Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1

L.133 Rest of the World

2016:Q4 Release Date: March 9, 2017

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Series code 2014

Rest of the world; total financial assets FL264090005 22973.9 22767.1 23918.5 22760.7 22767.1 23159.1 23622.2 23998.0 23918.5 1
Federal government; special drawing rights (SDRs) allocations; liability FL313111303 51.2 48.9 47.5 49.6 48.9 49.8 49.4 49.3 47.5 2
Rest of the world; net interbank transactions with banks in foreign countries; asset FL264016005 445.2 326.6 133.4 397.9 326.6 286.4 316.5 222.4 133.4 3
Rest of the world; U.S. checkable deposits and currency; asset FL263020005 674.1 706.8 764.3 693.0 706.8 727.2 740.5 748.7 764.3 4
Rest of the world; U.S. total time and savings deposits; asset FL263030005 499.1 480.1 543.7 473.9 480.1 498.3 521.2 529.6 543.7 5
Rest of the world; U.S. money market mutual fund shares; asset FL263034003 113.2 114.5 113.4 110.9 114.5 114.7 111.9 111.0 113.4 6
Rest of the world; security repurchase agreements; asset FL262051003 811.0 667.6 734.6 749.8 667.6 705.5 746.6 746.7 734.6 7
Rest of the world; debt securities, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit; asset FL264022005 10172.2 10358.7 10697.4 10354.5 10358.7 10681.0 10864.6 10923.0 10697.4 8
Rest of the world; commercial paper; asset LM263069103 107.9 104.1 134.9 100.8 104.1 101.5 108.8 127.7 134.9 9
Rest of the world; Treasury securities; asset LM263061105 6156.0 6148.1 6002.1 6106.3 6148.1 6287.0 6278.9 6154.9 6002.1 10
Rest of the world; Treasury bills and certificates; asset LM263061110 671.6 724.7 669.7 667.1 724.7 724.9 684.0 695.6 669.7 11
Rest of the world; other Treasury securities, excluding Treasury bills and certificates; asset LM263061120 5484.4 5423.4 5332.4 5439.2 5423.4 5562.1 5594.9 5459.3 5332.4 12
Rest of the world; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset LM263061705 899.6 913.5 987.9 939.1 913.5 947.3 977.8 1010.7 987.9 13
Rest of the world; municipal securities; asset FL263062003 80.6 87.5 106.4 86.4 87.5 88.2 89.8 92.1 106.4 14
Rest of the world; corporate and foreign bonds; asset(1) LM263063005 2928.0 3105.5 3466.0 3121.9 3105.5 3257.0 3409.2 3537.6 3466.0 15
Rest of the world; U.S. nonfinancial business loans; asset FL263069500 170.6 207.5 214.1 195.2 207.5 214.0 202.8 209.4 214.1 16
Rest of the world; U.S. corporate equities; asset LM263064105 5921.5 5507.3 5828.0 5377.9 5507.3 5408.0 5428.7 5693.0 5828.0 17
Rest of the world; U.S. mutual fund shares; asset LM263064203 607.8 597.1 662.1 610.6 597.1 613.9 626.0 671.2 662.1 18
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset FL263070003 161.7 175.6 180.7 176.3 175.6 180.4 185.2 182.0 180.7 19
Rest of the world; foreign direct investment in U.S.; asset (current cost)(2) FL263092001 3346.3 3576.4 3999.4 3571.1 3576.4 3679.8 3828.8 3911.7 3999.4 20
Rest of the world; total liabilities FL264190005 10515.4 10393.2 10811.5 10567.9 10393.2 10681.1 10883.0 10952.8 10811.5 21
Rest of the world; U.S. official reserve assets; liability(3) FL263111005 118.9 106.4 106.2 109.0 106.4 108.5 109.0 111.3 106.2 22
Rest of the world; U.S. private deposits, including negotiable certificates of deposit; liability FL263191005 827.4 585.9 544.5 667.6 585.9 624.5 579.2 565.3 544.5 23
Rest of the world; security repurchase agreements; liability FL262151003 708.2 783.0 871.5 850.6 783.0 851.1 946.9 928.9 871.5 24
Rest of the world; debt securities, excluding negotiable certificates of deposit; liability FL264122005 2866.9 2717.3 2773.6 2788.0 2717.3 2782.8 2835.3 2854.8 2773.6 25
Rest of the world; commercial paper; liability FL263169105 385.6 444.8 360.0 447.8 444.8 467.3 469.2 385.7 360.0 26
Rest of the world; bonds; liability LM263163005 2481.4 2272.5 2413.6 2340.2 2272.5 2315.4 2366.1 2469.1 2413.6 27
Rest of the world; loans; liability FL264123005 339.2 362.6 346.9 359.1 362.6 363.4 362.8 356.4 346.9 28
Rest of the world; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability FL263168005 305.3 328.0 312.6 325.1 328.0 328.7 328.6 321.6 312.6 29
Rest of the world; other loans and advances; liability FL263169005 33.9 34.6 34.4 34.1 34.6 34.8 34.2 34.9 34.4 30
Rest of the world; trade credit and advances; liability FL263170003 47.0 44.7 46.4 45.7 44.7 48.0 45.7 47.0 46.4 31
Rest of the world; U.S. direct investment abroad, including Netherlands Antillean Financial subsidiaries; liability (current cost) FL263192005 5457.9 5648.6 5970.8 5593.2 5648.6 5756.7 5836.9 5922.2 5970.8 32
Rest of the world; total miscellaneous liabilities FL263190005 149.8 144.6 151.6 154.7 144.6 145.9 167.3 166.9 151.6 33
Federal government; U.S. equity in IBRD, etc.; asset FL313092803 62.4 64.6 66.6 64.6 64.6 66.3 66.5 66.6 66.6 34
Rest of the world; nonofficial U.S. currencies; liability FL263191103 4.2 3.6 8.2 3.3 3.6 2.8 5.6 9.6 8.2 35
Rest of the world; net transactions due to holding companies; liability FL263194735 83.3 76.4 76.8 86.8 76.4 76.8 95.1 90.7 76.8 36
Rest of the world; foreign corporate equities including foreign investment fund shares; liability LM263164103 6770.6 6828.2 7128.5 6605.6 6828.2 6738.8 6796.8 7218.1 7128.5 37

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  1. Through 1992:Q4, corporate bonds include net issues by Netherlands Antillean financial subsidiaries; U.S. direct investment abroad excludes net inflows from those bond issues.
  2. Direct investment is valued on a current-cost basis.
  3. Does not include monetary gold.
  4. Includes American Depositary Receipts (ADRs).
Last update: March 9, 2017