Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Money Stock Measures - H.6

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Current Release (33 KB PDF)

Release Date: January 22, 2015

For release at
4:30 p.m. EST
January 22, 2015

H.6 (508)


The Federal Reserve revised its measures of the money stock and their components to incorporate updated seasonal factors and a new quarterly benchmark.

This release includes seasonally adjusted measures of the monetary aggregates and components produced with revised seasonal factors, which were derived from data through December 2014 and estimated using the X-12-ARIMA procedure.[1] The revisions to the seasonal factors resulted in a lower growth rate for seasonally adjusted M2 in the first half of 2014 and a higher growth rate for seasonally adjusted M2 in the second half.

This release also includes a new quarterly benchmark, which incorporates minor revisions to data reported in the quarterly deposit reports, and it takes account of deposit data from Call Reports for banks and thrift institutions that are not weekly or quarterly deposit reporters.[2] These revisions to deposit data start in 2013. In addition, this release incorporates data from Call Reports on the amount of small-denomination time deposits held in individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Keogh accounts; related revisions to deposit data start in 2014. Likewise, the benchmark incorporates revisions to IRA and Keogh balances held at retail and institutional money market mutual funds; these revisions to data on money market mutual funds begin in 1996. This release also incorporates the receipt of historical information from other sources of data.

The effects of both the revisions to seasonal factors and the new quarterly benchmark on the growth rates of M1 and M2 are outlined in appendix tables 6 and 7.

Historical data, updated each week, are available with the H.6 statistical release at

[1] Information on the X-12-ARIMA procedure is available on the U.S. Census Bureau website at
[2] "Call Reports" refers to the commercial bank Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (FFIEC 031 and 041; OMB No. 7100-0036) and the credit union Statement of Financial Condition (NCUA 5300/5300SF; OMB No. 3133-0004).

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Table 1
Money Stock Measures. Billions of dollars.
Date Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted
M1 1 M2 2 M1 1 M2 2
Jan. 2013 2,467.6 10,451.9 2,477.8 10,473.9
Feb. 2013 2,470.4 10,448.6 2,451.9 10,447.3
Mar. 2013 2,474.8 10,518.9 2,493.0 10,593.6
Apr. 2013 2,511.0 10,552.5 2,538.3 10,622.1
May 2013 2,522.0 10,586.4 2,514.9 10,544.8
June 2013 2,518.0 10,639.1 2,519.7 10,609.2
July 2013 2,545.7 10,700.7 2,539.0 10,644.7
Aug. 2013 2,557.4 10,754.6 2,531.8 10,694.3
Sept. 2013 2,579.0 10,809.5 2,549.2 10,764.0
Oct. 2013 2,620.3 10,920.5 2,614.9 10,897.5
Nov. 2013 2,622.0 10,929.8 2,601.3 10,941.3
Dec. 2013 2,654.0 10,984.9 2,711.2 11,068.1
Jan. 2014 2,682.7 11,037.5 2,693.8 11,061.9
Feb. 2014 2,718.5 11,118.9 2,698.5 11,113.8
Mar. 2014 2,745.9 11,162.6 2,766.4 11,239.7
Apr. 2014 2,772.4 11,218.8 2,803.0 11,293.2
May 2014 2,785.3 11,283.8 2,775.2 11,235.6
June 2014 2,814.3 11,331.8 2,818.3 11,297.0
July 2014 2,840.7 11,404.9 2,835.4 11,350.3
Aug. 2014 2,814.4 11,440.4 2,781.4 11,380.3
Sept. 2014 2,857.5 11,480.8 2,827.9 11,433.2
Oct. 2014 2,861.2 11,520.5 2,853.8 11,497.4
Nov. 2014 2,874.8 11,562.1 2,847.4 11,571.9
Dec. 2014 2,906.5 11,625.4 2,972.7 11,714.5

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Percent change at seasonally adjusted annual rates M1 M2
3 Months from Sept. 2014 TO Dec. 2014 6.9 5.0
6 Months from June 2014 TO Dec. 2014 6.6 5.2
12 Months from Dec. 2013 TO Dec. 2014 9.5 5.8


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

  1. M1 consists of (1) currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) traveler's checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits at commercial banks (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs), consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) and automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts at depository institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at thrift institutions. Seasonally adjusted M1 is constructed by summing currency, traveler's checks, demand deposits, and OCDs, each seasonally adjusted separately.
  2. M2 consists of M1 plus (1) savings deposits (including money market deposit accounts); (2) small-denomination time deposits (time deposits in amounts of less than $100,000), less individual retirement account (IRA) and Keogh balances at depository institutions; and (3) balances in retail money market mutual funds, less IRA and Keogh balances at money market mutual funds. Seasonally adjusted M2 is constructed by summing savings deposits, small-denomination time deposits, and retail money funds, each seasonally adjusted separately, and adding this result to seasonally adjusted M1.

