S.65.a Other Financial Business
Billions of dollars
Description Series code 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Line
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; gross value added (IMA) FA856902505 285.9 445.0 509.9 551.2 641.7 618.1 676.1 652.0 1
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, including noncorporate financial, current cost basis (IMA) FA856300085 114.5 116.9 116.7 109.0 113.3 119.1 125.7 133.4 2
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net value added (IMA) FA856902605 171.4 328.2 393.2 442.3 528.3 499.0 550.4 518.6 3
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; compensation of employees paid (IMA) FA856025005 358.6 283.7 302.5 318.8 328.4 333.7 371.6 389.5 4
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; wages and salaries paid (IMA) FA856020005 305.3 241.8 256.7 270.3 279.8 284.3 317.5 332.7 5
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; employers' social contributions paid (IMA) FA856401005 53.3 41.9 45.8 48.5 48.6 49.5 54.1 56.8 6
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; taxes on production and imports less subsidies, payable (IMA) FA856240105 25.8 32.7 33.1 25.6 26.5 24.0 21.4 22.5 7
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; operating surplus, net (IMA) FA856402105 -212.9 11.8 57.6 97.9 173.4 141.3 157.5 106.7 8
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net national income/balance of primary incomes, net (IMA) FA856140005 -197.7 8.5 59.3 95.4 87.0 -67.0 -40.4 -28.8 9
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; operating surplus, net (IMA) FA856402105 -212.9 11.8 57.6 97.9 173.4 141.3 157.5 106.7 10
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; property income (received) (IMA) FA856150105 1619.3 977.5 871.9 894.8 855.3 801.8 803.1 839.3 11
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; interest received (IMA) FA856130105 1403.8 807.6 673.4 672.8 614.6 519.9 507.8 528.8 12
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; dividends received (IMA) FA856121105 187.1 143.5 163.3 188.0 212.7 253.6 268.5 285.0 13
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; reinvested earnings on U.S. direct investment abroad; received (IMA) FA853092285 28.5 26.5 35.2 34.0 27.9 28.3 26.8 25.5 14
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; uses of property income (paid) (IMA) FA856150005 1604.1 980.8 870.2 897.3 941.7 1010.0 1001.0 974.8 15
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; interest paid (IMA) FA856130005 1286.7 701.3 591.0 616.8 592.9 532.8 537.5 530.3 16
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; distributed income of corporations, paid (IMA) FA856120005 312.5 277.1 272.4 272.0 340.1 469.9 455.1 437.3 17
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; dividends paid (IMA) FA856121005 295.7 208.9 191.5 220.6 275.9 427.3 432.2 411.1 18
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations, paid (IMA) (1) FA856122005 16.7 68.2 81.0 51.4 64.2 42.6 22.9 26.2 19
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment in U.S.; paid (IMA) FA853192285 4.9 2.4 6.8 8.5 8.7 7.3 8.4 7.2 20
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; rents on land and natural resources paid (IMA) FA856112005 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net national income/balance of primary incomes, net (IMA) FA856140005 -197.7 8.5 59.3 95.4 87.0 -67.0 -40.4 -28.8 22
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; current taxes on income, wealth, etc. paid (IMA) FA856220005 13.5 16.5 23.2 28.4 32.9 44.0 41.6 39.2 23
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; other current transfers paid (IMA) FA856403005 9.1 26.2 21.2 26.9 34.2 36.1 37.7 21.2 24
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; disposable income, net; net saving including foreign earnings retained abroad and CCAdj (IMA) FA856012005 -220.2 -34.2 14.9 40.1 19.8 -147.1 -119.7 -89.2 25
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; disposable income, net; net saving including foreign earnings retained abroad and CCAdj (IMA) FA856012005 -220.2 -34.2 14.9 40.1 19.8 -147.1 -119.7 -89.2 26
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net saving including foreign earnings retained abroad and CCAdj less net capital transfers paid FA856006385 -205.3 64.3 56.4 72.2 24.6 -147.1 -129.7 -89.2 27
