Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1

L.110 Private Depository Institutions

2016:Q2 Release Date: September 16, 2016

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Series code 2010

Private depository institutions; total financial assets FL704090005 13697.4 14580.2 14985.6 15920.5 16897.9 17372.7 17164.1 17253.4 17372.7 17695.8 17958.3 1
Private depository institutions; vault cash; asset FL703025005 52.7 60.8 71.1 73.6 75.7 74.2 68.3 67.6 74.2 69.8 73.3 2
Monetary authority; depository institution reserves; liability FL713113003 968.1 1562.3 1491.0 2249.1 2378.0 1977.2 2242.5 2197.7 1977.2 2125.4 2038.3 3
Private depository institutions; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; asset FL702050005 356.1 378.6 490.6 392.6 403.2 428.4 419.5 410.8 428.4 411.5 419.1 4
Private depository institutions; debt securities; asset FL704022005 3070.7 3208.7 3399.1 3445.3 3662.1 3865.4 3752.7 3766.6 3865.4 3903.8 3972.2 5
Private depository institutions; open market paper; asset FL703069175 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6
Private depository institutions; Treasury securities; asset FL703061105 299.6 252.9 339.5 304.4 499.8 536.6 506.6 500.6 536.6 545.3 561.3 7
Private depository institutions; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset FL703061705 1718.1 1851.7 1901.3 1943.8 1970.0 2125.2 2057.4 2062.5 2125.2 2128.3 2151.9 8
Private depository institutions; municipal securities; asset FL703062005 257.1 303.9 371.9 427.0 458.0 505.4 483.4 494.7 505.4 514.3 531.0 9
Private depository institutions; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL703063005 795.9 800.2 786.3 770.2 734.2 698.2 705.4 708.8 698.2 716.0 728.1 10
Private depository institutions; loans; asset FL704023005 7936.4 8038.3 8278.0 8519.5 9087.2 9755.5 9381.3 9516.9 9755.5 9860.7 10081.7 11
Private depository institutions; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset FL703068005 1941.4 2186.5 2393.3 2590.2 2910.2 3205.8 3073.6 3099.6 3205.8 3284.0 3341.2 12
Private depository institutions; other loans and advances; asset FL703069005 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13
Private depository institutions; total mortgages; asset FL703065005 4583.0 4436.2 4422.4 4392.1 4531.1 4779.1 4635.3 4700.4 4779.1 4825.9 4936.0 14
Private depository institutions; consumer credit; asset FL703066005 1412.0 1415.6 1462.3 1537.1 1645.9 1770.6 1672.3 1717.0 1770.6 1750.8 1804.4 15
Private depository institutions; corporate equities; asset LM703064105 73.6 67.4 71.3 101.3 108.5 100.0 108.4 94.0 100.0 93.6 97.3 16
Private depository institutions; mutual fund shares; asset LM703064205 46.5 43.5 48.1 60.1 61.8 56.8 62.0 55.6 56.8 58.2 59.7 17
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; life insurance reserves; asset FL763040005 116.0 125.5 138.0 143.8 149.6 156.2 153.1 154.5 156.2 157.6 159.0 18
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; U.S. direct investment abroad; asset FL763092000 280.1 272.5 277.0 268.6 261.0 253.2 264.0 262.1 253.2 254.6 254.6 19
Private depository institutions; miscellaneous assets FL703090005 797.2 822.8 721.4 666.6 710.7 705.9 712.4 727.5 705.9 760.7 803.2 20
Private depository institutions; total liabilities FL704190005 13946.6 14908.9 15537.3 16432.0 17528.8 17967.6 17710.7 17798.8 17967.6 18249.6 18529.4 21
Private depository institutions; net interbank transactions; liability FL704110005 47.8 266.0 121.7 490.2 411.9 312.2 364.7 354.1 312.2 249.4 274.0 22
Private depository institutions; checkable deposits; liability FL703127005 1072.0 1428.6 1629.2 1822.3 2021.2 2108.9 2054.1 2000.8 2108.9 2145.6 2201.8 23
Private depository institutions; small time and savings deposits; liability FL703131005 6624.9 7202.2 7803.9 8110.8 8475.8 8989.5 8708.7 8844.7 8989.5 9164.0 9224.3 24
Private depository institutions; large time deposits; liability FL703135005 1923.2 1750.0 1659.9 1762.0 1972.9 1865.4 1919.5 1917.0 1865.4 1888.6 1833.3 25
Private depository institutions; federal funds and security repurchase agreements; liability FL702150005 734.0 706.9 674.9 582.1 607.5 603.4 601.0 581.3 603.4 601.6 613.3 26
Private depository institutions; debt securities; liability FL704122005 490.1 500.1 383.4 280.7 263.5 254.2 244.7 247.3 254.2 263.4 257.0 27
Private depository institutions; open market paper; liability FL703169175 113.0 120.6 87.5 59.7 54.5 53.6 50.1 51.1 53.6 56.6 55.5 28
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; corporate and foreign bonds; liability FL763163005 377.1 379.4 295.9 221.0 209.0 200.6 194.5 196.2 200.6 206.9 201.5 29
Private depository institutions; other loans and advances; liability FL703169005 418.9 356.2 361.8 437.0 503.6 543.3 518.0 505.1 543.3 527.4 593.5 30
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; taxes payable (net); liability FL763178003 -59.6 -49.1 -47.6 -47.4 -32.3 -36.7 -34.4 -32.2 -36.7 -26.3 -21.9 31
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; foreign direct investment in the U.S.; liability FL753192003 120.0 176.6 205.9 214.9 202.8 197.9 203.2 203.7 197.9 199.8 201.3 32
Private depository institutions; miscellaneous liabilities FL703190005 2575.3 2571.3 2744.2 2779.3 3101.9 3129.4 3131.2 3177.1 3129.4 3236.1 3352.8 33
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; net transactions due to holding companies, excluding foreign bank subsidiaries; liability FL763194735 1632.8 1709.0 1889.2 1937.2 2133.2 2169.7 2140.2 2158.6 2169.7 2206.6 2278.6 34
Foreign banking offices in the U.S.; equity investment by funding corporations; liability FL753194503 171.6 137.8 126.0 123.5 103.2 105.4 109.1 108.4 105.4 127.1 114.9 35
Private depository institutions; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL703193005 770.9 724.5 729.0 718.5 865.5 854.3 881.9 910.1 854.3 902.3 959.3 36
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; leases to households; asset (Call Report; consolidated) FL763066303 6.2 6.0 6.5 7.9 8.6 8.0 8.6 8.3 8.0 8.1 8.3 37

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  1. U.S.-chartered depository institutions (L.111), foreign banking offices (L.112), banks in U.S.-affiliated areas (L.113), and credit unions (L.114).
  2. Receivables from operating leases, such as consumer automobile leases, are booked as current income when payments are received and are not included in financial assets (or household liabilities). The leased automobile is a nonfinancial asset.
Last update: September 16, 2016