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Table 2
Money Stock Measures. Billions of dollars.
Period ending Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted
M1 M2 M1 M2
Oct. 20, 2014 2,841.2 2,855.7 2,848.1 11,469.1 11,505.9 11,519.3 2,817.8 2,842.5 2,831.1 11,420.8 11,483.7 11,519.7
Oct. 27, 2014 2,843.0 2,856.0 2,871.6 11,478.5 11,520.6 11,566.0 2,818.9 2,834.8 2,941.3 11,433.3 11,502.1 11,475.0
Nov. 3, 2014 2,846.9 2,868.0 2,902.8 11,485.5 11,526.5 11,525.8 2,827.7 2,881.8 3,005.4 11,441.8 11,505.9 11,521.8
Nov. 10, 2014 2,851.3 2,874.4 2,875.0 11,496.0 11,539.9 11,548.4 2,832.7 2,883.8 2,757.3 11,456.3 11,521.8 11,570.6
Nov. 17, 2014 2,856.3 2,878.3 2,863.8 11,505.3 11,548.2 11,552.6 2,835.5 2,866.7 2,762.8 11,471.6 11,539.6 11,590.8
Nov. 24, 2014 2,861.3 2,880.0 2,878.2 11,514.3 11,550.1 11,573.7 2,839.0 2,845.6 2,857.0 11,486.5 11,552.7 11,527.7
Dec. 1, 2014 2,865.8 2,871.4 2,868.4 11,523.5 11,567.2 11,594.2 2,842.5 2,834.9 2,962.6 11,503.5 11,576.2 11,615.6
Dec. 8, 2014 2,870.5 2,876.5 2,895.4 11,534.1 11,579.3 11,596.6 2,849.4 2,850.8 2,820.9 11,520.2 11,600.9 11,669.3
Dec. 15, 2014 2,874.2 2,889.5 2,915.9 11,545.2 11,595.4 11,617.0 2,858.8 2,877.0 2,867.3 11,538.7 11,630.6 11,709.8
Dec. 22, 2014 2,878.2 2,900.7 2,923.2 11,556.8 11,612.2 11,641.0 2,873.4 2,915.2 3,010.1 11,564.9 11,680.8 11,728.6
Dec. 29, 2014 2,880.5 2,908.7 2,900.4 11,567.9 11,626.3 11,650.7 2,887.3 2,962.5 3,151.8 11,591.3 11,713.0 11,744.2
Jan. 5, 2015 2,884.2 2,910.5 2,902.6 11,577.5 11,634.0 11,627.3 2,902.1 3,010.0 3,010.7 11,612.6 11,741.5 11,783.4
Jan. 12, 2015 2,889.4 2,910.9 2,917.3 11,592.9 11,653.5 11,694.8 2,908.4 3,000.8 2,830.4 11,632.1 11,754.3 11,760.9

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Percent change at seasonally adjusted annual rates M1 M2
Thirteen weeks ending January 12, 2015 from thirteen weeks ending:
Oct. 13, 2014 (13 weeks previous) 6.7 4.6
July 14, 2014 (26 weeks previous) 6.4 5.1
Jan. 13, 2014 (52 weeks previous) 9.4 5.7


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

Note: Special caution should be taken in interpreting week-to-week changes in money supply data, which are highly volatile and subject to revision.

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Table 3
Seasonally Adjusted Components of M1. Billions of dollars.
Date Currency 1 Traveler's checks 2 Demand deposits 3 Other checkable deposits
At commercial banks 4 At thrift institutions 5 Total
Aug. 2013 1,137.6 3.6 958.6 249.8 207.8 457.6
Sept. 2013 1,145.4 3.6 964.8 255.6 209.6 465.2
Oct. 2013 1,152.2 3.6 998.1 255.5 210.9 466.5
Nov. 2013 1,154.8 3.5 996.3 255.0 212.4 467.4
Dec. 2013 1,160.3 3.5 1,021.2 256.8 212.1 469.0
Jan. 2014 1,165.7 3.5 1,041.4 258.3 213.9 472.2
Feb. 2014 1,171.7 3.4 1,067.5 259.6 216.4 476.0
Mar. 2014 1,190.1 3.4 1,075.0 260.1 217.3 477.4
Apr. 2014 1,198.4 3.3 1,093.8 260.8 216.1 476.9
May 2014 1,204.7 3.3 1,099.0 260.5 217.7 478.2
June 2014 1,211.4 3.3 1,115.9 264.9 218.8 483.7
July 2014 1,217.6 3.2 1,135.0 264.8 220.0 484.8
Aug. 2014 1,223.3 3.2 1,103.9 264.4 219.6 484.0
Sept. 2014 1,228.0 3.1 1,145.4 262.3 218.7 481.0
Oct. 2014 1,232.7 3.0 1,143.7 261.8 219.9 481.7
Nov. 2014 1,242.1 3.0 1,146.3 261.8 221.7 483.5
Dec. 2014 1,252.4 2.9 1,162.2 267.6 221.4 489.0
Week ending
Nov. 17, 2014 1,242.4 3.0 1,135.5 261.6 221.3 482.9
Nov. 24, 2014 1,243.4 3.0 1,148.1 261.5 222.2 483.7
Dec. 1, 2014 1,245.3 3.0 1,136.1 262.0 222.1 484.1
Dec. 8, 2014 1,247.3 3.0 1,158.3 268.0 218.8 486.9
Dec. 15, 2014 1,248.8 3.0 1,174.1 270.5 219.5 490.0
Dec. 22, 2014 1,253.4 2.9 1,174.5 270.6 221.8 492.3
Dec. 29, 2014 1,258.3 2.9 1,151.0 263.2 225.0 488.2
Jan. 5, 2015 1,262.4 2.9 1,150.6 264.2 222.5 486.6
Jan. 12, 2015 1,265.1 2.9 e 1,164.9 263.7 220.6 484.3


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

e estimated

  1. Currency outside U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks and the vaults of depository institutions.
  2. Outstanding amount of U.S. dollar-denominated traveler's checks of nonbank issuers. Traveler's checks issued by depository institutions are included in demand deposits.
  3. Demand deposits at domestically chartered commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float.
  4. NOW and ATS balances at domestically chartered commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations.
  5. NOW and ATS balances at thrift institutions, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at thrift institutions.