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; disposable income, net; net saving including foreign earnings retained abroad and CCAdj (IMA) FA856012005 -220.2 -34.2 14.9 40.1 19.8 -147.1 -119.7 -89.2 28
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net capital transfers paid (IMA) FA855440085 -14.9 -98.4 -41.5 -32.1 -4.7 0.0 10.0 0.0 29
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; capital formation, net (IMA) FA855015085 17.9 -10.6 -4.8 6.4 21.6 21.7 32.6 41.0 30
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; gross fixed capital formation (IMA) FA855013085 132.4 106.3 111.9 115.4 134.9 140.9 158.3 174.4 31
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, including noncorporate financial, current cost basis (IMA) FA856300085 114.5 116.9 116.7 109.0 113.3 119.1 125.7 133.4 32
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) (IMA) FA855000995 -223.3 74.8 61.2 65.8 3.0 -168.9 -162.3 -130.3 33
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (capital account) (IMA) FA855000995 -223.3 74.8 61.2 65.8 3.0 -168.9 -162.3 -130.3 34
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total financial assets FA854090005 631.3 -1209.9 -606.8 -16.5 437.1 370.5 656.8 315.8 35
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total currency and deposits; asset FA854000005 168.0 109.7 -157.9 -86.7 8.0 68.9 -22.0 -119.1 36
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; debt securities; asset FA854022005 672.3 -797.6 9.5 136.6 457.4 -237.9 -73.4 191.8 37
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; open market paper; asset FA853069175 -106.0 -363.7 -87.9 -70.1 -9.5 -1.8 -22.3 21.3 38
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; Treasury securities; asset FA853061105 678.9 -112.8 85.4 256.2 107.9 -143.2 61.3 258.7 39
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset (2) FA853061705 565.7 -517.6 -175.5 165.4 103.1 -181.1 -153.0 -101.8 40
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; municipal securities; asset FA853062005 -2.6 13.6 -16.8 -47.8 48.0 -80.7 -10.5 -1.1 41
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FA853063005 -463.8 183.0 204.3 -167.1 207.8 168.9 51.1 14.8 42
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total loans including security repurchase agreements; asset FA854035005 -308.9 -518.4 -65.2 -38.3 101.3 -117.6 159.9 50.1 43
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; loans including security repurchase agreements, excluding mortgages; asset FA854041005 -508.7 -664.5 64.0 42.8 202.5 -197.2 147.6 -32.2 44
Other financial corporations; total mortgages; asset FA813065005 199.9 146.1 -129.2 -81.1 -101.2 79.6 12.4 82.3 45
Other financial corporations; equity and investment fund shares; asset (IMA) FA813081005 569.7 -30.3 -52.6 86.5 155.7 458.0 505.4 433.4 46
Other financial corporations; corporate equities; asset FA813064105 53.6 164.1 135.9 50.6 93.2 421.4 301.4 219.4 47
Funding corporations; money market mutual fund shares; asset FA503034003 253.6 -153.7 -148.0 -83.4 -62.4 -61.5 13.4 35.1 48
Other financial corporations; equity in FHLB; asset (2) FA813092405 0.0 0.0 0.1 -0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.2 49
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; U.S. direct investment abroad; asset FA803092005 37.4 23.5 15.4 16.9 15.8 9.9 13.5 20.5 50
Domestic financial sectors; equity investment in own subsidiaries; asset FA793094005 225.0 -64.1 -56.0 102.4 109.1 88.2 176.7 157.4 51
Holding companies; life insurance reserves; asset FA733040005 -1.2 2.1 3.8 2.4 7.3 5.1 5.0 4.1 52
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; other accounts receivable; asset (IMA) FA853096005 -468.6 24.7 -344.3 -117.1 -292.5 194.1 81.8 -244.4 53
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total liabilities FA854190005 1106.8 -1329.9 -631.6 -85.8 354.1 261.0 586.8 222.7 54
Government-sponsored enterprises; U.S.-chartered depository institutions deposits at Federal Home Loan Banks; liability FA403197033 -5.4 0.4 -1.5 -1.8 1.2 -3.2 -1.5 -0.5 55
Other financial corporations; debt securities; liability FA814122005 449.2 -948.4 -612.3 -366.0 -201.5 162.8 186.3 169.7 56
