L.225 Trade Credit
Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Description Series code 2015 2016 2017 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2017 Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 Line
All sectors; trade payables; liability FL893170005 4234.2 4460 4685.9 4406.6 4460 4505.2 4575.2 4640.6 4685.9 1
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability (1) FL163170005 334.7 349 364.8 345.4 349 352.9 356.9 360.8 364.8 2
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade payables; liability FL103170005 2110.8 2208 2309.7 2178.9 2208 2219.6 2257.3 2286.5 2309.7 3
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade payables; liability FL113170005 589.1 635.9 677 628.8 635.9 645.5 658.1 668.2 677 4
Federal government; trade payables; liability FL313170005 265.1 280.4 303.7 280 280.4 287.3 294.9 302.6 303.7 5
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; trade payables; liability FL213170003 863.5 904.7 947.2 894.3 904.7 915.2 925.7 936.3 947.2 6
Security brokers and dealers; trade payables; liability FL663170003 26.3 36.7 32.5 31.4 36.7 35.3 32.2 34.6 32.5 7
Rest of the world; trade credit and advances; liability LM263170003 44.8 45.4 51 47.7 45.4 49.3 50.2 51.6 51 8
All sectors; trade receivables; asset FL893070005 4227.5 4421.9 4653.4 4443.1 4421.9 4525.5 4624.5 4680.8 4653.4 9
Nonprofit organizations; grants and trade receivables; asset (1) FL163070005 257.9 276.5 296.2 271.9 276.5 281.4 286.3 291.2 296.2 10
Nonfinancial corporate business; trade receivables; asset FL103070005 2690.9 2798 2927.3 2831.2 2798 2873.2 2946 2977.9 2927.3 11
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; trade receivables; asset FL113070003 716.1 763.3 803 752.3 763.3 770.9 781.3 789.2 803 12
Federal government; trade receivables; asset FL313070000 61.2 64.9 65.8 63.9 64.9 63.2 65.9 66.6 65.8 13
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; trade receivables; asset FL213070003 189 199.1 209.4 196.5 199.1 200.6 204.1 206.8 209.4 14
Property-casualty insurance companies; trade receivables; asset FL513070003 110.1 110.6 127.5 119.2 110.6 118 122.8 123.9 127.5 15
Issuers of asset-backed securities; trade receivables; asset FL673070003 34.1 33.9 32.4 34.8 33.9 33.9 33.1 33.2 32.4 16
Rest of the world; trade receivables; asset LM263070003 168.4 175.5 191.7 173.2 175.5 184.2 185 191.8 191.7 17
Instrument discrepancies; trade receivables FL903070005 6.7 38.2 32.6 -36.5 38.2 -20.4 -49.3 -40.2 32.6 18


  1. Included in the households and nonprofit organizations sector (tables L.101 and B.101).
Last Update: March 8, 2018