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Table 4
Seasonally Adjusted Components of Non-M1 M2. Billions of dollars.
Date Savings deposits 1 Small-denomination time deposits 2 Retail
money funds 3
non-M1 M2
money funds 4
At commercial
At thrift
Total At commercial
At thrift
Aug. 2013 5,963.4 1,014.5 6,977.9 423.1 148.2 571.4 647.9 8,197.2 1,771.4
Sept. 2013 5,997.8 1,017.5 7,015.4 418.4 147.1 565.4 649.7 8,230.5 1,793.8
Oct. 2013 6,062.8 1,026.1 7,088.9 416.1 146.9 563.0 648.2 8,300.2 1,787.1
Nov. 2013 6,085.2 1,022.1 7,107.3 413.8 145.0 558.8 641.6 8,307.8 1,789.3
Dec. 2013 6,108.5 1,023.8 7,132.3 415.2 144.0 559.2 639.4 8,330.9 1,776.2
Jan. 2014 6,135.2 1,030.3 7,165.5 408.7 143.1 551.8 637.5 8,354.8 1,769.1
Feb. 2014 6,175.3 1,038.5 7,213.7 407.0 141.8 548.8 637.9 8,400.4 1,766.4
Mar. 2014 6,192.1 1,045.0 7,237.0 405.5 139.4 544.9 634.8 8,416.7 1,767.6
Apr. 2014 6,219.0 1,050.3 7,269.3 402.1 138.9 541.1 636.0 8,446.4 1,739.5
May 2014 6,258.4 1,065.4 7,323.8 401.1 137.6 538.7 636.0 8,498.5 1,746.9
June 2014 6,282.9 1,068.0 7,350.9 398.8 137.1 535.8 630.7 8,517.5 1,743.8
July 2014 6,336.2 1,067.1 7,403.3 397.7 136.5 534.2 626.7 8,564.2 1,751.7
Aug. 2014 6,393.9 1,073.2 7,467.1 395.0 135.0 530.1 628.8 8,625.9 1,748.5
Sept. 2014 6,397.0 1,075.1 7,472.1 391.6 134.0 525.7 625.5 8,623.3 1,753.6
Oct. 2014 6,431.1 1,078.5 7,509.6 388.2 133.4 521.6 628.0 8,659.3 1,775.5
Nov. 2014 6,470.0 1,076.7 7,546.7 384.7 133.0 517.7 622.8 8,687.3 1,787.0
Dec. 2014 6,504.8 1,082.5 7,587.4 382.2 132.1 514.3 617.2 8,718.9 1,803.5
Week ending
Nov. 17, 2014 6,482.8 1,064.6 7,547.5 384.1 133.0 517.1 624.2 8,688.8 1,786.6
Nov. 24, 2014 6,475.4 1,081.9 7,557.3 384.0 132.9 516.9 621.3 8,695.5 1,786.4
Dec. 1, 2014 6,499.4 1,092.0 7,591.4 383.2 132.8 516.0 618.4 8,725.8 1,791.6
Dec. 8, 2014 6,497.8 1,070.7 7,568.5 381.9 132.4 514.3 618.5 8,701.3 1,800.0
Dec. 15, 2014 6,503.2 1,069.2 7,572.5 382.2 132.1 514.3 614.3 8,701.1 1,798.9
Dec. 22, 2014 6,501.8 1,083.9 7,585.7 382.7 131.9 514.6 617.5 8,717.8 1,801.4
Dec. 29, 2014 6,515.6 1,102.8 7,618.4 382.1 132.0 514.1 617.8 8,750.3 1,808.5
Jan. 5, 2015 6,506.0 1,085.2 7,591.3 381.5 132.5 514.1 619.4 8,724.7 1,826.9
Jan. 12, 2015 6,571.6 1,074.1 7,645.7 381.1 131.6 512.7 619.1 8,777.5 1,784.5


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

  1. Savings deposits include money market deposit accounts.
  2. Small-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. All IRA and Keogh account balances at commercial banks and thrift institutions are subtracted from small time deposits.
  3. IRA and Keogh account balances at money market mutual funds are subtracted from retail money funds.
  4. Institutional money funds are not part of non-M1 M2.

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Table 5
Not Seasonally Adjusted Components of M1. Billions of dollars.
Date Currency 1 Traveler's checks 2 Demand deposits 3 Other checkable deposits
At commercial banks 4 At thrift institutions 5 Total
Aug. 2013 1,134.9 3.6 941.7 246.0 205.6 451.6
Sept. 2013 1,140.4 3.6 949.7 248.5 206.9 455.4
Oct. 2013 1,147.6 3.6 1,005.7 249.4 208.6 458.0
Nov. 2013 1,152.8 3.5 989.2 247.1 208.7 455.8
Dec. 2013 1,162.0 3.5 1,071.4 262.1 212.1 474.2
Jan. 2014 1,158.8 3.5 1,052.2 267.6 211.8 479.3
Feb. 2014 1,172.2 3.4 1,049.1 257.6 216.2 473.8
Mar. 2014 1,195.7 3.4 1,079.3 266.7 221.4 488.1
Apr. 2014 1,204.6 3.3 1,101.0 270.5 223.5 494.1
May 2014 1,210.4 3.3 1,082.3 260.8 218.5 479.3
June 2014 1,213.5 3.2 1,116.8 264.5 220.3 484.8
July 2014 1,217.7 3.2 1,132.2 261.9 220.3 482.2
Aug. 2014 1,221.0 3.2 1,080.2 260.3 216.7 477.0
Sept. 2014 1,222.6 3.1 1,130.9 254.9 216.3 471.2
Oct. 2014 1,227.9 3.1 1,150.7 255.3 216.8 472.2
Nov. 2014 1,239.0 3.0 1,134.4 253.1 217.9 471.0
Dec. 2014 1,254.2 2.9 1,220.8 273.1 221.6 494.7
Week ending
Nov. 17, 2014 1,238.5 3.0 1,063.3 243.7 214.3 458.0
Nov. 24, 2014 1,239.0 3.0 1,143.5 255.4 216.2 471.5
Dec. 1, 2014 1,243.4 3.0 1,225.6 265.5 225.1 490.6
Dec. 8, 2014 1,244.6 3.0 1,097.7 257.7 218.0 475.6
Dec. 15, 2014 1,247.1 2.9 1,140.1 260.7 216.5 477.1
Dec. 22, 2014 1,258.1 2.9 1,248.8 278.0 222.3 500.3
Dec. 29, 2014 1,266.3 2.9 1,366.1 290.5 226.0 516.5
Jan. 5, 2015 1,263.5 2.9 1,233.3 282.6 228.4 511.0
Jan. 12, 2015 1,258.3 2.9 e 1,090.0 262.2 216.9 479.1


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

e estimated

  1. Currency outside U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks and the vaults of depository institutions.
  2. Outstanding amount of U.S. dollar-denominated traveler's checks of nonbank issuers. Traveler's checks issued by depository institutions are included in demand deposits.
  3. Demand deposits at domestically chartered commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations (excluding those amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions) less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float.
  4. NOW and ATS balances at domestically chartered commercial banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations.
  5. NOW and ATS balances at thrift institutions, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at thrift institutions.