Government-sponsored enterprises and federally related mortgage pools; U.S. government agency securities; liability (2) FA423161705 768.7 -60.1 -39.5 -22.1 -23.8 238.3 150.3 220.4 57
Other financial corporations; corporate bonds; liability FA813163005 -194.1 -440.1 -490.7 -268.1 -152.1 -54.4 68.2 -8.9 58
Other financial corporations; commercial paper; liability FA813169105 -125.4 -448.2 -82.1 -75.8 -25.6 -21.1 -32.1 -41.8 59
Other financial corporations; total loans including security repurchase agreements; liability FA814135005 -574.9 -751.6 202.3 246.7 142.8 -392.6 -130.1 -268.3 60
Other financial corporations; short-term loans including security repurchase agreements; liability FA814141005 -581.6 -763.4 201.4 233.2 137.9 -412.4 -139.4 -272.4 61
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FA643165005 6.8 11.8 0.8 13.5 4.8 19.9 9.3 4.0 62
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; equity and investment fund shares; liability (IMA) FA853181005 1537.6 134.5 52.5 320.1 658.0 632.4 626.8 511.9 63
Money market mutual funds; total financial assets FA634090005 746.5 -516.3 -512.4 -112.6 2.2 24.6 6.8 30.1 64
Other financial corporations; corporate equities, including closely held equities; liability FA813164105 677.0 298.4 200.0 186.4 187.2 190.0 264.7 255.4 65
Mutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability FA653164205 -58.1 533.4 395.9 200.8 386.3 346.3 309.7 95.7 66
Government-sponsored enterprises; equity in government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs); liability (2) FA403192405 -4.2 0.0 -2.7 -5.9 -1.8 0.5 1.2 1.3 67
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; foriegn direct investment in U.S.; liability FA803192005 68.6 15.6 27.0 24.9 13.8 9.0 13.4 11.1 68
Security brokers and dealers; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business FA662090205 11.6 0.6 0.9 -2.9 6.7 -5.2 2.0 2.3 69
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; investment by parent companies; liability FA803194005 96.3 -197.0 -56.1 29.4 63.6 67.1 28.9 116.1 70
Other financial corporations; other accounts payable; liability (IMA) FA813196005 -299.8 235.1 -272.6 -284.8 -246.2 -138.5 -94.7 -190.0 71
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) FA855000005 -475.5 120.0 24.8 69.3 83.0 109.6 70.0 93.1 72
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total other volume changes (IMA) FV858090185 -385.7 345.6 61.0 -0.7 460.3 319.2 126.5 100.4 73
Other financial corporations; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) FV812010095 -0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 74
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; other volume changes (IMA) FV858090085 -133.3 300.4 97.4 -4.3 381.6 40.8 -105.8 -122.9 75
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; statistical discrepancy (IMA) (3) FU857005045 252.2 -45.2 36.4 -3.6 -80.0 -278.4 -232.3 -223.3 76
Other financial corporations; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) FR812010095 36.2 -23.7 5.7 26.2 12.5 22.6 18.3 11.9 77
Other financial corporations; nonresidential structures, current cost basis FR815013665 32.3 -26.1 0.9 18.5 9.2 17.9 14.4 10.6 78
Other financial corporations; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis FR815013265 3.1 2.7 4.6 7.1 3.0 3.5 4.1 1.0 79
Other financial corporations; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis FR815013765 0.8 -0.3 0.2 0.6 0.3 1.2 -0.3 0.3 80
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; revaluation of debt securities and equity and investment fund shares; asset (IMA) FR854090085 -3338.2 1522.6 854.3 -390.7 1033.3 1656.4 670.6 -484.2 81
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; debt securities; asset FA854022005 672.3 -797.6 9.5 136.6 457.4 -237.9 -73.4 191.8 82
Other financial corporations; corporate equities; asset FR813064105 -3224.3 1405.7 804.3 -453.0 941.6 1958.3 546.8 -344.2 83
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; U.S. direct investment abroad; asset FR803092005 7.7 -14.0 11.9 -38.7 -0.7 -67.4 4.5 -3.1 84
Other financial corporations; revaluation of equity and investment fund shares and pension entitlements; liability (IMA) FR813181085 -4635.0 1830.8 1325.6 -548.7 1521.1 2590.6 988.7 -621.6 85
Other financial corporations; corporate equities, including closely held equities; liability FR813164105 -1504.4 363.6 467.8 -228.3 496.4 970.6 480.3 -261.3 86
Mutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability FR653164205 -3067.9 1474.9 837.2 -289.3 1035.8 1623.2 507.9 -349.1 87
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; foriegn direct investment in U.S.; liability FR803192005 -49.1 -10.7 22.4 -31.7 -9.8 -7.5 0.9 -5.7 88
Security brokers and dealers; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business FR662090205 -13.6 3.6 0.3 -1.2 -1.3 4.2 -0.4 -5.5 89
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; investment by parent companies; liability FR803194005 0.0 -0.6 -2.0 1.8 -0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 90
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses (IMA) FR858200005 1332.9 -331.9 -465.7 184.2 -475.3 -911.6 -299.9 149.3 91
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net worth (IMA) FC852090095 741.9 78.0 -348.3 255.7 9.6 -739.4 -303.1 160.4 92
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total assets (does not include land) FL852000095 34317.2 35273.9 34636.6 34190.3 36728.1 38643.6 39898.4 39378.2 93
Other financial corporations; nonfinancial assets (does not include land) (4) LM812010095 993.9 953.7 954.9 987.3 1017.9 1062.4 1110.7 1160.9 94
Other financial corporations; nonresidential structures, current cost basis LM815013665 568.7 543.0 539.3 552.0 556.6 569.5 581.1 590.8 95
Other financial corporations; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis LM815013265 350.9 328.8 332.5 347.9 369.8 398.5 434.2 471.9 96
Other financial corporations; nonresidential intellectual property products, current cost basis LM815013765 74.3 81.8 83.1 87.4 91.5 94.4 95.4 98.2 97
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total financial assets FL854090005 33323.3 34320.2 33681.6 33203.0 35710.1 37581.2 38787.7 38217.3 98
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total currency and deposits; asset FL854000005 977.1 1101.2 988.5 901.8 932.1 1001.0 978.9 859.9 99
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; debt securities; asset FL854022005 8036.8 7383.0 6873.4 7109.8 7752.0 7236.0 7281.9 7336.7 100
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; open market paper; asset FL853069175 1107.3 743.5 659.9 588.7 579.2 578.0 556.8 579.5 101
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; Treasury securities; asset FL853061105 1102.0 967.1 1053.1 1329.6 1442.6 1264.5 1341.3 1586.9 102
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset (2) FL853061705 2966.5 2474.5 1849.6 2033.3 2161.1 1940.2 1803.8 1695.3 103
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; municipal securities; asset FL853062005 992.1 1052.9 1027.9 1023.0 1093.6 964.9 1003.5 1002.8 104
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset FL853063005 1868.8 2145.0 2283.0 2135.3 2475.5 2488.3 2576.4 2472.3 105
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total loans including security repurchase agreements; asset FL854035005 14285.2 13551.2 12866.0 12717.0 12783.5 12578.7 12711.0 12719.5 106
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; loans including security repurchase agreements, excluding mortgages; asset FL854041005 5426.3 4716.0 4447.3 4490.1 4767.7 4555.1 4702.6 4670.4 107
Other financial corporations; total mortgages; asset FL813065005 8858.9 8835.3 8418.7 8226.9 8015.8 8023.6 8008.4 8049.1 108
Other financial corporations; equity and investment fund shares; asset (IMA) FL813081005 8354.9 10392.6 11156.1 10750.9 12274.2 14577.9 15634.6 15570.2 109
Other financial corporations; corporate equities; asset LM813064105 4356.1 5925.9 6866.0 6463.6 7498.4 9878.1 10726.3 10601.5 110
Funding corporations; money market mutual fund shares; asset FL503034003 905.8 752.1 604.1 520.7 458.3 396.8 410.3 445.3 111
Other financial corporations; equity in FHLB; asset (2) FL813092405 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.6 112
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; U.S. direct investment abroad; asset LM803092005 408.4 417.9 445.3 423.5 438.6 381.1 399.1 416.4 113
Domestic financial sectors; equity investment in own subsidiaries; asset FL793094005 2684.6 3296.6 3240.6 3343.0 3878.8 3921.7 4098.5 4105.3 114
Holding companies; life insurance reserves; asset FL733040005 19.3 21.4 25.1 27.6 34.9 39.9 45.0 49.0 115
