Nonprofit organizations; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis FL165013765 101.8 109.4 115.9 126.0 132.8 138.9 136.7 138.1 138.9 140.9 143.2 5
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer durable goods, current cost basis FL155111005 4586.7 4723.3 4848.9 4941.2 5052.9 5236.8 5154.9 5191.1 5236.8 5301.9 5347.4 6
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; nonfinancial assets FL112010005 8687.1 9118.9 9813.2 10848.0 11548.9 12352.6 11986.1 12160.8 12352.6 12413.0 12563.5 7
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; real estate at market value LM115035005 7531.2 7890.2 8546.5 9536.1 10180.8 10979.1 10603.2 10785.8 10979.1 11062.6 11233.6 8
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; equipment, current cost basis FL115015205 709.2 740.7 772.6 810.7 849.1 879.5 868.7 873.0 879.5 874.8 873.4 9
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis FL115013765 189.9 196.6 204.7 214.3 222.7 233.0 231.5 233.2 233.0 217.6 198.6 10
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; inventories FL115020005 256.9 291.3 289.3 286.8 296.3 261.0 282.7 268.8 261.0 258.1 257.9 11
Security brokers and dealers; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business FL662090205 15.9 11.9 17.2 16.3 17.9 14.7 16.8 17.5 14.7 12.3 10.9 12
All domestic sectors; corporate equities; liability LM883164105 18336.1 17939.8 20526.5 26989.0 29960.4 28928.0 30173.5 27608.3 28928.0 28833.8 29408.3 13
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate equities; liability LM103164103 13995.7 13887.2 15579.4 20560.6 22679.7 21681.4 22699.8 20654.6 21681.4 21781.3 22152.0 14
Domestic financial sectors; corporate equities; liability LM793164105 4340.4 4052.6 4947.1 6428.4 7280.7 7246.6 7473.7 6953.7 7246.6 7052.5 7256.3 15
Federal government; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) FL312010095 2957.5 3066.8 3137.2 3217.1 3269.3 3268.0 3269.0 3269.1 3268.0 3263.3 3275.3 16
Federal government; total residential and nonresidential structures FL315014665 1352.5 1406.9 1439.8 1481.4 1511.6 1508.2 1508.7 1508.8 1508.2 1499.5 1507.0 17
Federal government; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis FL315013265 680.9 711.0 726.6 734.4 745.7 743.3 742.5 742.3 743.3 742.9 742.8 18
Federal government; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis FL315013765 924.1 948.9 970.8 1001.3 1012.0 1016.4 1017.8 1017.9 1016.4 1020.9 1025.6 19
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) FL212010095 8557.5 9068.6 9384.7 9710.3 9969.0 10135.7 10078.7 10130.5 10135.7 10132.9 10256.9 20
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; total residenital and nonresidential structures FL215014665 8207.7 8711.9 9022.9 9341.5 9594.3 9755.8 9701.0 9751.3 9755.8 9752.1 9874.3 21
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis FL215013265 245.4 246.5 246.7 247.7 249.5 249.5 250.0 250.1 249.5 249.0 249.4 22
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis FL215013765 104.4 110.2 115.2 121.2 125.2 130.4 127.6 129.1 130.4 131.8 133.1 23
All domestic sectors; U.S. financial claims on the rest of the world; asset FL882090265 -2291.3 -3580.1 -3670.6 -4461.9 -5687.8 -5538.4 -5381.8 -5572.6 -5538.4 -5664.3 -5803.9 24
Rest of the world; total liabilities and equity FL264194005 13762.7 13932.9 15272.6 16635.6 17286.0 17237.1 17948.3 17183.8 17237.1 17448.1 17673.0 25
Rest of the world; foreign corporate equities including foreign investment fund shares; liability LM263164103 4900.2 4501.4 5321.9 6472.9 6770.6 6828.2 7353.3 6605.6 6828.2 6737.3 6703.5 26
Rest of the world; total liabilities FL264190005 8862.5 9431.5 9950.8 10162.7 10515.4 10408.9 10595.0 10578.2 10408.9 10710.8 10969.6 27
Rest of the world; total financial assets FL264090005 16054.1 17513.0 18943.2 21097.5 22973.9 22775.5 23330.1 22756.4 22775.5 23112.4 23476.9 28
Rest of the world; U.S. corporate equities; asset LM263064105 3213.5 3397.2 3953.0 5204.4 5921.5 5522.2 5888.4 5393.3 5522.2 5421.9 5488.5 29
Rest of the world; total financial assets excluding U.S. corporate equities and mutual fund shares FL264090035 12840.6 14115.8 14990.2 15893.1 17052.4 17253.3 17441.7 17363.1 17253.3 17690.4 17988.5 30
All sectors; U.S. wealth FL892090005 59307.6 58900.2 64078.7 73546.8 77778.9 79623.1 79739.5 77621.9 79623.1 79887.7 81130.8 31
All sectors; U.S. wealth FC892090005 2964.0 -407.3 5178.4 9468.1 4232.2 1844.2 455.1 -2117.6 2001.2 264.6 1243.1 32
All sectors; U.S. wealth PC892090005 5.3 -0.7 8.8 14.8 5.8 2.4 0.6 -2.7 2.6 0.3 1.6 33
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth FL152090005 62066.6 63510.1 69421.8 78908.9 83944.0 87170.2 86403.0 85088.8 87170.2 87987.7 89062.7 34
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth FC152090005 4241.5 1443.6 5911.7 9487.1 5035.1 3226.3 577.7 -1314.2 2081.5 817.5 1075.0 35
Households and nonprofit organizations; net worth PC152090005 7.3 2.3 9.3 13.7 6.4 3.8 0.7 -1.5 2.4 0.9 1.2 36

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  1. U.S. net wealth measures the value of tangible assets controlled by the household and nonprofit organizations, noncorporate business, and government sectors of the U.S. economy and the market value of domestic nonfinancial and financial corporations, net of U.S. financial obligations to the rest of the world (sum of lines 2+7+12+13+16+20+24).
  2. Assumed to be equal to proprietors' equity in noncorporate brokers and dealers.
  3. This measure does not equal the net worth of the nonfinancial corporate business and financial business sectors reported in the Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts (tables S.2.a and S.2.q) because of differences in the valuation of assets.
  4. Excludes land and nonproduced nonfinancial assets.
  5. Household net worth is calculated as the difference between total assets and liabilities of the household and nonprofit organizations sector. See table B.101.
Last update: September 16, 2016