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Table 6
Not Seasonally Adjusted Components of Non-M1 M2. Billions of dollars.
Date Savings deposits 1 Small-denomination time deposits 2 Retail
money funds 3
non-M1 M2
money funds 4
At commercial
At thrift
Total At commercial
At thrift
Aug. 2013 5,936.3 1,009.9 6,946.2 422.9 148.2 571.1 645.3 8,162.5 1,744.1
Sept. 2013 5,985.4 1,015.4 7,000.9 417.8 146.9 564.7 649.3 8,214.9 1,772.0
Oct. 2013 6,048.1 1,023.6 7,071.7 415.7 146.8 562.4 648.5 8,282.6 1,769.9
Nov. 2013 6,116.5 1,027.4 7,143.9 413.1 144.8 557.9 638.3 8,340.1 1,791.8
Dec. 2013 6,127.4 1,026.9 7,154.4 414.2 143.7 557.9 644.7 8,357.0 1,812.2
Jan. 2014 6,136.8 1,030.6 7,167.4 408.5 143.0 551.6 649.1 8,368.1 1,823.3
Feb. 2014 6,181.1 1,039.4 7,220.5 407.7 142.0 549.8 645.0 8,415.3 1,812.5
Mar. 2014 6,233.6 1,052.0 7,285.6 406.5 139.7 546.2 641.4 8,473.2 1,787.4
Apr. 2014 6,256.4 1,056.6 7,313.0 402.8 139.2 542.0 635.2 8,490.2 1,730.5
May 2014 6,233.2 1,061.1 7,294.2 401.6 137.8 539.4 626.8 8,460.4 1,726.6
June 2014 6,256.1 1,063.4 7,319.5 398.9 137.1 536.1 623.1 8,478.7 1,715.3
July 2014 6,300.6 1,061.1 7,361.7 397.7 136.5 534.2 619.0 8,514.9 1,717.8
Aug. 2014 6,372.9 1,069.7 7,442.5 394.7 134.9 529.6 626.7 8,598.9 1,719.3
Sept. 2014 6,382.5 1,072.7 7,455.2 391.0 133.8 524.8 625.2 8,605.3 1,730.8
Oct. 2014 6,417.2 1,076.2 7,493.4 387.8 133.3 521.1 629.0 8,643.5 1,758.5
Nov. 2014 6,505.2 1,082.6 7,587.7 384.1 132.8 516.9 619.9 8,724.5 1,791.2
Dec. 2014 6,521.2 1,085.3 7,606.5 381.5 131.9 513.4 622.0 8,741.8 1,841.7
Week ending
Nov. 17, 2014 6,607.2 1,085.1 7,692.3 383.6 132.8 516.5 619.3 8,828.0 1,789.6
Nov. 24, 2014 6,456.4 1,078.8 7,535.1 383.3 132.7 516.0 619.6 8,670.7 1,798.7
Dec. 1, 2014 6,439.1 1,081.9 7,521.0 382.3 132.5 514.9 617.0 8,652.9 1,809.2
Dec. 8, 2014 6,623.7 1,091.4 7,715.1 381.1 132.1 513.2 620.0 8,848.4 1,831.3
Dec. 15, 2014 6,623.4 1,089.0 7,712.4 381.5 131.9 513.3 616.8 8,842.5 1,852.5
Dec. 22, 2014 6,497.8 1,083.3 7,581.1 382.0 131.6 513.6 623.9 8,718.5 1,831.5
Dec. 29, 2014 6,374.3 1,078.9 7,453.1 381.5 131.8 513.3 625.9 8,592.4 1,849.5
Jan. 5, 2015 6,539.1 1,090.8 7,629.9 381.4 132.5 513.9 628.9 8,772.7 1,865.5
Jan. 12, 2015 6,690.9 1,093.6 7,784.6 380.9 131.6 512.5 633.4 8,930.5 1,842.4


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

  1. Savings deposits include money market deposit accounts.
  2. Small-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. All IRA and Keogh account balances at commercial banks and thrift institutions are subtracted from small time deposits.
  3. IRA and Keogh account balances at money market mutual funds are subtracted from retail money funds.
  4. Institutional money funds are not part of non-M1 M2.

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Table 7
Other Memorandum Items. Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted.
Date Demand deposits at banks due to Time and
savings deposits
due to foreign
banks and
IRA and Keogh accounts
Foreign official
At commercial
At thrift
At money
market funds
Aug. 2013 50.4 19.4 37.9 287.6 144.9 238.6 671.1
Sept. 2013 52.9 20.5 39.2 287.8 145.2 241.0 674.0
Oct. 2013 54.8 21.3 40.9 287.3 145.1 241.1 673.6
Nov. 2013 56.4 21.5 42.8 286.4 144.8 240.0 671.2
Dec. 2013 58.0 21.2 44.8 285.4 144.5 238.9 668.8
Jan. 2014 58.9 20.8 46.4 284.1 144.0 237.6 665.7
Feb. 2014 58.9 19.6 47.5 282.3 143.3 236.2 661.9
Mar. 2014 58.9 17.6 48.6 280.6 142.6 234.9 658.0
Apr. 2014 63.4 18.8 51.1 279.6 142.3 233.4 655.3
May 2014 70.7 21.8 54.4 279.1 142.3 231.9 653.3
June 2014 78.0 22.7 57.7 278.7 142.3 230.4 651.3
July 2014 78.3 23.0 57.9 279.3 142.4 230.3 651.9
Aug. 2014 74.2 22.2 56.4 280.6 142.4 231.0 654.1
Sept. 2014 70.1 19.9 54.8 281.9 142.5 231.8 656.2
Oct. 2014 67.7 e 19.1 e 53.9 e 282.6 e 142.5 e 233.2 e 658.3 e
Nov. 2014 67.7 e 19.1 e 53.9 e 282.6 e 142.5 e 235.2 e 660.4 e
Dec. 2014 67.7 e 19.0 e 53.9 e 282.6 e 142.5 e 237.4 e 662.5 e


Components may not add to totals due to rounding.