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; other accounts receivable; asset (IMA) FL853096005 1650.1 1870.9 1772.6 1696.0 1933.6 2147.8 2136.3 1682.1 116
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total liabilities and net worth (IMA) FL852100005 34317.2 35273.9 34636.6 34190.3 36728.1 38643.6 39898.4 39378.2 117
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; total liabilities and equity FL854194005 33471.4 34350.2 34061.1 33359.2 35887.4 38542.4 40100.2 39419.5 118
Government-sponsored enterprises; U.S.-chartered depository institutions deposits at Federal Home Loan Banks; liability FL403197033 15.5 15.9 14.4 12.6 13.7 10.6 9.1 8.5 119
Other financial corporations; debt securities; liability FL814122005 15188.2 14423.5 13058.8 12620.1 12542.6 12640.8 12799.8 12849.7 120
Government-sponsored enterprises and federally related mortgage pools; U.S. government agency securities; liability (2) FL423161705 8143.4 8083.3 7581.3 7559.2 7535.4 7773.7 7924.0 8144.4 121
Other financial corporations; corporate bonds; liability FL813163005 5919.0 5662.6 5014.4 4673.7 4645.5 4526.5 4567.4 4438.7 122
Other financial corporations; commercial paper; liability FL813169105 1125.8 677.6 463.0 387.2 361.6 340.5 308.4 266.5 123
Other financial corporations; total loans including security repurchase agreements; liability FL814135005 3918.7 3237.8 3452.0 3693.3 3898.7 3506.2 3383.9 3115.6 124
Other financial corporations; short-term loans including security repurchase agreements; liability FL814141005 3755.2 3062.5 3275.9 3503.7 3704.4 3291.9 3152.5 2880.2 125
Real estate investment trusts; total mortgages; liability FL643165005 163.5 175.3 176.1 189.5 194.4 214.3 231.4 235.4 126
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; equity and investment fund shares; liability (IMA) FL853181005 12787.7 15366.9 16708.0 16479.3 19053.0 22246.9 23862.4 23602.2 127
Money market mutual funds; total financial assets FL634090005 3832.2 3315.9 2803.5 2691.0 2693.2 2717.8 2724.6 2754.7 128
Other financial corporations; corporate equities, including closely held equities; liability LM813164105 1959.1 2621.0 3288.8 3246.8 3930.5 5091.1 5836.1 5830.2 129
Mutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability LM653164205 5788.4 7796.7 9029.8 8941.4 10363.5 12333.0 13150.6 12897.2 130
Government-sponsored enterprises; equity in government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs); liability (2) FL403192405 51.8 51.8 49.0 43.1 41.2 41.7 42.9 44.2 131
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; foriegn direct investment in U.S.; liability LM803192005 160.3 165.2 214.6 207.8 211.8 213.4 227.7 233.2 132
Security brokers and dealers; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business LM662090205 10.7 14.8 15.9 11.9 17.2 16.3 17.9 14.7 133
Other financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; investment by parent companies; liability FL803194005 985.2 1401.5 1306.3 1337.4 1795.6 1833.6 1862.5 1828.0 134
Other financial corporations; other accounts payable; liability (IMA) FL813196005 1561.3 1306.0 828.0 553.9 379.3 138.0 45.0 -156.4 135
Other financial corporations and money market mutual funds; net worth (IMA) FL852090095 845.8 923.8 575.5 831.2 840.7 101.3 -201.8 -41.4 136


  1. Consists of rental income of tenant-occupied housing and proprietors' income. Quasi-corporations are unincorporated enterprises that function as if they were corporations; they primarily cover their operating costs through sales, and they keep a complete set of financial records.
  2. Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) consist of Federal Home Loan Banks, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, Farm Credit System, the Financing Corporation, and the Resolution Funding Corporation, and they included the Student Loan Marketing Association until it was fully privatized in the fourth quarter of 2004.
  3. The statistical discrepancy is the difference between net lending or net borrowing derived in the capital account and the same concept derived in the financial account. The discrepancy reflects differences in source data, timing of recorded flows, and other statistical differences between the capital and financial accounts.
  4. Excludes land. Includes corporate and noncorporate financial business.
Last Update: June 8, 2017