e estimated

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Table 7 (continued)
Other Memorandum Items (continued). Billions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted.
Date U.S. government deposits
Demand deposits at
commercial banks
Balance at Federal Reserve Total cash balance Time and savings
deposits at
commercial banks
Aug. 2013 1.1 51.4 52.5 1.9
Sept. 2013 1.1 40.3 41.3 1.9
Oct. 2013 1.2 37.8 39.0 1.8
Nov. 2013 1.1 43.7 44.8 1.7
Dec. 2013 1.2 68.3 69.5 1.6
Jan. 2014 1.3 93.1 94.3 1.5
Feb. 2014 1.3 48.5 49.8 1.5
Mar. 2014 1.0 78.2 79.2 1.5
Apr. 2014 1.2 82.5 83.6 1.5
May 2014 1.2 55.9 57.1 1.5
June 2014 1.2 77.3 78.4 1.5
July 2014 1.3 66.8 68.1 1.5
Aug. 2014 1.4 54.3 55.7 1.6
Sept. 2014 1.6 78.9 80.5 1.6
Oct. 2014 1.9 106.2 108.1 1.6 e
Nov. 2014 1.5 97.1 98.6 1.6 e
Dec. 2014 1.6 129.3 130.9 1.6 e
Week ending
Nov. 17, 2014 1.4 101.0 102.4  
Nov. 24, 2014 1.8 81.7 83.5  
Dec. 1, 2014 1.6 90.0 91.6  
Dec. 8, 2014 1.5 64.3 65.8  
Dec. 15, 2014 1.5 80.2 81.8  
Dec. 22, 2014 1.5 173.2 174.7  
Dec. 29, 2014 1.8 183.5 185.3  
Jan. 5, 2015 1.7 187.6 189.3  
Jan. 12, 2015 1.7 161.4 163.1  


e estimated

Note: Current and historical H.6 data are available each week on the Federal Reserve Board's website ( Monthly data are available back to January 1959, and weekly data are available back to January 1975 for most series.

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Appendix Table 1
Monthly Seasonal Factors Used to Construct M1.
Date Currency Nonbank travelers checks Demand deposits Other checkable deposits 1
Total At banks
Jan. 2014 0.9941 0.9997 1.0104 1.0151 1.0359
Feb. 2014 1.0005 1.0002 0.9827 0.9954 0.9926
Mar. 2014 1.0047 0.9978 1.0040 1.0223 1.0256
Apr. 2014 1.0052 0.9960 1.0066 1.0360 1.0373
May 2014 1.0047 0.9957 0.9848 1.0021 1.0011
June 2014 1.0017 0.9978 1.0008 1.0023 0.9982
July 2014 1.0001 1.0045 0.9975 0.9946 0.9891
Aug. 2014 0.9981 1.0063 0.9785 0.9856 0.9844
Sept. 2014 0.9956 1.0059 0.9874 0.9798 0.9720
Oct. 2014 0.9961 1.0025 1.0061 0.9801 0.9752
Nov. 2014 0.9976 0.9971 0.9896 0.9741 0.9666
Dec. 2014 1.0015 0.9982 1.0505 1.0116 1.0205
Jan. 2015 0.9945 0.9979 1.0074 1.0145 1.0363
Feb. 2015 1.0005 0.9992 0.9835 0.9955 0.9926
Mar. 2015 1.0045 0.9980 1.0076 1.0241 1.0252
Apr. 2015 1.0049 0.9958 1.0067 1.0359 1.0382
May 2015 1.0051 0.9961 0.9842 1.0009 1.0010
June 2015 1.0018 0.9981 1.0034 1.0042 0.9999
July 2015 1.0007 1.0051 0.9972 0.9949 0.9898
Aug. 2015 0.9976 1.0079 0.9776 0.9858 0.9839
Sept. 2015 0.9958 1.0067 0.9880 0.9785 0.9717
Oct. 2015 0.9960 1.0018 1.0034 0.9787 0.9744
Nov. 2015 0.9967 0.9964 0.9898 0.9757 0.9654
Dec. 2015 1.0015 0.9973 1.0509 1.0117 1.0207
Jan. 2016 0.9950 0.9966 1.0052 1.0137 1.0363
Feb. 2016 1.0002 0.9988 0.9847 0.9961 0.9928
Mar. 2016 1.0044 0.9975 1.0088 1.0241 1.0255


  1. Seasonally adjusted other checkable deposits at thrifts are derived as the difference between total other checkable deposits, seasonally adjusted, and seasonally adjusted other checkable deposits at commercial banks.

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Appendix Table 2
Monthly Seasonal Factors Used to Construct M2.
Date Savings and MMDA deposits 1 Small denom. time deposits 1 Retail money funds Institutional money funds
Jan. 2014 1.0003 0.9996 1.0182 1.0307
Feb. 2014 1.0009 1.0018 1.0112 1.0261
Mar. 2014 1.0067 1.0024 1.0104 1.0112
Apr. 2014 1.0060 1.0018 0.9987 0.9948
May 2014 0.9960 1.0013 0.9856 0.9884
June 2014 0.9957 1.0004 0.9880 0.9837
July 2014 0.9944 0.9999 0.9877 0.9806
Aug. 2014 0.9967 0.9992 0.9968 0.9833
Sept. 2014 0.9977 0.9984 0.9995 0.9870
Oct. 2014 0.9978 0.9990 1.0016 0.9904
Nov. 2014 1.0054 0.9985 0.9953 1.0024
Dec. 2014 1.0025 0.9982 1.0077 1.0212
Jan. 2015 1.0002 0.9998 1.0175 1.0311
Feb. 2015 1.0007 1.0016 1.0110 1.0267
Mar. 2015 1.0059 1.0022 1.0102 1.0123
Apr. 2015 1.0061 1.0015 0.9992 0.9946
May 2015 0.9964 1.0012 0.9856 0.9878
June 2015 0.9953 1.0003 0.9877 0.9827
July 2015 0.9949 0.9999 0.9877 0.9801
Aug. 2015 0.9971 0.9991 0.9973 0.9827
Sept. 2015 0.9977 0.9983 0.9993 0.9863
Oct. 2015 0.9983 0.9991 1.0021 0.9906
Nov. 2015 1.0049 0.9987 0.9956 1.0034
Dec. 2015 1.0025 0.9987 1.0069 1.0220
Jan. 2016 1.0002 0.9998 1.0171 1.0310
Feb. 2016 1.0005 1.0015 1.0111 1.0271
Mar. 2016 1.0057 1.0020 1.0102 1.0125


  1. Seasonal factors are applied to deposits data at both commercial banks and thrift institutions.

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Appendix Table 3
Weekly Seasonal Factors Used to Construct M1.
Date Currency Nonbank travelers checks Demand deposits Other checkable deposits 1
Total At banks
Dec. 1, 2014 0.9985 0.9955 1.0788 1.0135 1.0133
Dec. 8, 2014 0.9979 0.9967 0.9477 0.9770 0.9614
Dec. 15, 2014 0.9986 0.9978 0.9710 0.9737 0.9637
Dec. 22, 2014 1.0038 0.9989 1.0632 1.0162 1.0276
Dec. 29, 2014 1.0064 1.0000 1.1869 1.0580 1.1037
Jan. 5, 2015 1.0009 1.0011 1.0718 1.0500 1.0697
Jan. 12, 2015 0.9946 1.0004 0.9358 0.9892 0.9944
Jan. 19, 2015 0.9934 0.9996 0.9745 1.0050 1.0238
Jan. 26, 2015 0.9917 0.9988 1.0328 1.0205 1.0594
Feb. 2, 2015 0.9936 0.9981 1.0756 1.0351 1.0653
Feb. 9, 2015 0.9990 0.9991 0.9374 0.9746 0.9695
Feb. 16, 2015 1.0017 1.0001 0.9497 0.9729 0.9567
Feb. 23, 2015 1.0015 1.0012 1.0003 1.0000 1.0019
Mar. 2, 2015 1.0024 1.0022 1.0412 1.0345 1.0334
Mar. 9, 2015 1.0057 1.0008 0.9340 0.9958 0.9841
Mar. 16, 2015 1.0044 0.9994 0.9535 0.9975 0.9919
Mar. 23, 2015 1.0045 0.9980 1.0215 1.0297 1.0394
Mar. 30, 2015 1.0035 0.9965 1.1137 1.0679 1.0843
Apr. 6, 2015 1.0076 0.9951 0.9504 1.0246 1.0113
Apr. 13, 2015 1.0056 0.9958 0.9515 1.0094 0.9948
Apr. 20, 2015 1.0040 0.9965 1.0229 1.0492 1.0507
Apr. 27, 2015 1.0033 0.9973 1.0836 1.0530 1.0802
May 4, 2015 1.0055 0.9980 0.9834 1.0337 1.0368
May 11, 2015 1.0066 0.9973 0.9161 0.9762 0.9563
May 18, 2015 1.0046 0.9965 0.9563 0.9865 0.9802
May 25, 2015 1.0048 0.9958 1.0247 1.0053 1.0188
June 1, 2015 1.0026 0.9951 1.0879 1.0324 1.0505
June 8, 2015 1.0045 0.9963 0.9451 0.9920 0.9755
June 15, 2015 1.0018 0.9975 0.9479 0.9793 0.9616
June 22, 2015 1.0006 0.9988 1.0020 1.0078 1.0093
June 29, 2015 0.9999 1.0000 1.1007 1.0294 1.0444
July 6, 2015 1.0052 1.0013 0.9809 1.0053 0.9954
July 13, 2015 1.0012 1.0030 0.9368 0.9704 0.9483
July 20, 2015 0.9996 1.0046 0.9894 0.9873 0.9801
July 27, 2015 0.9985 1.0063 1.0605 1.0105 1.0227
Aug. 3, 2015 0.9992 1.0080 1.0439 1.0146 1.0186
Aug. 10, 2015 1.0002 1.0075 0.8979 0.9657 0.9440
Aug. 17, 2015 0.9978 1.0070 0.9334 0.9637 0.9540
Aug. 24, 2015 0.9962 1.0065 0.9844 0.9822 0.9912
Aug. 31, 2015 0.9946 1.0060 1.0714 1.0216 1.0378
Sept. 7, 2015 0.9994 1.0059 0.9268 0.9734 0.9618
Sept. 14, 2015 0.9959 1.0058 0.9203 0.9519 0.9271
Sept. 21, 2015 0.9946 1.0057 0.9762 0.9765 0.9665
Sept. 28, 2015 0.9943 1.0057 1.0894 0.9987 1.0119
Oct. 5, 2015 0.9965 1.0056 0.9785 0.9759 0.9772
Oct. 12, 2015 0.9981 1.0031 0.9236 0.9502 0.9257
Oct. 19, 2015 0.9955 1.0006 0.9907 0.9729 0.9633
Oct. 26, 2015 0.9946 0.9981 1.0581 0.9929 1.0026
Nov. 2, 2015 0.9945 0.9956 1.1099 1.0190 1.0286
Nov. 9, 2015 0.9975 0.9954 0.9374 0.9581 0.9412
Nov. 16, 2015 0.9964 0.9951 0.9347 0.9465 0.9274
Nov. 23, 2015 0.9954 0.9948 0.9914 0.9733 0.9701
Nov. 30, 2015 0.9977 0.9945 1.0738 1.0178 1.0136
Dec. 7, 2015 0.9975 0.9956 0.9540 0.9854 0.9701
Dec. 14, 2015 0.9989 0.9968 0.9727 0.9669 0.9563
Dec. 21, 2015 1.0030 0.9980 1.0670 1.0076 1.0163
Dec. 28, 2015 1.0077 0.9991 1.1681 1.0526 1.0927
Jan. 4, 2016 1.0020 1.0003 1.0521 1.0579 1.0769
Jan. 11, 2016 0.9957 0.9995 0.9340 0.9893 0.9908
Jan. 18, 2016 0.9940 0.9986 0.9789 1.0003 1.0166
Jan. 25, 2016 0.9919 0.9977 1.0373 1.0168 1.0593
Feb. 1, 2016 0.9927 0.9969 1.0893 1.0389 1.0768
Feb. 8, 2016 0.9985 0.9982 0.9412 0.9886 0.9843
Feb. 15, 2016 1.0006 0.9996 0.9501 0.9725 0.9544
Feb. 22, 2016 1.0013 1.0010 0.9950 0.9950 0.9944
Feb. 29, 2016 1.0012 1.0023 1.0508 1.0264 1.0331
Mar. 7, 2016 1.0049 1.0009 0.9555 0.9999 0.9821
Mar. 14, 2016 1.0040 0.9995 0.9529 0.9928 0.9822
Mar. 21, 2016 1.0046 0.9981 1.0126 1.0242 1.0250
Mar. 28, 2016 1.0049 0.9967 1.0985 1.0540 1.0795
Apr. 4, 2016 1.0064 0.9952 0.9583 1.0495 1.0495


  1. Seasonally adjusted other checkable deposits at thrifts are derived as the difference between total other checkable deposits, seasonally adjusted, and seasonally adjusted other checkable deposits at commercial banks.

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Appendix Table 4
Weekly Seasonal Factors Used to Construct M2.
Date Savings and MMDA deposits 1 Small denom. time deposits 1 Retail money funds Institutional money funds
Dec. 1, 2014 0.9907 0.9978 0.9978 1.0098
Dec. 8, 2014 1.0194 0.9979 1.0025 1.0174
Dec. 15, 2014 1.0185 0.9980 1.0040 1.0298
Dec. 22, 2014 0.9994 0.9980 1.0102 1.0167
Dec. 29, 2014 0.9783 0.9984 1.0132 1.0226
Jan. 5, 2015 1.0051 0.9996 1.0154 1.0211
Jan. 12, 2015 1.0182 0.9997 1.0231 1.0324
Jan. 19, 2015 1.0056 0.9997 1.0185 1.0344
Jan. 26, 2015 0.9841 0.9999 1.0174 1.0337
Feb. 2, 2015 0.9804 1.0003 1.0106 1.0312
Feb. 9, 2015 1.0099 1.0016 1.0130 1.0258
Feb. 16, 2015 1.0097 1.0021 1.0101 1.0308
Feb. 23, 2015 0.9926 1.0018 1.0113 1.0241
Mar. 2, 2015 0.9949 1.0012 1.0093 1.0244
Mar. 9, 2015 1.0197 1.0019 1.0111 1.0167
Mar. 16, 2015 1.0195 1.0026 1.0089 1.0186
Mar. 23, 2015 0.9991 1.0026 1.0119 1.0052
Mar. 30, 2015 0.9863 1.0020 1.0097 1.0071
Apr. 6, 2015 1.0237 1.0018 1.0056 0.9972
Apr. 13, 2015 1.0270 1.0019 1.0057 1.0061
Apr. 20, 2015 1.0072 1.0017 1.0007 0.9902
Apr. 27, 2015 0.9789 1.0010 0.9933 0.9901
May 4, 2015 0.9983 1.0007 0.9810 0.9834
May 11, 2015 1.0099 1.0008 0.9851 0.9863
May 18, 2015 1.0017 1.0013 0.9849 0.9894
May 25, 2015 0.9826 1.0015 0.9880 0.9893
June 1, 2015 0.9816 1.0018 0.9873 0.9888
June 8, 2015 1.0110 1.0012 0.9884 0.9858
June 15, 2015 1.0105 1.0005 0.9880 0.9912
June 22, 2015 0.9884 0.9998 0.9892 0.9748
June 29, 2015 0.9721 0.9995 0.9859 0.9796
July 6, 2015 1.0070 0.9999 0.9829 0.9725
July 13, 2015 1.0099 1.0001 0.9898 0.9848
July 20, 2015 0.9946 1.0001 0.9884 0.9822
July 27, 2015 0.9750 0.9997 0.9893 0.9826
Aug. 3, 2015 0.9877 0.9996 0.9869 0.9753
Aug. 10, 2015 1.0136 0.9993 0.9960 0.9759
Aug. 17, 2015 1.0088 0.9992 0.9960 0.9824
Aug. 24, 2015 0.9889 0.9991 1.0023 0.9861
Aug. 31, 2015 0.9767 0.9987 0.9993 0.9896
Sept. 7, 2015 1.0116 0.9984 0.9985 0.9835
Sept. 14, 2015 1.0145 0.9980 1.0017 0.9936
Sept. 21, 2015 0.9949 0.9980 0.9995 0.9830
Sept. 28, 2015 0.9751 0.9986 0.9982 0.9859
Oct. 5, 2015 1.0050 0.9993 0.9976 0.9838
Oct. 12, 2015 1.0140 0.9995 1.0048 0.9927
Oct. 19, 2015 1.0052 0.9992 1.0055 0.9874
Oct. 26, 2015 0.9805 0.9989 1.0042 0.9939
Nov. 2, 2015 0.9788 0.9986 0.9951 0.9942
Nov. 9, 2015 1.0147 0.9989 0.9955 0.9957
Nov. 16, 2015 1.0182 0.9989 0.9923 1.0024
Nov. 23, 2015 0.9988 0.9985 0.9963 1.0068
Nov. 30, 2015 0.9917 0.9985 0.9982 1.0112
Dec. 7, 2015 1.0178 0.9984 1.0006 1.0162
Dec. 14, 2015 1.0181 0.9987 1.0036 1.0313
Dec. 21, 2015 1.0007 0.9986 1.0086 1.0188
Dec. 28, 2015 0.9823 0.9988 1.0121 1.0220
Jan. 4, 2016 1.0050 0.9989 1.0137 1.0209
Jan. 11, 2016 1.0181 0.9996 1.0227 1.0301
Jan. 18, 2016 1.0072 0.9999 1.0183 1.0351
Jan. 25, 2016 0.9860 1.0001 1.0175 1.0324
Feb. 1, 2016 0.9775 1.0002 1.0109 1.0324
Feb. 8, 2016 1.0076 1.0014 1.0122 1.0247
Feb. 15, 2016 1.0088 1.0019 1.0108 1.0314
Feb. 22, 2016 0.9951 1.0016 1.0108 1.0244
Feb. 29, 2016 0.9904 1.0012 1.0106 1.0270
Mar. 7, 2016 1.0167 1.0014 1.0103 1.0176
Mar. 14, 2016 1.0189 1.0023 1.0097 1.0212
Mar. 21, 2016 1.0042 1.0025 1.0112 1.0086
Mar. 28, 2016 0.9869 1.0020 1.0118 1.0082
Apr. 4, 2016 1.0209 1.0016 1.0055 0.9990


  1. Seasonal factors are applied to deposits data at both commercial banks and thrift institutions.

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Appendix Table 5
Comparison of Revised and Old Monetary Aggregate Levels. Billions of dollars, seasonally adjusted.
Date Revised M1 Old M1 Revised M2 Old M2
Oct. 2013 2,620.3 2,617.1 10,920.5 10,903.3
Nov. 2013 2,622.0 2,601.9 10,929.8 10,916.7
Dec. 2013 2,654.0 2,642.1 10,984.9 10,975.2
Jan. 2014 2,682.7 2,678.5 11,037.5 11,034.5
Feb. 2014 2,718.5 2,724.2 11,118.9 11,137.8
Mar. 2014 2,745.9 2,749.1 11,162.6 11,172.6
Apr. 2014 2,772.4 2,781.2 11,218.8 11,228.0
May 2014 2,785.3 2,790.0 11,283.8 11,298.0
June 2014 2,814.3 2,829.2 11,331.8 11,342.5
July 2014 2,840.7 2,853.8 11,404.9 11,414.4
Aug. 2014 2,814.4 2,806.1 11,440.4 11,439.2
Sept. 2014 2,857.5 2,855.1 11,480.8 11,473.4
Oct. 2014 2,861.2 2,854.4 11,520.5 11,511.4
Nov. 2014 2,874.8 2,852.6 11,562.1 11,562.1
Dec. 2014 2,906.5 2,897.4 11,625.4 11,632.0

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Appendix Table 6
Comparison of Revised and Old M1 Growth Rates. Percent changes, annual rate.
Date Revised Old Difference Difference due to
Benchmark Seasonals
January 4.8 8.6 -3.8 0.0 -3.8
February 1.4 4.4 -3.0 0.0 -3.0
March 2.1 1.3 0.8 0.0 0.8
April 17.6 20.1 -2.5 0.0 -2.5
May 5.3 3.8 1.5 0.0 1.5
June -1.9 1.6 -3.5 0.0 -3.5
July 13.2 12.8 0.4 0.0 0.4
August 5.5 -0.9 6.4 0.1 6.3
September 10.1 11.5 -1.4 0.0 -1.4
October 19.2 18.0 1.2 0.0 1.2
November 0.8 -7.0 7.8 0.0 7.8
December 14.6 18.5 -3.9 0.0 -3.9
January 13.0 16.5 -3.5 0.0 -3.5
February 16.0 20.5 -4.5 0.1 -4.6
March 12.1 11.0 1.1 0.0 1.1
April 11.6 14.0 -2.4 0.0 -2.4
May 5.6 3.8 1.8 0.0 1.8
June 12.5 16.9 -4.4 -0.1 -4.3
July 11.3 10.5 0.8 0.2 0.6
August -11.1 -20.1 9.0 0.4 8.6
September 18.4 21.1 -2.7 0.4 -3.1
October 1.6 -0.3 1.9 -0.9 2.8
November 5.7 -0.8 6.5 -1.4 7.9
December 13.2 18.8 -5.6 -1.2 -4.4
13Q4 11.2 9.0 2.2 0.0 2.2
14Q1 12.7 14.8 -2.1 0.0 -2.1
14Q2 11.0 12.2 -1.2 -0.1 -1.1
14Q3 6.7 5.5 1.2 0.2 1.0
14Q4 6.1 4.2 1.9 -0.5 2.4
13Q4 - 14Q2 12.1 13.7 -1.6 0.0 -1.6
14Q2 - 14Q4 6.5 4.9 1.6 -0.2 1.8
Annual (Q4 to Q4)
2013 8.2 8.1 0.1 0.0 0.1
2014 9.4 9.5 -0.1 -0.1 0.0

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Appendix Table 7
Comparison of Revised and Old M2 Growth Rates. Percent changes, annual rate.
Date Revised Old Difference Difference due to
Benchmark Seasonals
January 3.3 4.2 -0.9 0.0 -0.9
February -0.4 1.4 -1.8 0.0 -1.8
March 8.1 7.5 0.6 0.0 0.6
April 3.8 3.9 -0.1 0.0 -0.1
May 3.9 4.1 -0.2 0.0 -0.2
June 6.0 5.4 0.6 0.0 0.6
July 6.9 6.5 0.4 0.0 0.4
August 6.0 5.1 0.9 0.0 0.9
September 6.1 5.1 1.0 0.0 1.0
October 12.3 11.9 0.4 0.0 0.4
November 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 -0.5
December 6.0 6.4 -0.4 0.0 -0.4
January 5.7 6.5 -0.8 0.0 -0.8
February 8.8 11.2 -2.4 0.0 -2.4
March 4.7 3.7 1.0 0.0 1.0
April 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
May 7.0 7.6 -0.6 0.0 -0.6
June 5.1 4.7 0.4 0.0 0.4
July 7.7 7.6 0.1 -0.1 0.2
August 3.7 2.6 1.1 -0.1 1.2
September 4.2 3.6 0.6 -0.1 0.7
October 4.1 4.0 0.1 -0.6 0.7
November 4.3 5.3 -1.0 -0.7 -0.3
December 6.6 7.3 -0.7 -0.7 0.0
13Q4 7.1 6.7 0.4 0.0 0.4
14Q1 5.9 6.7 -0.8 0.0 -0.8
14Q2 6.2 6.3 -0.1 0.0 -0.1
14Q3 5.8 5.4 0.4 -0.1 0.5
14Q4 4.5 4.4 0.1 -0.5 0.6
13Q4 - 14Q2 6.1 6.5 -0.4 0.0 -0.4
14Q2 - 14Q4 5.2 4.9 0.3 -0.3 0.6
Annual (Q4 to Q4)
2013 6.1 6.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
2014 5.7 5.8 -0.1 -0.2 0.1
Last update: January 22, 2015